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Yeah they totally made us OP...oh...wait..they just made our other 2 specs actually viable and NERFED the utility of Watchman a bit.


Watchman gained:


No cost for interrupt and aoe cc.

Stronger snare on cauterize.

Pacify off GCD.

Stronger master strike and not interruptable.

30% execute range instead of 20%.

Healing debuff uncleansable.


So you trade that for losing 50% DR on force camo, but gain two extra seconds and a speed increase.


Add in the lower TTK (making sent/marauder defensive cds better) and other class getting nerfs.

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As many have stated you would be right IF marauders/sents were the only class out there. Thing is every class got nerfed ALOT meaning the gap that existed between classes is now bigger than ever. (AKA now, the only classes "more balanced" than all the others now are Assassins and Marauders.)




So if marauders are only overpowered because they were the class that got minor buffs while most other classes got nerfed, why is nerfing them the only answer?


I'm among the few that seem to believe pre-patch was actually as close to balance as it could get. By the logic that 'x class was not nerfed, therefore it is OP.' You'd want Bioware to smack down marauders, snipers, powertechs, and juggernaughts.


The only reason people are complaining about maras is because of the expertise scaling. Everyone *****es about how I do 400k+ plus in a warzone as annihilation while my hybrid-spec'dd powertech friend goes 600k+ on a regular basis with 3600 as his biggest crit.

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Everyone *****es about how I do 400k+ plus in a warzone as annihilation while my hybrid-spec'dd powertech friend goes 600k+ on a regular basis with 3600 as his biggest crit.


Warzone stats are meaningless.


I do way more damage than anyone in my guild, but I rarely go over 300k.


My damage comes from massive burst on high priority targets.


Our sages can do 400-500 per game, but nobody would ever take them instead of me, because I'm the one dropping 20k damage in 10 seconds when it counts.

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JUST to tell you guys. Sents/mar are doing insane damage from a Master strike/Ravage cause of their mid spec line that allows 100% armor pen. IF they use that move and then do their 3 second channel master strike/Ravage with a combine force scream/blade force crit. they do insane amount of damage
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Now we're at the point at which those who play sentinels/marauders start threatening everyone else if we keep discussing problems with their class?


Wasn't a threat, it was a promise to make a stink regarding the real overpowered classes in this game. You are complaining about Sentinels and Marauders while at the same time we have screen shots of Bounty Hunters spamming people with tracer missile and hitting for 700-800k from range.


The big difference is the "pointing out problems with their class" is that you are going after Sentinels with attacks that are baseless. While us pointing out that BH's are overpowered is based in reality.

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Wasn't a threat, it was a promise to make a stink regarding the real overpowered classes in this game. You are complaining about Sentinels and Marauders while at the same time we have screen shots of Bounty Hunters spamming people with tracer missile and hitting for 700-800k from range.


The big difference is the "pointing out problems with their class" is that you are going after Sentinels with attacks that are baseless. While us pointing out that BH's are overpowered is based in reality.


I hope you realize, if a melee gets on that merc, he will die very quickly and do about 3k damage to his opponent. Melee>Ranged since launch not 1.2.

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I hope you realize, if a melee gets on that merc, he will die very quickly and do about 3k damage to his opponent. Melee>Ranged since launch not 1.2.


And I hope that you realize if you root the Sentinel he can't do jack squat. I kill Marauders all the time on my Sentinel and I have the least CC in the game simply because the moment they pop their version of Guarded by the Force I pop Awe or I pop Pacify or I pop Force Stasis.


Any one of those hitting shuts the Marauder down for most, if not all of, their "God Mode."

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I'm not talking about sent vs another sent. I'm saying in general the strongest classes are all melee. If a ranged class is dominating a wz, its bad on the other team for letting them. 1 melee will completely shut down a sorc or a tracer merc. The only thing that can save him is if his teams healers devote all their time keeping him up when he is doint 0 damage to his opponent. Thus leaving that team 7 vs 8, and its actually 6 vs 8 since the healer is just devoting their heals to that merc.
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Since there's no rated pvp and I probably don't even have enough experience to outright make any statement on the overall state of marauders/sentinels, take this post with a grain of salt.


