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Roll back DPS Mercenary 1.2 changes


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Totaly agree with this post!!!! bioware made us laughing stock! we are NOTHING only target dummies now! i said that in many post's but it's cuz its true! if you play bounty hunter merc now in pvp, DONT! ive never in my life died so fast, been target so much since 1.2, i have no chance to keep people away and worse since no more dmg i cant kill anyone too....


Also i would like to add make the STUPID animation change a CHOICE! i HATE new tracer missile animation.............! make it in preferences "classic tracer" "new" u get the picture....! not that it mathers since i stop sub now, but incase you fix bounty hunter's sometime in future ill maybe come back if this is done!





Unsub from today!

Edited by DEuZZ
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Gunny and arsenal weren't all that a big of a deal before the patch. Easy to handle by a landslide, all you had to do was interrupt grav or tracer and their dps takes an immediate hit. A good gunny or arsenal would know how to keep up the dps, the bad ones sit there with their thumb up their ***.


I was a gunny commando and I was good. People could dispose of me if they did it right though. I'm now a pyro PT...and I didn't get nerfed with 1.2, if anything, I got garunteed RS procs and wont wind up wasting them should I have a proc active, ignite him with FB, only to have it reproc and be wasted and probably not see another for a while. I still melt face, even more than before I'd argue. I destroy gunny and arsenal with ease...if you want to point fingers at who's OP, look at pyro PT. We don't have to stand still to totally tear you apart and all our abilities cannot be interrupted/instant.

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It never fails to amuse me in MMOs when someone picks the stationary nuke spec and complains about being destroyed by melee dps.


Now i agree that anyone playing arsenal in pvp at lvl 50 is pretty much handicapping him/herself and they can expect to be boned when melee gets in range so the crying for that is uncalled for but the ****over mercs got from BW in 1.2 is uncalled for... Is TM/GR annoying yes did it hurt yes but can you interrupt it and rolfstomp the guy doing it after eating couple missiles while closing gap YES.


But what really amazes me is that they destroyed DFA and everyother skill i have seems to hit for less and i used to pull consecutive 350k damage done in all Wzs highest was at 600k agaisnt a mara/jugg stompfest so really nice AOE match. Yesterday i barely got 310k done in 1/10 matches usually hitting 250k mark so 100k off damage done is pretty much boning the class and most of these matches were against premades... And those number come from mostly solo queing with no pocket healer.

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Now i agree that anyone playing arsenal in pvp at lvl 50 is pretty much handicapping him/herself and they can expect to be boned when melee gets in range so the crying for that is uncalled for but the ****over mercs got from BW in 1.2 is uncalled for... Is TM/GR annoying yes did it hurt yes but can you interrupt it and rolfstomp the guy doing it after eating couple missiles while closing gap YES.


But what really amazes me is that they destroyed DFA and everyother skill i have seems to hit for less and i used to pull consecutive 350k damage done in all Wzs highest was at 600k agaisnt a mara/jugg stompfest so really nice AOE match. Yesterday i barely got 310k done in 1/10 matches usually hitting 250k mark so 100k off damage done is pretty much boning the class and most of these matches were against premades... And those number come from mostly solo queing with no pocket healer.


Indeed. My merc used to be able to do 450k-550k dmg, now i'm LUCKY if i get 250k... Numbers don't lie, that they say we had a small nerf is a BIG lie. Tracer's are nerfed down 30% at least, death from above is nerfed by 80%, they even nerf jet boost, and unload... What have we left? lol...

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Reroll pyro.


You speak the truth.


This is probably the only "fix" we have at the moment.



Also I liked this article by Taugrim -





"The Ugly



2. Class balance is heading in the wrong direction"



He nailed it.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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This makes me glad they didn't mess with my sniper, I feel a little improved actually. Until yesterday I didn't know there was a medal for dealing 5k in single blow. I usually hit 2-3k per ability (channelled and burst). The first AoE snipers get is useless apart from interrupting PvP, but Orbital Strike has a HUGE radius, and deals about 1.1k every hit (used to deal 8-900). It hits 3 times, but two items in a set of PvP gear bumps it up to 4. Moral of this story? Roll a Sniper, the story is fantastic too ^.^
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There is -3% crit.. Previously we had 6% crit bonus on the skill tree (3 point). Now all that three points give you 3% crit.


