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Space Mission Guide


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Does anyone know how to obtain the Imperial Ace Pilot's gear?


example: http://www.torhead.com/item/3XXMlkM


A google search revealed only this comment that they were rewards from space missions... I've hit level 50, bought all of the commendation vendor ship items, run space missions daily (racked up ~400 commendations so far), and haven't seen a single piece from this set. :confused: I'm not sure if this comment was incorrect, or if I've just been very unlucky.

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Does anyone know why I'm not getting experience for the Archenar and Balosar missions? I'm a level 28 Sentinel, and I do them once a day after picking up the quest from my ship's computer.


If the mission 'Operation Noble Gambit' is grey when you pick it up, that means you're too high for the missions and that is probably why you're not getting exp.

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Does anyone know how to obtain the Imperial Ace Pilot's gear?


example: http://www.torhead.com/item/3XXMlkM


A google search revealed only this comment that they were rewards from space missions... I've hit level 50, bought all of the commendation vendor ship items, run space missions daily (racked up ~400 commendations so far), and haven't seen a single piece from this set. :confused: I'm not sure if this comment was incorrect, or if I've just been very unlucky.


Are you looking at the republic/imperial fleet at the commendations vendor? at least for the republic, thats where all of the gear is. i think they're around 50-60 commendations each


nvm i just realized that youre looking for the better version of the fleet commendation items... i have no idea, best of luck

Edited by cc_ask
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A couple of tips:


1) Buy the power converter and learn where in the missions you have a few seconds of peace from fighters, switch from boosted blasters to shields and they charge up again really fast. If you're in a pinch, switch anyway and rely on missiles for a few seconds, as those don't interrupt the shield regeneration.


( Note: When the power converter is attached, you can press 1 to boost your blasters, and 2 to boost your shields, make sure you don't hit the buttons twice or you toggle the boost functions OFF instead. Always make sure you don't have shield boost on during fights, because it makes your blasters nearly worthless)


2) Swipe with missiles. Focus on any on-screen fighters with your blasters and do quick sweeps with the cursor to lock on to enemy turrets with your missiles. Remember: Turrets stand for a large amount of damage that you/your escort takes, so it makes a huge difference. Missiles will also launch and hit through any obstructions, so don't worry about that.

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I truly like most space missions as the "Arsenar Interception" for an example ... and the incoming credits/fleet commendations!


I truly hate all these XP given obligatorily after every given successful space mission!!...


I do space missions for the fun and the credits, not in order to visit Nar Shaddaa been lvl25 or so...

I need the credits, I don't want to play in an overpowered status though...



I would like to have the option either to maximize XP and minimize credits gained or to mimimize XP and maximize the credits/commendations gained!

Thus the developers can adjust -already...- three (not just two) parameters:

XP gained, credits gained and fleet commendations gained; in the present version of the game that is...

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A couple of tips:


1) Buy the power converter and learn where in the missions you have a few seconds of peace from fighters, switch from boosted blasters to shields and they charge up again really fast. If you're in a pinch, switch anyway and rely on missiles for a few seconds, as those don't interrupt the shield regeneration.


( Note: When the power converter is attached, you can press 1 to boost your blasters, and 2 to boost your shields, make sure you don't hit the buttons twice or you toggle the boost functions OFF instead. Always make sure you don't have shield boost on during fights, because it makes your blasters nearly worthless)


2) Swipe with missiles. Focus on any on-screen fighters with your blasters and do quick sweeps with the cursor to lock on to enemy turrets with your missiles. Remember: Turrets stand for a large amount of damage that you/your escort takes, so it makes a huge difference. Missiles will also launch and hit through any obstructions, so don't worry about that.


Nice job!


However I would like to see proton torpedoes as an infinite/updated version of missiles or so...

Edited by cunctatorg
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Annoyed here...I've submitted this numerous times through the in-game ticketing system..


