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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally


"Back in the days..." --- What, when they had steam engines?


Let me sell you a car with the brakes not working - you are the kind of person that won't complain....


Back in the days my arm...

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Everyone that has their panties in a bunch really needs to chill. Bioware just deployed a major content patch. There will be issues, just like EVERY OTHER MMO that deploys a major content patch. Anyone who tries to spout off about how smooth WoW runs makes me want to throw up. The game is down for a few hours. Big deal. From what I saw yesterday, I really look forward to playing alts and opening up more legacy stuff. If this current issue makes you want to unsub, then please do so. Please. Really, the more ADHD jackwads that leave, the better the game will be.:D


I have never seen an MMO accidentally roll back their servers to a previous a patch. Come on fanboi this is one of the biggest screw ups in MMO history, you can sugar coat this. This isn't some unseen bug or glitch, this is flat out incompetence.

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I think it's funny the ppl who laugh at ppl who say they r quitting, i remember same in my last mmorpg till i quit lol, still get text plz come back and heal for us rofl. A few servers from wat i see r struggling and if the best reponse u can come up with when some1 does not like the way the game has panned out is "bye" i hope u relize that soon it will b just u playing and u won't have to say bye to any1 rofl. this is an mmorpg and nearly every person that leaves hurts the game be it, less funds for bioware to implement stuff or basically no player base so q times r painful (lightsabers will only carry u so far bioware).

Btw prob won't renew my sub either been meaning to get back to eve-online might have to check it out :)


I don't laugh at people leaving, I laugh at people who: can't type 'you', 'be', 'please', 'are', 'what', 'someone', 'people', have an inability to capitalize, spell other basic words, and generally have a disregard for the English language.


And thus I got laughs today.

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It's Friday the 13th. We all know how unlucky it is. Even the game can't get away from the "curse". Don't worry tho, we'll be playing again in no time. Maybe it's a good time to clean off desk, get some stuff done so when game is back online, can play till the cows come home. :D
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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.

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I seriously do not understand the "it is a game, stop whining" or "it is normal" kinda thought. I am guessing that these people are hardcore Star Wars fans running with a lightsaber in real life and are blind to the shortcomings of the service being delivered by BW.


Yes, it is a game but more then that it is a service that BW delivers in compensation for a fee: we are talking millions of dollars. If i pay for something, I simply expect it to work when I want to use it.


It is the basics of business: you either deliver quality or lose customers. Unless you compensate them and hope to satisfy them that way. Mark the word hope here. Compensation is the least you could and should do.


Someone ever wrote an ingame ticket? It took them 4 weeks to restore an item. Add all these things and voila, you got the best formula for losing your customers.


I for sure can guarantee that I would have quit the game if I was not stupid enough to pay for six months in advance. Not because the game is not good. On the contrary, it is a nice game. Just simply because of the fact the (customer) service is a disaster.


If you thought you'd be coming to a bug-free MMO, I have a bridge in Siberia I'd like to sell you. I frankly don't mind issues with large content patches and expect them (they've been in every other game, too). I do take issue with their having outsourced their Customer Service to a country where English is regarded as exotic and every bug report I make is attributed to something I've done wrong.

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You can't prevent posters from complaining, we're paying customers and we want to get our money's worth <--- TRUTH!


That is correct, complain all you want. Of course you look like a foolish child with no idea what is going on, but if you are comfortable with that, please carry on.


Your tears...

They are delicious.

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I love how everyone is complaining about the unexpected downtime yet nobody here mentions how other mmos had MORE downtime heck WoW in it's first couple months had 4x the downtime to the point where they had to give free days (yes there were at least a full day of downtime every few weeks) this happens to all mmos you need to remember mmo's are the most complicated software there is.
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I truly hope that BW reads this thread. And I further hope that they take note of everyone in here that is threatening to cancel their subs, and then that BW decides to be helpful and cancels their subscriptions for them.


Because I doubt most of those people could figure out how to do it themselves, judging by the number of people that have been threatening to cancel for several months. Apparently they had to get Daddy or Mommy to download the game for them, and most likely have to get permission from their parents to join a group with "internet strangers".


I am never so disgusted with the internet as I am when I read game forums. But it is like a train wreck, I just want to see what will happen next.


To Bioware: Good call in taking down the servers. Ignore the people that have no clue and less patience. Keep them down as long as needed to fix the issue. Rest assured that the majority of players will still be here, and will be thankful that you fixed it.


That is not to say that we are not disappointed, because we are, but this was a major issues that was ESSENTIAL to fix quickly and properly.


Quite bold of you to represent the majority of the playerbase.

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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.


Maybe the fix to enable character deletion worked really, really well :D

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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.


We don't know the inner mechanics, but think of launching the game worlds as compiling a bunch of different assets. Someone accidentally included some old assets when recompiling the worlds. Human error, probably magnified by being in a rush to install a hot fix.

Edited by Kthx
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During last night's maintenance, some areas of the game were reverted to pre-Game Update 1.2 status. Some areas were 'missing' and characters that were in those areas would be unavailable. We took the live servers offline at approx 9:30AM CDT (Austin time).


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST). We'll update you with information in this thread when we have it.


We sincerely apologize for the unexpected downtime today. We’ll update you with more details later.


Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.





---> thats the *$ !!!! who hit control alt delete ?

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Wasn't the patch yesterday....


"Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


How did that roll back the servers...lol.


Seems like something they aren't telling us.


My theory is a security breach. If that's the case, and they don't promptly inform us so we can safeguard our information, I will sure as **** hold them liable. After all we have legal grounds to do so as it would constitute a breach of the agreed to privacy policy.

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I love how everyone is complaining about the unexpected downtime yet nobody here mentions how other mmos had MORE downtime heck WoW in it's first couple months had 4x the downtime to the point where they had to give free days (yes there were at least a full day of downtime every few weeks) this happens to all mmos you need to remember mmo's are the most complicated software there is.

Agreed, but i don't remember rift being down all the time (just saying).

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