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I've lost the will to PvP - cancelling my sub until this is fixed


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Pre 1.2 i loved the pvp on this game. I am lvl 74 valor full Bm sniper( i state this not as an indication of skill or lack of but to illustrate i play alot of pvp ;) ).

I could pvp when not raiding , earn money to support my consumables and repairs for raidng and also for my crafting etc.Now the credit rewards are terrible, so my only route is to pve daily now for money which tbh i don't want to do.


Also i mostly solo que or que with a couple of my pve guild m8's so usually loose alot of matches.Under the old system this wasn't to bad.Aslong as i stayed the full course of a match and tried my best i could come out with good credits and good amounts of commendations to help me get the gear i need.


Now this is a real struggle.Just getting constantly farmed by premades ,earning no comms and spending 3 hours just to get 3 wins for my daily. :(

To me this is not fun and has changed since patch 1.2.


Melle classes seem to be ripping through me like i'm not there aswell at the moment.If i come across a marauder at full health 3 or 4 hits and i'm dead and lucky to take 40% of his health off.


I can't believe i'm saying this but if this isn't sorted out i will have to take a serious look at continuing to play Swtor pvp.

Just like the Op i really have lost the will to pvp, which is a shame as it has brought me alot of enjoyment.

Edited by DarthMondo
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~I'm lucky to be in a strong position with almost full BM gear, but good god it must be a horrible ride for new 50s - the difference between BM and the other tiers is insane, especially with dmg going over +20% now, you just don't stand a chance if you just turned 50.


The matches rely far too much on gear now, in fact if you just look at the gear of your team members at the start of the match you can tell the outcome before the game's even begun (it doesn't help that Republic players have better gear overall on our server).


I feel they need to have a separate tier for Battlemaster geared players.

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100% agree with OP. spent the past days pvp'ing, and CANNOT win a match. The first day, took me literally ALL DAY to get my 3 wins (no kidding...till 3 am), next day i didnt even finish the daily for PvP..went to bed at around 3 again..finished it today after a few more hours of PvP'ing. Just getting ripped apart, i mean. its not even close. I dont understand how 1.2 could have made such a difference. Before 1.2 it was like a 50/50 chance at a win..either way win or loss you still got something. But now it crushing darkness @ 3 ticks and a force lightning and im down. Myself and my guild as well are all aboout to the limit with this. Who wants to pvp for 4-5 hours to only win 1-2 matches? How is it possible me (sage) and 2 commandos cannot kill 1 inquisitor? i cringe at the though of PvP now.....It USED to be flippin awesome..now it seems like all the devs roll sith TBH.
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Sadly I gave up hope on this game today/tonight, the only thing me and the people I played with was the pvp. Since 1.2 was released we have all canceled out subscriptions since we didnt get ranked warzones or 8 man premades, we got screwed over, the pvp is now so unbalanced that so many healers from the guild (all full bm geared etc) except the operatives cant see a point to play the game.


With the new differences between dmg boost, dmg reduction and the healing boost has made the game to unbalanced, where all that matters is how many people are banging on the same people.


I really hope they will fix the pvp instead of adding new content, since their is so much to fix instead of trying to market what they are working on. I will check back at a later date to see if they have fixed it but as of now the only thing to look forward to is the beta release of guild wars 2, which looks more promising for a pvp:er then wow or swtor does atm.


Gl bioware will always love your singleplayer games but this game needs to be fixed before the new content is added.

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Good for you. Most developers have come to realize healing in games like this takes away a significant amount of the fun, especially if they are nearly unkillable like they were prior to 1.2


The game was really fun at launch because there really weren't a lot of healers around, but then they nerfed surge and healers became OP, and immediate FOTM, and that alone chased away a lot of players.


Really good teams, and makeups could exploit the power of healers prior to 1.2, but now they don't have such a big advantage and that is GOOD for the game.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


This is what is wrong with MMO's now a days, it's attracted some really terrible players like this.

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This is what is wrong with MMO's now a days, it's attracted some really terrible players like this.


Healer invincibility mode is no longer an option and it appears that this has rustled your jimmies.

Edited by LoKiei
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Healer invincibility mode is no longer an option and it appears that this had rustled your jimmies.


you're exactly the type of player i'm talking about, You think healers were invincible before the patch, as someone who plays multiple DPS (and no healers mind you), that is pretty much False.


I had Zero trouble taking out a healer before the patch, if you did, the problem wasn't the class, it was you as a player.


Going to expand on this, Because i see this in War fronts all the time, Players like yourself who join War fronts in full orange gear with no Expertise (even after this patch, i've still seen noobs doing this) wondering why they can't kill anything.