Is anyone else running into the situation where at intermittent times within the space mission, your blasters and missiles stop doing damage?


Example: lvl 41, mostly Grade 4 and one Grade 5 upgrade, doing Cartel Listening Station.

I have now failed this mission twice in a row because I could not complete the primary objectives because my blasters and missiles would stop doing damage intermittently throughout the mission.


I'm wondering if they were trying to be clever and put some kind of serverside code in place to prevent people from "botting" space missions. All fine and dandy, but I'm sitting there trying to complete them, and I cannot. Every once in a while I can, but it's to the point where I've just given up on space missions. It's just too damn frustrating to be killing all of the fighters and then all of a sudden your blasters and missiles do nothing to them for half of the mission.

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I truly hate all these XP given obligatorily after every given successful space mission!!...


I do space missions for the fun and the credits, not in order to visit Nar Shaddaa been lvl25 or so...

I need the credits, I don't want to play in an overpowered status though...



I would like to have the option either to maximize XP and minimize credits gained or to mimimize XP and maximize the credits/commendations gained!

Thus the developers can adjust -already...- three (not just two) parameters:

XP gained, credits gained and fleet commendations gained; in the present version of the game that is...


You can always outlevel mission before doing it, and get more from destroying ships than for completion.


Or just skip parts of planets. Before you say "But I want to experience everything" - if you do all avaible quests you'll outlevel content anyway, so there is little difference if being overpowered comes from space missions or just regular quests.



That's because shifting rewards is rather unlikely, as this could lead to too high credit gain. Maybe disable space missions exp gain, but making it changeable by players would require too much work considering how many players would actualy use that(and other things to do).





Is anyone else running into the situation where at intermittent times within the space mission, your blasters and missiles stop doing damage?


I doubt many people have such issue.


Missiles stop doing damage once you run out(had to say it).


Blasters virtualy stop doing damage if you shift power to shields(hard to kill anything moving fast).


Do you keep fire button pressed, or click it(at lower gear levels this is good tactic since you're getting most of firing speed and still allow shields to recharge)? When blasters stop doing damage, does blaster sound stop? Might want to stop firing for while, see if it changes anything.

Edited by Elear
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I doubt many people have such issue.


Missiles stop doing damage once you run out(had to say it).

Seriously? I'm not even going to respond to that ludicrous statement...did you even bother reading the level that I listed?


Blasters virtualy stop doing damage if you shift power to shields(hard to kill anything moving fast).

I've never bothered with the conversion module because to be honest, up until a few patches ago I haven't needed it.


Do you keep fire button pressed, or click it(at lower gear levels this is good tactic since you're getting most of firing speed and still allow shields to recharge)? When blasters stop doing damage, does blaster sound stop? Might want to stop firing for while, see if it changes anything.

No, the blaster sound does not stop, no the blasters do not stop firing. It's a hit box issue, or it's something with me somehow getting out of synch (client to server).

And no, not firing for a while doesn't change anything. i've gone through the minefield one for half the mission not firing, and as soon as I start firing on a mine (which should only take a few hits to destroy with blasters) they do no damage.

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Seriously? I'm not even going to respond to that ludicrous statement...did you even bother reading the level that I listed?


Did you bother reading inside parentheses? In world where people phone support for help with their unplugged devices, always eliminate dumbest possibility first.



It's a hit box issue, or it's something with me somehow getting out of synch (client to server).


Hit box issue possibility can be easly eliminated by missile sweeping - if you get lock on target and missile launches, hitboxes are fine.


Getting out of sync is rather unlikely, since there are loads of things that are not synchronized with server, so there is no reason space missions would be. More likely there is something happening to your character, since for space missions it's becomnig your ship. Things like companions returning from missions, buffs fading, or something procing.

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Did you bother reading inside parentheses? In world where people phone support for help with their unplugged devices, always eliminate dumbest possibility first.

You're assuming that I didn't read your post when you didn't bother reading all of mine?

