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10 Reason Why You Should Quit Your Operative


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Yep here it is:

10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start.


This is the only thing bothering me as I'm a leth/med hybrid that relies on KP ticks to proc TA for Cull. I hate the new indicator but I'll deal


And I liked listening to the giggle.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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This is the only thing bothering me as I'm a leth/med hybrid that relies on KP ticks to proc TA for Cull. I hate the new indicator but I'll deal


And I liked listening to the giggle.


I don't so much mind not having the giggle, but I miss just being able to watch the encounter, and be situationally aware without having to look at my buffs to see when TA procs (this is when I am healing of course), other than that I could take it or leave it.

Edited by Crittlesticks
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Yep here it is:

10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start.


9. Infiltrate is Totally Useless: Tell me honestly how many times you've use it for something actually meaningful...


8. Stealth is Hardly Sneaky: Even with full Concealment buffs for stealth, there's always a good chance you're not going to get to your target before being knocked out of stealth. Sneak is super useful, and yet it's on a longer cooldown than a charge or sprint. Stealth is like wearing a white cloth over your head and screaming "I'm a ghost" if you are healing or lethality spec.


7. It Takes Forever To Get Out Of Combat: Stealth is our gimmick in this game, and its the only one we have. That being said Cloaking Screen has so much value in our arsenal and shouldn't be squandered because we've ran half way across the map and are still in combat.


6. Our Resource Is Not Effective: Energy blows in comparison to focus and force users who can endlessly waste and burst with no consequences. Even for healers, the curve for heals per energy in comparison to Sorcs and BH was lacking. I don't know how this fairs though in 1.2 because I haven't tried healing yet.


5. It's A Dying Class: Besides Smugglers, were the least played class according to he guild summit. Now we share that demographic with snipers, gunslingers, and scoundrels. How many of us are there really? and why hasn't BW done something to make this class attractive?


4. Lack of Utility: Our only gimmick is stealth and stuns, if we are concealment. Lethality and Healers generally does not rely on stealth to do their jobs so toss that one out. What you are left with is a bag of stuns, a 3 second dodge, and a very weak shield. No pulls, sprints, charges, knock backs, invulnerability, or out of stealth CCs. Our offensive and defensive abilities just don't match up.


3. Constantly Nerfed: I played Concealment in Beta and it pooped on kids. But since then, every major patch has effectively nerfed concealment damage for the soul purpose of Pvp problems. Bioware denies it, but I haven't found many happy with Concealment in 1.2 and they pay the bills.


2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots.


1. Lethality > Concealment PvP: Lets face it Concealment is out. I had a full BM Operative who and I can't get my Hidden Strike to crit over 4k for the life of me anymore. I have to roid up if I even want to attempt somethings tricky. My lack of CC gives me little utility, which is something you need when fighting in melee, especially if you dont heal from dots and dmg. We're not bruiser, were not even tanky. The improved rotation, though useful, means nothing when you have to balance it constantly with multiple targets. Concealment is great point to point, but if you defray it over multiple targets you do nothing. With my burst gone, it was easy to pick the more attractive lethality.


Sorry guys for being a *****, I just really had to get this all off my chest. These are the reasons I struggle with everyday. I've been very faithful to this class in hopes of improvement, but it seems BW cares more about other classes, because they have move players. Well if our class in not attractive that's your fault BW.


Ill make this alot easier for your here is 10 reasons why you should quit your operative and play a class that does everything an operative can do and better now.














Edited by blazingg
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In honour of 1.2 I created my very first Operative. She's now level 11 and I'm having a blast. I'm sorry if whatever nerfs happened happened to pre-existing characters, but never having played one prior to 1.2, I'm not noticing anything too awful.


The story is a lot of fun. It's easy to play dedicated Imperial worker bee without being caught up in the whole light/dark thing.


I won't spoil it for you by mentioning details, but things get a LOT more complicated as you progress and you might find it's not so easy to remain a dedicated Imperial worker bee as you progress. Agent is by far the best storyline in the game :cool:


Just a shame they taking the fun out of it combat wise and felt compelled to stop them laughing.

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I won't spoil it for you by mentioning details, but things get a LOT more complicated as you progress and you might find it's not so easy to remain a dedicated Imperial worker bee as you progress. Agent is by far the best storyline in the game :cool:


Just a shame they taking the fun out of it combat wise and felt compelled to stop them laughing.