And yes, I did get wasted on all the matches yesterday with my arsenal.


I am just leveling my rage juggernaut now, I heard they still kick *** big time.


You got wasted? Play sober, you might do better.

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You got wasted? Play sober, you might do better.



what is the fun in that?



in all seriousness though, i had 1v1 fights against juggernaut, assassin and sorcerer, and lost all of them with opponents having half their hp left. Against the asassin, I even used a warzone med stim to get me another 5k hp, but the result was the same.

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No point in playing merc after 1.2? As a pyro/bodyguard merc I disagree strongly(bodygaurd sucks, but maybe it's l2p issues for me after 1.2 :rolleyes: ). I didn't test out arsenal yet. Yesterday I pulled off top 3 around in 5 warzones.


We're boned when mara jumps on us and our knockback is on CD? Yep. Were we boned when mara jumped on us pre-1.2? YEP.


Depending on your spec. As Pyro I felt I could stand my own against melee, as arsenal you traded mobility for the ability to burst people very fast. The issue I think here comes down to the individual trees.


This is obviously a L2P issue...but honestly i really dont see how thats possible as an arsenal merc.


This is obviously someone who has been shat on by an arsenal merc and is upset because they didn't have enough situational awareness to just get out of los...



I didn;'t test out arsenal as I mentioned in previous post, but still I saw couple of merc pwning me from afar like they used to do, when they are unchecked. I don't think it's that bad.


pwning you from afar? Why did you just stand there? Break their los and they are useless and will move on to another target.


The big issue here is people not differentiating between trees. People seem to think Merc = Arsenal and they have no other tree. When they hear pyro they think powertech as most mercs dont use pyro.


Arsenal should do high burst damage but drop when someone focus fires them.


Pyrotech for Mercs is relatively a joke, it's more mobile but most snares other classes have slow you down for >50% so they still gain on you as if you didn't snare them. You moved the jugg trees around so that Mara's could have 20% dmg bonus to smash, why not give Pyro mercs the armor pen that Powertechs get? Why not give Pyro mercs an instant cast that can reset rail shot, is hard to be mobile when you have to cast powershot or unload to reset railshot. If not the instant cast then give Pyro mercs a more effective snare.


Pre 1.2 Pyro Mercs did high damage with some burst capability but now? I'm middle of the road damage with Assassins/Shadows, Maras/Sentinels, Juggs,Guardians, and Op/Scoundrels walking all over me (unless they are incompetent pvpers).

Edited by Tofej
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Are you guys kidding? I'm ROLLING people.


Respecced from heals. 3 TM, Heatseeking, 5K CRIT.


I hit 6K without an adrenal. I had Rapid shots ticking for 2.2K.


You guys are doing it wrong. They are hiding from me in warzones. Healer teams are being steamrolled by my non healer - solo queue - teams.


EDIT - Wearing BM Healing Gear with Surge enhancements that did not get updated ~500 expertise.


I could be hitting WAY harder with better gear.

Edited by JustTray
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Are you guys kidding? I'm ROLLING people.


Respecced from heals. 3 TM, Heatseeking, 5K CRIT.


I hit 6K without an adrenal. I had Rapid shots ticking for 2.2K.


You guys are doing it wrong. They are hiding from me in warzones. Healer teams are being steamrolled by my non healer - solo queue - teams.


EDIT - Wearing BM Healing Gear with Surge enhancements that did not get updated ~500 expertise.


I could be hitting WAY harder with better gear.


I'm full battle master's and i use rakata tier 3 weapons + a dps trinket with my battlemaster surge/crit trinket also i'm biochem so i have best stim too! its not about gear or extra's its about nerfing us WAY to hard!

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I think he was talking about PT Pyrotechs which really didn't change much.



DPS Mercenaries stopped playing their Mercs and are -



#1. Playing a Sith Warrior


#2. Playing their PT Pyrotech exclusively.


