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Looking for PVP help for my guardian.

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Hi Everyone; thanks for looking.


I've been pvping since the mid 90s w/ Subspace and have done so in Ultima Online, SWG, all the Battlefield games and also SWTOR (but with my 47 Inquisitor).


However i am in a bit of a predicament and unsure how to proceed.


My first toon was Jedi Guardian because my guild needed a tank. I didnt really enjoy the leveling because it was really slow and didnt get heals until far into the game. So I 50'd her and shelved her.


Right after that I started a Trooper and Inquisitor and have been leveling my Inquisitor mostly, and with that toon I got into PVP. With the sanctioned r*pe of that class I've now decided to get him to 50, shelve him and dust off my guardian.


So here I am. Level 50 Guardian with no pvp rating and no pvp kit. I understand that at level 50 if I decide to PVP I'll be put into the higher pvp game with all the seasoned vets against whom I am under equipped and ill-informed.


That brings me to the purpose of the post.


Where do I begin? I need some advice on the armour and consumables to buy and the stats that I should focus on when acquiring gear. I dont have a lot of credits, but I will take the time to aquire the right stuff.


I will be going with wadecounty's build here: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/guardian#10ie8-k1die1e2f-2


Can you guys offer some much needed assistance?

-what armour, short term and long term

-what consumables

-what equipment stats with wadecounty's build above


Thanks everyone.

Edited by brokensoldier
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Dont begin pvp'ing now because it's a mess. But if you must then buy yourself the crappy recruit set for the expertise, dive in and get yourself killed a bunch. If you ever wind up with any spare warzone comms, buy wz health packs or if you are bio then use those. You'd have died a lot before 1.2, but now you'll just melt.


Just stay away from pvp for now, especially as a fresh 50.

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Fresh 50s have it easier now. Recruit pvp set is very cheap and has more expertise then champion pieces well the few I managed to get anyways. Best thing is to pvp and learn. You'll have advantages pre 1.2 Fresh 50 players didn't have. My companion has more expertise then I do atm lol. More or less what the previous poster said but I'd recommend pvping even now. Edited by Gearsofwarthree
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I have a question about the recruit pvp armor. With wadecounty's vigilance build here:




which stats do you recommend to focus on when acquiring gear. For example, there are two chest pieces:



Armor rating 128

59 STR

67 END

69 EXP

42 ACC

42 PWR



Armor rating 128

51 STR

86 END

69 EXP

39 SHL

30 DEF


Basically I am most concerned about getting appropriate stats to appropriate levels and I can only afford to buy this once.


I appreciate everyone's help here.


Thanks very much.

Edited by brokensoldier
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Don't bother buying the recruit gear, especially not if you are short on credits. It costs a lot and is pretty bad.

Instead you gotta grasp the nettle. Just queue for warzones with whatever gear you got, try getting at least 8 medals per game. In the beginning it will be frustrating because you will be torn apart by all the people outgearing you. So best approach would be to roll Soresu with a build which enhances your durability.

That way you should be getting WZ commendations rather quickly. Use these to buy BM Vidicator gear. Don't bother remodding them, just take the pieces as they come.

So getting full BM gear should be your short term goal.

Long term goal on the other hand should be getting WH Vindicator stuff, which will take much longer than getting BM gear.

As soon as you feel confortable and competitive with your current gear you might want to think about customizing the stuff - getting rid of useless stats like accuracy in favour of crit, surge or the like.

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Dont begin pvp'ing now because it's a mess. But if you must then buy yourself the crappy recruit set for the expertise, dive in and get yourself killed a bunch. If you ever wind up with any spare warzone comms, buy wz health packs or if you are bio then use those. You'd have died a lot before 1.2, but now you'll just melt.


Just stay away from pvp for now, especially as a fresh 50.


Your pessimistic :/.



Everyone has to gear up.. Better now then wait.

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if you aren't already well geared(in BM) then don't bother pvping in 1.2 as a guardian. Its going to be painful, because you'll lose a lot and die to almost every class even low geared people, and we don't get commendations for losing now, so its going to take months to get a piece of gear that takes the winning faction about 2 days to get.


