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1.2 PVP - No Fun, No New Alts, No Legacy Unlocks


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^ This, I spent the last 2 days pvping almost non-stop, solo mostly, and I had a blast, it isnt THAT different then it was before. I still win a good portion of my matches, and still get destroyed by the same old pre-mades that destroyed the pugs Im in before.


I'm definitely loving 1.2 so far.


When the patch first came up people were pretty much being insta-gibbed, it was as though mitigation just wasn't working somehow. It was the first thing i noticed and so did everyone else who was on vent at the time, people's health would just disappear before you could get more than one hit in on them. Yesterday things seemed to go back to normal, well except for everyone doing more damage, heck my tank/vengeance juggernaut is now seeing 4 and 5k crits regularly.


Biggest problem with the PVP right now IMO is the leveling part, they've made it ridiculously slow and that's a killer for people like me who like to level through it. Luckily my current alt is 44 so i can grin and bear it, but i won't be making any more.


The legacy system is terrible, I think i'm legacy 40ish and the only useful thing there for me is the group buffs for having different classes at 50. Pretty much everything good in it costs silly amounts of money, money you just don't make PvP'ing anymore. Ano no I don't care about race unlocks as i don't see my characters race through the armour anyway, unless their helms are so ugly that i hide them... besides, they're all humanoids and uninteresting.

Edited by Kabaal
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I am in the same exact boat, I would of been 100% happy with this patch if pvp didn't get broken.


People have been bashing them over the head about PvP being too easy, people afking etc.


They make it tougher and now the other side is here whining that its too hard, its broken.


Amazing, just amazing.... LOL

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Look at all of his previous posts on these forums and you will have your answer rather quickly.


There is alot of this. I would suggest checking pasts post on all these types. It will paint a very clear picture.

Edited by Blackardin
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now only pve is feasible as its stupid that they give ZERO XP even when you lose..


This is typical of the lies being perpetrated on these boards on a regular basis. That's not how it works. Not at all. You can still get xp in warzones, but you have to actually play in order to do so.

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There is alot of this. I wold suggest checking pasts post on all these types. It will paint a very clear picture.


With people like that it is especially important to craft a reasonable and intelligible response. MMO trolls are sort of like terrorists... if you let them scare people away by posting nonsense, they win. If you respond with a fanboy rant, they win. But if you know what you're talking about and tell them how it is they just go away to a different thread.



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TLDR. Before 1.22 I could do PVP OR PVE to progress.

Now I can do only PVE and because it's boring I won't be doing anything.


I an casual PVPer (I can play maximum 3 hours / day).

PVE is boring - I can do flashpoint or planet quests once, but second time it's just boring.


No Fun:

There are now only 2 scenarios in warzones:

1. My team wins, other side ragequits, playing 8 vs 4, no challenge, hard to find opponent to fight - NO FUN

2. My team loses, my team regequits, playing 4 vs 8, fighting lasts like 5 seconds then I die, 90% time spend on respawn - NO FUN


No New Alts:

I can't level my alt now with PVP. It will take 10 times longer than PVE. And as I said PVE is boring so I wanted to do only class quests and rest through PVP. Now I can't.


No Legacy Unlocks:

Every interesting Legacy Unlock costs like 1 milion credits OR leveling alt. You now earn 10 times less credits from PVP so I won't be able to afford ANY Legacy Unlock. And I can't level alt now (see above).


So thank you Bioware for 30 days of free game time.

I will spend it playing other FUN games (not MMOs if you ask).


And if you fix PVP I will be back.

Because PVP really was fun and now it's not.


Yah, Bioware is quickly becoming the Zynga of MMORPG's.

Edited by Zsavooz
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People have been bashing them over the head about PvP being too easy, people afking etc.


They make it tougher and now the other side is here whining that its too hard, its broken.


Amazing, just amazing.... LOL




Things aren't always either black or white



You can want things to be more challenging and be frustrated/upset when they over-tune something



Imagine you're tuning a guitar. You're trying to get the strings just the right level of tight, too loose and the sound is terrible and it's almost impossible to play properly, too tight and the string snaps. Now apply that to PVP in this game. You're trying to get it just the right level of fun, too easy and it's a boring faceroll because any idiot can topfrag with 1 button, too hard and it's frustrating because it's too difficult to get anywhere near a decent result.




For the record I wasn't complaining that PVP was too easy before 1.2. I thought things were fine, and while the game was nowhere near perfectly balanced, it was at least at the best level balance wise since the game has launched. I feel that 1.2 went too far and snapped the strings.

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I wonder how folks would handle old-school EQ. Now THAT was a grindfest.:p


They wouldn't. They would have an absolute fit the first time they had to camp a mob to get one pair of boots. And that camping could take, literally, days...depending upon one's luck.


Nope...not too many want to do that anymore.

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must be your server as am having a great time in wz's here not dying anymore than was before this patch in fact alot less IMO they did a great job with 1.2 sure the legacy perks could cost a whole lot less than they currently do but i believe that is do to economy being pretty much screwed up from the start but all in all am happy with the game overall
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Here's what I'm seeing. The rewards for losing are so bad, that more people are leaving warzones when they start to lose as it's simply not worth the time invested to receive the measly rewards. This leads to more people joining already running warzones which often doesn't give time for them to earn enough medals to get any rewards.


I personally out of about 10 warzones have only been in one from the start. All others I was dumped in at near the end when it was impossible to get the 3 medal minimum for rewards. 10 warzones, all I worked my butt off going for objectives and I got 30 wz comms, and 500 valor and 1000 credits. Absolutely pathetic.

Edited by Noth
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If I wanted a Korean-Grindfest type of a game, I would pick Aion. Without Crosserver LFG or PvP and derelict servers this game is becaming just another grind fest.


Cross server is a crutch and won't fix anything. You'll just have people from other servers quitting a losing match. The will be replaced in seconds and they will quit a few seconds later.


The problem, for the most part, is not population. BW screwed the pooch.

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