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Armor Colours>>


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As a Roleplayer for many years, the most important upgrades for my guild and I was the possibility to change the colour of our armors. So we can really feel the way we want to be, even have special guild colours, or logo.


It should not be a big deal, if some of you guys remember the Composite Armor in Star Wars Galaxies, when we could change the colour of any part.

Instead we can only unite the colours ot the chest one... And of couse, chest colours are always awlfull! What idea to create armors yello or purple? Not even camouflage!


But no, the 1.2 did not bring that... It is hard to make a RP guild live, and it requieres great investissement. That kind of attention would help us. I know RP players are very rare, and you may not care for us, but we really enjoy the little moments when we really feel in that universe.


Just think about it:


My Sith Assassin is in grey, gold and orange... A sith should be in Black or Dark colours, most of all an Assassin! :mad:


My Bounty Hunter is white and purple... :eek:


In a galaxy where they invented the hyperdrive, thay could have invented colour paints!

Yesterday, the first question when I connected of one of my guildmate was "How do we change colour?"

We had great deception, here...


I am sure it can be made.


Is any other roleplayer thinking the same way we do?


(Sorry the quality of my english)

Edited by Asheyan
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I'm not an roleplayer but I understand what your saying and agree 100%... You don't have to be an RP'er to enjoy changing colors on your armors. It would also change the looks on players; everyone is running around looking the same. It would be an easy way to satisfy players...


As you said; in swg changing colors on your composit armor acctually did ALOT. Your guild can have a specific color or just the guy who want's another look.


I love the idea and really wish there was a way to change your color on your armor... It would mean alot and I really don't understand why they can't do so. I mean, everyone running around looking the same and the same colors... let the people decide which color they want and stop focing people to wear purple, white, black, yellow or whatever color...


Count me in! /SIGN

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While I do agree that there needs to be a color dye system BW did add a unify color system in with 1.2. It's a little tab on the character info screen to use it and will bring everything to the same shade of color of your chestppiece. I say shad because if you wear a brown chestpiece and a white lwer robe the lower robe will become more of a light brown/tan color. Looks good but still a dye system will be better.
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Thanks for your anwers.


The unify system they made is really no use.

I have 8 caracters, only one looks good and it's not my main caracter, but only a crafter...

All the other ones keep on looking awfull. I had to get an old armor from the early times of my Bounty Hunter and buy mods very expensive to have an armor that look better than the high level armor I aws finally allowed to craft after hours and many money to craft and uncraft.

I hesitated to paint directly on my screen, but my caracter moves to fast... lol


Please, do something, anyone!


I'm back on Mass Effect III , where I can paint the way I like! :eek:

(Yeah, Bioware rules, anyway ;)

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I'm a roleplayer and I disagree. Unify colors is awesome, a dye system is not needed for me to enjoy.


Now what would be nice is more choice in light armor leggings vs robes..


I also enjoy Orange gear over appearance tabs. Guess i am just tired of the shortcuts so many other MMO's took for the sake of 'customization' often creating situations where people made their chars look horrible because of the available options.

This Unify Colors functionality is simple and elegant. Your gear actually unifies in all tones of the gear, not just the major color, and it often does things automatically that I would never think of when choosing my own dyes. I personally like how it keeps the artistic integrity of the game while giving customization options.


And I look forward to what other customization options Bioware comes up with!

Edited by Devlonir
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I kinda like the "unify colors" thing they added. My Vanguard's gloves, boots, and belt now matches the rest of her armor. However, I can see where there are some... issues with it. For example, my Jedi Guardian got some trooper armor she modded into her stats. Think it might be the chestpiece from Nar Shadda's heavy armor vendor? Anyway, I have a pair of pants that were a different color - red striping instead of yellow, it's the level 23ish pants you can make from Armormech - and when I hit unify colors, instead of making the red part yellow and keeping something of an aesthetic going, it made the white part yellow and the red part white. Looks a bit odd, but it might just be my initial disappointment with what I thought it'd look like and might grow on me.
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i agree, there definately needs to be a greater variance in colours, and a colour pallet decided by the player is a great option. however..... when i think of this.... i quickly imagine warzones full of pink and rainbow armour and.... it could look awful.


How did galaxies avoid this? orr was there just a more maturer playerbase? or did you just have to deal with it?

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I love how much time and effort Bioware has spent avoiding appearance tabs and armor dyes. How much longer will we have to jump through hoops to try and make something look decent with orange mod gear.


I firmly believe someone up top refuses to admit that they were wrong about using tabs and dyes. They would rather spend hundreds of hours of dev time forcing their square peg into the circle hole and claim the entire time "we want to be different from the other MMo's".


Please fix something!