You might think I'm exaggerating. I'm not. Bioware really jumped the shark with 1.2

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Well I did it - ran my first night as a fresh 50 guardian.


Some 1vs1 I managed to fight through pretty good. Some, it was like I wasnt there. Juggernaughts taking no damage and 4 hit killing me. Frikin pointless. Frustrating when they target me for the easy kill.


Anyway, my point: I think they changed the warzone rules.


I played 6 matches tonight, won 2 and lost 4. For the matches that we lost I got between 35-55 warzone commendations and for the 2 we won I got 150+ commendations.


It will take a long time to get BM gear.


I also ran a bunch of missions and auctioned off some loot and now it looks like I have enough creds to buy the Recruit PVP armor without breaking the bank.


Is it worth it? Will I notice a difference?

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if you dont pvp because of your low gear, you will never get the battlemaster/war hero equips, just try to buy the recruit gear, save for the battlemaster, and instead of trying to kill people focus in suporting your alies and objectives.
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Well I did it - ran my first night as a fresh 50 guardian.


Some 1vs1 I managed to fight through pretty good. Some, it was like I wasnt there. Juggernaughts taking no damage and 4 hit killing me. Frikin pointless. Frustrating when they target me for the easy kill.


Anyway, my point: I think they changed the warzone rules.


I played 6 matches tonight, won 2 and lost 4. For the matches that we lost I got between 35-55 warzone commendations and for the 2 we won I got 150+ commendations.


It will take a long time to get BM gear.


I also ran a bunch of missions and auctioned off some loot and now it looks like I have enough creds to buy the Recruit PVP armor without breaking the bank.


Is it worth it? Will I notice a difference?



Keep at it bro. Your making BM 10 times faster than it used to take, however

your in gear we didn't have back then... we had to earn Centurion which was

FAR FAR worse...


Don't listen to the negative people. Negativity leads to 0 coms per night.

Sounds like your doing great! Keep it up.


Remember, being a GREAT soldier means fighting regardless of the odds.


A great general once said, "Never tell me the odds"

That's the type of spirit that forges Battle Masters and War Hero's


Pvp newbz can often be heard saying "O give up it's pointless..."


Your path is for you to decided. I got most of my gear pre 1.2. and Im glad for each piece I have.


I learned to FIGHT for my gear along time ago back in the likes of Eve and Darkfall, this is nothing :D

Edited by VoidJustice
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Hahah, don't PvP you might die!!! (falls over laughing)


Had to get that out...


Anyway good job on giving it a go, it's not nearly as painful as people make it out to be. I'm not sure with the Def/Vigilance spec how hard it is to manage focus, but with Focus spec (in Soresu mode) I highly recommed getting the 4 piece Columi/Rakate set bonus so you can do saber throw at any time. I have done so and filled in all the other pieces (implants/earpiece/belt/bracers) with Battlemaster/champ gear, which still gives me around 8% expertise. I'm working on replacing them with the War Hero gear but it will take awhile.

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It actually wasnt that bad. When I got ganked by 3+ it was over in seconds. But when facing most opponents 1vs1 I held my own and even came out victorious a few times.


I like the Vigilance build.


Guys I just dont know enough about game mechanics. I'm looking at the PVP Recruit armor. Chest piece with the Vigilance tree - should I get:


(Accuracy + Power) -OR- (Shield + Defense)


Ive read Power is the stat to go for, that was Pre 1.2


Cheers :)

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I am so far from a pvp expert, but here is my attitude.


You will die, a lot. But, you can still do damage, guard your allies, defend points. You get medals and therefore commendations for that. you also get more commendations if your team wins. regardless of how many times you get killed, you can still help your team win. stick by your teammates and screw this kill/death ratio nonsense that some seem to believe is the be-all end-all of pvp.


you can get commendations each match. check the guardian forums for specs and rotation discussions for whichever of the trees you like. get some comms, buy some stuff. get better.

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I was pretty sure it was a jugger but now you have me second guessing myself.


