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Who cares about the other games?


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Let me start off by giving my background in the MMO world. My first was SWG which I played approx. 3-4 years. I then tried City of Villains, Conan, Anarachy Online, DC Universe, APB, Warhammer and WoW(which I totally regret lol.) The level of enjoyment I had in all those games combined did not add up to my experience in SWG, so I kind of gave up on MMOs in general while slightly paying attention to the development of this game. This is the first MMO that I've actually enjoyed since galaxies, it looks good, is insanely fun to play and IT'S STAR WARS!


I can't tell you how tiring it is to see people in chat talking about other games. Seriously, I've seen this cycle so many times before it isn't even funny: "Can't wait to x game comes out, it's going to be so much better than this" *x game comes out* "This game sucks, but wait until xx game comes out, it'll be amazing!" I enjoy this game, lots and lots of people enjoy this game, why is it your duty to tell us that you hate the game and so should everyone else?!


I come on these forums to read about this game and important issues with this game(to me the 2 biggest current issues are distrubution of the 30 days free, which should go to all day-1 subs not just 50 and that's coming from someone with a 50 and server population, which to me is hands down the biggest issue in the game) but no, I have to read about this game coming out that's going to the best EVER! It's going to have trolls and grimlins and HUGE SWORDS!!! or how terrible this game is and everyone that disagrees is a big stupid head!


Is it too much to ask to for a filter for "Pro SWTOR only" posts? lol Don't get me wrong you can have a legit complaint about the game, nothing is perfect but does everything have to be "This game sucks" "That game was better" or "This new game will be better?"


I'm going to lose my mind and track down the next person that calls the force, "Mana" COME ON MAN!


Thank you for reading my long ranting post which will ironically be closed for being off topic :D

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Went and watched a gameplay video for Tera. The opening cut scene is your character flying into battle on some winged thing and then it cuts to A TALKING BEAVER?!(some type of rodent looking creature anyway) I immediately stopped the video and started laughing.


Then I watched a gameplay video for Guild Wars 2. I saw a wolf like creature walking on 2 legs, an engineer, wielding a shotgun? Huh? Not to mention the fact that it looked like every other MMO of it's type out there.


So finally I downloaded the open beta for Diablo III and had no idea what to expect having never played Diablo before. I load in to a game with, what I would say were very average graphics. I click on my character, with the only customization option being it's name and load into the game. I'm looking down from a very high camera angle in what reminded of games I played 10+ years ago. You got the option to run straight forward and combat involved clicking the right and left mouse buttons. Seriously?! Many mobile games pack more action than this now.


I'm sorry but if you honestly find these games to be more interesting and enjoyable than SWTOR than go ahead and play them because personally I'm about to lose my mind on the next person that says that these games are going to "destroy SWTOR." I would much rather play with a bunch of other people that actually enjoy the game and aren't just using it as a bridge to another game.



Have fun with the games you play and stop ruining other peoples playing experiences by constantly saying that this game sucks and all these other games will be better because I can easily tell you that those games suck! :D

Edited by Opass
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Alright.. about Tera, and Guild Wars 2.. I mean, everyone has his own tastes.


But seriously... Diablo III? Are you even comparing Diablo (which is NOT an MMO) to swtor or other MMOs?


And seriously.. what's not to like in Diablo III? It's a masterpiece in every single aspect. It's immediate, fun, it's well designed.. it's in 2012 what was Diablo II back in late 90s and Diablo before it. Just a masterpiece of the current epoch.


And I want to repeat that it's NOT an MMO so don't compare it. Really, this leaves me.. astonished.


And, just for the record, I do really like swtor. I'm still hanging around even if servers are mostly dead.

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There several camps of people when it comes to gaming.