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I think what a lot of folks forget is how "not easy" some of these changes can be, on the technical side. "XYZ game did it and it was awesome". XYZ game likely had its own engine. That sort of thing. Personally, I think TOR is still in its early stages and would rather BW work on bug fixes and the apparent population issues and put custom colors on the back burner. I think the option they added in 1.2 was a nice "here, take this for now while we work on the bigger issues and we'll get back to this when we get the bugs fixed." You can't please everyone, we all (should) know that. I see lots of folks complaining about tons of issues. The fact that they gave a piece of it should let RP'ers know that they're not being ignored.


Just mHo.



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I think what a lot of folks forget is how "not easy" some of these changes can be, on the technical side. "XYZ game did it and it was awesome". XYZ game likely had its own engine. That sort of thing. Personally, I think TOR is still in its early stages and would rather BW work on bug fixes and the apparent population issues and put custom colors on the back burner. I think the option they added in 1.2 was a nice "here, take this for now while we work on the bigger issues and we'll get back to this when we get the bugs fixed." You can't please everyone, we all (should) know that. I see lots of folks complaining about tons of issues. The fact that they gave a piece of it should let RP'ers know that they're not being ignored.


Just mHo.




If your game engine can't easily support a wide variety of character appearances then you shouldn't use that engine to make an MMO.


Dyes are needed.

Edited by Quantum_Icecube
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If your game engine can't easily support a wide variety of character appearances then you shouldn't use that engine to make an MMO.


Dyes are needed.


Right. That way every game client has to have that many more copies of each item, just so you can have a purple hat or magenta boots. I'm sure those folks that use sub-par equipment will welcome the increased latency while their systems download/load in that much more content. How many colors would you like? They'll need to know so they can up the minimum system requirements on the tech page...


Do I think the engine is efficient? No.

Does it make sense for BW to add more overhead just to please a few RPers who aren't satisfied with blending their armor items to better match the chest piece? No.


I'm not usually a dick, but when people say something like this is "needed", I get pissy.



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Right. That way every game client has to have that many more copies of each item, just so you can have a purple hat or magenta boots. I'm sure those folks that use sub-par equipment will welcome the increased latency while their systems download/load in that much more content. How many colors would you like? They'll need to know so they can up the minimum system requirements on the tech page...


Do I think the engine is efficient? No.

Does it make sense for BW to add more overhead just to please a few RPers who aren't satisfied with blending their armor items to better match the chest piece? No.


I'm not usually a dick, but when people say something like this is "needed", I get pissy.




So...your argument is that other games can do it just fine, but SWTOR is...what? Too small-time to handle the sorts of things that LotRO, City of Heroes, EQ2, etc can?


Because that's all I'm getting out of your post. Lord of the Rings Online and City of Heroes have VAST amounts of armor/clothing types, vast amounts of color options, and appearance tabs setup. I don't see any issues with lag/fps drops. Heck, even SWG had all this stuff and there weren't any issues then either. Making excuses for a game that is in a technologically advanced age from all the others that have done it is just silly.

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So...your argument is that other games can do it just fine, but SWTOR is...what? Too small-time to handle the sorts of things that LotRO, City of Heroes, EQ2, etc can?


Because that's all I'm getting out of your post. Lord of the Rings Online and City of Heroes have VAST amounts of armor/clothing types, vast amounts of color options, and appearance tabs setup. I don't see any issues with lag/fps drops. Heck, even SWG had all this stuff and there weren't any issues then either. Making excuses for a game that is in a technologically advanced age from all the others that have done it is just silly.


My argument is that there are bigger issues than customizing armor colors. While I may not be iterating my point very well, that's it in a nutshell. The game is still relatively new, regardless of how long it was in production/testing/beta. I just think people tend to QQ about relatively minor issues that may require major coding to "fix". I find TOR to require more hardware than feels necessary unless you turn down the graphics. I just don't see how adding overhead would be a good thing at this point. Let them fix the population issues, reported disconnects, class balance, endgame interest, supposed pvp inadequacies (haven't done WZs personally), ability to preview weapons (that one's personal) and accept the chest-piece color-matching as a hold-you-over until the bigger problems are resolved.


Edit: BTW, I didn't intend to make my previous post a personal attack, so I apologize if it came off that way. I just happen to like what BW has done with TOR thus far and it feels like no matter what, people will find something they don't like. While it may seem minor to me, maybe it's not so minor to others.



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The unify colors option is a step in the right direction at least, we'll just have to see what they come up with next I suppose. I was looking forward to ditching all the brown myself, but no luck.


Not really...it's a step backwards if anything.

It's a step forward for this game, but the time they took to make this feature less buggy they could have simply done a full dye/paint feature already. This feature was there in early betas, removed and supposedly improved upon and only released now but still has bugs.


I love how much time and effort Bioware has spent avoiding appearance tabs and armor dyes. How much longer will we have to jump through hoops to try and make something look decent with orange mod gear.


I firmly believe someone up top refuses to admit that they were wrong about using tabs and dyes. They would rather spend hundreds of hours of dev time forcing their square peg into the circle hole and claim the entire time "we want to be different from the other MMo's".


Please fix something!


