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Your a tard, for one I clearly stated both classes, and was talking about different things on both classes, Just talking about it as one whole thing. If you couldn't interpret what I was trying to say, your a tard. Congradulations.


Yeah...I'm the tard...Mara/Sent is the same thing. I was talking SPECS and GUARDIANS. You're combining skills into 1 skill, claiming we have skills that are GUARDIAN specific, and making it seem like we all run a 31/31/31 spec. Go away. And run a spell/grammar check for the love of god.

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ENOUGH of these stupid Sent/Marauder OP threads. Yes, they're difficult to kill when they save their cooldowns. That's not OP. Just cause you can't faceroll over them for an easy fight doesn't mean you should cry "OP". Identify the problems you have with them and come up with ways to overcome it. I've beaten Mara/Sents on my vigilance guardian pre and post 1.2, and sawbones/dirty fighting scoundrel. It's all about timing and waiting out the cooldowns through the creation of space and kiting.
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ENOUGH of these stupid Sent/Marauder OP threads. Yes, they're difficult to kill when they save their cooldowns. That's not OP. Just cause you can't faceroll over them for an easy fight doesn't mean you should cry "OP". Identify the problems you have with them and come up with ways to overcome it. I've beaten Mara/Sents on my vigilance guardian pre and post 1.2, and sawbones/dirty fighting scoundrel. It's all about timing and waiting out the cooldowns through the creation of space and kiting.


True. People should learn the classes they have problem with. Or better, ask a guildie that plays the class you have issues with to go on some duels.


I play a sentinel, yes. Which makes my life a breeze vs my mirror class. It's not that hard to counter, just need to react on time.


Master strike ? Pacify! (or just walk away/stun/push/pull if you are not a sent/mara)


Force Camo ? Count till 4-6, he will show up again, not that he can do anything during stealth CD.


Guarded by the force ? Kite for 5 seconds or stun... end of story. I love to see 4 players pounding and unloading all that they have on a gbtf mara. he is practically dead, just control and 1 shot after 5 seconds.


Rebuke ? control or camo. worth the 20% more damage you will do after these 6 seconds.

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I been sentinel since pre-launch, worked hard on my toon. Played with skill tree till I found one that is badazz. geared my toon and murdered. For those who don't know sentinel's I suggest re-rolling it with all the others i see doing it, god i love cutting them nub marauders/sentinels down in pvp. First thing people will notice is sentinels not much tougher than before, If you die to one in 2-3 hits i suggest you get geared and learn to counter attacks, One thing a good sentinel does is know when to interrupt another players attack, button pressing is an art in the sentinels attack. We are not a three button class like others or prone to smashing the key board waiting for a cd for my next epic lighting/tracer to get my target. WE are pure DPS class and attack with aggression and no mercy to any healer, spammer of single hit dps or runners. I also wish they would get rid of guarded by the force and our epic 5 sec. cloak for a heal and shove/pull ability instead. Wondering why you get targeted? More than likely your a sorc. healer, ops healer or mercenary healer.
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Your a tard, for one I clearly stated both classes, and was talking about different things on both classes, Just talking about it as one whole thing. If you couldn't interpret what I was trying to say, your a tard. Congradulations.


i'm afraid i have to agree with a previous poster as to your lack of cognitive ability.

yes you certainly stated that you were talking about both mara and sent. you made this very clear.


but you then ascribed to those maras/sents abilities that are only available to jugs/guardians (aoe snare).


as clear a case of L2P as i've ever seen if you cant tell the 2 warrior/knight ACs apart.


here is you're earlier post, you can point me to the part where you CLEARLY state jug/guard if you like. i've put your mention of the aoe slow in bold, so you can easilly see where you are wrong:


Ever since 1.2 ive been noticing Sentinals and marauders dps out ALOT of damage.


In the beginning I was like, w/e they are suppose to deal out alot of dps. I am very good a pvp I am well known in my server and tend to win almost every game even in pug matches. But this is just sad, I get torn up by sentinals and marauders. SERIOUSLY I GET DOWNED IN 10 SECONDS, ARE YOU KIDDING? how are you suppose to beat a class that can #1 jump on you, then constantly spam a slow aoe. #2 Has a sheild that lasts about 15-20 seconds a cool down of 1-2 minutes? that delfects shots? I kite my oponent but wait.... Whats the point of kiting? When i lose about 8k by the end of his damn sheild buff?