It all happened so fast :o



take a look at his stances.. if its a jug he is usually soresu or vig i havent seen many shicho around.


and leep at it with vigilance. it rocks i was pre 1.2 vig and was known as a healer buster ( yea i made i up) BC i would bust up healers that weren;t gaurded.


once you get the gear as most have been saying vig really shines. you want to ensure you get your melee crit around 27-28 and your force crit..if you go full vig at least imo 30+ my surge sits around mid 78.5 or so


but keep at it glad its working out and dont be afraid to go full vig.. kinda cramps me when peeps say i went hybrid so i can spam freezing force... ehh if u manage focus correctly so can a full VIG.


the upside to the hybrid is warding call i wont refute that but plasma brand is sick easily a instant 1.5-7k on squishy targets and at best 1.1 on heavy armor without critting.


but good luck glad you have a good attitude about it

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Hi Guys:


Quick update:


Well I did it - I bought all of the Vindicator PVP Recruit armor and WOW what a difference. So before the recap, here are my new stats:



Damage: 573-715

Bonus Damage: 289.2

Accuracy: 99.12

Critical Change: 23.94

Critical Multiplier: 66.2



Health: 13020

Armor Rating: 4332

Damage Reduction: 32.63

Defence Chance: 5%

Shield Chance: 0%

Shield Absorb: 0%



Bonus Damage: 591.3

Bonus Healing: 236

Accuracy: 109.12

Critical Chance: 25%

Critical Multiplier: 66.2

Activation Speed: 0



Damage Boost: 18.2

Damage Reduction: 15.4

Healing Boost: 9.99


I dont really know what these numbers mean and where I should focus, but there you go. I also dont know my expertise level - where do I find that? I must be maxed out for recruit gear because thats all I am wearing. I hide the helmet - god thats out of place...


So last night was my first full on attempt at pvp with the new kit and stims/health packs. Won 3 lost 1, lots of commendations, medals and xp (?)


Toe to toe against most players I came out victorious. I pop a Relic (Power +355), Warzone Adrenal, Saber Ward and slowly wear them down. Closer to death I hit Enure, Call on the Force, Saber Ward, Combat Focus and carry on through the rotation. Against most of the people I fought 1vs1 I did pretty damn good. Against new players with none of the pvp kit, I chewed through them like nobody's business.


Fresh 50s - get the recruit armor!


I still lose quickly to (i think) Tank Assassins - they just stun me to death, and something else I cant remember what, Maurader I think, especially when they have full Battlemaster PVP kit, so I pretty much avoid them unless theres already someone attacking them, then it's payback! I'm guessing those will be the next nerfed classes right?


All in all I am loving this. I have no fear right now in PVP, as long as I am with a good team and am loaded with bio stuff. I very much look forward to pvp live with full BattleMaster gear which sould be - what - August? lol


I went 4-33-4, so mostly Vigilance. Can someone critique my stats and offer any tips?



Thanks =D

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Alot of diff ways you can go:


A- you can get your crit up it sitting kinda low...but i wouldnt bc assuming you have a smug buff in pvp you will be aroind 28 which is managable


B - get your surge to about 73 /75 or as close to 400 as possible after that dr hits so you wont notice much dofference.


C - id prolly do this second after getting muy surge up assuming all you do is pvp and get a smug buff...stack power out the wazoo..you damage range is rather low and so is your bonus damage..(not in a neg way k know your just starting) if you can tweak your bdmg to around 380+ you will see some gains.... however pvp is about experrtise now


I tend to roll with just under 900 i have modded belts/bracer all 140/58/augmented that i use instead of the bm ones... looks like ur are on your way.... i would add you only really need 32 in vig.. only one pt in saber throw will suffice if thats where your 33rd pt is at.

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That spec isn't even that good. Why go Vigilance if you're going to PvP in Soresu? Just go tank so you can actually utilize the damage mitigation. Guarding in PvP without an appropriate spec is just suicide, especially given how much damage got buffed last patch. Don't pretend to be something you're not. If you're damage, go in your damage form and make the most of it. As for gear, there's only one type of Guardian DPS gear. Consumables? There are a whole 2 PvP consumables. The only exception would be if you're biochem. Stats? Whatever your gear comes with. Unless you magically have enough WZ comms to afford multiple sets of BM gear to yank out the enhancements, you're stuck with what you get.
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