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10 Good

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  • Location
    Stuck in New Jersey for the time being.
  • Interests
    Video Games, Football, Cooking, MMA, more video games. Some more video games.
  • Occupation
    Not an architect.
  1. Don't bother with getting non instance sets. Athiss and Cademimu are pretty interchangable, the only tricky part is boots. Farming the fellow at the tower south of aurek base for boots was a pain but eventually i got enough to outfit the characters I ever use. Tanno can go die in a fire, and stay with his default orange kit. as it is now I have my character in yellow/white, with the rest of havoc in orange/white, with my XO (elara) wearing orange/white with black/white gloves and boots. I think they look pretty sharp.
  2. The sheer amount of misuse of the word ironic in this thread is staggering.
  3. I honestly can't see how anyone can complain about this, but doubtless some people will manage. Well done on this facet, sadly the rest of 1.2 has been a complete cluster. I would advise to get crackin before you start hemorrhaging subscribers hardcore.
  4. Agreed. Should be in. But then again, match to chest should have been in at launch. Four months to implement a system which does the same thing only gives you the option to turn it off for some pieces? Ridiculous. It's possible to make your companions look decent. But it takes an absurd amount of effort. Farming low level instances for days, then farming commendations or spending outrageous amounts of money on the GTN for up to date mods... more trouble than it's worth for a quality of life enhancement. I'm only going through with it on my trooper, and all for a good looking squad in that final shot.
  5. "I think things are fine so your opinion is invalid!" "I think myself better because my class wasn't nerfed enough in this patch to provoke a response out of me!" "You suck!" "He sucks!" "She sucks!" "I don't pay attention to anything that isn't directly affecting me! STOP ROCKING THE BOAT!" You're a republican aren't you?
  6. I find it funny when fanboys take offense at people airing grievances on a forum and decide to make a post that is effectively yelling at everybody/nobody. "HOW DAER U CRITICIZE BIOWARE! THEY MAEK GAEMZ I LIKEE! THEY CAN DO NO RONG! U R STOOPID BECUZ I DISAGREE WITH WUT UR SAING!"
  7. Another fact, friend. You have no authority here. You don't get to tell people when to move along and when not to. Your inflated self importance is actually quite amusing. I think I'll stay. Also, I find it hilarious that you think not being angered about a class that is clearly not a main by any stretch of the imagination being nerfed makes you special somehow.
  8. Nah, just bored and calling it like I see it. You are crying about people crying because they are pissed off that their class got nerfed, or that were subbed since release and didn't happen to have a 50 so got hosed for a free month, etc. Mostly valid concerns, some not so much. Either way, you are a joke. Posting faux apathy in an attempt to look "cool". Much more pathetic than those who come to the forums to air grievances over this patch (which has been universally botched). Edit: Awww, somebody didn't like getting called out on their shenanigans. You are a troll. You delude yourself if you think you speak for any majority. You sit on the forums and pretend you have any grounds to pass judgement on others. These are not insults, these are facts. Nor are they threats, for the precious little princess who hinted at that earlier in the thread. Roflmao.
  9. You apparently can't comprehend english. Match to chest revival is a failure; the head is the most prominent piece of gear outside of the chestpiece that players have, and match this to your chest does NOT *********** WORK. Nerfs galore, less fun, overtuned heroic quests being even moreso now that healers were NERFED ACROSS THE BOARD, the one positive thing in this patch besides their retarded legacy obsession and it doesn't even work right. My faith was shaken after DA2. Crushed after ME3. Set aflame and ashes pissed on after this joke of a patch. Unsubbed.
  10. unify colors isn't *********** working for head slots, which is pretty much the most visible piece of gear in the game for most players. This patch is a joke. BioWare is a joke.
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