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NINJAS! We know who you are!

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It can be quite a lot for a new player to take in, especially when no one tells them they're breaking unwritten rules, and instead just stops talking to them.



Well pointed out!


There are alot of thoughtful posts here and i hope the Devs can implement "policing" to the loot system.


Or, a thought just came to me...


What about an optional tutorial box which would come up and tell you about certain aspects of the game as you encountered them. So when a new player starts his MMO journey and comes across flashpoints or what ever he could read what the loot system is and how its meant to be used.


Tricky to do i'm sure but hey... Just a thought.

Edited by Squaty
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A Ninja/Loot Jawa is a player who takes loot to which he or she is not entitled.


Really, and precisely who are you to say who's entitled to what or not?


Sure, a BH has no use for str/willpower. Cunning and Aim however, even though Aim is his main stat are another discussion.


So again, precisely who are you to tell what others are entitled to?

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Well... We will...



Hi guys and girls,


For those of you sitting at your computer thinking "What the **** have Ninjas got to do with Star Wars?" let me explain...


A Ninja/Loot Jawa is a player who takes loot to which he or she is not entitled.


So you could be in a Flashpoint and this really nice weapon drops which is super awesome for you. But... What’s this...? "Random Loot Jawa receives super awesome weapon." So you find yourself thinking... "Well maybe he/she does need it." During the rest of the encounter you notice said Jawa isn't using the weapon. He/she's the right level for the item. He/she can use it. Why isn't... JAWAA! THE GUY OR GIRL IS A JAWA. That is the only reason.


Of course we can't say Loot Jawas will be rife in SW:TOR but if they are present and making a nuisance of themselves this is what we, as a community, do to stop them:


1.) Place them on your ignore list.

2.) With the others in the group tell the community who this Jawa is. (More than two sources to confirm he is a Loot Jawa.)


3.) The community in turn adds this Jawa to their ignore list. This stops the Jawa from grouping with them in the future.


It won't be too long until this Jawas' server reputation hits rock bottom; he/she can’t group easily and overall will have wasted his/her time levelling their character...




This isn't fool proof but it certainly will make Loot Jawas think twice before engaging in their fetish.


Most of the older MMO community will already know this, but consider this a gentle reminder.




Show some community spirit! :)

(Edit: For Jawas)



Juts spam gen chat with so and so ninja looted somthing they cant use people will steer clear of them lol

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Really, and precisely who are you to say who's entitled to what or not?


Sure, a BH has no use for str/willpower. Cunning and Aim however, even though Aim is his main stat are another discussion.


So again, precisely who are you to tell what others are entitled to?


Clearly they are the loot police. If gear was meant for specific roles in the group the gear would just go to the player it was 'meant for' automatically right?

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You have to think about your companions now also, so if I need something and I can't use it what about the companion of mine standing next to me. See we all have them now and they use armor and weapons to do their jobs.


I think everyone should just say at first join up with group. it has to be always need or pass if not needed at all.

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When I tank the first words out of my mouth are always "Loot: need it or lose it." And off we go. Companions use loot. Everyone uses money.


If you didn't win this time, run it again; anything else is just being selfish by insisting that everyone get behind so YOU can get ahead.

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You have to think about your companions now also, so if I need something and I can't use it what about the companion of mine standing next to me. See we all have them now and they use armor and weapons to do their jobs.


I think everyone should just say at first join up with group. it has to be always need or pass if not needed at all.


Group members need for loot should override companion needs in my opinion.

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I hate ninjas as much as the next guy but, in this game people that loot items they don't need may not necessarily be in the wrong.


Everyone gets companions in this game and the companions can wear gear. Someone may roll need on an item that the class can not wear but there companion can and will be an improvement for their companion. If they do that does that make them a ninja?


They are still using the loot to improve there character in a way and the loot will not just go to a vendor or reverse engineered. Why can't I roll need for my companion?


Companions need gear to.

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Companions would do well with gear from the vendors...there's no reason for companions having to have flashpoint drops.


If I get the best possible gear for my companion I should have an easier time playing solo.