Or Seeing someone prepatch in full Champion or BM gear playing a DPS and doing Sub 100k damage.


Just Bad players in general being terrible.

Edited by Xsorus
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Incidentally, while healers needed a nerf, the overall TTK rate is just way too high. Prolonged battles allowed for tactics that could let the "underdog" pull ahead. Now it basically amounts to a group wide DPS check on the other team. Far less involved and refined.


That's not mentioning the slow snowballing effect I'm already seeing the reward structure have on group composition in my faction.

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It seems to be the only thing Bioware will listen to (teams of Operatives anyone... :rolleyes: ), so even if you still want to play, just cancel your sub to send a message if you feel the PvP is appalling in 1.2


It's a joke now, just a complete joke. Even without a healer in 1.1, you had enough time to react and play tactically, but now without a dedicated healer you'll get ripped apart in seconds and it's just not fun any more, especially when losing now gives little to NO reward. That's right, NO reward.


PvP has turned into a gib-fest Bioware, and if that wasn't bad enough I hardly get a thing for my troubles. But who cares...this will just get lost in the mountain of posts like it, and nothing will change for weeks... Time to stop PvP'ing for the foreseeable future.


Losing rewards you with what you do in the match. Get three medals or more and you get what you deserve. STOP ************ GET IN AND PLAY RATHER THEN SIT AT 2 MEDALS. In fact even while defending a node you can get three medals.

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This is what is wrong with MMO's now a days, it's attracted some really terrible players like this.


I cant believe the guy you quoted. I am speechless. He doesnt want healers around, he just want nuke die respawn. Why does he play MMO?

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you're exactly the type of player i'm talking about, You think healers were invincible before the patch, as someone who plays multiple DPS (and no healers mind you), that is pretty much False.


I had Zero trouble taking out a healer before the patch, if you did, the problem wasn't the class, it was you as a player.


lol then you fought bad healers, which wouldn't surprise me. Sage healers were sort of possible to kill 1v1 last patch, mercs were not, good played smuggler healers were almost impossible.


Also in regards to your edit, I am valor 79. Full bm.

Edited by LoKiei
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lol then you fought bad healers, which wouldn't surprise me. Sage healers were sort of possible to kill 1v1 last patch, mercs were not, good played smuggler healers were almost impossible.


Oh that must be it, You alone got all the great healers on your particular server while I seem to only of gotten terrible healers... It couldn't possibly be that you're just a bad DPS who didn't know how to play your toon, Nope.. and ENTIRE server just has bad healers .... Not just you as a crappy player..

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agree 110% but hey whiners will be whiners news flash ppl adapt and evolve or get left behind...


Adapt revolve or cancel and judging by the free month because bloware lost around 200k subs for no rated wgz i see the latter...0 commendations for getting facerolled by premades is ridiclous im sorry but it is. and even if u do get 20 medals on the losing team u get 45 commendations....terrible just terrible.

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BW don't have time to waste, they need to implement real features that players want. Till other new AAA games come out.


And who knows how much time they wasted on implementing the new PvP rewards etc? It is not something the players wanted and it can only cost subscriptions for BW.

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Oh that must be it, You alone got all the great healers on your particular server while I seem to only of gotten terrible healers... It couldn't possibly be that you're just a bad DPS who didn't know how to play your toon, Nope.. and ENTIRE server just has bad healers .... Not just you as a crappy player..


The thing is, regardless of if you accept it or not the devs did understand how unbalanced healing was and fixed it.


On my server(and I suspect on the rest) most players like 1.2, the few that don't are healers who no longer can tank. PvP is more fun and interactive to us and doesn't consist of 2-3 healers sitting in one place healing each other while the other team is powerless to kill them.

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this is me stating a known fact:

this patch is crap(bigtime)

champion and centurion gear has become useless now,since launch of the game(yes ive got that useless founder medal)ive been playing hard bigtime,pvp and pve and all the hard earned gear went to shreds after this patch!

my juggernaut is made of paper now

my operative has crappy dps and as for the sorcerer healing,i run out of force the whole

time! it shows what insight bioware has its none!

all they had to do is nerve the selfhealing part on healers to get an better balance!

like i care if there is a stupid legacy tree(stupid idear anyways)

i got 340 member in my own guild and im expecting atleast 80% will leave the game in less than a month course of the patch!while the only thing that will be left is marauder as they seem to eat you in 4hits!

i hope bioware is really considering reversing this pvpgear and class change as they screwed up bigtime now,i see the end of an great mmo this way unless it gets reversed!

btw not just my oppinion but almost every player on the septer of ragnoss server


kind regards:imperial operative shadowshade (bushido guild)

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And still no official post of at least letting us know they are gathering data ..... they must care so much and cherish our opinion that :)


I think they're gathering data...