Heh, they won't be adding appearance tabs anytime soon, considering they're wasting even more time on "adaptive gears" as a "solution" to social gears and armor types.


Sigh, appearance tabs solves all appearance issues, proper paint system solves all color issues, the sooner BioWare realizes this the sooner they can dedicate all their resources to making new content instead of getting bogged down making things they don't need or can't get working right.

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i agree, there definately needs to be a greater variance in colours, and a colour pallet decided by the player is a great option. however..... when i think of this.... i quickly imagine warzones full of pink and rainbow armour and.... it could look awful.


How did galaxies avoid this? orr was there just a more maturer playerbase? or did you just have to deal with it?


I have seen some costumes in Champions Online, combined with power color combinations, that would make you think a rainbow devoured another rainbow, turned into a super-rainbow, then got sick and vomited all over a person like this Rakghoul Plague we have now.


It made them an easier target, is all. Maybe a bit of blood from your eyes, but they were easy to spot.

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I have seen some costumes in Champions Online, combined with power color combinations, that would make you think a rainbow devoured another rainbow, turned into a super-rainbow, then got sick and vomited all over a person like this Rakghoul Plague we have now.


It made them an easier target, is all. Maybe a bit of blood from your eyes, but they were easy to spot.





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Ok, I've bee the, let's say. "last line of defense" o f BW, but now I must admit vthey really are confused about what a MMO needs to be attractive. You give us a useless unify to chest thingy that really makes me angry, cause it means that with a small further effort they could give us a colour sheet to choose from (I think every piece has 3 colours in it). This is like the things you see at the pvp vendors with pvp rating required to buy it. And guess what? Thera are no pvp ranked warzones to give you a rating.....

I and a lot of people have been asking for more male body options, barber shop and stuff like that, to get a full game immersion, but they are still valuing what's happening with the class balancing they cannot reach.

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Not really...it's a step backwards if anything.

Heh, they won't be adding appearance tabs anytime soon, considering they're wasting even more time on "adaptive gears" as a "solution" to social gears and armor types.

Sigh, appearance tabs solves all appearance issues, proper paint system solves all color issues, the sooner BioWare realizes this the sooner they can dedicate all their resources to making new content instead of getting bogged down making things they don't need or can't get working right.


Like I've said previously, Bioware has gone out of their way to not implement App. tabs and dye. Like Talorya has said if they implemented this resources could be focused elsewhere.

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Eh, I'd just like that the Unify colour system wouldn't be tied to the chestpiece alone, it should be Chestpiece or Headpiece, that way, if I'd have a pretty red helmet, but there was no ''pretty'' red chestpiece, I could unify the chestpiece and the other item pieces to me Helm.


Point is, the chestpieces being the sole centerpoints, still restricts and leaves out a lot of combinations and overall costumization potential.

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@ColonelM >> You say that changing colours is not a priority...

I say this is a mmo RPG! If it's real and Bioware didn't cheat us, it means Roleplayers are in the right place because it's supposed to be a Role Playing Game.

I know... Everyone forget what is it about, or probably never knew anything about Role Playing Games. They just want to farm/ninja/loot...

But... I think the game is very good now. Balanced. Prfectible, but good for the younger people who want action and rush!


But think about one thing. If Darth Vader was in orange and grew... If Darth Maul would have pink robes... If Palpatine was as white as Gandalf... That would not be the same. star Wars would not have that much fans. There would be no SWTOR.

Why? Because people love Dark Lords! So I don't ask raimbow colours with thousand variations. I just ask we could change basic colours, the one that already exist. As LOTRO, or many other ones.

Or at least, a stupid demand? Permit us (the Sith) just to be in black. I think this would have some succes.


Many may not understand why I'm so stuborn... But I do spend hours walking around, trying to speak with people, making Roleplay recruiting for the guild... Thinking about senario to entertain guildmates... I don't think my demand is that complicate.


We are not Raimbow Warriors! :D


May the United Force guide you!

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I also want to see armor dyes. It bugs me to see my characters in multi colored outfits and even with the unify to chest option it does not affect the helmet. Having an all red armor with a blue helmet or something like that just looks bad.
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@ColonelM >>

But think about one thing. If Darth Vader was in orange and grew... If Darth Maul would have pink robes... If Palpatine was as white as Gandalf...


We are not Raimbow Warriors! :D


Ok, I just had to clean the spittle off of my screen. :D


I can totally hear where you're coming from. My Assassin is in dark magenta with a huge silvery collar. I'm about to do Black Talon just to get the black hooded robe from the command droid. I agree that color customization would be pretty awesome to have. I'm just more concerned with other elements of the game, primarily the fact that I haven't seen a Republic player in the open world in weeks. I totally get and respect RP. I was a D&D kid in the mid to late 80s. I'm just trying to look at the broader picture of TOR and my *personal* opinion is that this shouldn't be a priority. Fix the mechanics and the population issue, then make me pretty... or ugly. ;)



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