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You DO realise that for mara , u are much easier kill than him?

He can kill u as fast as hot knife cuts through butter...

You dont have his dps to kill him faster than he ll kill u.

And you dont have even half of his defensive cd's to use..


Mara cant choke u while u use endure pain?....he can, and he made ur endure pain wasted...

Mara cant "awe" you while u do saber ward? He can, and he made ur saber ward wasted...


Now if he dot u from start before doing these and before using any defensive cd....you are dead before u realise it..

You seem to think I'm a guardian class. I'm not, but thats beside the point. You are clearly unable to handle a class thats easy to kill, but hey thats not my problem.

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99% Damage reduction should come with a 99% healing reduction. It should be an ability that you use to prolong your life a little bit further to finish opponents etc, not something that you can use as a free getaway when the enemy team has (finally) got you hammered. Part of the problem with marauders is that they're one of the few targets that are pointless to focus at the start of a warzone, because they can get away (twice even) anyway, allowing them to run amok.


More so, this is not their only defensive cooldown, they've got saber ward and cloak of pain as well, making fighting a Marauder a fight against layers of defense. Only tank assassins can somewhat compare.


Fighting teams with 5-6 Mara's & Jugg's who go about smashing you for 4k and blowing up whole teams, while being able to get away from burst themselves is getting seriously old, especially because they can all root you several times over and over as well.


Making Ravage uninterruptable then is a completely unneeded buff, it's not like other classes have it that easy (for example: Pulse Cannon only being uninterruptable after 5 stacks and with an investment right on top of the tree).


Why are people so afraid of a team of marauders? Holy crap it's the easiest team in the world to beat. What good is all that dps is they can't live long enough after their CD's? Burn them down and hold them off, its easy as hell. But I suppose people forget warzones are objectives and look at things only as some sort of deathmatch.

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Why are people so afraid of a team of marauders? Holy crap it's the easiest team in the world to beat. What good is all that dps is they can't live long enough after their CD's? Burn them down and hold them off, its easy as hell. But I suppose people forget warzones are objectives and look at things only as some sort of deathmatch.


Hows your marauder?

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Why are people so afraid of a team of marauders? Holy crap it's the easiest team in the world to beat. What good is all that dps is they can't live long enough after their CD's? Burn them down and hold them off, its easy as hell. But I suppose people forget warzones are objectives and look at things only as some sort of deathmatch.

People seem to to forget how bad the vast majority (and especially fotm) sents/marauders are..

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It's not a simple line of thinking, its a simple fact. Just because you are a bad player and don't know how to counter stuff does not make a logical strategy into a "simple line of thinking." Fact is, you don't know how to play so you cry OP.


Oh and for the record, I never had a problem with scoundrels/ops at launch and I think it's ridiculous that they have been nerfed so many times. They were squishy at launch and they are squishy now. The difference now is even extremely good players struggle to kill people because they have been nerfed so bad. At least at launch a good scoundrel could catch a slacker off guard, which was the entire point of that class. But thats in the past and an entirely different subject so meh.


I am far from a bad player, more a bitter player? I think Marauders need to get kicked into uselessness like my class has been. So I can giggle at them. I still kill Marauders 1v1 with a little bit of work.

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I haven't had time to read this whole thing and I've never played a mara but today was the ultimate frustration. One mara killed myself and a scoundrel. He disappeared, then hit his damage absorber(where you hit him and see 1's and 2's) and then seemed to hit some other defensive buff after that where he parried everything.


I don't know the names of those win buttons but wow...we didn't damage him for 30 seconds or so, in the process of him killing us both.

Edited by wiggs
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The bottom line regarding sents is they were good to begin with. The people who have been sent since day one and aren't mouth-breathing, back-pedaling, keyboard turning , clicking scrubs know that we were op in the right hands before the "buffs" The baddy's (95% of the pop) are still bad, and you will still roll them. The sents/mara's who were already rolling faces prior are whats causing all the QQ posts, period.


The whole reason they buffed us is because most of the pop didn't or couldn't play them to their full potential, so they "fixed" the problem. The problem with that is they made the 5% of us who actually know how to play gods.


Even in this thread people are posting how "pro" they are and how "easy" it is to kill sent's with their master breakdowns and step by step "how to" guides. I guess since all these "pros" find it so easy to dominate us, they should leave us alone and everything is kosher right? Its hilarious to me honestly reading some of the crap people post about beating a sent/mara. Your obviously running into predictable scrubs, sorry to disappoint you.


The fact is if you can play a sent to the highest lvl's, we are pretty much unbeatable 1v1 (News-Flash,we pretty much were before the buffs too). They have made it slightly easier for scrubs/baddys to put out the numbers where they thought they should be. The only fix's the non scrub population was asking for were a few small tweeks, some stuttering issues with some ability's, and possibly making the other tree's more inline with WM/Ann - small things.


They are obviously going to "fix" issues that effect 95% of the population, as the majority... The majority cant play to the full extent and here we are... Its the sad reality of the situation. Add in the PVP stats being reworked (nice damage increase pretty much) to a class that already did great damage and the QQ tears begin to flow.


Mmm tears, so good.

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You seem to think I'm a guardian class. I'm not, but thats beside the point. You are clearly unable to handle a class thats easy to kill, but hey thats not my problem.