Also, making that kind of assumption isn't necessarily the right thing either. How could you honestly think someone who is level 41 wouldn't know that once you run out of missiles you're out of missiles? Sorry but that kind of makes me chuckle. It reminds me of people that are level 1 call center support who are told to strictly follow their scripts and not deviate from it.


Hit box issue possibility can be easly eliminated by missile sweeping - if you get lock on target and missile launches, hitboxes are fine.

Again, you apparently didn't read all of my post. It doesn't matter if it's blasters or missiles. When this occurs, neither do any damage.

When your UI shows that you have lock on targets, and you fire your missiles, and they do no damage, to me that pretty much says a hitbox or sync issue. <sarcasm>Oh wait, did you assume that I was blind firing my missiles?</sarcasm>


Getting out of sync is rather unlikely, since there are loads of things that are not synchronized with server, so there is no reason space missions would be. More likely there is something happening to your character, since for space missions it's becomnig your ship. Things like companions returning from missions, buffs fading, or something procing.

How would you know? Are you a developer? Do you work with the engine that they use for the game? Do you know what their architecture is and how clients make calls to the server? Things like this can happen in games, whether frequently or infrequently. Client makes a call to the server, something causes that call to either time out or get lost, and you start having weird issues at the client side.


Your comment about it being something with my character may be a little far fetched as it happens intermittently and has a rather lengthy but somewhat varied duration, and does not occur during or after events like a companion returning from a crew mission or buffs wearing off. And yes, I've checked for these things.


If anyone else has run into this, please pm me. Otherwise, there really isn't any need to reply to this.

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Errr.... the video you linked for Kalee Fortification is NOT that mission. Kalee is MUCH much more harder.


This is the "previous" mission.


And then changed in each frame name of mission in upper right corner just to fool you?


Also, Operation Noble Gambit is definitely avaible much earlier. I would say 22.

Edited by Elear
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Just an added opinion-

these missions are worth running through each day.

Given that the actual run such as jambim escort(imp side first), without the mission, is worth as low as 5 exp to me(lev 29), and I get 800+ exp and credits with the mission for 4 mins work.


Always do them in the pairs/groups (other then starter escort, which is by itself) to get the mission payout.

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Anyone else got problem with the WASD controls in Space Missions?


W and S seem to work fine, but A and D do nothing for me. Neither do Q, E, or any other button I tried. Could this be related to the fact that I normally have the A and D bound to strafing (as opposed to turning by default) and Q and E to skills?


Also, if this is the case (I can't find any other answer to it?) how would one make them work without going back to default binds? I very much would like to be able to properly dodge asteroids etc. but still retain the A and D as strafing buttons since this is how I've played MMOs for as long as I can remember, and would rather not try to learn a new way just because of Space Missions. =\


I didnt see anyone adress this issue. I never use wsad for movement even on my normal non space play. I use the arrow keys and they work well. if you have your a and d keys set up for strafing then they wont work to move so just use the arrow keys to move instead. i find them better than using letter keys amidst the other letter keys. I have my cntrl right arrow for strafe right and cntrl left arrow for strafe left.

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Errr.... the video you linked for Kalee Fortification is NOT that mission. Kalee is MUCH much more harder.


This is the "previous" mission.


It's a good example the difference better spaceship upgrades can make in your missions.

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Also something that will help:


Learn how many shots your current blaster damage takes to kill the fighters. There is no reason to shoot at 1 ship for 20 seconds when you can kill it in 5 seconds. This makes you take less damage in the long run because you are swapping targets faster and killing things quicker overall. Also will help you maximize shield regeneration time.

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Thanks, I'll have to go through that and update the names of the missions to include both the Republic and Imperial missions.


Thanks for this. I was going to ask if there was an Imperial guide for Space Missions (after seeing this thread was from the Republic side) but will wait for the updates here.