We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.


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Personally, I am giving it 1 week then it is cancelling time.


Oh well, I liked this game. The one true cool thing about this patch: UI customization was well made.


Rest, meh.


This has gotta be the most true posting ever. I agree 100%. I love the interface the rest is Meh...

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Played a voidstar today where we ended up with 5 healers (yeah ***) and the other team had 1, and we got steamrolled. Not even close. No amount of heals can stop the damage. So i respecced my BH healer to tracer and q'd up, we got civil with 8 dps on my team against a full 8 man premade that had two tanks two sage healers and 4 dps, we *********** 3 capped them. They couldnt do anything, stun the guarded healer and spam dps into him so you can gib two people at once. Kill or be killed is what this game has turned into and its boring as ****. I dont blame people for quitting. I used to play WZs with friends a few hours every night, after 2 games i had no desire to stay logged in. Edited by Hawaiianlion
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Played a voidstar today where we ended up with 5 healers (yeah ***) and the other team had 1, and we got steamrolled. Not even close. No amount of heals can stop the damage. So i respecced my BH healer to tracer and q'd up, we got civil with 8 dps on my team against a full 8 man premade that had two tanks two sage healers and 4 dps, we *********** 3 capped them. They couldnt do anything, stun the guarded healer and spam dps into him so you can gib two people at once. Kill or be killed is what this game has turned into and its boring as ****. I dont blame people for quitting. I used to play WZs with friends a few hours every night, after 2 games i had no desire to stay logged in.


Yep -- Today was the first chance I had to play after 1.2, and WZs are horrible....I actually like PvE, and would do it, but it takes hours to find a functional group...Time to cancel my sub...I heard Guild Wars will have good PvP....going to check that out.

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you're exactly the type of player i'm talking about, You think healers were invincible before the patch, as someone who plays multiple DPS (and no healers mind you), that is pretty much False.


I had Zero trouble taking out a healer before the patch, if you did, the problem wasn't the class, it was you as a player.


Going to expand on this, Because i see this in War fronts all the time, Players like yourself who join War fronts in full orange gear with no Expertise (even after this patch, i've still seen noobs doing this) wondering why they can't kill anything.


Or Seeing someone prepatch in full Champion or BM gear playing a DPS and doing Sub 100k damage.


Just Bad players in general being terrible.


It's ironic cos any healer you took out without a problem was infct one of the bad players being terrible.


Healers needed reigning in.


BW has quite possibly gone a bit too far tho.



Then again I did just finish the NC WZ without a single death and 640k damage as a dps guardian, having had 2 pro healers heal the crap of my team.


So I find reports of focus spec and healers being nerfed into oblivion a wee bit exaggerated.






The major gripe seems to be that having a team of healers no longer guarantees a victory. But seriously, that was a bit obscene. At a certain stage it became so evident that more sages=wz win that lowbie WZs became a sagefest of everyone rolling an alt (guilty of it myself aswell).


Whoever thinks serious competitive rated PvP is now gonna pass on healers is delusional. Me and my guild already thank you for the rating boosts you'll provide our premade. Cut the drama lol.

Edited by aeterno
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Healers ain't even needed lol, 2 full groups with DPS will eat everything, doesn't matter if the other faction has 1-3 healers, they will still eat it and die quick.


Rather have 8 DPS than 6 DPS and 2 healers, anyday of the week.

That's why i'm making a DPS instead of healing, i swear to GOD 2 groups with DPS... Lol, it's insain, and switch 1-2 dps with 1-2 tanks and you are golden.


It's not the silly nerf's i'm talking about, i still heal very good with my sage. But something has changed with 1.2 that i'm no longer needed in wz's at all, infact some people don't like healers joining, they would rather have the extra DPS, and that's why i'm making one :p


So yes, i am adapting.



Another extreame exageration.... I've posted screen shots showing that teams with more then 2 healers on theit team are destroying the other side... When you get 3-4 healers on a team they negate all the DPS.... I've been in games where each side had 3-4 healers and guess what NOBODY dies, when the game was done the most kills a person had was 3...

Please post screen shots showing a group of 8 DPS destorying a group of 6 DPS and 2 Healers, because from I've seen the group of 6 DPS and 2 Healers will own the DPS...


Healers are just mad they can't stay alive with 3 people focus firing them while they heal their whole team like they used to do pre 1.2

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