#3. Quit the game



There is just no logical reason to play a Mercenary DPS class right now.


Taking option 3 for now. Merc didn't have anything op per 1.2. Now they are a complete joke..

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Are you guys kidding? I'm ROLLING people.


Respecced from heals. 3 TM, Heatseeking, 5K CRIT.


I hit 6K without an adrenal. I had Rapid shots ticking for 2.2K.


You guys are doing it wrong. They are hiding from me in warzones. Healer teams are being steamrolled by my non healer - solo queue - teams.


EDIT - Wearing BM Healing Gear with Surge enhancements that did not get updated ~500 expertise.


I could be hitting WAY harder with better gear.


In this patch, the bad players whine and the good ones adapt.

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The dmg on the arsenal merc is definately lower then before. And the heat issues are way worse. I find it funny that this class got nerfed hard when the 1 class that needed nerfing didnt get nerfed at all. Oh well I guess we know what biofail is playing in warzones .. and it aint arsenal mercs.
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I take back my previous post...Arsenal is doing just fine! I have a full BM set for healing and eliminator and my first 10 or so wzs was in the healing spec, which wasn't terrible, but heat was WAY more of an issue so I definitely felt the nerf, but once i went back to arsenal I was BLOWING folks up. Had a HS missile over 6,500....you just really have to watch your heat and hit vent on CD and mix in some auto shots while your waiting for HS to come back up on CD.I've always used UL on proc so that was certainly a buff too. When it's all said and done, I can honestly say that I dont feel less powerful than before.


Does that mean that Marauders aren't OP? NO! It just means that if you catch them w/o their cheatmode damage reduction (and if they arent in your #%^s), then you can blow folks up in a rotation.

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Pretty sure it's not just stationary nuke specs complaining about melee dps being overpowered at the moment.


Well then maybe BW should give all the stationary specs some mobility?


Or- they could just nerf the damage of stationary specs through the floor.

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The only DPS a BH has now are Unloaded (3 second channel / 15 sec CD) and Heatseeker (15 second CD).


The big issue is you don't want to cast TM anymore because it's absolutely **** but you're FORCED to because it's your only option most of the time and the entire tree is wrapped around it.


Tracer Missile was nerfed by 40-50% and it's absolutely useless damage especially for an INTERRUPTABLE 1.5 second cast.


Your "main" ability that you are FORCED to spam is awful.


Couple that with the fact that crit and survivability were actually DECREASED in this patch and you have a bunch of pissed off Mercs that want to unsub.


The "Baddie mercs" that post "**** everything is great" play on dead servers or aren't "doing it right".


No one can say with a straight face that casting TM 3x is good damage but you HAVE to do it routinely because your only two big damage abilities are on CD or Unload was interrupted.


I chuckle when I see Grav round or TM being shot at me now.


I let them spam that on me all day long. It's pure trash, low dps, high cancel ability.



#1. TM damage needs to actually be reverted back then -10% damage. The Devs lied out their teeth about "10%" Damage decrease. That is a fact.


OR they need to change some core fundamental mechanics of the tree so that you aren't forced to spam TM. Have some other abilities proc the TM debuffs / buffs.


#2. Merc survivability needs to be increased.



It's as simple as that....

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Are you guys kidding? I'm ROLLING people.


Respecced from heals. 3 TM, Heatseeking, 5K CRIT.


I hit 6K without an adrenal. I had Rapid shots ticking for 2.2K.


You guys are doing it wrong. They are hiding from me in warzones. Healer teams are being steamrolled by my non healer - solo queue - teams.


EDIT - Wearing BM Healing Gear with Surge enhancements that did not get updated ~500 expertise.


I could be hitting WAY harder with better gear.


Then you're playing against baddies, any player with any idea on how to play at all would be in your face interrupting you.

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I am not sure what class you guys are playing but I get 8k crits on my heatseekers all the time.




Play Pyro for a day and see how you feel about 1.2, then.


It's you spamtards that got us served this plate of crap on a stick in the first place.

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