I have to say that some of the posts defending mara/sent are really biased. Sure, they may not be ravaging people for 10k or whatnot, but they have strong group buffs, high single target damage and more defensive cds than a tank.


The gist of what is commonly "accepted" to playing against a marauder is to keep him kb for leap/ravage and rooted or snared ad nauseam so he can't reach you. Then there's suggestions that swapping off the marauder, running away or even stunning him is a counter to the defensive cds. Hate to break this to you, but if you have to break off, swap or trade a cd(stun) for a cd, it's not entirely countered. The defensive cd more or less did its job by either forcing your hand and/or prolonging his life.


So yes, a lot of claims are exaggerated, but just because you can somewhat deal with marauders or reduce their effectiveness through correctly reacting to their cds, it doesn't mean it's balanced. I should mention that I didn't even go over the fact that everything here is just a vacuum scenario where the marauder (and his opponent) has no teammates to keep the target in place and assist the marauder or that the marauder has a brain and ccbreaker either.


TL;DR Just because something isn't godmode doesn't mean it's not overtuned either.

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The damage is too much

And to the peeps just saying use cc that won't help much because they'll be straight back on you within seconds

I can kite/cc all I want but it still won't stop them

Anyone who thinks they are fine are full of it

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The damage is too much

And to the peeps just saying use cc that won't help much because they'll be straight back on you within seconds

I can kite/cc all I want but it still won't stop them

Anyone who thinks they are fine are full of it


The damage isn't too much...but the changes to expertise may be too much. Apparently you haven't been hit for roughly 8k by a BH yet...

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JUST to tell you guys. Sents/mar are doing insane damage from a Master strike/Ravage cause of their mid spec line that allows 100% armor pen. IF they use that move and then do their 3 second channel master strike/Ravage with a combine force scream/blade force crit. they do insane amount of damage


6.5k roughly over the whole duration of an easily countered skill. I get hit for 3k constantly by skills that are 30m range. L2P

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The damage is too much

And to the peeps just saying use cc that won't help much because they'll be straight back on you within seconds

I can kite/cc all I want but it still won't stop them

Anyone who thinks they are fine are full of it


The class dmg is the same as pre 1.2, but the overall dmg is higher because expertise was fixed. Maraduers were this OP pre 1.2 just expertise hid it.

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The damage isn't too much...but the changes to expertise may be too much. Apparently you haven't been hit for roughly 8k by a BH yet...


Agreed. I have a video of a BH killing me nearly instantly. Faster than I can possibly do it no less. I'm engaging a Sorcerer when suddenly "WHAM" nearly half of my HP is gone. I turn, it is a BH. I leap and... Am knocked back instantly... As I run toward him "WHAM" another missile nails me for almost what I have left. I quickly tap Guarded by the Force... Then I get nailed by that blasted stun dart... The BH backs away, I wait the duration out, I go to finish him but to no avail... My HP is nearly depleted, he has range on me.... "WHAM" dead.


4 hits.


More damage than I can do and from range. Yet I am the OP'ed one...

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6.5k roughly over the whole duration of an easily countered skill. I get hit for 3k constantly by skills that are 30m range. L2P


Remove the cc imunity after leap and the 2-3 second stun

And sure it probly could be countered

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Remove the cc imunity after leap and the 2-3 second stun

And sure it probly could be countered


What are you talking about? It can be countered by every class in the game. Learn to utilize you classes abilities better...

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http://i.imgur.com/Nhp8R.jpg - 7,204 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. this is only with BM gear, no war hero gear yet.


http://i.imgur.com/K0ZrB.jpg - 7017 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. No war hero gear.


http://i.imgur.com/PzTTS.jpg - 618k WZ against fully battlemastered players on both sides.


