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I think it's funny the ppl who laugh at ppl who say they r quitting, i remember same in my last mmorpg till i quit lol, still get text plz come back and heal for us rofl. A few servers from wat i see r struggling and if the best reponse u can come up with when some1 does not like the way the game has panned out is "bye" i hope u relize that soon it will b just u playing and u won't have to say bye to any1 rofl. this is an mmorpg and nearly every person that leaves hurts the game be it, less funds for bioware to implement stuff or basically no player base so q times r painful (lightsabers will only carry u so far bioware).

Btw prob won't renew my sub either been meaning to get back to eve-online might have to check it out :)


People did that in SWG after the NGE and look what happen to that game lol. :D

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Does Bioware actually test the "fixes" they deploy? I mean come on, a minor patch breaks the game so badly that they need a full day to fix it? Here's a suggestion for your suggestion box: actually test your code before going live with it.


I know hey.... fark me dead, talk about bad coders / testers (or both, normally they are 1 in the same though) my friend codes for a living and holy **** if he did this he would get ***** alive by his company, I shoulda known Bioware would be like this just after looking at what engine they went with (Hero over Cry Engine, SERIOUSLY?!?! ) and how BADLY they optimised the game, you can just tell either A) They were RUSHED (which I mean 10 years... come on) or B) They did EVERYTHING on the cheap apart from Voice acting, or C) Are just BAD BAD BAD coders.


Or D) All of the above.

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I am not exactly feeling like "ah well at least it was cheap". I am personally at home sick from work. I was thinking I would pass some of the time playing SWTOR. That isn't happening. That doesn't mean I am going to go on a tirade at SWTOR.


**** happens.


Well "its not like its expensive either" sounds awfully like. "at least it was cheap"


i wouldnt call it a tirade, im not even that bothered by it , im going out to get drunk tonight anyway.


Im just pointing out that if im paying for ice cream i want my goddamn ice cream! :D

Edited by MightyRoy
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Dont be ridiculous, we wont get excuses. We'll just get "Sorry for the inconvenience" As standard.


You did not got an excuse. You got an assurance that guild banks you bought and items in them are NOT gone, all the legacy upgrades NOT gone, all pvp upgrades NOT gone.


There is no loss of items, so there is nothing to complain about and nothing to apologize about. There is a loss of play time for all of today before 6 pm CDT. That's it.

Edited by Kthx
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lol and now i just read that the servers will be down for another 7 hours, ot back until midnight UK time. Boy am i glad i took today off work to play 1.2. Im not usually one for QQing but i have a really bad taste in my mouth right now and its got TOR written all over it.


So basically they starting the 1.2 upgrade process all over again today i guess :(

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OMG I didn't expect this. Today is probably the only day I can play in the following week and now my game time is wasted for a patch failure? I should be crying, but all I am doing is to laugh for reasons I don't know.
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BST is British Summer Time, so the UK time. I don't know why they don't use GMT like the rest of the world does. So basically its 5:14pm in the UK now and the servers won't be up for us until midnight. Meaning the whole of Friday evening is a no go for Brits and most of Europe. Great job guys, seriously!


Say what u will about WoW, but we could always play in the evenings.




Hence BW is correct in using BST rather than GMT.


I know, it's odd that the actual time in Greenwich is GMT+1, but that's why it's preferable to use UTC over GMT to avoid that confusion.

Edited by llesna
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i think a lot of people are going to unsub because of the issues with this patch


i know i have already but i plan to renew it lol


BUT cancelling your sub until then makes an impact on BW side of thing for a few days atleast


so i encourage everyone to cancel your sub until renewal date



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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


lol high horse brigade are out, tell me another product/service you use that you would sit back and say ok thats fair enough take my money and screw me over time after time ;)

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Well, it looks like the backlash of this screw up on the part of the developers may result in people quitting the game. Since server population was low on most servers anyway, this will cause them to drop even lower. Is there any plans to have a server merger in the future? We can only hope.
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Which means you make $45 Dollars,Euros or whichever denomination you may receive from your country of origin and of course the proper conversions apply.


This still equates to very large wampum by any terms my prosperous young squire.




I would conclude you are in a position of prominence and high responsibility to garner such an astounding wage.


To add:


It's possible you could have a blue collar job which pays that well but doubtful. In either case then I would think there is no job that pays so very well and allows you ample free time.


In conclusion:


I believe Great Exaggeration !! is being applied forcefully in the hopes of conveying indifference to the current situation. I think this, due to what I believe must be your very limited time available from all the cash raking you are doing and my astounding powers of observation so I have concluded otherwise.




Therefore,I call you out and say..


BULL PUCKEY sir !! On both counts!!


After reading this I'm suddenly not angry anymore:confused:.

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I think it's funny the ppl who laugh at ppl who say they r quitting, i remember same in my last mmorpg till i quit lol, still get text plz come back and heal for us rofl. A few servers from wat i see r struggling and if the best reponse u can come up with when some1 does not like the way the game has panned out is "bye" i hope u relize that soon it will b just u playing and u won't have to say bye to any1 rofl. this is an mmorpg and nearly every person that leaves hurts the game be it, less funds for bioware to implement stuff or basically no player base so q times r painful (lightsabers will only carry u so far bioware).

Btw prob won't renew my sub either been meaning to get back to eve-online might have to check it out :)


Could you re-phrase this in English please?

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The best thing we can do is assume that the mistake (there is no other way of explaining it) is learnt from and reviewed.


Frustration is understandable by all accounts, and is bound to happen.


For someone that is giving Bioware a "probationary" period, by purchasing their game, and running an active subscription, this does not bode well. They have marginalized a good portion of their customer base, by targeted rebates according to performance, and now are expecting their entire customer base to nonchalantly go along with their mistakes and server debacles.

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You did not got an excuse. You got an assurance that guild banks you bought and items in them are NOT gone, all the legacy upgrades NOT gone, all pvp upgrades NOT gone.


There is no loss of items, so there is nothing to complain about and nothing to apologize about. There is a loss of play time for all of today before 6 pm CDT. That's it.


It was a somewhat lucid statement about the state of affairs in general. Calm down dear.

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