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Rateds will fix regular PvP


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Honestly, I feel like a lot of the QQ is a direct result of rateds being delayed. Players that are maximized on PvP gear with 75+% surge and 21% expertise are forced back into regular warzones where they collide with alts, fresh 50s, and people at 10% expertise. This is where the "o mah gawd insane damage" comes from. Where before, the difference between a 5%, 68% surge player and a 10%, 74% surge guy was a decent gap at best--now it's been amplified.


If rateds arrived with this patch, all of the players with maxed out gear (and buddies) would have moved on to rateds where gear differences would be less and group coordination would be more prominent. Regular warzones would have been (as planned) for alts, fresh 50s, and decently geared peeps.


Give it a few weeks, the gear gap will close, rateds will take the best players (and best geared players), and there will be a warzone for everyone. Increase the rewards for regular warzones and make it the carebear fresh 50/alt battlefield while keeping rateds as the winners take all-esque warzones.

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Hi. Full BM Jugg here getting destroyed in 3-4 GCDs with over 950 expertise.


You were saying?


If you haven't even bothered to read peoples grievances just stay quiet. Thankyou.

Edited by Sinrei
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Hi. Full BM Jugg here getting destroyed in 3-4 GCDs with over 950 expertise.


You were saying?


If you haven't even bothered to read peoples grievances just stay quiet. Thankyou.


Hi. Half PvE/Half champion geared concealment operative here living for 10+ seconds (in 2v1, no healer situations). I can't respond to anecdotal exaggerated evidence. If you don't bother to use abilities, just stay quiet. Thank you.


You were saying? Nice edit btw.

Edited by Anbokr
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Hi. Full BM Jugg here getting destroyed in 3-4 GCDs.


Lol, think of how the healers feal right now... Sorc healer here, I'm definitely pissed right off with the changes to begin with, but also my healing got nerfed and everyone elses damage got buffed by approximate 7-10%. This is ridiculous.

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Yeah, and 1.3 will give more pvp xp in june, and this un august, and that in october...


The issue is NOW, not "then".


If they don't know how to matchup based on the matches stats, even without pre-existing stats tracking, they shouldn't develop games.

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Hi. Half PvE/Half champion geared operative here living for 10+ seconds (in 2v1, no healer situations). I can't respond to anecdotal exaggerated evidence. If you don't bother to use abilities, just stay quiet. Thank you.


You were saying?


Flashbang, Cloaking Screen, Evasion & Debilitate.


Different set of defenses to off-set the damage. Juggs have Saber Ward and Endure pain (30% HP increase...which sounds awesome till you get hit with a 6K ability).


Herp Derp.




Lol, think of how the healers feal right now... Sorc healer here, I'm definitely pissed right off with the changes to begin with, but also my healing got nerfed and everyone elses damage got buffed by approximate 7-10%. This is ridiculous.


I can only imagine...I'm seeing some healers that were a nightmare to kill pre 1.2 just get totally obliterated now. Especially if they dont have guard or another healer with them.

Edited by Sinrei
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Hi. Full BM Jugg here getting destroyed in 3-4 GCDs with over 950 expertise.


You were saying?


If you haven't even bothered to read peoples grievances just stay quiet. Thankyou.


not to fuel the fire but we are all getting destroyed in 3-4 gcds


almost full bm arsenal merc here (just need belt and bracers) with a nerf to our only defensive buff and 1 of 2 defensive type skills/abilities


look on the bright side, you have ravage. that skill is *********** ridiculous right now

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Flashbang, Cloaking Screen, Evasion & Debilitate.


Different set of defenses to off-set the damage. Juggs have Saber Ward and Endure pain (30% HP increase...which sounds awesome till you get hit with a 6K ability).


Herp Derp.



Flash Bang - Intimidating Roar. Saber Ward - Evasion. Endure Pain - Operative shield. Debilitate - Force Choke/Force Push. I mean it's asinine to try to compare abilities like this as if they were carbon copies, but juggs have just as many tools as operatives for staying alive (discounting vanish) and heavy armor to boot (not huge, but it definitely gives a slight edge). Plus you have the ability to switch to tank stance and drop taunts.


