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4 buffs in one (legacy)


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It's a damn, bad joke that this is allowed in Warzones.


Why would this be a big deal in any case?


Never heard of anyone being brought to a warzone solely because of their buff.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Why would this be a big deal in any case?


Never heard of anyone being brought to a warzone solely because of their buff.


because when you die in a WZ you RARELY get another full rebuff in most WZs.

And this basically grants the player with 3 alts a full rebuff every damn time he dies.

It shouldnt be allowed in Warzones in my opinion. If you want other classes buffs you should ask your teammates to do it.


running around with a perma :

5%more dmg


10% dmg reduction from internal/elemental - 5% more stats


it's an huge advantage. Since as I have already said you RARELY get a full rebuff from random teammates.



all the legacy features are pve only..why did they allow this one in pvp.

Edited by atreyuz
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because when you die in a WZ you RARELY get another full rebuff in most WZs.

And this basically grants the player with 3 alts a full rebuff every damn time he dies.

It shouldnt be allowed in Warzones in my opinion. If you want other classes buffs you should ask your teammates to do it.


running around with a perma :

5%more dmg


10% dmg reduction from internal/elemental - 5% more stats


it's an huge advantage. Since as I have already said you RARELY get a full rebuff from random teammates.



all the legacy features are pve only..why did they allow this one in pvp.


spot on post. pvp is dead to me in this game. it's like BW only knows how to RP. the only things that legacy does correctly is for RPers. sadly, the rest of us just get annoyed.


seems silly that this is the one thing that is allowed in pvp, considering you never get buffs after the initial spawn.


got a free month, but doubt i will even stick around to try it. unsubbed. dont get me wrong, i didnt unsub just because of this, but this is one of many things that lead me to make that decision.

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Up. I need to know pvpers what think about this.


valor 76 sniper...


i play only my 1 toon... i only get my 1 buff....


i'm ok with people getting the other buffs if they spent time to get them...


after i get my war hero gear (i'm sure it'll take a month or two), maybe i'll grind up another alt...



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whats the problem? maybe lazy selfish players who cries anytime his opponent has any advantage.


its available to anyone, and getting to class quest chapter 2 is easy.


it's not easy, it's not hard.


It's something PvPers really didnt need.


It's a fine feature from legacy, but let it stick to the PVE part of the game. Leave it out of warzones, it doesnt belong there.

You want all the buffs? Good, you should depend on your PvP teamates for a full rebuff, not grind 3 alts just so you can rebuff yourself.


But I guess the other poster have it right. Why the hell am I even bothering talking about PvP in this game...:(

Edited by atreyuz
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in addition, say you have an alt that is cybertech, while your main is biochem...


you use your alt to craft grenades, and you send them to your main


your main gets the benefit of grenades and re useable stims...


should that not be allowed either?

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whats the problem? maybe lazy selfish players who cries anytime his opponent has any advantage.


its available to anyone, and getting to class quest chapter 2 is easy.


they are forcing us to roll alts (or purchase it... im assuming you can purchase as i havent looked yet) to get it. everything about legacy is an alt grind. for us that dont enjoy having every slot filled with pointless alts, it becomes frustrating.


back to the purchasing things from legacy though, considering losing WZs no longer gives you credits, this is going to be a ***** to buy anything when pvping was your source of income. legacy things are expensive. when im making credits only when i win (even if i assume 50:50 win/loss), thats going to take much longer than if i were out there grinding dailies.


its like they hate pvp or something...


i know im probably alone in thinking this these days, but to me, this feels like a lazy way in "persuading" the player to play. similar to achievements/trophies on the consoles. were games boring before we had those? no. did we all play super mario bros multiple times without having to have some silly title for it on our gamertag? yes. why is it that devs these days look at these cheap "rewards" to extend game play instead of just making the game play fun to begin with.

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They make it so that you need 4 classes in the 40 range to complete act 2 and then you need to get all the datacrons on your character and then you need to buy orange augment gear because in purple you will be gimped...it's just one thing after the next just to keep your base stats in line with others. People say "oh well they are only minor stat boosts" but when you add up all those buffs, datacrons, augments you have someone who will have a major advantage in pvp.
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in addition, say you have an alt that is cybertech, while your main is biochem...


you use your alt to craft grenades, and you send them to your main


your main gets the benefit of grenades and re useable stims...


should that not be allowed either?


if i understand the system as it is, i would argue that is dumb as well, yes. dont they force you to have a 400 biochem to use the reusable stuff from biochem? why dont they force the 400 on cyber to use the reusable grenades then too?


if youre talking about consumable versions of those things then thats ok as anyone can use and buy them. that actually promotes an economy, which this game lacks as well.

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