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I have a marauder and a sniper. The marauder is more mobile and more useful for pvp objectives, has less binds, less cds to watch for, peels and survives better, kills faster, murders healers.


I'm not talking about duels or anything because i have no trouble against them. But marauder is a just a better class.


On my server there's 4 marauders and 2 assas every warzone now, GG balance.

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oh my, at least someone in this thread can kill sent, what a relief

yes, pyro can kill mara or two easily lol


No, they do not. Pyros are a contender for most ridiculous damage but they also have no where near as much survivability as a sent.

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No, they do not. Pyros are a contender for most ridiculous damage but they also have no where near as much survivability as a sent.


So don't stand still? Pyrotech is one of the best counters to a sentinel. You can constantly slow them and kite them around forever.

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No idea what healers seem to be doing wrong on your servers but... healers aren't nerfed terribad like everyone is currently crying. ONE operative healer kept our entire team alive (one person had one death, since they attempted a 1v1 after room 1. And the opposing team consisted of 3 powertechs, 3 sorcerers, and 2 marauders. This wasn't a terrible team we faced, either - in fact, our team had 2 fresh 50's in it.


Another example of healers still rocking - even against marauders: Had a match on Novare Coast yesterday against some pubs - they had 3 sage healers. The sage healers went south and heal-bombed the ground they were all standing in. Apparently they were healing enough damage to mitigate the AoE damage from myself (madness sorc. - death field crit them for 2-3.8k depending on how fresh their bubble was, and one of the best "smashes-a-lot juggs" on our server (whom smashes for 6-8k depending on shockwave stacks - well, at least 2 of them were healing their teammates outside of the AoE heal radius - not sure if the 3rd was dedicatedly healing them, but they didn't have any issue being clustered like that for a LONG TIME and even when 2 carnage marauders jumped in on them, they still remained clustered for 15s at full health taking on my aoe damage, the jugg's aoe damage, and both marauders beautifully.


Paired commando healers have also proven to be a royal pain in the ***. I've tried taking on a pair of commando healers (one of them was a hybrid, since he was grav rounding me) on my carnage marauder and I have to say that they are difficult to beat. Each heal was restoring ~33% of their health even with heal debuff from deadly sabre. Nearly had one due to one of them using stun break on force choke (so I followed with awe and went after the other) - had him down to 12% (vicious throw would've finished the job) but he got a self-heal (can't interrupt these bastages when they have their buff up) and received a heal from the other commando, which instantly put him back at 100% - safe to say they're not even worth attempting if solo.

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50 shadow valor 64, my gear consists some bm modded into my PVE stalker set 796 expertise;


Yes, they hit hard. They are beatable, very beatable. My complaint and only complaint is that if you have 2 maras ff'n together in tandum, they can wipe out 3-4 people at a rapid rate. This is only due to the damn defensive cooldowns making them impossible to take down in a timely fashion. I vote yes to their damage, no to the awesome defensive cooldowns. I would only suggest something small like cloak of pain not refreshing itself. Most other classes stand no chance including me when they are paired up.


Compare this to any other tandum, that tandum would just end up lying on the ground next to each other.

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So don't stand still? Pyrotech is one of the best counters to a sentinel. You can constantly slow them and kite them around forever.


How is a Pyro going to kite a Sent? :o


My watchman spec has:


12 second leap with 3 seconds root

50% snare

6 second force camo with speed increase

force stasis



Honestly, using all of those abilities are overkill against a Pyro's trying to "kite".

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How is a Pyro going to kite a Sent? :o


My watchman spec has:


12 second leap with 3 seconds root

50% snare

6 second force camo with speed increase

force stasis



Honestly, using all of those abilities are overkill against a Pyro's trying to "kite".


I think they mean powertech. Seen many people calling Powertechs pyros lately since it's a common spec. In which case, most Powertechs can certainly decimate marauders/sents if their railshots connect. Tack on the fact that they can pretty much keep you moving slower than themselves (even with your -50% slow on them). Watchman spec's force camo doesn't break slows/roots, and they have better CC than you especially since force stasis requires you to channel - they can actually attack you with their stun. It's just too bad that many Powertechs/Vanguards seem to screw up their spec and don't play them right. But when you DO com across someone that does, you'll understand.