She's level 15, almost to 16 now and I'm still having a blast.

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Yep here it is:

10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start.


9. Infiltrate is Totally Useless: Tell me honestly how many times you've use it for something actually meaningful...


8. Stealth is Hardly Sneaky: Even with full Concealment buffs for stealth, there's always a good chance you're not going to get to your target before being knocked out of stealth. Sneak is super useful, and yet it's on a longer cooldown than a charge or sprint. Stealth is like wearing a white cloth over your head and screaming "I'm a ghost" if you are healing or lethality spec.


7. It Takes Forever To Get Out Of Combat: Stealth is our gimmick in this game, and its the only one we have. That being said Cloaking Screen has so much value in our arsenal and shouldn't be squandered because we've ran half way across the map and are still in combat.


6. Our Resource Is Not Effective: Energy blows in comparison to focus and force users who can endlessly waste and burst with no consequences. Even for healers, the curve for heals per energy in comparison to Sorcs and BH was lacking. I don't know how this fairs though in 1.2 because I haven't tried healing yet.


5. It's A Dying Class: Besides Smugglers, were the least played class according to he guild summit. Now we share that demographic with snipers, gunslingers, and scoundrels. How many of us are there really? and why hasn't BW done something to make this class attractive?


4. Lack of Utility: Our only gimmick is stealth and stuns, if we are concealment. Lethality and Healers generally does not rely on stealth to do their jobs so toss that one out. What you are left with is a bag of stuns, a 3 second dodge, and a very weak shield. No pulls, sprints, charges, knock backs, invulnerability, or out of stealth CCs. Our offensive and defensive abilities just don't match up.


3. Constantly Nerfed: I played Concealment in Beta and it pooped on kids. But since then, every major patch has effectively nerfed concealment damage for the soul purpose of Pvp problems. Bioware denies it, but I haven't found many happy with Concealment in 1.2 and they pay the bills.


2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots.


1. Lethality > Concealment PvP: Lets face it Concealment is out. I had a full BM Operative who and I can't get my Hidden Strike to crit over 4k for the life of me anymore. I have to roid up if I even want to attempt somethings tricky. My lack of CC gives me little utility, which is something you need when fighting in melee, especially if you dont heal from dots and dmg. We're not bruiser, were not even tanky. The improved rotation, though useful, means nothing when you have to balance it constantly with multiple targets. Concealment is great point to point, but if you defray it over multiple targets you do nothing. With my burst gone, it was easy to pick the more attractive lethality.


Sorry guys for being a *****, I just really had to get this all off my chest. These are the reasons I struggle with everyday. I've been very faithful to this class in hopes of improvement, but it seems BW cares more about other classes, because they have move players. Well if our class in not attractive that's your fault BW.


Couldn't agree more with everything you said mate, we are the most gimped class at the moment, people come in here just to compare with their classes, unless they play one (which the majority do not or have not) they have no clue and just say stop crying etc, at release and in beta we were sorcs anti class (and sages) , the 2 most popular played classes, I'm guessing they didn't like dying so they had a HUGE whinge and since there was so many, we got hit, which is complete ********, we now are NO ones anti class, at all, period. Oh and the most OP class Sent / Mara get a buff, way to go....

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Yep here it is:

10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start.


9. Infiltrate is Totally Useless: Tell me honestly how many times you've use it for something actually meaningful...


8. Stealth is Hardly Sneaky: Even with full Concealment buffs for stealth, there's always a good chance you're not going to get to your target before being knocked out of stealth. Sneak is super useful, and yet it's on a longer cooldown than a charge or sprint. Stealth is like wearing a white cloth over your head and screaming "I'm a ghost" if you are healing or lethality spec.


7. It Takes Forever To Get Out Of Combat: Stealth is our gimmick in this game, and its the only one we have. That being said Cloaking Screen has so much value in our arsenal and shouldn't be squandered because we've ran half way across the map and are still in combat.


6. Our Resource Is Not Effective: Energy blows in comparison to focus and force users who can endlessly waste and burst with no consequences. Even for healers, the curve for heals per energy in comparison to Sorcs and BH was lacking. I don't know how this fairs though in 1.2 because I haven't tried healing yet.