Nobody gets blown up in 2-3 seconds in a 1v1 unless they A) get seriously outplayed and press 0 abilities or B) they get hit 3+v1 in which case they should die pretty quickly.


I can only imagine...I'm seeing some healers that were a nightmare to kill pre 1.2 just get totally obliterated now. Especially if they dont have guard or another healer with them.


I'm seeing healers that would never die in 3v1 situations actually getting taken down in a 2 or 3v1 situation. If they don't bait an interrupt and get their main heal locked out quickly, they get punished harder now. Now, they're still strong with guard, but not immortal when facing a coordinated group of DPS.

Edited by Anbokr
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Honestly, I feel like a lot of the QQ is a direct result of rateds being delayed. Players that are maximized on PvP gear with 75+% surge and 21% expertise are forced back into regular warzones where they collide with alts, fresh 50s, and people at 10% expertise. This is where the "o mah gawd insane damage" comes from. Where before, the difference between a 5%, 68% surge player and a 10%, 74% surge guy was a decent gap at best--now it's been amplified.


If rateds arrived with this patch, all of the players with maxed out gear (and buddies) would have moved on to rateds where gear differences would be less and group coordination would be more prominent. Regular warzones would have been (as planned) for alts, fresh 50s, and decently geared peeps.


Give it a few weeks, the gear gap will close, rateds will take the best players (and best geared players), and there will be a warzone for everyone. Increase the rewards for regular warzones and make it the carebear fresh 50/alt battlefield while keeping rateds as the winners take all-esque warzones.


I agree to a large extent. I have had a 12k HP Jedi Guardian with 78 Expertise tell me that Operative is OP because they CC locked him to death... Bads will be bads. Adapt or fall by the wayside.

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I agree to a large extent. I have had a 12k HP Jedi Guardian with 78 Expertise tell me that Operative is OP because they CC locked him to death... Bads will be bads. Adapt or fall by the wayside.


Honestly, I'd be pretty mad if I was said jugg too. It sucks being a fresh 50 for awhile (especially so if you're bad or have slow reaction times on top of that). That's why regular warzones need to become the "casual" warzones for gearing up. Rateds will take the players with insane gear (and skill) and leave the regular warzones to the fresh 50s, the alts, and the decent players to gear up and improve. Losing needs to give more (leave the 80-100% winners spoils, 0-20% losers model to ranked pvp--arena or warzones).

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Flash Bang - Intimidating Roar. Saber Ward - Evasion. Endure Pain - Operative shield. Debilitate - Force Choke/Force Push. I mean it's asinine to try to compare abilities like this as if they were carbon copies, but juggs have just as many tools as operatives for staying alive (discounting vanish) and heavy armor to boot (not huge, but it definitely gives a slight edge). Plus you have the ability to switch to tank stance and drop taunts.


Nobody gets blown up in 2-3 seconds in a 1v1 unless they A) get seriously outplayed and press 0 abilities or B) they get hit 3+v1 in which case they should die pretty quickly.



Debilitate and Force Choke/Push...really? haha. The only way for FC to be even remotely like Debilitate is to spec into Immortal tree.


Heavy armour doesn't mean **** in PvP, not to the extend you're trying to make it thats for sure. And I'm in tank stance already lol So yer that statement gets nullified straight away. Taunts only work if the target isn't attacking you....


I didn't say 2-3 seconds. I said 3-4 GCDs. Don't twist my words.


I'm seeing healers that would never die in 3v1 situations actually getting taken down in a 2 or 3v1 situation. If they don't bait an interrupt and get their main heal locked out quickly, they get punished harder now. Now, they're still strong with guard, but not immortal when facing a coordinated group of DPS.