Oh and not to mention their most OP move, Spaming that 15 sec ground smash that does i believe 6k or so ever time. IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF BALANCED BW? NOT EVEN OPERATIVES OR SNIPES ARE AS ANNOYING AS THESE FU**** NEW CHANGES TO MARAUDERS, SENTINALS. GOOD JOB!


Im done with wz, im done being down in about 10 seconds maxed.

The good pvp was when killing someone took a good amount of time, not killing people in 10 seconds. What is this Cod? shoot someone in the foot insta kill? Lawl


And for all you guys going to flame me idc, cuz ur most likly a marauder or sent, im pretty sure most people would agree with me that these changes were blown out of proportion.

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hate to say it on me gunslinger killed a mara 1v1 in hutball open space .. 40% him with burst then he hit me took 10% hp off hit him again hes 20% he pops god i flash grande wait for shilds to drp off and then killed him we were both similar gear not gonna bore you with what i pop to do that burst
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I don't know the mara or sent class all that well. I have no interest in learning the mechanics of the class in full.


I play a healing role scoundrel.


This is the one class that utterly destroys me.


Learning the basics of the class is not that difficult; just go into their specific class forum and it'll take you about 20-30 minutes tops to quickly read thru a class/spec guide and know their major abilities and work out counters to them. If you can't be bothered doing that, then it's very difficult to contribute anything of use to a conversation about pvp balance. It's like a sentinel saying "I can't kill scoundrel healers" and then finding out they wasted their interrupts on bait like diagnostic scan pre 1.2; that's not scoundrels being overpowered, that's the sentinel being stupid and not learning how to play.


Secondly, a sentinel/mara's main purpose is to dps, with a priority on focusing healers (that's why they were given short interrupts + a healing debuff). Thus yes, healers should find maras/sents one of the more difficult classes to deal with. Unfortunately, I've seen plenty of terrible sents fail to kill healers; just like I've seen plenty of healers fail to kite me and just try and stand there and out heal my dps without a guard - which usually ends in death for them.


Against the good sawbones/hybrid scoundrels on our server, I know I'm in for a long fight with lots of running and snaring etc if I'm 1v1. If they have a guard, then it's a REALLY long fight. If it's a bad scoundrel healer, then I explode them. Note the difference is not gear, but moreso how they play.

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Learning the basics of the class is not that difficult; just go into their specific class forum and it'll take you about 20-30 minutes tops to quickly read thru a class/spec guide and know their major abilities and work out counters to them. If you can't be bothered doing that, then it's very difficult to contribute anything of use to a conversation about pvp balance.


You're arguing theory with practical experience. Obviously the game has relatively decent interface when it comes to game-play. I can see the amount of damage and yes, I can see through experience what I'm up against. 200+ warzone games against the class is an obvious. Oh we're talking about nomenclature though? I don't think I should honestly have to know the name for every single class' abilities. Do you find that to be a good source of time use? When I make one, if I ever do, I'm sure I'll know the class inside and out. Until then I'm using an "experience in combat" against the class. Yes, I have healed through, kicked them out of "master strike", and several other abilities.


The fact that you're arguing that the class isn't imbalanced, and rather that I as a player should know the name of the abilities is the part that gets me.


That's like saying "Hey, that 2000 GT Supra destroyed you in a race? It's got a stock 5 liter V8 engine producing 450 hp and 383 lbs-ft of torque. What were you thinking?" To that I say, "You know what? I know it's friggin fast, and it destroys my RX-8 in a race. Thanks for the specs, but honestly I'm glad you didn't tell me the names of anything under the hood because I won't remember in 2 weeks time. It's not that I'm not interested, because it's good to know those things, but I don't need to know that particular information to know that my 1.3L 5,500 rpm doesn't have the capacity to beat that."


I don't need to know every detail. You learn through experience. You read too far into the "utterly destroys me" meaning I don't put up a "long fight", if you consider 20s long. The fact is, the Marauder has far too many disables combined with wrecking DPS. This is the very reason why scoundrel/ops was nerfed in the first place, and you want me to standby and say "No, you know what, they're fine. They're good as is. In fact, I'm so very happy that I was nerfed down into an utter "origami warrior" (stings when it cuts you and folds under pressure), that this chainsaw of a DPS class that cuts swathes of terror into the general community with how OP it is, shouldn't be remarked upon....oh but I need to know the names to do that according the community?" Utter. Waste. Of. Time. I'm not going to be bothered with theory vs. practical application. There's doing, and then there's theory crafting.


