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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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Originally Posted by Deathandshadows

to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...


This tired argument again.


I don't need to be a pianist to know when a musician plays a wrong note. I don't need to be a gourmet chef to discern that there's ammonia in my spaghetti, and we don't need to be game designers to know that Bioware has become pretty awful lately, I'd argue since EA bought them out.


Events like this don't do much to inspire confidence.


Edit: Misfired and quoted the wrong person.

Edited by TreizeLOTV
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i love how people act so outraged/surprised by server down time in an mmo, especially a new 1. personally I expected this after such a big patch. If this has pushed u to unsub I dont recommend u play any other mmos cause its the same with all the others as well, sometimes the servers go down unexpectedly. And no we dont deserve an extra day of game time because the servers went down for awhile gees, it happens get over it.



Downtime in a new game and after a new patch is to be expected as you say. However, doing it during prime playing time for countries outside the US is just ignorant, rude and makes playing the game downright pointless. You have different country servers but what's the point? Everything is done by American time and before you say that it's an American company... yes it is, but other MMOs are run by American companies and manage to have separate downtime for correct timezones so that people can still play.


Bioware isn't a little newbie company who just decided to create a new MMO. They should know how to handle their customer base properly and not just the American ones.

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Sorry for the inconvenience.


We appreciate that you wish to play but we are experiencing technical problems beyond our control at this time.


A former employee that has been relieved from his position due to his incompetence with a bottle of soda and breakfast food mishandling has admitted blame.


To exacerbate the problem during an attempt to rectify this problem unbeknownst to us, the Aforementioned former employee, smeared bacon grease ( bacon Mcdouble ) on a vital component which caused a severe sever roll back on all servers.


Windex and Bounty double duty towels are being liberally applied as we speak (no expense is to great for OUR customer base)


Once again we apologize and look forward to your next monthly fee


this wasn't funny the other 2 times you posted it. no one laughed. stop being desperte and trying to look funny. idiot. x

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Pro tip : Never book a day off to play a game on day of patch or day or two after.


Happens all the time, in all MMO's so get over it.


Take your girl out tonight as a surprise and I'm sure she will let you be a kid again for a day on Sat or Sunday.


Life sucks, deal.


I just got home from work looking forward to playing. It looks like it won't be up until midnight or so in my timezone.


So I'm posting this then having a shower and going to the pub and will play tomorrow or whenever I'm sober enough to do so.


Not that hard is it.

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Never seen so much whining over losing $.50........LMAO. Reading the cry baby rants in here is pretty entertaining.....


Its not the money, it's the principle. If I am paying for a service, I expect to receive that service. I could care less about the money. I had planned to spend my day off playing SWTOR. 50 cents I can let go of, but bioware cannot replace my time, or undo my loss of faith in them.


Also, if they roll back the server what about everything I've done since? I lose that investment of time I put into the game too? The three heroic 4 quests I've done, and my two crafting criticals were for nothing? Can i get those 6-8 hours back too? No. I can't. So yes. I'm angry.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


I Second that! Heh! :tran_cool:

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Downtime in a new game and after a new patch is to be expected as you say. However, doing it during prime playing time for countries outside the US is just ignorant, rude and makes playing the game downright pointless. You have different country servers but what's the point? Everything is done by American time and before you say that it's an American company... yes it is, but other MMOs are run by American companies and manage to have separate downtime for correct timezones so that people can still play.


Bioware isn't a little newbie company who just decided to create a new MMO. They should know how to handle their customer base properly and not just the American ones.



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I really enjoy the game, but need to stop reading these blogs. I had no idea there were so many people out of touch with the real world. In the real world stuff happens. You lose cell service, internet goes down, power goes out, things break. When it happens I don't run to the computer and post garbage all over DirecTV's website asking for a three hour credit!! Why? Because I know service will be restored and if it isn't I cancel. I don't whine on some blog that no one is reading because (i) it's ridiculous and (ii) it's a enormous waste of time. Folks, you pay $15/mo to play a game. I pay more a month for my coffee. Again, it's a game. If you're that upset about a patch, content, service, than simply man up and cancel. Period. Some of you guys act like you don't have a choice. You do. Pay or don't pay. Crying to the world isn't going to get BW to fix the issue any faster. Find something else to do for a few hours!! LOL.


Which country are you living in?

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Yesterday 8 hours of waiting, today 4 hours and then I see servers are up, but have to visit store and when coming back, they are down and down and down...why this happens now that I'm bored in wow and ain't logging there though having active sub!! Destiny tries to force me stop playing this game, but I need to fight it back even though I'm pretty mad :confused:


Really now, it's very important maintances are different in us and eu and proper patch testing in test servers :(

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to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...


