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Canceled pre-order


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So they clearly said folks were getting in in the order they registered the code , they added two earlier days even to get it spread out even more smoothly , yet people are still raging when Bioware has made it clear how early access was going to work.


Good riddance.

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I for one expected this and I'm having a great time reading all the people who did not pre order at 2 AM July 21st get mad that they aren't in wave 1. EVERYONE seemed to assume they'd get in day 1.


My bet for myself is around Friday or Saturday. And I preordered within the first week.

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anyone cancelling at this point is a little out of their mind, you could probably sell your pre-order w/ the early access code attached to it for more than you paid for it.


I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would be willing to pay up and cxl their existing preorder to get in a day or two earlier.

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We appreciate you expressing your concerns but these forums are available for discussing topics specific to the game, as this does not fit into that category the thread will be closed. Please feel free to join in on another conversation already in progress or post a new thread if you have something relevant that is not currently being discussed.

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