There are fans - These people will stick to a game cause they like a particular one for whatever reasons.

there are roamers - these people will jump from game to game as long it entertain them

there are haters - no matter what the devs do, these people will complain and hate it but play it any ways until the "next best thing comes along"


I come from the "original 8MO" NeverWinter night AOL (8 multiplayer online) then The Realm, Meridian 59, UO (skipped EQ), AC, AC2, DAOC, EVE, Lineage I and II, CoH/CoV, Ragnarok online and a bunch of other Asian MMO (now those games know the meaning of GRIND), Earth and Beyond (RIP) SWG (RIP)


Each game you will always hear people saying "this sucks or that sucks or can't wait and this will die. etc etc." but may of the game above are STILL alive and kicking.


note: The Realms was the first MMO technically, then UO then EQ. EQ was one of the first to really have equipment upgrade and level grinding on a "horrendous level" ;)

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There several camps of people when it comes to gaming.



there are haters - no matter what the devs do, these people will complain and hate it but play it any ways until the "next best thing comes along"


Nice generalization. Not everyone who has a complaint about something in the game is a hater... jeesh, some people have legit concerns/complaints about a funcionality of the game, and post about it, nothing wrong with that.

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Well, i'm really exited about the Competitive Mode and the WvWvW in Guild Wars 2. I hope they introduce it well.


My problem with SWTor is that the PvP feels like 2008: No competitive pvp, no open pvp and bad designed warzones. Also the balance in 1.2 is completely broken: do I have to say more than "Marauders" ?

Edited by Teabaker
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Nice generalization. Not everyone who has a complaint about something in the game is a hater... jeesh, some people have legit concerns/complaints about a funcionality of the game, and post about it, nothing wrong with that.




Absolutely, not every complaint is a bad thing, it can be from someone who is honestly concerned about the game and wants to see it improved. I have absolutely no problem with that type of person. Complaining does however get grouped it to one big thing and labeled bad. In general I stated something along the lines of, "The amount of CPU people charge on resources is rediculous!" and was immediately bombarded about saying something even remotely negative.


The ones who I bring up are non-stop bashing the game and it doesn't matter what BW does, they will still bash it. To them this game was brought to their attention from the mass of hype it received and like I said earlier, "a bridge" to the next game. They have no concerns about the longevity of the game, just that it's not absolutely perfect in their eyes(not to mention I highly doubt that they care what others think.) Don't get me wrong, everyone should be entitled to their opinion until they just start getting ignorant and malicious with those opinions.


To one of the other commenters. I am not trying to compare SWTOR to Diablo, I'm very aware that it isn't a MMO. However, I cannot tell you the number of times I've read this line, "Diablo III/GW2/Tera will kill SWTOR." I honestly didn't enjoy it at all. It seemed like Dragon Age with two buttons 20 foot wide path that you follow. Very similar to a mobile game that I would play on my phone, but that is completely opinion and if you like it, more power to you! The people I'm talking about though, would go on the forums for Diablo and start tearing it to pieces. Me? I didn't like the game, I quickly uninstalled the demo and went about my way.

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Can I get a filter for this thread? What exactly is the point of it. Is it to QQ about the lack of a filter, bring others in to say "I'm wright you're wrong", troll, or what?


For me I come to let others know how I feel and no one is forced to read anyones post or respond "see what I did there".



Get over it, becasue we're all experts and we're all right.

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I'm going to be honest, I don't know anything about human psychology, but I'll tell you this much:


I spent $1500 building a computer -just- for SWTOR.

I have been a member of the community since 2009 (Different account).


I desperately wanted this to be the game for me for the long haul. It turns out I don't feel that way, the game is fun, but not long term fun for me. I am actually looking forward to TSW which makes me glad I've spent money to build a good rig. If someone starts to talk about it in general or the forums, I'm inclined to respond, just to get more info.


So I'm not trying to talk about the game I am looking forward to as a slight to BW, just as a "Oh yeah I'm interested in that" sort of thing.


EDIT: I had high hopes for the 1.2 patch. But all it did was cement my thoughts further.

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I never get this. I like them all.