I also found a thread that covers information about the hidden bonuses:




It's a helpful thread and good on it's own merit but would it be possible to add some of it to this thread? Since this one is already a sticky it would be great to have everything in one place. :)


Also, I had two questions about targeting. When I fire on ship turrets that are clearly not in line of sight, am I actually hitting them? They show as targets, and my missiles can lock on them, but I have no idea if they are being hit when I fire on them.


My other question was about the blue circle that flashes when i fire at certain targets - does that just indicate a shield?



Edited by Leopagne
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Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and add a quick correction to the initial post. I did not have time to read the whole forum, so maybe this is "trolling" or whatever but I am just trying to be helpful.


On the missions list with level requirements next to them, you have Syvris Evacuation and Llanic Station Strike as requiring level 32, but I have been doing them both since level 28, so I think that's probably wrong.


However it is possible that you're correct and there's a bug that opens them after you have successfully completed the other missions so many times; I literally have accumulated over 400 fleet commendations by that level (Grew up on StarFox 64 ^.^)


At any rate, they popped up the first day after that last big patch, and while they are red, and considerably more difficult I still haven't ever failed a flight mission, and they yielded me about 19k exp each day from the resets alone, not counting the bored re-flyings at work. Ok, long post for a potentially stupid point.


That was all :)


P.S: If this was addressed in the multitude of posts between the original posting of this missions list and today, I'm sorry for re-pointing out a problem with the post. I know forum saavy people hate it when that happens. ^.^

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I did not see this mentioned, but the XP gain is pretty decent even when the mission itself is gray.


I get just over 6K xp for doing the first base assault mission from kills alone at level 44. For 6 minutes of work that is faster XP/min than most quests give due to travel time etc.


Admittedly, this stops being a benefit once you hit 50 or stop getting bonus xp for the bonus objectives.


Does anyone know if there is an XP -> $$ conversion like they have in WoW (shudder) once you get max level?

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Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and add a quick correction to the initial post. I did not have time to read the whole forum, so maybe this is "trolling" or whatever but I am just trying to be helpful.


On the missions list with level requirements next to them, you have Syvris Evacuation and Llanic Station Strike as requiring level 32, but I have been doing them both since level 28, so I think that's probably wrong.



Same for me, I believe they both unlocked around level 28, but I was unable to complete either until I had entirely Grade 3 upgrades on my ship at level 31, they ate my lunch everytime. Even with full loadout of grade 3 items the shuttle still barely makes it every time and is completely on fire with maybe 1-2 blaster shots all that is needed to destroy it. Perhaps the mission levels are the suggested levels to try these space missions? I know some of them are impossible when you first unlock them. Syvris Evac and Llanic Station both say they require grade 1 upgrades or better, but you have to be a crack pilot in order to beat them with anything less than a mix of grade 2 and 3 or all grade 3.

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Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and add a quick correction to the initial post. I did not have time to read the whole forum, so maybe this is "trolling" or whatever but I am just trying to be helpful.


On the missions list with level requirements next to them, you have Syvris Evacuation and Llanic Station Strike as requiring level 32, but I have been doing them both since level 28, so I think that's probably wrong.


Same for me, I believe they both unlocked around level 28, but I was unable to complete either until I had entirely Grade 3 upgrades on my ship at level 31, they ate my lunch everytime. Even with full loadout of grade 3 items the shuttle still barely makes it every time and is completely on fire with maybe 1-2 blaster shots all that is needed to destroy it. Perhaps the mission levels are the suggested levels to try these space missions? I know some of them are impossible when you first unlock them. Syvris Evac and Llanic Station both say they require grade 1 upgrades or better, but you have to be a crack pilot in order to beat them with anything less than a mix of grade 2 and 3 or all grade 3.


No, thank you both for letting me know. I couldn't remember what level it was this opened up so I went by the level of the quest (which seems to be accurate for some of the missions)

Edited by Laenaria
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