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  1. Kyzr

    1 medal minimum

    You queue up for WZs, and get an instant pop. You immediately know you're going to regret this, but what the hell, otherwise it's a 5-10 minute queue. You join the match, rush out towards the huttball. Your team is down 0 to 4, and you only have 4 on your team. Only two possible outcomes: (1.) You rush out, kamikaze into the opposing team, hoping to get your 2.5k hit and 75k damage medals, as well as maybe guard/heal or solo kill medals before they get 2 more scores. - (1a.) You succeed in feeding medals to the other team in exchange for your 3, getting <30 WZ Comms for your effort. - (1b.) You fail at getting your 3 medals, get 0 compensation for your time, and wasted the 3-5 mins it takes most teams to get 2 points. (2.) You leave to WZ, accepting how unlikely you are to even get 3 medals, and thus perpetuating the imbalanced team even more, and hoping to get in on the start of match, for a potential win and 100 Comms. Guess which choice is being made now that people have 'adapted' to the new system? This change confirms that they don't realize how broken PvP is at a base level.
  2. Don't get me wrong, the randomness was obnoxious. But the drop rate was 25%, and over the 3x 50s I got to V.60+, 2-3 tokens per week was dependable. If I got 1 one week, I usually got a streak the next. They prefaced 1.2 by saying they wanted to narrow the gear gap between players. They did the exact opposite though, by changing how poorly your progress from losing matches, and unbalancing Expertise. Think about it this way: If all they'd had changed was the way vendors worked, and not the rewards system, expertise rates, and class changes, would you be happier? Longer TTK, healers and tanks still relevant outside Huttball, and faster, more streamlined gear progression? That would have been a nice patch. But how motivated do you think solo queuers and fresh 50s will be to grind out 11k+ WZ Comms, when you get 0-30 a loss? Hence the unsub~athon.
  3. I unsubbed. Until they lay out a specific plan for PvP development, I'm not interested in insta-gib PvP. And the only right way to start a specific plan for PvP development is to give a pink-slip to Gabe and his team.
  4. People like to pretend they never ever got BM Tokens from their dailies and weeklies. On average it's 9 bags at 2.25 Tokens a week, which meant a free 9k WZ Comms at the same time you earned another 1.25~ tokens. The ACTUAL math shows that the new system is actually 30% worse based on time played. The difference is that you're not capped to 9 bags a week, and don't have to be rank 60 to start. The new system just allows you to grind more, at a worse return rate. It's not massively worse like some people will have you believe, but to say it's 'better' is just plain inaccurate.
  5. You really think a single person is the only one with input on PvP? The Mythic team is a development team, more than just auto-pilot coders. Granted, the team lead should be held accountable for failures, but it's a team not a monarchy. And this same team has a track record of breaking PvP in MMOs. Maybe you didn't play WAR, but for those of us that did, 1.2 is deja vu.
  6. I'm a Defense/Vigil spec'd tank Guardian. If I blow my Relic/Adrenal and do this: Force Choke (4s with 2/5 Tank Set) Master Strike Overhead Slash Dispatch (w/ +60% crit) Dead Sorc/Sage, even if they're in BM gear. Not their fault, I just hit stupid hard, even in 75% Tank gear. As a tank, I should not be able to kill somone that quickly unless the gear difference is just absurd.
  7. I'm pretty sure their billing department has a breakdown of current subscriptions. I just cancelled tonight myself. I won't even comeback if they fix the 1.2 shenanigans, because if you follow the trend of changes from 1.0 to 1.2, you can see no general design plan for PvP. It's the same shotgun approach these Mythic guys used in Warhammer. Once I see a Press Release about a "restructuring" of PvP Staff, I'll consider it.
  8. Kyzr

    Hey Mythic Team

    Didn't think lightning could strike twice, but you guys really outdid yourselves this time. You failed to deliver on WAR World PvP, so you collapsed it into instanced PvP, and then you failed at that too. I just didn't think you'd use the same playbook on TOR. I get the feeling the DAoC nostalgia that got you your jobs for WAR and TOR, was either overstated, or you guys are the B-Team. GW2 sounds more like DAoC than anything you guys have laid your hands on since. Even if you fix the crap you introduced with 1.2, you've proven to us that this could happen again. In fact, every patch shows us to expect it. Every patch made PvP a little less fun: 1.0 was Valor grindy, but Ilum was very fun (constant medium 10v10 fights) 1.1 Ilum was less fun (and exploitable), and the daily was obnoxious, but whatever, yay World PvP 1.1.5 all but killed World PvP, but at least we still had half-premade WZs 1.2, you made losing a WZ so gosh darn unbearable, that even being in a premade doesn't matter, because people AFK out at the first sign of trouble, if you even get a full team to start with.
  9. Kyzr

    Any word from BW ?

