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No rewards for a losing match. SCREENSHOTS, PLEASE!


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Losses are 6-7 medals at the least during a full real match. Upwards of 14-15 medals for wins.

Also, I out heal or get a very close second in heals every match against full BM healers and get just as many medals with my recruit gear. These are also not premades I'm playing with.


I call BS! It's likely that you are standing alone in the fire and healing yourself because that's the only way you are putting up those kind of numbers while your team is getting stomped!


Screenshots please!

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ROFL, sorry but this is just hilarious. People used to do that for the 4 medals all the time and it would cost teams the game as a result.


Don't act like people AFKing at a turret is new. It's not and even if the system is flawed, that's a poor example.


It's nothing new, sure. I'm just pointing out how flawed the new AFK system is. And that it's also rewarding quitters instead of fighters. You never got all zeroes before 1.2 did you? Now, well you do.. and how do you prevent it? Everyone stays at the turret.

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I started from the very beginning and I stayed until the very end of this warzone.




This is a great example as you can see your team lost 100% to 0%. You cannot get any defense points because your team has no control over anything. As a healer, you do not get the kill medal since your team didn't kill many people. If your team is dying too fast, then there is no one to heal and people are ganging on you as no one is alive to defend you. I can guess you got the 2 medals from crit heal and getting 75K heal, just short of the 150K that would have given you the 3rd medal so you could leave with a measly 15 comm instead of 0. You could have just left the warzone, but you stayed anyways. Here is the reward, 0 across the board which is no different then what the people that quit the first minute or two of the match.

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Sucks when i get put in a losing match and play it out to the end and get no reward what so ever.... What a waste of my time. Or better yet, get put up against a premade and get steamrolled, farmed and wait it out thinking ill at least get some sort of reward for not quitting. NOT! Thanks Bioware! Way to take all the fun out of PvP.
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It is so mind numbingly easy to get three medals that I cannot comprehend what the problem would be with that system. Only that it's so easy to do that it wouldn't stop an afker in anyway, so it's a horrible anti-afk measure.


The old system swas fine and allowed people to get into equal gear with those winnign a lil more geared a bit quicker.


Actually the old system basically meant that you could lose your way to gear just as quickly as you could win your way to gear. No, that wasn't normal or fair. You should not be able to constantly lose and get geared as fast as someone that is either grouping or coordinating more and better than you are and winning more because of it.


This system rewards effort and coordination, instead of failure and sitting around.

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It is so mind numbingly easy to get three medals that I cannot comprehend what the problem would be with that system. Only that it's so easy to do that it wouldn't stop an afker in anyway, so it's a horrible anti-afk measure.




Actually the old system basically meant that you could lose your way to gear just as quickly as you could win your way to gear. No, that wasn't normal or fair. You should not be able to constantly lose and get geared as fast as someone that is either grouping or coordinating more and better than you are and winning more because of it.


This system rewards effort and coordination, instead of failure and sitting around.


Winner would still get more com. so they get gear faster. Its not the intention to have people with better gear than others, its just there to give PvP'ers incentive to play a lot.


The old reward system was good, sure some would exploit it but if this is the way to ''fix'' it then it'd rather have a few exploiting it, getting good gear, and still be crap cause they didn't learn jack - than having this crap.

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Winner would still get more com. so they get gear faster. Its not the intention to have people with better gear than others, its just there to give PvP'ers incentive to play a lot.


It is the intention to reward extra effort and coordination.


It is the intention for there to be incentive to win by offering additional rewards to the winner.


So yes, if the result of a change they implement is in the end to grant more gear to people that win more often, then that is the intent.


Who are you to suggest what the intent is exactly? You seem to know that the intent of the change isn't the apparent result, then why did they change it?

Edited by Celebrus
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The issue is that for healers in certain situations (happens to me about 50% of the time) you can be top healer heal your butt off (no this does not involve just mashing the keyboard nor are you afk) and you just can't get more than 2 medals.


Example of what happens to healers now: If you are say helping your team attack an objective in Civil War (like a healer SHOULD be doing - healing the group trying to take a control point so you can win) then you get 0 objective points. If your team is having issues because they also have healers, guess what you don't get enough kills to get the 10 kills medal. You get 0 objective points medals, you get the 2.5k heal and the 75k healing medals. You die so much you don't get the 300k healing medal and because you are a sorceror and bioware in their infinite wisdom made your long cast heal horrible now, you never think to use it because of how inefficient it is so you never can get the 5k in one heal medal either.


Thus, you are hosed unless you afk at the one control point your team does control which will in fact reward you with medals for doing NOTHING productive for the team.

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It is the intention to reward extra effort and coordination.


It is the intention for there to be incentive to win by offering additional rewards to the winner.


So yes, if the result of a change they implement is in the end to grant more gear to people that win more often, then that is the intent.


Who are you to suggest what the intent is exactly? You seem to know that the intent of the change isn't the apparent result, then why did they change it?


Do you honestly believe that the intention is to fragment the community as much as possible by rewarding winner a lot more than the loser? Cause thats whats happening on imbalanced servers or for people who queue solo.


I think only the winner should get rewarded, by any logic. HOWEVER this is an MMo with gear progression, so the result of only the winner getting reward would be very very grim and eventually boring for both parts.


Surely you have the common sense to realize this?

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Excellent design. The highlighted person is part of the WINNING team (and contributed, it's just that the game ended so quickly).




Looks like match started with 6 on 8. Then it appears 4 people dropped from other team. Which ended up being 8 on 2. Pretty sad.


I just fought in a 5 on 8 match and had 2 people drop which left us with 3 on 8. Yeah, it sucked. I bet the other 8 guys had a blast though.

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if you get 3 or 4 medals, it's still not worth it.


20 coms, zero or near zero credits......means you can't even buy a warzone medpack much less ever get to BM gear.


lets say you get 40 comms per match, and you play one full match per 30 minutes (playing + queuing)


that's 84k coms to get WH armor


that's 2100 matches.


that's 63k minutes, or more than 43 full 24-hour days of play time doing nothing but warzones. or that's more than a year of playing 4 hours a night 5 days a week (20 hours a week).


and that's with a fairly high number of coms won from the losses compared to what people get on some unbalanced servers.


and that's without having to get your BM gear first.


daily and weeklies help a bit, but again, I was using fairly generous numbers.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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