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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Casual players are NOT valued customers


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newsflash ! I have a subscription with my mobile company ! 3 months later i see they do a promotion and give away free cellphones !!


I said : hey i want that free cellphone, i didnt get any when i subbed to your company!

they : well this is a new promotion to attract NEW customers. i'm sorry there was no promotion for you back then.

me : oke then i leave your company if i dont get the free phone?


you = correct ?


Did that mobile company mentioned that the new free phone is for "most valued" new customers? I'll leave the "loyal" out here.

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I'm not crying about it. I was simply making a statement on how what they did came across. I'll repeat...I could care less about the free 30 days. It's simply how it came across.


Why is it that forums seems to give folks the thought process that they can just be rude to others because it's "anonymous". Please conform yourself without trying to take jabs at people. Thank you.


Really man kinda seems like going online to start a thread, then monitor it and respond to these "rude" people is crying.


Oh and I don't mean crying like a manly tear I mean like a small child bawling about how his brother got something he didn't.

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I'm a casual player, I don't have a level 50, I'm not whining about not getting a 30 day extension on my sub, I could have got to level 50 if I concentrated on playing one character but I've had fun doing loads of other stuff. Four months is plenty of time, even for the most casual of player, to have got at least one level 50 if they wanted to imho.
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Again, posting this from another thread -


The free month? Its not supposed to be a reward, its supposed to be a bribe.



You aren't going anywhere. The 50 who sees the endgame bugs, broken design, might.


Eh, that's not true, the reason I never made it to 50 was because I sat there thinking, 15 more levels of this? Can't do it.


Though I came back for 1.2. The patch notes made it sound like they were working to fix most of the things people had a problem with.

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i remember a guy complaining in the supermarket that a particular good was only beneficial if you would buy a 10 pack. He said he is alone and have no family so he dont need that many.


The woman said: this promotion is for a house family.

the men said : but i'm a customer too why cant i benefit from it ?

the woman said : there will be also promotions beneficial for people that live alone, but now its for a family promotion.


I stepped on the autobus and saw an older lady 65+ passing the driver without paying. I said to the driver that she didnt pay, he replied : yeah but she is 65+ so she rides for free !

i replied : but i'm only 30, i cant benefit from that promotion, this isnt fair !!!


just a selection of real life stuff going on, i could write pages of stuff that is only for X or only for Y , are you new in this world that you dont understand this???????


False analogy. They did not tell anyone beforehand that there would be a special reward for getting to 50 within a certain amount of time. It's complete bull that some players are denied a reward when they had no advance notice that there would be a reward like this.


I guarantee that if this reward were given out to only Sith or Republic players, all of the smug responses like this from people that only played the side not getting rewarded would disappear.


and I'll emphasize again: For anyone upset about this, the ONLY message that BW will listen to is to cancel. It doesn't mean you won't get to play, it doesn't mean you will lose your characters. If you're upset enough to post about it, it's only another few mouse clicks to send a message that they will actually listen to.

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Emotions aside, I don't care any more if I got 30 days free or not.


For the record, I congratulate all with level 50 characters bonus play time and wish you more such gifts.


But the thing I would like Bioware to officialy state is




I guess everyone would like to know Bioware's reasoning for this. Why not other cryteria? Like Chapter 1 finished, class story finished, Valour 50, Legacy whatever.


So Bioware, could you please let us know why did you chose this particular cryteria?


I think I deserve as much as that being paying customer. Thank you in advance.


Why level 50? simple they have run out of content


the content was pulled from the patch 12 hours before launch, this is biowares way of saying please hang on.



people who are not 50 dont have to sit on fleet for another month waiting to be able to make groups of 8 people for Wz

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I have to admit I'm kind of surprised how upset people get over $15


It's less the 15 dollars, more of the butt kissing, "We're sorry 50s, we love you, we need you. Please don't go." 6 crafting characters none of which are over 40? "F U, you n00b loser. Get out our way, we're trying to suck up to the 50s."


Hey, just cause I never leave fleet doesn't mean I don't add value to the game. Half your alts wouldn't have pants if it weren't for me!

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So you all mean to tell me you have never heard of businesses rewarding their most active/frequent customers? really?


Those businesses are rewarding people that spend money. We all pay the same amount regardless of play time. Why should someone taht spent the time in-game leveling ONE character be rewarded more than someone that paid the same, just leveled more characters, leveled slowly, was RPing, was socializing, etc.?


Oh, right they shouldn't, because in many cases they may have actually spent LESS money on the game than someone who isn't getting rewarded.

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Lets be honest: If you have been playing this game since release and you dont have a level 50 by now you are a small minority and probably dont play the game much.


Leveling in this game is pretty easy.


I believe they gave the free time to people at 50 because they realize they need more endgame content and many other games are coming out soon.

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Did that mobile company mentioned that the new free phone is for "most valued" new customers? I'll leave the "loyal" out here.


no, but this newyear i got from the boss of my local pub a free barrel of beer (30 liters) for me and my friends.


I come there 4 times a week with them.

i'm pretty sure the other customers didnt get a free barrel of beer. Maybe because they only come there 1 or 2 times a month??


ofcourse we pay all the same per month here. But in an economic way this is the best thing they could do ! If they said SWTOR is free for EVERYONE this month, the boards would be bulking out with people whining: SEE THIS GAME IS GONNA GO F2P! SEE , THIS GAME IS DYING, .... .


forum people will never all be satisfied, so there is no point in trying that. If 90% of BW customers are happy, then they did a great job.


remember that.

Edited by Kozzmozz
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Gratz to the little boys and gals and welfare power leveler for making level 50 in 4 months.


When you log out of SWTOR, you are still a little fat loser.


How can someone be little and fat?


Anyway, regardless of my stance on this whole deal, I have a hard time taking TC seriously with the overuse of ellipses.

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No one cares.


All the best.


Nor did I expect that they should.


My post was a response to Frostvein's veiled claim that no one will quit over this.


I have, as have others.


You don't care, I understand that.


But if every patch full of lies sees a few hundred people leave sooner or later Bioware won't have enough revenue to fund future development.


Bioware said this game would suit and support casual players: they lied.


Bioware said Legacy Perks would be paid for by Legacy Level OR Credits but NOT both: they lied.


Bioware said RWZ would be in 1.2: they lied.


If you are happy to keep giving your money to people who lie to you then fine, all power to you.


PS: Send me $200 via PayPal and I'll send you a genuine working, honest to goodness real life lightsaber.


All The Best

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LOL the SWTOR fanboys come out in force again with no real argument why to play this quite frankly shocking game.


This could have and should have been a game that would rival WOW


but the complete and utter ineptitude of Bioware have created a Korean pvp grind fest and a product that is bugged to death in operations and general play. With shoddy patching and a game saving 1.2 patch that doesnt contain rated WZs which everyone was hopeing for and a 5 minute shiney legacy system that is useless.


and before the fanboys start moaning about people not giving it a chance


i have 3 level 50s, valour rank 75 and cleared all HMs ops with some nightmares.

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