So I see no reason not to deck out my companion. In a way the game encourages me too by giving me the option to equip items to them. If Flashpoint gear is the best gear available to me why should people in the flashpoint with me discourage me from getting that gear for the companion so that I can better my gaming experience? Or is getting gear for a companion not classified as being a ninja?

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If I get the best possible gear for my companion I should have an easier time playing solo.


So I see no reason not to deck out my companion. In a way the game encourages me too by giving me the option to equip items to them. If Flashpoint gear is the best gear available to me why should people in the flashpoint with me discourage me from getting that gear for the companion so that I can better my gaming experience? Or is getting gear for a companion not classified as being a ninja?


I can, how about you ASK FIRST, you know there is another person (or are three other people) in that flashpoint besides you, people who pay monthly, and are not virtual bits when the game is closed (They EXIST offline, not in their image in game, but they exist).


Common courtesy and manners are far better than just Loot Jawaing on things.


Example: Heavy armor with decent tank stats drops, nobody in group is a tank.

You: Anyone mind if I roll need for this for my companion?

Player C: I don't mind

Player D: I want it for mine so we'll need battle

Player A: Count me in for the need battle, want it for mine too.


And thus three out of four roll need, and bam, whoever gets it gets it.


Let's see the other way, the one where you decide to loot jawa.

Example: Heavy armor with decent tank stats drops, one player is a tank.

You: oooh! *rolls need, tank also rolled need, other two do not*

*you get the item*

Tank: What the hell, you're a consular!

You: But I wanted it for my companion

*Group leader kicks you from group*

Thus they go on to finish and get better loot, and you get nothing but that piece you selfishly decided to roll on for a companion that was not contributing to that four man flashpoint.


Bottom line: Manners, Decency, Courtesy, all these things will probably net you more in the end than "MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!".


They're also good things to use in everyday life.

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The companion argument is an interesting one. I personally would see that as a "greed" role, the same as if I were planning on giving it to an alt. The player who has a genuine use for that item trumps that or your npc companion IMO. The rule that I follow is only roll "need" if you are planning on immediately equipping or in another level or 2 when it becomes usable (if that is the case). For an item that you can use but someone can use more, that is a matter of politeness. I would also call that a "greed" roll.
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Ok I guess I am old time here, but I agree with the poster. Hey guys, mind if I need roll it that is a upgrade for me, or my companion. That said, I would pass to someone who needed it to do their role versus needing it for a companion. Communication is the key and asking rather than just rolling.


I generally ask folks not to loot if possible during a fight, you are moving you are clicking, you are pushing buttons and a loot box pops up. I dont know how many times it has popped up at the wrong time and the wrong place and I need something by sheer accident that I dont need because no one can anticipate the blasted pop up loot box. One of the reasons I liked the 1 hour ability in a game where you could trade with someone else who was in the group if something like that happened.


There are some folks who just are total jerks, ran into one in WoW during the first year when you still had to stealth run some places for Tier .5 gear to be ready to go into the Tier 1 gear raid dungeons. Had a Druid who begged for a set of shoulders, said he was changing over to healer, I agreed to let him have them and everyone said yep we are going to keep on running it until we gear us all. He took, he dropped guild, he put all of us on ignore, he later was banned for trying to sell his character and after all of the folks that he had messed over who were keeping an eye on him turned him in, he couldnt understand why everyone hated and distrusted him.


Karma is Stone Cold.

Edited by Titanstroke
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I can, how about you ASK FIRST, you know there is another person (or are three other people) in that flashpoint besides you, people who pay monthly, and are not virtual bits when the game is closed (They EXIST offline, not in their image in game, but they exist).


Common courtesy and manners are far better than just Loot Jawaing on things.


Example: Heavy armor with decent tank stats drops, nobody in group is a tank.

You: Anyone mind if I roll need for this for my companion?

Player C: I don't mind

Player D: I want it for mine so we'll need battle

Player A: Count me in for the need battle, want it for mine too.


And thus three out of four roll need, and bam, whoever gets it gets it.


Let's see the other way, the one where you decide to loot jawa.

Example: Heavy armor with decent tank stats drops, one player is a tank.

You: oooh! *rolls need, tank also rolled need, other two do not*

*you get the item*

Tank: What the hell, you're a consular!