I am consistently hitting for close to or over 6k on my force sweeps/ smash, and I have hit master strikes final tick for 5.5-6k. I can't imagine what sents/marauders will be hitting for when we are fully equipped with war hero gear. Probably somewhere between 8 and 9k. I feel that the class was fine before 1.2 came out and now that we are buffed it is a straight up faceroll for me and other good sents/mars. I do think the master strike skill should have been reworked but to give it a dmg increase wasn't really necessary, it hit hard enough before 1.2. I think in general to have a 3 second channel ability as the best damage per second skill for a melee class is really silly in the first place but hey I guess thats why I just play games instead of develop them. Either way I would just like to see some sort of balance with that skill and the class because right now between my 6k force sweeps, force exhaustion ticks, blade storm crits, master strike crits I can mow through multiple enemies very quickly.

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We all knew Mara/Sent was going to be the new FOTM before this patch was released. I'm not surprised. As a Pyro Powertech, I used to melt the bad ones and put up a good fight against the better ones.


Now I just get owned.


Shame on you. A well played Pyro still melts faces, mauraders/sent or whatnot.

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http://i.imgur.com/Nhp8R.jpg - 7,204 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. this is only with BM gear, no war hero gear yet.


http://i.imgur.com/K0ZrB.jpg - 7017 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. No war hero gear.


http://i.imgur.com/PzTTS.jpg - 618k WZ against fully battlemastered players on both sides.


I am consistently hitting for close to or over 6k on my force sweeps/ smash, and I have hit master strikes final tick for 5.5-6k. I can't imagine what sents/marauders will be hitting for when we are fully equipped with war hero gear. Probably somewhere between 8 and 9k. I feel that the class was fine before 1.2 came out and now that we are buffed it is a straight up faceroll for me and other good sents/mars. I do think the master strike skill should have been reworked but to give it a dmg increase wasn't really necessary, it hit hard enough before 1.2. I think in general to have a 3 second channel ability as the best damage per second skill for a melee class is really silly in the first place but hey I guess thats why I just play games instead of develop them. Either way I would just like to see some sort of balance with that skill and the class because right now between my 6k force sweeps, force exhaustion ticks, blade storm crits, master strike crits I can mow through multiple enemies very quickly.


BW is making the same mistake Trion did with Rift when they over tuned Rogues, its happening again and by the time Blizzard and Arena net are up and running with new games -players will wait for the games to go live and review come in- half of the current player base will be gone.

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Mara/sent are all Burst. You know what happens to good burst damage? Ask a Ops/Scoundrel. They got hella nerfed. It is fun playing my scoundrel though lol I pick on the Mara's lots and lots of stuns lol. By the end of the WZ I have every mara after me the entire fight. I cant kill them but I can make their life hell lol.
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Wasn't a threat, it was a promise to make a stink regarding the real overpowered classes in this game. You are complaining about Sentinels and Marauders while at the same time we have screen shots of Bounty Hunters spamming people with tracer missile and hitting for 700-800k from range.


The big difference is the "pointing out problems with their class" is that you are going after Sentinels with attacks that are baseless. While us pointing out that BH's are overpowered is based in reality.


Internet Tough Guy. Lol. Really!? Give me a break. You will be getting nerfed, Its the way of things. Sent/Mara's are OP they are dealing to much damage in a game and its getting out of hand. There are many people who dont even want to PvP anymore because of it. You needed a buff you didnt need God Mode which is exactly what you ended up with.

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As a Conqueror (83 valor) Sentinel, I'll put in my input...


Yes, we are probably one of, if not the best, class in the game (Though I maintain a tank-specced Sin/Shadow is still better).


I consistently put out 400k damage and 100k healing in Warzones (Watchman spec). That's my average.


Ranged classes can do more DPS than me, simply because they aren't in the line of fire like I am.


Only the best Sentinels/Maras are the ones you call OP. Mediocre/Average ones are laughably bad.


However, I do NOT feel like we need a nerf.


What IS needed is that the other classes all need buffs..


Sentinel/Marauder "buffs" from 1.2 were more like fixes.


Now many (not all) of the other classes need to be strengthened. Especially healers. ESPECIALLY Sages/Sorcs.


Hybrid Sage/Sorcs were OP before this. Now Sorcs/Sages in general are pretty gimped.


TL;DR Sents/Maras don't need nerfs, most other classes need buffs.

Edited by Nyjin
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