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50 shadow valor 64, my gear consists some bm modded into my PVE stalker set 796 expertise;


Yes, they hit hard. They are beatable, very beatable. My complaint and only complaint is that if you have 2 maras ff'n together in tandum, they can wipe out 3-4 people at a rapid rate. This is only due to the damn defensive cooldowns making them impossible to take down in a timely fashion. I vote yes to their damage, no to the awesome defensive cooldowns. I would only suggest something small like cloak of pain not refreshing itself. Most other classes stand no chance including me when they are paired up.


Compare this to any other tandum, that tandum would just end up lying on the ground next to each other.


1.) Lose the pve gear. Expertise is too important right now and you're missing ~ 350-400 points of it.

2.) 2 Shadows can take out 3-4 people at a slightly slower rate, but much more easily and without either of them dying (which is what usually happens when it's maras/sents) - shadow/assassin dps (even for tank-specs) is pretty close to that of a carnage marauder's if you get your procs when you need them. Overall, their dps is slightly less due to relying on procs.

3.) You have no right to complain about any other class's defensive cooldowns when shadows/sins can have a much better version (doesn't cost half current hp, removes everything negative, prevents everything negative for duration) of marauder's best defensive CD especially when you get to use yours twice as often. Also, a marauder can pop saber ward + cloak of pain and take about the same damage you can from force/tech attacks for 12s (saber ward has a 3 min. cooldown, just like your evasive CD) after which the marauder takes more damage than you even if cloak of pain is still active.

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1.) Lose the pve gear. Expertise is too important right now and you're missing ~ 350-400 points of it.

2.) 2 Shadows can take out 3-4 people at a slightly slower rate, but much more easily and without either of them dying (which is what usually happens when it's maras/sents) - shadow/assassin dps (even for tank-specs) is pretty close to that of a carnage marauder's if you get your procs when you need them. Overall, their dps is slightly less due to relying on procs.

3.) You have no right to complain about any other class's defensive cooldowns when shadows/sins can have a much better version (doesn't cost half current hp, removes everything negative, prevents everything negative for duration) of marauder's best defensive CD especially when you get to use yours twice as often. Also, a marauder can pop saber ward + cloak of pain and take about the same damage you can from force/tech attacks for 12s (saber ward has a 3 min. cooldown, just like your evasive CD) after which the marauder takes more damage than you even if cloak of pain is still active.


Lets not forget they can also stun and continue to attack. Our only good stun breaks on damage. I think the real class people should be complaining about is shadow tank spec in dps gear not sentinels.

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I think they mean powertech. Seen many people calling Powertechs pyros lately since it's a common spec. In which case, most Powertechs can certainly decimate marauders/sents if their railshots connect. Tack on the fact that they can pretty much keep you moving slower than themselves (even with your -50% slow on them). Watchman spec's force camo doesn't break slows/roots, and they have better CC than you especially since force stasis requires you to channel - they can actually attack you with their stun. It's just too bad that many Powertechs/Vanguards seem to screw up their spec and don't play them right. But when you DO com across someone that does, you'll understand.


You don't understand powertechs / vanguards, so don't accuse them of not knowing their spec.

A pyrotech / assault has a 2s 50% slow from applying plasma cell, which is basically every GCD with Ion Pulse, so to keep kiting, you can not use any other ability, or you will lose the slow at least momentarily.


A marauder on the other hand, can perform 2 long duration 50% slows AND jump you, which immediately cancels out any "kiting" ability by assault vanguards. They also have plenty of roots if specced for it.


Tactics vanguards can apply a 6 seconds 30% slow, while also having a passive movement increase and an ability which buffs movement speed by 30% and makes you immune to slows & roots for 8s. Those are the only ones who will be kiting you effectively, but they will likely be outmatched by the defensive cooldowns of the marauder.


The only way an assault vanguard is going to kill a half-decent marauder 1vs1 is by getting the jump on him and being lucky with burst, followed by stuns and more burst, not by kiting them.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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You don't understand powertechs / vanguards, so don't accuse them of not knowing their spec.

A pyrotech / assault has a 2s 50% slow from applying plasma cell, which is basically every GCD with Ion Pulse, so to keep kiting, you can not use any other ability, or you will lose the slow at least momentarily.


A marauder on the other hand, can perform 2 long duration 50% slows AND jump you, which immediately cancels out any "kiting" ability by assault vanguards. They also have plenty of roots if specced for it.


Tactics vanguards can apply a 6 seconds 30% slow, while also having a passive movement increase and an ability which buffs movement speed by 30% and makes you immune to slows & roots for 8s. Those are the only ones who will be kiting you effectively, but they will likely be outmatched by the defensive cooldowns of the marauder.