5. It's A Dying Class: Besides Smugglers, were the least played class according to he guild summit. Now we share that demographic with snipers, gunslingers, and scoundrels. How many of us are there really? and why hasn't BW done something to make this class attractive?


4. Lack of Utility: Our only gimmick is stealth and stuns, if we are concealment. Lethality and Healers generally does not rely on stealth to do their jobs so toss that one out. What you are left with is a bag of stuns, a 3 second dodge, and a very weak shield. No pulls, sprints, charges, knock backs, invulnerability, or out of stealth CCs. Our offensive and defensive abilities just don't match up.


3. Constantly Nerfed: I played Concealment in Beta and it pooped on kids. But since then, every major patch has effectively nerfed concealment damage for the soul purpose of Pvp problems. Bioware denies it, but I haven't found many happy with Concealment in 1.2 and they pay the bills.


2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots.


1. Lethality > Concealment PvP: Lets face it Concealment is out. I had a full BM Operative who and I can't get my Hidden Strike to crit over 4k for the life of me anymore. I have to roid up if I even want to attempt somethings tricky. My lack of CC gives me little utility, which is something you need when fighting in melee, especially if you dont heal from dots and dmg. We're not bruiser, were not even tanky. The improved rotation, though useful, means nothing when you have to balance it constantly with multiple targets. Concealment is great point to point, but if you defray it over multiple targets you do nothing. With my burst gone, it was easy to pick the more attractive lethality.


Sorry guys for being a *****, I just really had to get this all off my chest. These are the reasons I struggle with everyday. I've been very faithful to this class in hopes of improvement, but it seems BW cares more about other classes, because they have move players. Well if our class in not attractive that's your fault BW.


This needs a bump to get Biowares attention.

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Bioware doesn't listen to the community.. It's established.. they only care about classes that will make them the most money.


I too am getting tired of the increased stealth detection everyone has now. even using sneak I am still detected 30m away standing still against any of the force wielding classes. *note, they do not have anything in the form of increased stealth detection in their talent trees*


They should really give us a closing mechanism as obviously stealth no longer works as well as it used to.

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sorry but i've been playing heal spec operative in lvl 50 warzones with no gear (recruit set, have added 3 bm peices) and it's not gimped. it's certainly not amazing in the conventional sense- we have no knockback, no (real) sprint or charge- but healer operative can do some great stuff in terms of survivability, healing output, and burst damage.

I can't completely speak for lethality because i havent played it at 50. But I did play it at 49 (post-patch) and found it to still be one of the most powerful pvp specs. Just because LOLOMGCRIT####S are gone doesnt mean its bad.

I'm guessing about half the people playing operatives rolled it when they heard it was overpowered. Now it's not, and the tears are streaming. Re-roll; good riddance.

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So much crying on this forum, tends to be why I don't come here very often.


My guild is currently clearing the new content with me as a DPS operative, according to the parsers I am only ~5-6% behind the marauders in the guild. When I choose to PvP, I am normally up at the top of the damage meters for the warzone, and have no issues bursting anyone down. This is with full recruit gear + BM chest and Rakata Weapons.


We have no issues clearing content because of enrage timers, at this point it is just coming down to learning new mechanics.


Stealth being a gimmick? Sorry, but I don't see it as such, you can turn invisible...The fact that it won't let you re-stealth as quickly as when you were playing your Rogue on WoW is annoying, but its tolerable. Your burst damage is still very high, especially if you are attacking the right target, like the healers. In PvE this really a non-issue, since you won't be leaving combat until the fight is over unless you cloaking screen.




If managed correctly, energy is an extremely powerful tool, you just need to work on a better rotation and have better energy management forethought. Try using Overload shot less.




This just sounds like you are upset because you can no longer kill people before they are even let out of your stun. I feel like if this was reversed and a class other than yours could basically kill you before you were even able to react, then you would probably be on their forums complaining instead of this one, whiners will always whine, doesn't matter what MMO.




I fail to see your point here, do you want higher DPS when there are multiple mobs? Like when? Operation trash mobs? In PvP, concealment has almost always been the stronger spec, if anything I would like to see a DPS boost to Lethality to single target DPS to make it viable for well....anything.




I stopped reading here, you are just wrong.