You: But I wanted it for my companion

*Group leader kicks you from group*

Thus they go on to finish and get better loot, and you get nothing but that piece you selfishly decided to roll on for a companion that was not contributing to that four man flashpoint.


Bottom line: Manners, Decency, Courtesy, all these things will probably net you more in the end than "MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!".


They're also good things to use in everyday life.


First off the tone of your response was just rude.


Secondly I have a solution


The Companion Need Button


I saw this idea in another thread. Basically they said that there should be a companion need button with a roll value in between need and greed


example : Need > COMPANION NEED > Greed


I really like the companion need idea but it seems as though there are mixed reviews. Why not add a monetary penalty or a compensation to the group for rolling Companion need?


For example: you roll companion need on an item the game automatically takes double what the player would have received if they sell that item to the vendor and divides it evenly amongst the other players in the group if the players companion is not present. If the player does not have enough credits the companion need option will be greyed out or simply not available.


I think this would discourage ninjas and the other players in the group that helped you get that gear would get some sort of reward for helping you and the player would get the loot for there companion. Also a player should not have to pay if there companion is present in the group because obviously the companion helped get that gear. In 2 man groups with both players having a companion present there would be no monetary penalty for selecting the option.


Does this seem fair? Because bottom line I don't like ninjas either but, I would like to bask in the glory of my companions awesome gear and also not feel as though they are window dressing when I am flying solo.

Edited by Sancofa
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i read through this thread. most of it makes sense. i am just not getting the difference between need and greed.


let me know if i'm right or wrong.


greed = might get it

need= will get it unless someone else hit need, then its up to the game mechanics

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1. I need it for my companion, your opinion is irrelevant as I'll NEED on whatever I feel like and if massive whining during Beta didn't stop me you sure as h*ll won't.


2. Ignore all you want, I got the item so who cares.


3. If you don't NEED, someone else will, and it was probably me since I don't try to hang onto wishful thinking and prayer that people use need/greed only on class-specific items.


P.S. Your high-level purple chestpiece pawns pretty good.


4. There's also a requirement to have been registered on swtor.com at least one full year before whining this hard. Ohai!


(Edited to add rule 5)


5. If you do the stupid stuff above of kicking when I roll and get a good item, I'll simple start rolling need at the end of operations and STILL take your purple chestpiece. Oops, your flawless system isn't so flawless. Ohai too!



Edited by Princess_Chibi
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I think you should only Need for a companion if the companion is actually filling a role in the group. If there are four actual players in the flashpoint, then any gear for companions should be on a Greed only basis.


But really, there's no point in getting all worked up over loot jawas at this stage in the game. We are all leveling and whatever we win in a flashpoint today will be totally obsolete in a week. We aren't talking about raid-gear here. So someone jawas your piece--dry your tears and level past it. Save the loot-drama for endgame.

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Whilst well meaning it's not very well thought out.


What do we do about the vindictive and the chaotic? Say I come to your server with a couple of friends and make up complaints about your activities. All of a sudden a sizeable chunk of your server thinks you are a nin-- I mean Loot jawa.


It's a good idea in principle but relies heavily on the very trust that was betrayed when the loot was jawa'd in the first place....


In a game with (potentially) millions of players, the odds that this would happen to you are rather slim. Also, people are going to harass and troll no matter what. The best thing to do to deal with harassment is to contact the in-game support.


As for Loot Jawas, I wholeheartedly agree with the OP. The only thing I would add to that would be to simply ask them if they knew what they were doing. Maybe in a more tactful way than: "Do you know what the heck you just DID?!" :D

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there is no such thing as a ninja looter.



Sorry but the devs just dont care. They dint care in WoW they wont care here.



Rule # 1 of MMO. Ninja or be ninjaed.


I will have to agree with this statement.


I am hoping that the loot system here will have a Loot Master option. This is so that people can't need/greed steal. I think can cause a leader to be a ninja but that is a small price to pay.


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i read through this thread. most of it makes sense. i am just not getting the difference between need and greed.


let me know if i'm right or wrong.


greed = might get it

need= will get it unless someone else hit need, then its up to the game mechanics


Can some one give me a straight up answer please?

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