    ^This. It's one thing to lock a thread that's out of forum context, or being derailed/flamed off topic. But they have been flat out deleting threads that point out the flaws in how PTS was handled, and the nature of the feedback they received (and ignored). Far be it from us to let our feedback bruise your egos. There's far better games, with far better policies on both forum moderation and customer feedback.
  10. Not sure why people keep saying this. The grind is actually 30% worse, assuming your average Comms gain is 75 per match. It's realistically worse than that. The only difference is that your not limited by dailies or weeklies in getting gear. While that was a terrible system to begin with, the new one is worse as far as a timesink goes.
  11. If you'll please direct your attention to 'Paragraph 5: Subsection 2' you'll see that I preemptively addressed the subject of your attempted troll. Please take some time to study the provided link, and post constructive feedback when ready: https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=English+Comprehension+for+Dummies&oq=English+Comprehension+for+Dummies&aq=f&aqi=g-q1&aql=&gs_l=hp.3..0i22.1678l10713l0l10818l43l26l5l12l13l0l105l1797l23j2l47l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=87c6230bd8e448f1&biw=1920&bih=955
  12. Why do you PvP? Personally, I PvP because of the challenge. Coming from 40/25 raid leading in WoW; And to be honest, scripted PvE only offers a predictable challenge. Eventually, even if you're bad, surrounded by enough competent teammates, you'll always win. With winning comes recognition. The more you win, the more you stand out amongst your peers, which is a reward that you can't code into the game. Thing about PvP is that I actually expect to lose. No matter how good I am, or how on my game, variables outside my control (and sometimes in) will eventually put one in the "L" column. PvP is worse than a boring, scripted boss fight, when I see a team full of 12k fresh 50s. It's like going back to Esseles/BlackTalon in full BM. Good for a laugh, but I don't get better, I don't deserve recognition for it, other than to reinforce my status of capable of content/people whom are outclassed in both experience and gear. Whether or not you think the loser of a match deserves rewards at the end is irrelevant. In an RPG, much less an MMORPG, people expect TIME INVESTED to equal progression. Generally people accept a slower progression for lower performance, but non-progression is not going to grow a community. And if you don't care about growing your community, then why does your opinion count on a community forum?
  13. Vigilance is absolutely amazing in 1.2. I'm convinced they're going to nerf Commanding Awe and/or Unremitting because it feels like Vigilance/Hybrid spec Guardians are the only people not getting killed in 2-3 seconds of focus fire, and clearly making an already disgruntled PvP base respawn more is the right direction to go.
  14. You step back from your computer, so disgusted with 1.2, you become possessed with the Dark Side of the Force, and a thirst for vengeance. You storm the Bioware HQ, Force-Lightning the guards, Force Push into the Dev Room. You have just enough fear, hate, and anger left in your heart to Force Persuade the entire Dev-Team to make just 3 changes, before you succumb to your urge to pre-order GW2. What are they? Mine: (1.) Turn "Accuracy" into the PvE stat, and "Expertise" into the PvP stat, removing all instances of one stat from the other's gear. Normalize Expertise to a flat static trend with DR (ala v1.0 to v1.1.5) so that a player with 10% EXP does 10% more healing/damage and takes 10% less damage; And introduce 3 tiers of gear, decreasing the severity of EXP Diminishing Returns with each new set. - Tier 1 - Previous Tier-2 PvP set, purchased with credits. - Tier 2 - Previous Tier-3 PvP set, average 5 games (50% win/lose) per item. - Tier 3 - Current top tier gear, purchased with RWZ Comms only. (2.) Create a parallel in rewards from completed WZs to PvE based on time spent. "Losing" @PvE isn't common, but someone always loses @PvP, so basing it on wins isn't good enough. You should be getting a new piece of gear every 3-5 "instances" (WZ/RWZ or FP/OPS), with enough credits to offset the fact I'm not farming, but still playing. (3.) Redesign PvP Tanking stats. As a BM Shadow, the reason I do so ridiculously well in PvP is my itemization. I take all DPS gear, with the tanking tree, and still get almost the same utility and sturdiness of a tank geared Shadow. Make tanking in PvP dependent on tank stats. - Reduce the coefficient of Defense/Shield/Absorb, making it harder to stack the stat, but expand it's effect to ALL damage, not just melee/ranged physical. Move sustainability away from talents and into gear.
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