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The Rise and Fall of Patch 1.2


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Subbed since release and still enjoying the game. I have a 50 Sith Jugg and a 40 Jedi Sage.


Do I care that sage got nerfed? Nope. Not at all.


Only joke here is you. Move along.


Another fact, friend. You have no authority here. You don't get to tell people when to move along and when not to.


Your inflated self importance is actually quite amusing. I think I'll stay.


Also, I find it hilarious that you think not being angered about a class that is clearly not a main by any stretch of the imagination being nerfed makes you special somehow.

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Contrary to popular belief, just because you don't care about something doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't care either.


Nor do some posts in a forum mean that someone does care.


Looking in game right now, I see the vast majority of the player base playing and enjoying the game, with only a few people whining in the forums.

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The only things constant about MMO players is...men playing female toons, and people QQing over every little thing.


"I don't have a 50, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"I have a 50 but am bored, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"This sucks!"

"That sucks!"

"I'm not godlike enough, buff me!!"

"Why is nothing dying in 1 hit? Stop nerfing me!!"

"This outfit makes my butt look big!"


Sigh...future retirement home workers, I pray for you...forgive them, they know not what they QQ!!

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Nor do some posts in a forum mean that someone does care.


Looking in game right now, I see the vast majority of the player base playing and enjoying the game, with only a few people whining in the forums.



I don't understand why you're defending a fallacious statement.

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The only things constant about MMO players is...men playing female toons, and people QQing over every little thing.


"I don't have a 50, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"I have a 50 but am bored, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"This sucks!"

"That sucks!"

"I'm not godlike enough, buff me!!"

"Why is nothing dying in 1 hit? Stop nerfing me!!"

"This outfit makes my butt look big!"


Sigh...future retirement home workers, I pray for you...forgive them, they know not what they QQ!!


Thanks for reminding me... jerk. :(

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The only things constant about MMO players is...men playing female toons, and people QQing over every little thing.


"I don't have a 50, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"I have a 50 but am bored, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"This sucks!"

"That sucks!"

"I'm not godlike enough, buff me!!"

"Why is nothing dying in 1 hit? Stop nerfing me!!"

"This outfit makes my butt look big!"


Sigh...future retirement home workers, I pray for you...forgive them, they know not what they QQ!!


"I think things are fine so your opinion is invalid!"

"I think myself better because my class wasn't nerfed enough in this patch to provoke a response out of me!"

"You suck!"

"He sucks!"

"She sucks!"

"I don't pay attention to anything that isn't directly affecting me! STOP ROCKING THE BOAT!"


You're a republican aren't you?

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The only things constant about MMO players is...men playing female toons, and people QQing over every little thing.


"I don't have a 50, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"I have a 50 but am bored, gimmie gimmie gimmie!"

"This sucks!"

"That sucks!"

"I'm not godlike enough, buff me!!"

"Why is nothing dying in 1 hit? Stop nerfing me!!"

"This outfit makes my butt look big!"


Sigh...future retirement home workers, I pray for you...forgive them, they know not what they QQ!!


Have you ever worked in customer service? Because I have. All my life. I started working doing food service at 15. I've waited tables, been part of the communications department of a marketing firm. I've handled sales for Sprint etc.


People, everywhere, in every aspect of life are whiny little people complaining about every single thing they can find.


Over-charge someone 10 cents on an item? They hold up your line for 10 minutes while you get a manger to refund it.


Ever have a guy complain because your mexican restauraunt doesn't serve hamburgers? I have.


The second someone pays for a service they have the right to ***** about it all they want. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make their complaint valid. But they do have the right. Maybe you could see that in the real world if you didn't spend so much time here. The internet is just like the real world, except people have less of a filter.


Walk into the back after being with a pain of a customer and everyone who is working talks **** about the customer. But of course they don't say it to their face.


How many times do you think mods or developers see some gamer QQ about something and go "Hey steve! Come look at what this **** wrote!" ? I assume it probably happens all the time.

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Hey folks,


We do thank people for taking the time out to post about issues and concerns about the game. We do read it, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.


That being said, feedback about specific issues should whenever possible be placed into the proper subforum. For example, there are existing threads in the Suggestion Box forum where discussions about some of these concerns are being had:



Also, while we do appreciate and read feedback, we do ask that said feedback is constructive and respectful. If you need some guidelines for doing so, we do have a post here via our Dev Tracker that explains it:



We'll be closing this thread, but do encourage folks to post constructive feedback about the game in future threads. Thanks for your understanding!

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