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SWTOR storyline compared to .....


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I have been playing this game since pre-order, and for the most part, I have been enjoying the storyline component.


I'd say around level 35+, the storyline started to become flat and it was a push to get close to 50.


Then, as the server pop started to drop on my server (Thana Vesh), It became increasingly more difficult. So I decided to shelf SWTOR until patch 1.2 came out and decided to play ME3.


Those of you familiar with the game should know how fantastic the story is there (minus the ending).


After completeing ME3 I came back to SWTOR to wrap up my class quest. Needless to say, I was so utterly bored and unimpressed with the final plotline (doing Jedi Consular) compared to ME3 that I feel this has affected my outlook on SWTOR.


Did anyone have a similiar experience ?

Edited by JediRaffa
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My experience is the opposite.


There is no over all character story line there. Just this missions where the story is exactly the same whether your a Vulcan science officer or andorian tactical officer.


I came to try this out and found what I consider excellent story lines and good voice acting.


But more than that a well built game.


It saddens me in one aspect cause I love trek and know very little about star wars. But worse than that it highlights how badly cryptic has mangled star treks IP.


Any way I have nothing but kudo's for bioware for the job they have done.


So to them I say Good work people. Be proud of what You built.

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Absolutely. SWTOR stories are so inferior compared to anything BioWare has done previously, I really don't understand how people don't see it.


They are completely shoe horned by the fact that this is an MMO, they cannot allow players to make any decisions that will actually affect the world, so the illusion of choice is given with the dialogue wheel, but the same thing happens no matter what you pick... except you either answer like a good guy, or like a dbag and get the associated Light or Dark side points.


The emotional tone is also completely flat. There has never been a point in SWTOR where I either burst out from joy or laughter, then cried at a later point in the story. I also couldn't care any less about my companions in this game and their whiny annoying problems, except maybe Vette. Compared to companions in any other BioWare game, these people have high school problems.

Edited by Gungan
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My experience is the opposite.


There is no over all character story line there. Just this missions where the story is exactly the same whether your a Vulcan science officer or andorian tactical officer.


I came to try this out and found what I consider excellent story lines and good voice acting.


But more than that a well built game.


It saddens me in one aspect cause I love trek and know very little about star wars. But worse than that it highlights how badly cryptic has mangled star treks IP.


Any way I have nothing but kudo's for bioware for the job they have done.


So to them I say Good work people. Be proud of what You built.


Why are you talking about Star Trek? The OP didn't mention Star Trek.

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Why are you talking about Star Trek? The OP didn't mention Star Trek.


Because the op compared this game to me3. There by opening the door for comparisons to other games.


So unless this is a bash bioware/tor thread I should be able to point out what I consider the pluses of this game compared to one of its other competitors.

Edited by Yahta
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Those of you familiar with the game should know how fantastic the story is there (minus the ending).


I feel this depends greatly what class you are playing.. I would mirror your feelings if it was inquisitor.. However I have loved every second of my bounty hunter storyline (lvl 48 now).

Edited by Karkais
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They are completely shoe horned by the fact that this is an MMO, they cannot allow players to make any decisions that will actually affect the world, so the illusion of choice is given with the dialogue wheel, but the same thing happens no matter what you pick... except you either answer like a good guy, or like a dbag and get the associated Light or Dark side points.



IDK, I actually sort of like that nothing I do is going to have world breaking consequences. It feels pretty unrealistic to me that by picking 1 a lot, I can save the world from Reapers and be lauded as a hero. (While pushing 3 lets me save the world from Reapers and be considered a jerk.)


I mean, most of what any of us do have a pretty minimal impact on the world, outside our own small circle. It's kind of cool to me that the game reflects that.


Plus, as noted above, some classes have better story lines than others. (And I haven't been overly impressed by JC, either, from what I've seen so far.)


And going in, I didn't have any illusions that this was going to have a "better" storyline than, say, ME3. OF course it's not. It's an MMO, and writing has to be based around that. (While ME3 could theoretically go anywhere.) With that said, I really like that I'm not stuck as a space marine, no matter what I do. I can be a smuggler, a trooper (okay, space marine), spy, bounty hunter, or various types of jedi and sith. I love that variation as I can't think of a lot of games where I get to be a military grunt (vs. hero), spy, smuggler, or guy who kills for cash. Most would shoe horn me into being jedi or sith or another big, important hero. So I'm loving that aspect.

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I have been playing this game since pre-order, and for the most part, I have been enjoying the storyline component.


I'd say around level 35+, the storyline started to become flat and it was a push to get close to 50.


Then, as the server pop started to drop on my server (Thana Vesh), It became increasingly more difficult. So I decided to shelf SWTOR until patch 1.2 came out and decided to play ME3.


Those of you familiar with the game should know how fantastic the story is there (minus the ending).