This game has glowing swords, Fish people, Walking carpets(wookies) and tiny Jawa and whatever Jar Jar is and magic. If you going to talk about things that are not based in reality. How people can't stand one but love the other seems strange to me.


The is almost no difference IMO with the overall feel of the game.

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Can I get a filter for this thread? What exactly is the point of it. Is it to QQ about the lack of a filter, bring others in to say "I'm wright you're wrong", troll, or what?


For me I come to let others know how I feel and no one is forced to read anyones post or respond "see what I did there".



Get over it, becasue we're all experts and we're all right.


If that is the one thing you picked up while reading it, then I apologize. The point of the thread is that the average SWTOR fan doesn't care how much better some new upcoming game is and if they do they aren't constantly telling other people how bad they think this one is.


It's not as easy as "Just don't read the thread." I see it in general chat, party chat, and comments on SWTOR related threads. OP Thread: "When do you think server transfers will begin?" Hater comment: "Doesn't matter, this game is dead and has no chance now that Diablo 3 and Tera is coming out."

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If that is the one thing you picked up while reading it, then I apologize. The point of the thread is that the average SWTOR fan doesn't care how much better some new upcoming game is and if they do they aren't constantly telling other people how bad they think this one is.


It's not as easy as "Just don't read the thread." I see it in general chat, party chat, and comments on SWTOR related threads. OP Thread: "When do you think server transfers will begin?" Hater comment: "Doesn't matter, this game is dead and has no chance now that Diablo 3 and Tera is coming out."


Just ignore it if you don't agree, People are always going to talk about game different games from the same genre. It's just the way it is.


Once those games come out those people will leave and you won't have to listen to them anymore

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You can handle talking fish but not a talking beaver?


Okayokay, guss is pretty freakin awesome.


And then you can't handle a werewolf, but you're okay with an octopus-head?



Just because it has star wars in the title doesn't make it ANY DIFFERENT from other MMOs. Therefore, why shouldn't we hold this one to the same expectations as others? For instance, faction specific bugs, sweeping class changes without community input or testing, terrible crafting, poor server management.... and the list goes on. These are things that rest on the head of the dev team, and you can tell that many people unsubbing would like to see heads roll.

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I never get this. I like them all.


This game has glowing swords, Fish people, Walking carpets(wookies) and tiny Jawa and whatever Jar Jar is and magic. If you going to talk about things that are not based in reality. How people can't stand one but love the other seems strange to me.


The is almost no difference IMO with the overall feel of the game.


I enjoy football but wouldn't watch baseball if you payed me. They are all sports but I have my reasons for liking one and not liking others. Do I completely hate that genre? No, I very much enjoyed the LOTR movies. To me however the way WoW, GW, GW2, Tera, LOTRO, Warhammer, etc all look completely keeps me from enjoying them. As I said before, if you enjoy them that is cool man, the last thing I want to do is judge someone for something they enjoy(unless it's something like killing, etc.) To be consitently told that something is way better though is beyond annoying and that's all I've seen thus far in forum threads etc.

