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PVP Math 101, Thanks FireSomething!


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What about the differences in endurance between the sets of gear? In a full recruit set + BM bracers on my Pyro Powertech I have just over 900 expertise and around 13K HP. Someone in a full BM set might have ~1000 expertise, but more like 17-20K HP. While we might be comparable in damage output, the BM geared toon can simply last longer than I can. I'm at a pretty big disadvantage from the get-go, regardless of skill level.
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I think people realized that there was a glaring bug in the equation (myself included). I really don't have a problem with nerf but, there was a real feel of something "wrong" with the game yesterday. If you couldn't "feel" something was out of place. Then I dunno what to say.


Even the guy I play with most times, juggernaut was laughing at how fast he burns and gets burned.


When you play a game long enough you get a feel with how everything runs.


I PvP'ed and it seemed some things was out of order, but I held my own and still performed with flying colors healing.


But a friend of mine said they was having major issues questing and they was one level ahead on the planet, so yea think the bug was a global thing and I am sure that is why they are fixing at this very moment.

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Indeed there may have been a bug yesterday, and today when the servers come back it may be gone. You said you clearly felt better this morning about it. This post/compilation is to keep the "Sky is falling" people in line. So they can come here, figure out whats actually happening and quit the complaining because they have no knowledge of the system.


Yeah that makes sense. I agree with the math, and it makes sense what they did. Taking math and putting it in to the practical application of what was happening on the servers I think was the missing link yesterday.


I also think, people have to get out of the notion of using a mix of pvp/pve gear. Although I've never done that, I think a lot of people still do.

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The developers already have all the math done. They are the ones who calculated it and implemented the change in the first place. It would take them maybe 15 min to write a post stating exactly the same thing as this post, but b/c it was coming from devs, it would reach far more of the player community.


If knowledge and transparency are good for a community-based game (I am assuming it is), they this seems like a strictly good thing.


Is that not worth 15 min of 1 employee's time? It wouldn't even have to be a dev. Get an intern. Pay him $10 an hour. It would cost you $5 to make this post and spare thousands of ppl a nerdrage headache.


You have to ask yourself, what % of people that cry they are going to unsub really do.


It's like my 5 year old son tells me no, I say yes, he says no, I say yes, then when I walk over he gives me a look and carry's on and does what I say.


It's a old kid trick of mind games these people use to scare bioware to listen to them, and they are more important lol.

Edited by Caeliux
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What about the differences in endurance between the sets of gear? In a full recruit set + BM bracers on my Pyro Powertech I have just over 900 expertise and around 13K HP. Someone in a full BM set might have ~1000 expertise, but more like 17-20K HP. While we might be comparable in damage output, the BM geared toon can simply last longer than I can. I'm at a pretty big disadvantage from the get-go, regardless of skill level.


Do you have a screenshot of this? Or can anyone else confirm that a PT with Full Recruit + BM bracers should only have 13k EHP? If you can prove it, or anyone else can I'll believe you.

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Do you have a screenshot of this? Or can anyone else confirm that a PT with Full Recruit + BM bracers should only have 13k EHP? If you can prove it, or anyone else can I'll believe you.


As soon as I can log in I'll get one. If memory serves it was right around 13,300 (running 5/5/31 Pyro)

Edited by Rakiv
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QQ more about how bad you are. It makes me feel good inside. I still heal just fine, you seem to have a problem.


Based on the screens we both posted I'd say that's not the case. Just because you don't realize you're bad doesn't make it so.

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Stick to the topic boys, take your panty twisting war elsewhere.



I'd also like to point out that I am in no way shape or form a PVP'er, I havent even done a WZ at 50 on my Shadow because it doesn't interest me. However with the downtime I do like to read the forums and felt FireSomething's posts were invaluable to the community.

Edited by Valhalyn
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Stick to the topic boys, take your panty twisting war elsewhere.


Sorry, I thought this was a flamebait thread. There were a LOT of changes in this patch, not just the changes to expertise. To point to 1 item out of context and say everything is fine is disingenuous at best. I'm sure there were plenty of things on the Titanic that worked fine right up until it broke in half, that didn't mean it wasn't still sinking...

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Sorry, I thought this was a flamebait thread. There were a LOT of changes in this patch, not just the changes to expertise. To point to 1 item out of context and say everything is fine is disingenuous at best. I'm sure there were plenty of things on the Titanic that worked fine right up until it broke in half, that didn't mean it wasn't still sinking...


Truce ice:


There were alot of changes in this patch yes, but if you read the forums. Alot of people are complaining about the expertise scaling changes, thinking that DPS got a 10% bonus while not understanding the math. This thread is for those people.


In other words. Expertise changes are fine. Maybe not every change in 1.2. But honestly, as a healer with only 1 night of pvp to judge by....seems fine to me.

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the explination about the healing was totaly wrong. they nerfed healing because baddies was crying on the forums because they couldnt kill a squishy healer with their OP broken class lol



Alright initially reading this sentence was legitimately difficult for me so let me fix it for you (I highlighted the blatant misspellings and missing capitals to start). What you were trying to say was, "The explanation about the healing was totally incorrect; Bioware actually reduced healing due to all of the whiny threads appearing on the forums. These threads were generated mostly by below average players, incapable of killing a healing class with a superior attacking class, whose low maturity caused them to provide lacking evidence or misinformation as a whole."




Now that I deciphered your post let me retort, the math proposed in the initial post was fairly elementary yes; however this was done on purpose (in all likelihood) to allow for public ease of understanding, specifically for folks like you. That being said, the concepts provided were indeed correct mathematically and showed the thought process behind the implemented expertise changes, and exactly how they were balanced properly post-patch 1.2. If you read more than the first sentence you too may have come to this conclusion, but I find myself impressively disappointed, yet not surprised at how a member of this "community" would respond in a fashion like you just did; leading me to contemplate deeply about how persons such as you really do exist commonly in the world as people, and are not just figments of an accidental glitch in a metaphorical internet or faceless nothings behind a keyboard as unconscious human assumptions would have me believe.








In a short closing for you (for you to understand what was said here): no, you are wrong as well as dumb.

Edited by MrXen
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Sorry, I thought this was a flamebait thread. There were a LOT of changes in this patch, not just the changes to expertise. To point to 1 item out of context and say everything is fine is disingenuous at best. I'm sure there were plenty of things on the Titanic that worked fine right up until it broke in half, that didn't mean it wasn't still sinking...


You truly are troll baiting here, guess I nibbled a little but I won't bite all the way.

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Indeed there may have been a bug yesterday, and today when the servers come back it may be gone. You said you clearly felt better this morning about it. This post/compilation is to keep the "Sky is falling" people in line. So they can come here, figure out whats actually happening and quit the complaining because they have no knowledge of the system.


(Emphasis added)


Here's a totally crazy idea - if there was a bug yesterday causing the fast TTK, then how about a BioWare Community Rep clarify this rather than let the PvP community have a meltdown?

Edited by Torcer
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(Emphasis added)


Here's a totally crazy idea - if there was a bug yesterday causing the fast TTK, then how about a BioWare Community Rep clarify this rather than let the PvP community have a meltdown?


Same reason we don't have server forums. It would require too many moderators to make a post and reply to it.

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Here's a totally crazy idea - if there was a bug yesterday causing the fast TTK, then how about a BioWare Community Rep clarify this rather than let the PvP community have a meltdown?


Cause in a state of panic and dis function you go to the key source, instead of warning the whole population and making everyone blow a main vein.


Worst case scenario has already happened, which is nerd rage and crying.


Soon the worst will be over and this will be a thing of the past when it comes to day 2 of 1.2.


Catch my drift?

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