No, we can't. You know why? Because we don't specialize in game designing. If a doctor screws up on a kidney transfer on you, he don't say "hey, you try doing a better job than me." No because it's their job to get it right, not ours.


Maybe that was over-kill of an comparison, but you get the idea.

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Originally Posted by llesna

Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.


Really? has it come to this nit picking ppls speling and gramer? loolz


Both grammar and spelling wrong in the same sentence, someone give this man a medal.

Edited by Jonvuu
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I truly hope that BW reads this thread



ROFLAMO. I'm pretty sure not a single dev has browsed forums since the beta weekends. You got some 10 Indian customer service people working for some 2 Euros/hour, going through posts and using ctrl-V and locking threads when certain conditions they've been briefed before hand are met. They are about as close to Devs as store clerk of an Apple Store is to uh, whatever Apple Gods Of Ivory Tower responsible of creating Apple junk.

Edited by Stradlin
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Its not the money, it's the principle. If I am paying for a service, I expect to receive that service. I could care less about the money. I had planned to spend my day off playing SWTOR. 50 cents I can let go of, but bioware cannot replace my time, or undo my loss of faith in them.


Also, if they roll back the server what about everything I've done since? I lose that investment of time I put into the game too? The three heroic 4 quests I've done, and my two crafting criticals were for nothing? Can i get those 6-8 hours back too? No. I can't. So yes. I'm angry.


lol it's a game.. a virtual non-existing world... there is no investment...

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Downtime in a new game and after a new patch is to be expected as you say. However, doing it during prime playing time for countries outside the US is just ignorant, rude and makes playing the game downright pointless. You have different country servers but what's the point? Everything is done by American time and before you say that it's an American company... yes it is, but other MMOs are run by American companies and manage to have separate downtime for correct timezones so that people can still play.


Bioware isn't a little newbie company who just decided to create a new MMO. They should know how to handle their customer base properly and not just the American ones.



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For an estimated 50% or more of the subscribers, I'm assuming this isn't your first RODEO; which leaves you open to extensive criticizing how Bioware is doing with their FIRST MMORPG. However, I and people alike know the raging happening today is about SWtOR subscribers comparing this to a veteran MMO established of 10+ years. ex: WoW.


Take a step back in time to Blizzard 10years prior and compare it to present Bioware please. Both exceptional companies, but like WoW, SWtOR will lack in the "development department" for some time LIKE BLIZZARD DID. As it was new for them, it is also new to Bioware. Any early MMO is likely to have patching issues, as for the time and place that was bad news ALL on Bioware's part; but to the relativity that this game is close to falling apart, SWtOR is far from it. SW has a compelling fan base that has lasted decades and continues to grow and grasp people, beyond Blizzard and the gaming realm, and will continue to overpower most franchises for time to come.


WoW has come extremely far in 10years and rallies an enormous amount of subscribers to this day so there is all the hope EVER that this game is going to succeed if you give it the necessary time. I hear debates that SWtOR is an exceptional RPG but lack the MMO portion to continue building a reputable MMO fan base. Even more so, complaints that people would just rather play SWG. Well how about some patience? This game isn't even a year old. SWtOR is still a baby and Bioware is trying to bring us the best they've got.


Even outside this current branch I have high hopes for Bioware's team. Over the years they've brought demanding sagas like Assassins Creed & Mass Effect (do not forget Knight of the Old Republic.) Unfortunately, is Friday the 13th and us die hard fans are waiting patiently, to get back online.


Bioware could had seen this unfortunate turn of events and took action by giving us a free 30day play time (Cover-up?). Let us not remember WoW was down for several days/several TIMES do to Vanilla developers not patching properly. Subscribers were also asking for free play time :)



well said, couldnt agree more, wow has had 10 years to iron out its problems, i can still remember ALL WOW SERVERS CRASHING when AQ40 was released, it happens in every game, the trolls need to chill out, were only a few months into the game, things take time, just like wow took 10 years to get where it is today

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well said, would love to see all these trolls make their own MMO, keep it updated with new content and keep the masses happy, it happens in every game, these kids need to grow up and realise that wow was never a polished game when it was released, and i bet half of them never played wow from the beginning, or for eg. were not there for the release of AQ40 in the vanilla days, if you were, you'd understand what i mean, patches/new content dont always plan out as intended, even when you use a public test server


WOW came out 8 years ago!


that is like the stone ages in computer terms, things have moved on! Development tools are better now, implementing has gotten easier, the list goes on - Keep up with the times before writing rubbish like that.

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