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Why did Bioware change the datacrons on Quesh to make them harder to obtain?!


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I just went and got my endurance and cunning datacrons on Quesh and I noticed that there were subtle but significant changes to both datacrons.


Endurance: They added pipes to each vent control to try and prevent people from activating the poison/door while standing inside. It was still possible to manipulate your camera to use the controls while inside, but it was different than before.


Furthermore the timing on the inside poison poison controls was tighter than before. It appears impossible without some kind of speed boost to hit both controls now without two people.


Cunning: This was just cruel, the pipes that you used to jump on to reach the datacron were both raised about 1-2 meters each. It is now impossible to jump on the pipes and I saw no feasible way of reaching the datacron without using 2 players to jump + knockback and launch each other over lower pipes or onto the pipes in order to reach this Datacron.


Bioware didn't have time to finish key features for 1.2, but they had time to dick around with various datacrons to make them harder and to troll people reading old guides to wasting tons of time on Datacrons that can no longer be solo'd?

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The cunning datacron is the one all the way to the north right? That one doesn't require a group or running on any pipes. You have to run around the wall on the republic questing area and then run through the hole in the fence


The endurance one - I always got the impression that one wasn't working as intended and was instead supposed to require two-3 ppl.


As for the cunning one, when I get home from work, I can post the solo path to get that one without using the pipe... Actually, I've NEVER used the pipe.

Edited by Dejoule
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There shouldn't be a mandatory group effort to get to datacrons.


The green matrix shard on balmorra (emp)/taris (rep) requires two people


The Fleet datacron requires at least 4.


I'm ok with datacrons requiring a group.

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lol is hard enough to get poeple to do heroics and flashpoints... good luck finding people to do that too.

Specialy on quesh that is always deserted.


I have active guild members. It really is not an issue. I am sorry that it is for you, but the majority of the folks in game do not have a problem with playing the "multiplayer" part of the game.

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The cunning datacron is the one all the way to the north right? That one doesn't require a group or running on any pipes. You have to run around the wall on the republic questing area and then run through the hole in the fence


The endurance one - I always got the impression that one wasn't working as intended and was instead supposed to require two-3 ppl.


As for the cunning one, when I get home from work, I can post the solo path to get that one without using the pipe... Actually, I've NEVER used the pipe.


I've never seen a video showing the "around the wall method", everyone jumps on pipes. I tried to go "around the wall" but hit a portion of a hill that forced me to fall down every time and there was no way around using the other direction either.

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Yeah the endurance one was cearly always meant to be a three person datacron, so they are just adjusting it to try and make it as intended....although they have failed in that regard since it is still possible to solo with a speed boost.


The cunning one, I can only assume was also not working as intended. I did this one just yesterday though. I don't know if I used the method the previous poster mentioned, but I did jump around on the top of one of the barriers to the far east from the datacron.....I don't think the path I took was the intended one though because the jumps just didn't feel right. >.>


Side note, this is not the first time they have doen this. There was an alternate (and shorter) path to the Imperial Tatooine Datacrion that was blocked by a rock in the time between the SW and SI going to Tatooine. I kept running around the city thinking I was missing the jump point till I realized the area was blocked. >.>


Edit: Found this page which has screenshots of the method I took.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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lol is hard enough to get poeple to do heroics and flashpoints...


^^^^^^ THIS!!!!


and I'll add that Quesh is basically the backwater armpit of the Star Wars galaxy. I've done all possible missions that I know of on three different servers, PvP and PvE.... and right now on Empire side there are eight people on the planet and that's the most I've ever seen at one time.


People just don't go to Quesh as a rule, at least based on what my experience has been. That's why making it a minimum two person group effort is stupid. Like somebody else in this thread said, of all of the things that they could "fix", they "fixed" the acquisition of a datacron on a virtually ignored planet.



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I ran into the same problem getting to this datacron. You can do it solo. Go to 722,139, jump up on vent and work your way around to the same fence. The wall can be tricky but persistence pays off. :cool:
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Was wondering the same thing. Wasn't an issue with 2 previous toons I leveled. Don't agree with the changes like this . Most don't care cause they did it already or have guilds to carry them. Strike 2 Bioware.
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Sounds to me like you want it to be all about you....


Says the guy wanting all datacrons to be soloable. :rolleyes:




If they were soloable, everyone could get them, including the ones that have a hard time finding groups or just prefer not to. So no, those wanting it to be soloable are looking at fairness for all, not just those that are able to get groups or use quild buddies. In other words, soloable encompasses all, the alternative doesn't. Thats simply pandering towards one side, therefore making it about them.....

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No. it has never required a group to get these mid level datacrons. Datacrons shouldn't require a group. the +10 datacrons are a different story. that's understandable. But to make them harder because someone feels they're too easy or wants to impose group restrictions on obtaining them is assinine considering most were easily soloed.
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They also nerfed a datacron on Corellia. For this datacron, you need to wait a shuttle to jump onto, then an elevator. It's slow, boring, and nothing to do except to wait. Twice. Before 1.2, people just jump on several missiles crates, over a fence (skipping the shuttle part). They moved the missiles crates so we can't do this anymore.

Basically, they didn't increase difficulty, or the need to ask for more people. They just made sure we use the boring way to get it.

Since when waiting for a moving shuttle for 1/4h is fun BW ? And don't get me started on the 1h jawa baloon...

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What was obtainable for some should be obtainable for all!!! Changing the way the game plays will only cause more subscribers who don't have time to put up with social BS to quit. Personally I have a short amount of time to play and don't care about maintaining a guild. So if Bioware wants my $15 a month they can create more solo content and not remove/edit current game features.
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