After completeing ME3 I came back to SWTOR to wrap up my class quest. Needless to say, I was so utterly bored and unimpressed with the final plotline (doing Jedi Consular) compared to ME3 that I feel this has affected my outlook on SWTOR.


Did anyone have a similiar experience ?


OUt of my experience (I have all 8 classes), JC is probably the worst storyline, IMO. Enough that at Belsalvis I had to shelve my JC while I leveled up a trooper and finished all storylines. Try another class before you doom the game.

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Absolutely. SWTOR stories are so inferior compared to anything BioWare has done previously, I really don't understand how people don't see it.


They are completely shoe horned by the fact that this is an MMO, they cannot allow players to make any decisions that will actually affect the world, so the illusion of choice is given with the dialogue wheel, but the same thing happens no matter what you pick... except you either answer like a good guy, or like a dbag and get the associated Light or Dark side points.


The emotional tone is also completely flat. There has never been a point in SWTOR where I either burst out from joy or laughter, then cried at a later point in the story. I also couldn't care any less about my companions in this game and their whiny annoying problems, except maybe Vette. Compared to companions in any other BioWare game, these people have high school problems.


I know in at least the Imperial Agent storyline, and possibly the bounty hunter storyline, your light side/dark side decisions affect your ending - there are 5 different possible endings depending on where you are on the light side/dark side scale, at least on the imperial agent. The Jedis, the Siths, the Trooper, all of those have no wiggle room because there is no other possible way to go.


And no other MMO has the possibility of changing outcomes on your responses. I've never even played an MMO where you could chose your responses - it was either take the quest or not.

Edited by Ashu-ri
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No, I really liked Mass Effect 3, but I don't think you can compare the two that easily. All high-profile singleplayer games will have more time, resources, etc., devoted to a 'shorter' experience than MMOs will.


I like MMOs obviously, but in a way they've always been about quantity over quality to an extent. To give a game longevity you can't put one hour's worth of the same enticing singleplayer gameplay 'blockbuster' titles have. Instead, you try to hand out one hour's worth of enjoyable content that will want you to come back.

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No, I really liked Mass Effect 3, but I don't think you can compare the two that easily. All high-profile singleplayer games will have more time, resources, etc., devoted to a 'shorter' experience than MMOs will.


I like MMOs obviously, but in a way they've always been about quantity over quality to an extent. To give a game longevity you can't put one hour's worth of the same enticing singleplayer gameplay 'blockbuster' titles have. Instead, you try to hand out one hour's worth of enjoyable content that will want you to come back.


Chapter 2 of the consular plot is the worst in the game without question. From the minute you step on Hoth it's downhill for quite some time.


Picks up hardcore in chapter 3 though. It feels just like the suicide mission in ME2 with building tension and a real sense of urgency.


Knight is the best overall story start to finish on the pub side. Agent on the imperial. As a rule the imperial side is better overall by a noticeable amount.

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Depends on the class


My first character (and only 50 so far) was a Jedi Knight, and like you I felt it was pretty flat and abandoned the game at around lvl 40, came back after being traumatized by ME3 horrible ending and forced myself to finish the knight, once that was done however I started an Imperial Agent and a Sith Warrior and boy those two storylines are AMAZING so far (up to level 35 on both) and I can't wait to see what is next! :D


I honestly think the Imperial Agent story is one of the best of ANY Bioware game

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I've played through Sith Warrior. I liked it but I feel like there weren't enough meaningful choices. Sure I could occasionally choose to spare people or kill them like my master wanted. But overall, choices didn't affect the story. I'm hoping the continuation will have some real choices for me to make, choices that will determine what happens next and how the story is resolved. I'd really like it if in the next chapter the choices I made, such as who I killed and who I didn't kill, had more of an impact this time around.


Edit: I'd also like if there was less railroading in the future.

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Well my hope is that they'll continue these stories in the expansions and/or updates instead of crafting completely unrelated stories. It would be awesome if I could just bump into Watcher One at a Cantina someday... (I haven't finished the JK story yet, so no spoilers). Hopefully, they'll take what's said on these forums under consideration and make future stories a little more flexible/fluid/etc.


I think the Legacy system is a good idea, too, because it weaves the story of your characters together. However, they shouldn't add multi-server legacies. There's only 2,000 to a server so in all likelihood (if implemented correctly) each server/universe could have its own unique identity and story to tell. Also, what's the point of having a game 3,000+ years in the past if we can't create our own cannon . Legacies are a good start, but we'll see. I know that's a little disjointed, but you can see why I'm cautiously excited.


Oh. And I can't wait to play an Imperial Agent.

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You can't have the same expectations for an mmo as a single player rpg. An mmo has to have a lot more content than just story. That said, SWTOR still has excellent stories that are better than many single player rpg's and without a doubt better than any mmo I know of.
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