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Lost Island, ***...

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I ran it once on normal mode [not geared for HM's yet] and even for a normal FP it was pretty tough. The only boss we had any real trouble with was the 3rd boss [i think it's the 3rd, the one that has that huge knockback] simply because, as a commando healer, I couldn't heal through the portion where he hops up onto the pipes. The damage output for that phase is insane. After wiping about 15 times we decided to drop a DPS and pickup another commando healer. From there on it was a breeze. (wiped once on the last boss)


Any tips for that boss? Is it simply because the commandos got nerfed so hard that I couldnt heal through it alone?

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I don't mind the FP being hard. I don't mind the loot table. But when the boss fights are naturally geared towards a specific DPS type, that's when I throw my hands up.


Not saying it's right, but you should be used to this by now. I can't think of a single encounter in the game where a melee dps is preferable to ranged, but the reverse is certainly true.

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Not saying it's right, but you should be used to this by now. I can't think of a single encounter in the game where a melee dps is preferable to ranged, but the reverse is certainly true.


That's just the natural advantaged of being a ranged versus melee, not really an indictment of how Bioware designed the game.

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It wouldn't be hard to fix the encounter so it doesn't favor ranged so heavily. Currently it drops the lightning dome a random person besides the person with aggro (the tank). Change it so it drops the lightning dome on a random person >10m away, unless the entire group is closer. Then melee can stand in the middle and DPS without putting domes on the tank, but the healer will still need to move. And if the group stacks up on the boss to avoid the domes, it'll drop them on the whole group.
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We did this HM with 1 operative (healer), 2 assassins (1 melee dps, 1 tank), and 1 mercenary (ranged dps). LR-5 (first boss) was definitely the hardest of all of the bosses in the instance, and the last boss was the easiest (for us at least). We wiped 7 or 8 times before getting the first boss down and wiped 2 times on the 2nd boss. It took 3 tries for the bonus boss and it took only 2 tries for the last boss.


What we did for LR-5 was have the tank first get him to the right corner, then move in a counter-clockwise direction when the bubbles appear (we waited for 2 before moving). The healer and melee dps (me) followed the tank closely and the ranged dps stayed as far away from us as possible. If you pace yourself, you will make it. Do not rush! Also, interrupt every incinerate. We used our relics/cd's at the beginning of the fight and when he hit ~20% and we were able to take him out quite fast.


We were all full Columi with maybe 1 or 2 Rakata pieces.

Edited by WhackedRampage
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Current setup of this FP is a total failure. It has some extremely serious problems.

(1) It is in fact a Nightmare Mode 4-man ops that has extremely low tolerance for mistakes. It requires a perfect hardcore group to do the very first boss, i.e. It is OUT OF BOUND for over 99% of the level 50 player base. This setup might please less than 1% of the level 50 player base for one week so they have something challenging and exciting, but that's all. You know, these guys get bored quickly. Instead it is giving majority of the population tons of frustration, resulting in virtually there is NO new flashpoints in 1.2.


(2) It requires a skillful and at least full-columi geared group to begin with, and even a full rakata-geared group would take hours and countless wipes to clear it. As a result, anything drops in the FP is just trash for those who are able to complete it. Players only want to do it for the weekly. As a matter of fact, USUALLY NO ONE WOULD DO IT AGAIN AFTER COMPLETED THEIR WEEKLIES. No one, even a usually very helpful player, is willing to do this again to help friends or guildies to complete their weeklies. Many players even never want to try the weekly anymore and these are skillful players with full Rakata.


Currently, the only purpose to run this FP in hardmore is the weekly, although it only rewards 8 pitiful BH marks which is not much different with the easy Corellia weekly that can even be 3-manned with a fresh level 50 pug group. You will also probably lose a lot of repair bill by trying this even if you are lucking enough to get a perfect group to complete it finally, not like gaining a lot more credits in Corellia.


And very few in full Rakata would want to run Story Mode to practice. It is like sort of hurting their prides and of course, there is nothing you can get there.


So what's the point of this setup? To please less than 1% who complained 'Contents are too easy' for one week? Totally nonsense. You only keep losing faith to the majority and you are going to lose a lot of them when D3 arrives.


Well I guess a lot more might already have left the game before it gets fixed.