I rather enjoy not having to compete with anyone for gear because less people play my class. I had full main spec and off spec Rakata before some people in my guild had even finished their full main spec. It is actually enjoyable for me to work on my rotation, and figure out the best way to move in and out of melee unfriendly boss mechanics to maximize my DPS in ops. It can be done, it just requires a little bit more finesse.


All in all, the operative class is by no means "unplayable" and I see no reason to "quit my operative" I think that the majority of the people that play the operative are just unaware of how to manage certain mechanics of the class.


If we could have more constructive topics about ways to maximize dps, ability rotations, and the best way to optimize mods and enhancements for the best possible DPS (Pro tip, the standard mods / enhancements in Rakata is nowhere close). Then I feel a lot more people would be happy with their IA.


All well and good if you are vs'n fresh 50's, which I also do not have a problem with and I got BM (now with WH wep) stuff still doesn't go down sorry to say with people my gear level like you are mentioning, a lot less gear yes no problem, but same gear or better than mine, they do not, I know cause all I do is PvP all day every day and it just is not true. Guildies and friends are saying the same thing they've either rerolled or just quit the game because unless you are vs'n an undergeared person you are just cannon fodder in WZ's, or stunning to help other people kill their stuff, that is it.

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This is one of the few posts that I agree with 100%. Agents in general are borderline unplayable. In PvP we are now officially cannonfodder. I gave up on my operative because with both the concealment nerf and the nerf to healing in general makes us useless.


I tried spec'ing heals and i could barely keep myself alive in PvP, healing the rest of my team was next to impossible.


Bioware you should just delete the IA class and replace it with a cinder block, that would be more useful.


Couldn't agree more, if they haven't fixed the class after this month.... well now I got a free month after this one so in 6 weeks odd I'm out of here (people can say good but Bioware should care about losing paying customers and also others should care cause the population is just getting less and less)

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Bioware doesn't listen to the community.. It's established.. they only care about classes that will make them the most money.


I too am getting tired of the increased stealth detection everyone has now. even using sneak I am still detected 30m away standing still against any of the force wielding classes. *note, they do not have anything in the form of increased stealth detection in their talent trees*


They should really give us a closing mechanism as obviously stealth no longer works as well as it used to.


I know, I'm constantly getting knocked out of stealth its just ********.


We need an increase in damage (because we were nerfed way to much over the top) we have no survivability compared to all other classes, evasion is a joke compared to invul that sins / shadows have and sents / mara's abilities, hell I've noticed commando's have more stuns than we do (whilst still being able to damage us) we have 1 stun that can do that for a decent time, not including the knock on the face TALENT ability we have, just skill. Theirs are what 4 seconds each whilst killing you? Either way just improve ours


Also a closer, every Op EVEN other classes I've spoke to we NEED A shadowstep like ability, in huttball we are USELESS, oh there is an imp op, knock off the ledge, game over, sins / shadows can pull the person down to you (same with BH's and Troopers) JK's and Sith Wars etc have leap.


We just have to well run all the way back around (half the game is over by that time) just for it to happen again and again all game.


We are such a broken class and the only people that recognise this are either the people that play them and most of those have quit already, or the ones just about to, or the ones that run with us constantly in WZ groups or VS us (and can play)

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anyone who thinks we're gimped is either a casual or a bad. I top heals on my operative every warzone.


Infiltrate when warzones begin, especially voidstar. Stealthing those casters on your team really helps them out.


and thats how i know the OP is either a casual or bad.

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I love playing an op. Especially with another, then it's easy mode.

easily top 3ish in damage and almost always top 2 in healing. unless I absolutely suck in a game sometimes.

l2p op class.

Edited by TheSnipe
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entitlement crowd .


This always cracks me up when we are talking about a service that people are paying for. Like you should just hand over your money and expect absolutely nothing in return. The term has been used so often in political discourse that it has pretty much become a pun at this point.

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Agreed with the OP. I don't *like* to complain, and I truly want to see this game go well. I love the Star Wars universe, love the futuristic setting.


But as was mentioned, this is feels like no more than a re-skinned WoW - which was what I was hoping it would *not* be. As far as the nerfs go - I can understand that perhaps our burst damage was too high, meriting the first nerf. But the changes in 1.2 are ridiculous.


You want to nerf something? Nerf the BH DPS. They're still coming out on top with DPS.