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I care about other games... And why shouldn't I not? Will I stop playing SWTOR when GW2 comes along? I don't know yet. I hope that SWTOR will improve further, but who knows how much a blast (or not) GW2 will be. Maybe I will end up playing both. I am no SWTOR Fanboy, but I am also no hater. Still I point out flaws, and think that the guys from ArenaNet had some interesting ideas (which I can't wait to see how that turns out to be). And I really hope that BioWare is also watching what the upcoming MMOs are doing, and maybe take one or two ideas from them instead of trying to be just a WoW in space (what the game mostly still is). Edited by Drudenfusz
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Kinda funny that you find talking to a ..well it's more like a badger then beaver a turn off,but yet you have no problems with getting quest from a giant slug??..Seriously, try a game out before bashing it. I've been playing mmo's quite a while now..and kinda now how stuff goes. I've been playing Tera during open beta weekend and that game is good..not great but good. One thing I will give it , that game will be more polished on release than this game is. I bought this game with what I wouldn't say high expectations (all mmos come out kinda rough)but was expecting my gaming experience to be better than it was. There are many problems and issues that I will not addressed because they have been said already,but with good product coming out they need to get addressed fast.And I got to give a +1 to everyone else when they say Diablo 3 shouldn't be compared to an mmo,it just isn't an mmo.If you first mmo was SWG then I can see why you want this game to succeed ( I myself started with Ultima Online ^^ ),I want this game to succeed.Don't get me wrong this is a good game,but not a good mmo.It should have been released as a console game with multi-player function. Try these other games out that you think look silly, you might be surprised. ^^:):):)
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Let me start off by giving my background in the MMO world. My first was SWG which I played approx. 3-4 years. I then tried City of Villains, Conan, Anarachy Online, DC Universe, APB, Warhammer and WoW(which I totally regret lol.) The level of enjoyment I had in all those games combined did not add up to my experience in SWG


I agree with this quote. I am still looking for that SWG feel since this game isn't even close to satisfying me. I guess my last hope will either be in Archeage or Copernicus. If those two don't measure up, I guess I will try real life out again.

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You do, apparently, since you made 2 longish posts about it. :rolleyes:


Yes, I do realize I'm being somewhat hypocritical by making fun of other genres. It's more to emphasize my point of not everyone liking the same things and that one thing you may find interesting, could seem stupid in the eyes of another. There is nothing wrong with thinking that way, there is however something wrong with people abusing other people over those views, especially on the forums of that game! If you don't like it why in the world are you getting on the game and bashing others for enjoying it?


I'm not Jewish, it would be like me going into a place of Jewish worship and telling them that they are all stupid for believing what they believe. If I went on to GW2/Tera/D3 and told them that those games sucked I would be exactly what I'm describing.


I can give personal examples if it's not quite clear of what I'm talking about(seriously these forums are like an ADD clinic, if everything isn't short and to the point people will obcess over minute details.)


I enjoy Metallica and Nickelback. Two bands that are constantly joked about. I have to hear it from my friends all the time about how bad they are, etc. I've seen things totally insulting people for listening to this type of music. There are plenty of types of music I cannot stand but I don't bash those people who do enjoy it.


If you felt like I was bashing you for enjoying talking beavers or werewolves that use shotguns I apologize. You have every right to enjoy what you enjoy. Now, if you are constantly telling me that those talking beavers and 12 guage wielding canines are better than my laser swords and alien species that come from a range of thousands and thousands of planets, ON MY GAME WHEN I'M NOT ASKING FOR INPUT ON THOSE OTHER GAMES, then yes, I'm bashing you.

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Once again guys I'm sorry by somewhat throwing the topic of the thread off by making jokes about the other games. I try to keep my threads light hearted with jokes, etc but now that is all anyone can focus on. There is just something about Star Wars, more so the Knights series that appeals to me more than every other genre.


There is nothing wrong with Fiction. My favorite TV series is Game of Thrones, I've watched countless movies with Dwarves and elves. I loved every second playing Mass Effect and Dragon Age and I think the worlds of both of those games are great. I got off topic by joking about those others and I would like to re-direct it to what I meant for the main purpose of it and that is constantly bashing the game, with no constructive criticism and all negativity.


I'm sorry to keep using stupid analogies but it would be like me going to a Britney Spears fan site and commenting on every thread about how they should listen to Pantera because it's wayyyyyyy better!


Am I going to play SWTOR forever? No, of coarse not. Might I play some game with talking beavers or meerkats or platypuses in the future? Sure if I honestly hear it's fun an want to invest in it. But I'll do that on my own time through other means, such as asking people or looking it up online. I don't need people constantly talking in game about how bad the game is and how good other games are. Ignoring is always a possiblity but I don't want to have to do that constantly.

Edited by Opass
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