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I see the same exact arguments on every new mmo. The changes in 1.2 were bad and need to be addressed now. Do not give it time! This will not settle in! One faction will prosper on every server, one faction will continue to fall until they stop playing. Then the other faction stops playing. This is one of the biggest screwups that has come along in awhile and hopefully it will serve as an example to others. I have quit pvp, it's what I liked most about this game... How long do you think that people like myself will stick around? I quit once before because I liked pvp but Bioware refused to acknowledge that the all levels gankfest they created was crap. You need to be fair in pvp or it just isn't fun. Win or lose is fine as long as you stand a chance and have fun. This patch punishes you for sticking with a losing team. It's garbage, please do not sugarcoat this. The devs need to know this now and not after 3 months pass and everybody has left because blatant problems were not addressed. It always happens in every mmo released and even the fanboys will cry for change in a month or two...
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Full Battlemaster Sage And I'm Dying 17 times now in Voidstar. Before 1.2 my most deaths ever was 10 and I averaged dying 5 times. Now if someone looks at me too long My HP just vanish. Also have A full BattleMaster Commando Gunnery who dies just as Quick. Granted in 1 vs 1 I stay up a little longer then 4 GCD, but how many times do you actually get to be in a 1 vs 1. The nerf to expertise damage Reduction & healing was stupid. My sub runs through July 20 (with free month) but I'm actually done playing because only thing endgame worth doing was PVP. But now I just don't find it fun anymore. Even when we win it isn't fun. Theres no good drawn out battles anymore. Its basically become an AOE zergfest. Less then a week before Tera (Jagged Coast Server) Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Honestly, I feel like a lot of the QQ is a direct result of rateds being delayed. Players that are maximized on PvP gear with 75+% surge and 21% expertise are forced back into regular warzones where they collide with alts, fresh 50s, and people at 10% expertise. This is where the "o mah gawd insane damage" comes from. Where before, the difference between a 5%, 68% surge player and a 10%, 74% surge guy was a decent gap at best--now it's been amplified.


If rateds arrived with this patch, all of the players with maxed out gear (and buddies) would have moved on to rateds where gear differences would be less and group coordination would be more prominent. Regular warzones would have been (as planned) for alts, fresh 50s, and decently geared peeps.


Give it a few weeks, the gear gap will close, rateds will take the best players (and best geared players), and there will be a warzone for everyone. Increase the rewards for regular warzones and make it the carebear fresh 50/alt battlefield while keeping rateds as the winners take all-esque warzones.


there aren't enough maxed out teams to go against each other on many individual servers. Cross server queuing would help, but there are other problems.



honeslty, i konw how to spell, sometimes

Edited by jolleebindu
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I havent seen any real big change other then some people who used to run in mixed pve gear are a bit easier to kill now.


Exactly. The expertise changes created a very large discrepancy where a minimal one existed before. So on the first few days of warzones, people without full BM are probably sitting at a piss poor surge rating and 8-12% expertise. Thus, BM geared peeps that Bioware probably envisioned would be in rateds, are running around destroying lesser geared folks.


If you're a full BM tank, or full BM anything honestly; you should not be dying in 2 GCDs in a 1v1 or even a 2v1 unless a powertech and a concealment operative decide to jump you at the same time. Every class in this game has multiple tools for escape and mitigation (and some of the warzones are really positioning dependent); you can't just tunnel vision up to a melee, hit your 3 damaging abilities and expect to get results. This game requires every class to constantly pop their defensive cooldowns, knockbacks, etc... That's why they're on such a short cooldown compared to other MMOs!


If you're getting 3v1 globalled then I'm sorry but that's the nature of battlegrounds/warzones (arenas are where you go for a "fair," perhaps lengthier 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 w/e). In warzones, a lot of the times you'll find yourself caught in an unfair zerg fight where you get instantly blown up--as you should if 3,4 classes jump you at the same time lol.

Edited by Anbokr
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Granted in 1 vs 1 I stay up a little longer then 4 GCD, but how many times do you actually get to be in a 1 vs 1.

4 hours ago, we've been steamrolled by a team whose damage dealers were all playing solo... almost never had more than 1 sentinel on my heal merc, no interrupt either.


It's really a pity to lose to this kind of players mainly because no one has a decent stuff (I probably was the second best stuffed in this group with my 3 main champ pieces seeing the charts...)

Edited by JMCH
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When 1.2 first came up people were dying in the blink of an eye, since yesterdays patches things seem a lot better. I know i'm certainly not dying on my jugg in 3/4 global cooldowns, i even went back to lolrage and shii-cho form last night for a bit to test it out with the changes and still wasn't dying that quick. Full BM gear with 21% ish expertise and the jugg is finally a tank. My sentinal is also fine and it's only half cent/half champ. My sorc and vanguard are melting but they're not even in full cent with silly low hp as they don't get played.
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