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So first content is too easy. People complain gearing up is too easy. Then BW gives people a challenge, with the only reward being a sense of satisfaction and some not-that-bad drops. I guess people will always cry...
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is it possible that Lost island was nerfed really hard? Ran it last week, was challenging with a rnd healer but managable, now it's as faceroll as kaon oO don't have to pay attention to anything anymore or is it just our ops healer being incredibly awesome? ^^
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Just some feedback on a "learning run" on this instance. Going to try to avoid spoiling the fun of learning them.


We were a standard party with 0 experience on the FP (On purpose we avoided spoiling the fun of our wipe learning process. Took 3.5h in total over 2 "sessions"):


- Shadow DPS. Mainly Rakata (Lacking only the Chest... That I got after killing the last boss).

- Commando DPS. Full Rakata.

- Sage Healer. Columi, lacking MH (That he got after killing the last boss).

- Guardian Tank. Mainly Rakata (Lacking only the Chest).


1st Boss (Fight on the pixel): Very Hard to Brute Force. Moderate once ALL ppl knows how to place Shields properly (A requirement to do it with melee DPS, even 2 can do it if you know this), how to face the boss properly (Again a requirement if you have melee, or too many adds spawn) and interrupt swiftly.


2nd Boss (Knockback prediction): Easy to figure and very interesting knockback mechanic. Enrage timer PREATY tight. Impossible to do on Columi with 1 or more melee DPSers. At Rakata level (In particular the healer) it can be done with a pure melee by incurring in extra healing but... With 2 pure melee DPSers it's simply impossible. By pure I mean someone that can't do some DPS at 10m (JK). A shadow can partially offset this problem by attacking from 10m when affected by Virulence.


Optional Boss (Freeze man): Another fun mechanic. Easy to figure. Another enrage timer that it becomes impossible to reach with 2 melee DPSers. Having 1 melee DPS requires a strict formation and no room for mistakes (And a bit of extra healing).


Final Boss (Mutate!!!): Easy to figure (With 1 exception). Nice touch added by requiring "Active defense" by the tank... It may be not obvious for new players to MMOs that will lead to a biased perception on the difficulty of this Boss (Specially for healers that seem to be running out of juice... I guess it's because their tanks haven't learned the trick that's common on other more "active" MMOs). No melee/ranged preference here.



So, in short, it's a tough Hard Mode... The difficulty justifies the final Rakata reward plus the columi main hand AND the 8xBH commendations (On the weekly, coupled with Kaon) but...


...I find profoundly disturbing the fact that the 2nd Boss is a Hard Lock for pure melee DPSers (And the Optional one also... But well, BW can shield themselves on the "optional" nature). The 2nd Boss could be easily made "melee friendly" if the Virulent mechanic got a minimum range to be applied for as long as 1 person was out of it.


EDIT: Every1 was using DPS/HPS boosting consumables, btw. We also enjoyed "Lucky Shots" thanks to Legacy multiclass buffs.


EDIT: To the casual whiners... This Hard Mode basically removes SOA from the game as an effective Gear Source... Anything else but the difficulty you are seeing (Without any kind of lock) will be a joke to the gearing process.

Edited by ragamer
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Pretty fun instance. We had to function perfectly as a group. To be quite honest our gear is pretty meh according to what people are saying.


Guild Juggernaught - tionese columni gear

Guild Sorceror heals - Battlemaster/champion PvP gear, rakata craftables

Guild Sniper DPS - Battlemaster PvP gear

PuG Mercenary DPS - i believe this guy had mostly rakata but it didnt help him much as he was slow to react to the mechanics on several occasions.


At one stage vs the bonus boss the merc died to the first Ice drop leaving the PvP geared sniper to do ALL the DPS. when we wiped the boss was on 2%. Pretty hefty effort in PvP gear.


On the last Boss in his beast form, Everyone went all out and the tank really struggled to keep him off the sniper. Godlike dps

Edited by Kalliadies
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Current setup of this FP is a total failure. It has some extremely serious problems.

(1) It is in fact a Nightmare Mode 4-man ops that has extremely low tolerance for mistakes. It requires a perfect hardcore group to do the very first boss, i.e. It is OUT OF BOUND for over 99% of the level 50 player base. This setup might please less than 1% of the level 50 player base for one week so they have something challenging and exciting, but that's all. You know, these guys get bored quickly. Instead it is giving majority of the population tons of frustration, resulting in virtually there is NO new flashpoints in 1.2.