I'm one of the people that has chosen to stay with TOR for a while longer, since it *is* a young game. But I've been playing games for a lot longer than TOR or WoW - as far back as Anarchy Online in 2001 - and using the "This game is only 4 months old" excuse will only help EA for so long. I've seen games in Alpha and Beta testing stages that are more 'complete' than TOR is.


Balance is, of course, one of those things that can be difficult to manage. But is rewarding stupid people (the people that run out ALONE in pvp and whine that they didn't see the oper coming and died) with a nerf to classes they don't like REALLY the right way to go?


I have no doubt that everything will calm down 2 or 3 years from now - my issue is that if it takes 2 or 3 years for this game to finally be properly balanced, I will have already left to other games. TSW and GW2 are both coming out soon, and both sound very tempting!


Please, Bioware - work harder on full balance of classes!


^^ This, when a commando (or mirrored class but I'm coming up more against commando's so I'll use them as the example) stuns me and kills me before I get out of it, ***, that is the supposing reason we were nerfed, they then have ANOTHER stun after that, wearing heavy armor, are ranged, have a knockback, and grapple, its beyond a joke.... I'm REALLY getting over our class being pure cannon fodder in WZ's.

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I love playing an op. Especially with another, then it's easy mode.

easily top 3ish in damage and almost always top 2 in healing. unless I absolutely suck in a game sometimes.

l2p op class.


Top 3 if you are in a premade sure, try premade vs premade or pug vs pug, entirely different story and if you are getting actually AIMED for, you'll be in the BOTTOM 3 pretty much guaranteed, happens to me all the time, if I'm in a group year sure I can shine, but any other class in the same situation out shines me and my dps (example mara , if I hit 300k he'll hit 660k odd) we are not even close so people like you, should stop smoking crack and come back to reality.


Oh yeah also if what you were saying were true and we were not an issue (like at launch) then there wouldn't of been hordes of people quitting their ops (or just switching to pure healing) and GM's basically banning OPS from coming to raids (again, multiple threads on this if you come back to reality and take a search and read) if DPS was not an issue then none of this would be happening, HUGE difference between L2P and class balance.

Edited by KalTorrak
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Yep here it is:

10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start.


9. Infiltrate is Totally Useless: Tell me honestly how many times you've use it for something actually meaningful...


8. Stealth is Hardly Sneaky: Even with full Concealment buffs for stealth, there's always a good chance you're not going to get to your target before being knocked out of stealth. Sneak is super useful, and yet it's on a longer cooldown than a charge or sprint. Stealth is like wearing a white cloth over your head and screaming "I'm a ghost" if you are healing or lethality spec.


7. It Takes Forever To Get Out Of Combat: Stealth is our gimmick in this game, and its the only one we have. That being said Cloaking Screen has so much value in our arsenal and shouldn't be squandered because we've ran half way across the map and are still in combat.


6. Our Resource Is Not Effective: Energy blows in comparison to focus and force users who can endlessly waste and burst with no consequences. Even for healers, the curve for heals per energy in comparison to Sorcs and BH was lacking. I don't know how this fairs though in 1.2 because I haven't tried healing yet.


5. It's A Dying Class: Besides Smugglers, were the least played class according to he guild summit. Now we share that demographic with snipers, gunslingers, and scoundrels. How many of us are there really? and why hasn't BW done something to make this class attractive?


4. Lack of Utility: Our only gimmick is stealth and stuns, if we are concealment. Lethality and Healers generally does not rely on stealth to do their jobs so toss that one out. What you are left with is a bag of stuns, a 3 second dodge, and a very weak shield. No pulls, sprints, charges, knock backs, invulnerability, or out of stealth CCs. Our offensive and defensive abilities just don't match up.


3. Constantly Nerfed: I played Concealment in Beta and it pooped on kids. But since then, every major patch has effectively nerfed concealment damage for the soul purpose of Pvp problems. Bioware denies it, but I haven't found many happy with Concealment in 1.2 and they pay the bills.


2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots.


1. Lethality > Concealment PvP: Lets face it Concealment is out. I had a full BM Operative who and I can't get my Hidden Strike to crit over 4k for the life of me anymore. I have to roid up if I even want to attempt somethings tricky. My lack of CC gives me little utility, which is something you need when fighting in melee, especially if you dont heal from dots and dmg. We're not bruiser, were not even tanky. The improved rotation, though useful, means nothing when you have to balance it constantly with multiple targets. Concealment is great point to point, but if you defray it over multiple targets you do nothing. With my burst gone, it was easy to pick the more attractive lethality.