The only way an assault vanguard is going to kill a half-decent marauder 1vs1 is by getting the jump on him and being lucky with burst, followed by stuns and more burst, not by kiting them.


The ignorance is strong in this one.

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Marauders in their current state are without a doubt the most OP class i have ever experienced in MMO`s, playing them since 2003.


Go level one to 50 and see how long you live during a fight when your CD's are down, or just in general. If anything the damage scaling has made it harder for sentinels to survive. Pre 1.2 I rarely used my bubbles/cloak because I could survive long enough with my dots and easily take on 2-3 people because the fights lasted long enough. Now? My ***** always on CD and I'm burnt down to 30% damage in 2 seconds from mercenaries smacking me with heatseakers/railshots and other range classes just chewing me up due to the changes to expertise and overall damage increase to all dps classes..


Seriously, people get mad at sentinels because we stand out being a melee, but there are WAY stronger classes out there atm. PT Pyros and Tanksins being 2 of them that outperform sentinels easily.

Edited by Raansu
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The ignorance is strong in this one.


Well he IS telling the truth... Only thing he missed was the stuns, which are the the only way to put distance as a PT. Meaning the PT needs atleast one to counter charge.


That said if your fast enough and manage to get a slow on the PT he's most likely dead. (On a mara vs PT duel we rely on not getting hit at all for the first 18s or two charge cycles)

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The ignorance is strong in this one.


Ahh, I'm so hurt for hearing this from a guy who claims Mara's are "easy to kill" and teams with a lot of Mara's "are one of the easiest teams to beat" and continues to bring nothing but empty claims and insults to the argument.


Well he IS telling the truth... Only thing he missed was the stuns, which are the the only way to put distance as a PT. Meaning the PT needs atleast one to counter charge.


That said if your fast enough and manage to get a slow on the PT he's most likely dead. (On a mara vs PT duel we rely on not getting hit at all for the first 18s or two charge cycles)


Idd, and I didn't miss it, I said the way a PT is gonna beat a Mara is through high burst combined with stuns, you won't be kiting for long.


If you play a Mara and can't slow down and cancel out the kiting ability of a PT, you're bad.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Ahh, I'm so hurt for hearing this from a guy who claims Mara's are "easy to kill" and teams with a lot of Mara's "are one of the easiest teams to beat" and continues to bring nothing but empty claims and insults to the argument.




Idd, and I didn't miss it, I said the way a PT is gonna beat a Mara is through high burst combined with stuns, you won't be kiting for long.


If you play a Mara and can't slow down and cancel out the kiting ability of a PT, you're bad.


Several posters including me have already explained why you bads are wrong about your assumptions. No point in repeating ourselves. Ignorance is bliss, and you are ignorant and terrible at pvp.

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Several posters including me have already explained why you bads are wrong about your assumptions. No point in repeating ourselves. Ignorance is bliss, and you are ignorant and terrible at pvp.


Gotta love this guy.


"Mara's are an easy class to kill, just stun them through their CD's, just walk away, just kite them", when you explain why you can't kite a half-decent one effectively, or why you can't stun them through all their CD's, or generally counter him with pure raw fact, you're "terrible at pvp" and he and his mara buddies are "good"


I simply don't care about what you say, I know my worth and I don't need to prove it to some random forum dude.

If BW looks at their stats honestly, they'll see what every sensible player is seeing all over the place.

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Gotta love this guy.


"Mara's are an easy class to kill, just stun them through their CD's, just walk away, just kite them", when you explain why you can't kite a half-decent one effectively, or why you can't stun them through all their CD's, or generally counter him with pure raw fact, you're "terrible at pvp" and he and his mara buddies are "good"


I simply don't care about what you say, I know my worth and I don't need to prove it to some random forum dude.

If BW looks at their stats honestly, they'll see what every sensible player is seeing all over the place.


I'm sorry that you lack common sense when it comes to countering a melee class and then choose to ignore facts when they are thrown at your face. I'm sorry that you are incapable of adjusting and learning how to get around class abilities. I'm sorry that good players are beating the snot out of you and you feel the need to come to these forums and QQ about our 31/31/31 spec while ignoring much more dominate classes such as a Tanksin and PT Pyros, ESPECIALLY Tanksin. Their survivability is WAY higher then ours and they have WAY better CD's then we do and do almost as much dps as us in tank spec. But because we stand out with our 2 lightsabers ppl freak out.

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