(2) It requires a skillful and at least full-columi geared group to begin with, and even a full rakata-geared group would take hours and countless wipes to clear it. As a result, anything drops in the FP is just trash for those who are able to complete it. Players only want to do it for the weekly. As a matter of fact, USUALLY NO ONE WOULD DO IT AGAIN AFTER COMPLETED THEIR WEEKLIES. No one, even a usually very helpful player, is willing to do this again to help friends or guildies to complete their weeklies. Many players even never want to try the weekly anymore and these are skillful players with full Rakata.


Currently, the only purpose to run this FP in hardmore is the weekly, although it only rewards 8 pitiful BH marks which is not much different with the easy Corellia weekly that can even be 3-manned with a fresh level 50 pug group. You will also probably lose a lot of repair bill by trying this even if you are lucking enough to get a perfect group to complete it finally, not like gaining a lot more credits in Corellia.


And very few in full Rakata would want to run Story Mode to practice. It is like sort of hurting their prides and of course, there is nothing you can get there.


So what's the point of this setup? To please less than 1% who complained 'Contents are too easy' for one week? Totally nonsense. You only keep losing faith to the majority and you are going to lose a lot of them when D3 arrives.


Well I guess a lot more might already have left the game before it gets fixed.


I completed it in a mostly Tionese / PVP geared group, in just under 2 hours. It wasn't that difficult. Again I have to say, if you're in near/full Rakata and are having trouble clearing this instance, you're getting carried through operations by more talented players.


Learn to play, be more aware of your surroundings, and Lost Island is incredibly entertaining.

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Tionese / PVP geared group


Let me guess... All DPS ranged with BM weapons...


...Don't fool yourself... Getting 140 rating weapons is much easier on PvP than on PvE, combined with the atrocious default itemization of Rakata you are at Columi+ level for PvE, specially if those BM already did the PvP/PvE popular gear hybridation that was a must before.

Edited by ragamer
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- Hardmode

- Juggernaut Tank, Operative DPS, Operative Healer, Mercenary DPS.

- None of us have full columni.

- First time we cleared it it took us 3 hours. Today it took us 1,5 hours and only wiped on 2nd boss (actually 3 times in a row) due to me not paying attention to the AE.


Yes it's difficult and you really need to pay attention. Lootwise the Tionese tokens are ridiculous. But overall it's pretty good, I see people clearing this in 1 hour pretty fast and that's damn short to get a Rakata chest imo.

Edited by Tual
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Hardmode LI last night with my friend and 2 other guys we picked up to do HM's with.


First off thank you BW for a challenging FP... It's like what some ppl would say this is the FP that will separate the men from the boys.


Tank - Jugg - Some columi and orange gear with mods/enhancements/armoring from dailies

Melee - Marauder - Columi and some orange gear

Range - Merc - Columi with 1 Rakata chest which he also got from LI and crafted gear

Healer - Sorc (Me) - 1 pc Columi with some crafted gear and lots of pre-50 gear meaning mods and enhancements that were 42+ and blue mods here and there.


We took some time since it was my first time in there and 2nd to the rest... 4 hours to clear for learning and wiping


1st boss took about 8-10 wipes from getting used to the boss mechanics but its all about moving into spots which you won't get caught by too many aoe's if your tank isn't wide awake then you are doomed to failure no matter how geared you maybe.


2nd boss was a little iffy in my opinion because we got punted off the platform even though we were right under him but finally got him down on the 6th wipe I think.


3rd boss the icicle rakghoul is easy as pie if u know how to avoid popcicles falling it becomes a trivial attempt.


4th boss the doctor took us about 4 tries I think because I kept running out of force... the fight is a little intensive for a healer with below par gear but doable... 1 thing to note for healers here... if ppl don't avoid aoe's then ur going to have a hard time... if ppl don't avoid flaming rakghouls ur going to have a hard time... during the phase when the doctor uses the tanks make sure to heal ur tank up with whatever you have coz he's going to feel lots of pain. I was in crap gear so my heals were small for my sorc I had to throw shield/aoe heal/resurgence then spam big heals on him to make sure he was above 50% when the doctor came out. Geared healers should not have as much of a problem with their force as I did.


I have experience as a healer because I have all 3 healer classes :p... and I can tell you that the class with the hardest time in LI would be the sorcs because of the stationary healing compared to the other 2 healers in this situation and biggest problem would be force management. Easiest healer to handle LI would be Operative healers because of hots being thrown around and free heals handed out...