Sorry guys for being a *****, I just really had to get this all off my chest. These are the reasons I struggle with everyday. I've been very faithful to this class in hopes of improvement, but it seems BW cares more about other classes, because they have move players. Well if our class in not attractive that's your fault BW.


First off please stop telling everyone what they should do (alot of people don't take kindly to that sort of thing) and think about making a thread of suggestion. For example the title chould be 10 Reasons Why I Quit My Operative. I for one enjoy my Op and don't appreciate you telling me that I should stop playing a class I enjoy just because you don't anymore.

Edited by AzraelCales
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Welcome to being a Gunslinger. Although we have dirty kick and flash grenade, oh wait. So does IA. You're lucky enough to have a stealth CC..


Even using CCs in combat against players it only lasts about 8 seconds. Which is the same duration as flash bang. You just have an extra CC to use. Be happy.


To be fair Gunslinger / sniper do have some awesome cc and some of it with 30m range like flashbang , singletarget root, and at close range you get aoe knockback with root ( that doesnt even need talent ) , knockback on ambush if specced for it.

And a complete cc immunity shield that last 20sec with a 1min cd.


So i wouldnt exactly call it lucky.

Edited by wiazabi
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2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots.


I dont understand this, how can 1.2 Technically give a slight increase to dps and better rotation, its still less uptime on acid blade, powermanagement is worse , energy cost on back stab + acidblade is 20 giving it higher risk of breaking the 60+ energy barrier.


And lets be real here a class that have to maintain energy at 60+ AND 1 TA on yourself AND keep dot(s) running on a boss AND Stim boost, , and to sum it all up its a melee class that have to avoid aoe's know when to get out get back in with no gap closer.


Yet doing all this the class is behind in dps have no way to lower dmg taken beside evade, no way to quickly get back on target and 0 group buffs, but hey if BW say the class is working just fine, well i want what their smoking.

Edited by wiazabi
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Top 3 if you are in a premade sure, try premade vs premade or pug vs pug, entirely different story and if you are getting actually AIMED for, you'll be in the BOTTOM 3 pretty much guaranteed, happens to me all the time, if I'm in a group year sure I can shine, but any other class in the same situation out shines me and my dps (example mara , if I hit 300k he'll hit 660k odd) we are not even close so people like you, should stop smoking crack and come back to reality.


Oh yeah also if what you were saying were true and we were not an issue (like at launch) then there wouldn't of been hordes of people quitting their ops (or just switching to pure healing) and GM's basically banning OPS from coming to raids (again, multiple threads on this if you come back to reality and take a search and read) if DPS was not an issue then none of this would be happening, HUGE difference between L2P and class balance.

Actually I play almost exclusively pug. It's not hard hit the top ranks. the mara situation is it's own beast. I just picked up a mara character I've had sitting since 1.1 for a while and it's ridiculously easy to dps with it. And he's only lvl 20. Again, that's a mara issue, not Op. There are more bugs with the game than I care to count. Fix those and we can start seeing balance issues.


Oh wait, that's why it's hard to get a raid going with a dps Op, the Op is fine. It's the other class(es) that need to be brought back down to earth. Now if you will stop smoking crack and look at the big picture and look at other classes, instead of playing a single class, you're argument might hold a little water.

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Actually I play almost exclusively pug. It's not hard hit the top ranks. the mara situation is it's own beast. I just picked up a mara character I've had sitting since 1.1 for a while and it's ridiculously easy to dps with it. And he's only lvl 20. Again, that's a mara issue, not Op. There are more bugs with the game than I care to count. Fix those and we can start seeing balance issues.


Oh wait, that's why it's hard to get a raid going with a dps Op, the Op is fine. It's the other class(es) that need to be brought back down to earth. Now if you will stop smoking crack and look at the big picture and look at other classes, instead of playing a single class, you're argument might hold a little water.


I've played every class, other classes need to be brought back down to earn but Imp Op (if you open your eyes you would see this) has less dps, (there is a thread with actual graphs etc so people like you can see this and be like WOW ITS TRUE I NEVER KNEW) less survivability, and less utilities than EVERY other class, so no we DO need to be fixed, its just the others ALSO need to be brought down to earth also, get it right.

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