Some gamers are good by feel. Others need to research everything to do. I'm the first. I know how it feels, I see the cast bar on them when they're getting abilities up. I don't need to research the "name" of the ability to recognize what's going to happen next.


Oh and by the way, I know plenty of tactics to build up against a marauder. I'm not saying scoundrel's 'helpless', it just really feels that way when you're up against a class that puts out more damage than I did pre-nerf, and STILL has that stealth ability and the "Oh noes, watch out, I'm a tank!" ability...seriously. Defend that more. It's absurd.

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nerf maras --> good players roll another challenging class X --> new circle of whine about class X

whiners are a real problem of mmos


Maybe we should just make some kind of Black list of whiners, so anyone could kill them on sight? (I know, names are different on forums and in the game, any suggestions?)

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hate to say it on me gunslinger killed a mara 1v1 in hutball open space .. 40% him with burst then he hit me took 10% hp off hit him again hes 20% he pops god i flash grande wait for shilds to drp off and then killed him we were both similar gear not gonna bore you with what i pop to do that burst


Get into the 50 bracket with competent players.

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if sents themselves are admitting it's too easy then obviously something is wrong, that's all I can say...


from a Sage's point of view, everytime there is more than 1 sent on me, I just stop doing everything and wait for them to kill me. Doesn't take long only a few seconds...

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if sents themselves are admitting it's too easy then obviously something is wrong, that's all I can say...


from a Sage's point of view, everytime there is more than 1 sent on me, I just stop doing everything and wait for them to kill me. Doesn't take long only a few seconds...


Wait there are 2 Mara's on you and you expect to live?


And the Sents that are saying its OP, not a one is over 50

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I dont see why the QQ going on in this thread.

You noobs can QQ all you want, but a good player will still steamroll you guys, doesn't matter what class he plays.

I can still kill mau/sents on my commando just as easily as i could before.

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Wait there are 2 Mara's on you and you expect to live?


And the Sents that are saying its OP, not a one is over 50


Get out of here. I have one, not playing it anymore because its far too easy and boring. Oh? A sage. Kill him. +10 sec (MAXIMUM if he's good) - move on. Gets old fast, this class could keep the damage but then remove something else because at this point sentinels have everything. F boring.

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if sents themselves are admitting it's too easy then obviously something is wrong, that's all I can say...


from a Sage's point of view, everytime there is more than 1 sent on me, I just stop doing everything and wait for them to kill me. Doesn't take long only a few seconds...


So - what you are saying is that 2 pure dps classes shouldnt beable to take you down - play something else if you want to be tanky.


Guess what!? as a mara when two dps (sents or others) get on me... guess what happenes - i die, too.

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Get out of here. I have one, not playing it anymore because its far too easy and boring. Oh? A sage. Kill him. +10 sec (MAXIMUM if he's good) - move on. Gets old fast, this class could keep the damage but then remove something else because at this point sentinels have everything. F boring.


Yea i'm sure your lvl 40 sent does do a lot of damage vs a lvl 20 soc.


However in lvl 50 ppl - a good soc can stop you from getting off the bigger hits like ravage.


Go back to your sage main.

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It's funny how many sorcs still think it's pre patch 1.2 when they could just spam FL and tank melee dps. Sorry, time to either l2play or reroll.

Btw, there's couple of sorcs on my server who do just fine vs marauders, it's the facerollers who used to knock my mara into barricades and still survive me that cry about us being OP now. Boo hoo, you can't tanks us anymore and have to actually use your CDs, LoS and kite us to win.




No one cares if you unsub, go ahead you won't be missed.

Edited by Isislol
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Yea i'm sure your lvl 40 sent does do a lot of damage vs a lvl 20 soc.


However in lvl 50 ppl - a good soc can stop you from getting off the bigger hits like ravage.


Go back to your sage main.


Ignorant. Bad. Let me repeat, get out of here.

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It's funny how many sorcs still think it's pre patch 1.2 when they could just spam FL and tank melee dps. Sorry, time to either l2play or reroll..


they never could do this pre patch at level 50 with both, them and opponent in t2 or above.

though they could before and after patch before level 50.


beside of this you seem to not have a cloe about neither the class sage/sorc nor the patch changes to them.

any class but a gunnery commando losing to a dd sage/sorc is only due to a stupid player.


dd sages/sorcs were the easiest to kill and after 1.2 they got even easier to kill.

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