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I too appreciate the harder content and agree with its release. That being said i will love it when the bugs are worked out of the sentinel droid and its more consistant on its behavior so that a group with two melee dps are able to master the fight. Love the content bioware fix the bugs.
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Powertech Tank

Marauder/Assassin DPS

Sorc Heals


Cleared it tonight. Got to last bass and the assassin bailed so we replaced him with a ranged dps, but the point is we got that far with 2 melee, and the only reason we had troubl was that I was the only one remotely geared.


It was tough but we all had a blast. Don't say 2 melee makes it impossible ;)

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So what exactly is a "FLASH"point? Your in there and your out. That's how most FLASHpoints work.


Even with my group being full Rakata doing this instance we were struggling. By the time we got to the end boss I felt we were soloing Nightmare EV.


We had a bounty hunter healer with us and because of the stupid *** nerfs you did to them he had full heat before the first phase.


Was this really designed to be a flashpoint that only gives Tionese Crystals and Columi.


To be honest I don't know how a PUG would be able to do this.


Do you not test this crap before the release?


I've done this with both a not very well geared shadow tank and my fully geared commando healer .. while mechanics can take a few attempts to master, i was NOT having trouble healing with my commando.


of commando healing LR-5
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I agree, first boss is utterly impossible. We're all full columi/rakata, and we can't kill him. It's stupid. BioWare, you SUCK at bossdesigns.


I was going to type something... I hope it's sarcasm..


It was hard... But when our group finished it we actually had a sense of achievement .... Unlike HM BT ...



We did it with

Assassin tank ... Me. Mostly Battlemaster PvP gear with like 2 Tionese and 2 Columi...

Juggernaught/Sorc DPS

Operative heals.

Edited by LexiCazam
IC - quote
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I too appreciate the harder content and agree with its release. That being said i will love it when the bugs are worked out of the sentinel droid and its more consistant on its behavior so that a group with two melee dps are able to master the fight. Love the content bioware fix the bugs.


Killed it the day before yesterday with 2 melee dps without any problems what so ever. That was our 2nd kill.

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Powertech Tank

Marauder/Assassin DPS

Sorc Heals


Cleared it tonight. Got to last bass and the assassin bailed so we replaced him with a ranged dps, but the point is we got that far with 2 melee, and the only reason we had troubl was that I was the only one remotely geared.


It was tough but we all had a blast. Don't say 2 melee makes it impossible ;)


Our full melee group was Jug Tank, Jug DPS, Assassin DPS and Operative healer (me).

This was possibly the most fun I've had in a FP to date!


To any that say rDPS is a requirement then you're just terribad. I'll also point out that the big Operative Medic hitters are melee based, so at boss enrage times AND final boss final phase there were 4 melee bashing away and it was FUN :D

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To any that say rDPS is a requirement then you're just terribad.


Can you post the gear of your Operative?...


...I highly doubt you can get past Project with 2 melee DPSers if you aren't full Rakata as Healer (So you can outheal Virulent). And I mean optimized Rakata... Not the crap default itemization Scoundrels have.


As curiosity, what your Assassin was doing on Project when Virulent landed?



EDIT: I assume you talk about a Hard Mode run, ofc.

Edited by ragamer
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Can you post the gear of your Operative?...


...I highly doubt you can get past Project with 2 melee DPSers if you aren't full Rakata as Healer (So you can outheal Virulent). And I mean optimized Rakata... Not the crap default itemization Scoundrels have.


As curiosity, what your Assassin was doing on Project when Virulent landed?



EDIT: I assume you talk about a Hard Mode run, ofc.


I can't directly speak for 2 melee DPS, but our Operative healer has one piece of default-modded Rakata (body drop we got on our first win). We've never even seen rage timer on Project with 1 Marauder (me) and 1 Sorc DPS.


When I run a log parser, I'm consistently doing well over 1/3 of the boss' HP. Both our Tankassin and Op healer are making some effort to DPS (since they safely can). I'm leading the DPS race on that fight by a fair margin, so I can't see how a melee is a disadvantage, really. The same tactics and a second melee DPS would probably yield, for my group, a very similar result to what we're seeing now - easy wins.

Edited by Omophorus
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2 ranged DPS this is the theme for everyone that says the Droid was not hard just move out of the stuff. Try it with 2 melee dps, its a whole other fight.


I think this hits the nail on the head, all dps is the way to go on the droid, 3/4 of the lightning balls are not on the tank, therefore he does not have to move the boss so much.. boss moves, but when he is doing incinerate he plants and the kiting tank gets out of interrupt range meaning he needs to be cured of incinerate before wipe.


basically this is a melee fail boss


which is stupid, even though i am ranged.

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