You seriously just said mara/sent are easy to kill? Are you joking? LMAO! Well you my friend are either high, FoS, or level 49 playing against level 11s. Clearly you are not in the 50s bracket, and clearly you have never fought one being Played by an average to sub average player.... Who is able to click three buttons.... Let alone a skilled player who knows his class and mechanics of other classes...


Crap I don't remember if your server was in sig.... I'm definately rolling a toon on that one.


Oh yeah and saying the very first scoundrel/op nerf was unneeded, adds to the lunacy of your posts. All the other nerds to them we're unnecessary. The first one.... Definately needed.


Wow. Next you're going to tell me pvp tanks are super awesome because of how well defense and shield work in pvp.

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.Fact is, you don't know how to play so you cry OP.


Oh and for the record, I never had a problem with scoundrels/ops at launch and I think it's ridiculous that they have been nerfed so many times. They were squishy at launch and they are squishy now.


Healing ops/scoundrels are far from squishy when played well. I watched a friend kite two marauders around effortlessly last night; emergency medpac is a hell of a drug. You could argue that traiting purely for damage would result in the class being squishy but the same statement could be made for shadows and assassins, which is largely the reason most opt for tanking hybrid builds utilizing damage gear.

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You seriously just said mara/sent are easy to kill? Are you joking? LMAO! Well you my friend are either high, FoS, or level 49 playing against level 11s. Clearly you are not in the 50s bracket, and clearly you have never fought one being Played by an average to sub average player.... Who is able to click three buttons.... Let alone a skilled player who knows his class and mechanics of other classes...


Crap I don't remember if your server was in sig.... I'm definately rolling a toon on that one.


Oh yeah and saying the very first scoundrel/op nerf was unneeded, adds to the lunacy of your posts. All the other nerds to them we're unnecessary. The first one.... Definately needed.


Wow. Next you're going to tell me pvp tanks are super awesome because of how well defense and shield work in pvp.


I'm sorry that you are bad and are unable to kill marauders and think we are all 31/31/31 and letting them beat on you when they pop DR/GBTF.

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The bottom line regarding sents is they were good to begin with. The people who have been sent since day one and aren't mouth-breathing, back-pedaling, keyboard turning , clicking scrubs know that we were op in the right hands before the "buffs" The baddy's (95% of the pop) are still bad, and you will still roll them. The sents/mara's who were already rolling faces prior are whats causing all the QQ posts, period.


The whole reason they buffed us is because most of the pop didn't or couldn't play them to their full potential, so they "fixed" the problem. The problem with that is they made the 5% of us who actually know how to play gods.


Even in this thread people are posting how "pro" they are and how "easy" it is to kill sent's with their master breakdowns and step by step "how to" guides. I guess since all these "pros" find it so easy to dominate us, they should leave us alone and everything is kosher right? Its hilarious to me honestly reading some of the crap people post about beating a sent/mara. Your obviously running into predictable scrubs, sorry to disappoint you.


The fact is if you can play a sent to the highest lvl's, we are pretty much unbeatable 1v1 (News-Flash,we pretty much were before the buffs too). They have made it slightly easier for scrubs/baddys to put out the numbers where they thought they should be. The only fix's the non scrub population was asking for were a few small tweeks, some stuttering issues with some ability's, and possibly making the other tree's more inline with WM/Ann - small things.


They are obviously going to "fix" issues that effect 95% of the population, as the majority... The majority cant play to the full extent and here we are... Its the sad reality of the situation. Add in the PVP stats being reworked (nice damage increase pretty much) to a class that already did great damage and the QQ tears begin to flow.


Mmm tears, so good.


^^ Pretty accurate. I play as madness sorc./carnage mara/marskman sniper/tankasin/adv. proto mainly p-tech. My sorc. and mara are both 50's in full battlemaster (sorc. has warhero sabre). Yes, carnage marauder is considered "lolz" to other veteran annihilation/rage marauders, but I play it because I enjoy it and always had been carnage - though I've tried annihilation, rage, and carnage/annihilation hybrid spec. I'm pretty sure that most of the QQ about maras/sents is a result of the carnage spec or the infamous 31/31/31 spec (since everyone seems to belive that every marauder's ravage and deadly sabre causes a root, that a full ravage can cause >60% of total health, that smash hits for 4k+, that we get 4 big DoT's on everyone, and that our DoT ticks heal the entire party all the time). Well, the 3 specs play very differently, and unless you don't know what spec a marauder is simply by looking at his buff bar to see which of the stances he is in, you'll likely assume that every marauder is capable of doing everything listed above.


Sure, I'll occasionally get the chance to have a full cycle follow my gore so long as the target's abilities to counter are on cooldown and I have to get VERY LUCKY to take that target from full health to dead within that cycle's time (unless it's a sorc/sage without a full bubble up) and I don't know where people are getting all their data, but it actually takes ~ 10-12 seconds for my cycle to deal maximum damage and unless the target is a squishy, this usually doesn't result in an outright kill and even with undying rage and a pocket healer, I'll either be dead shortly after killing someone or forced to attempt to retreat - usually DoT's alone will suffice in killing me after undying rage wears off; then I'm pretty much a free kill until it returns.


Seriously, the only class of mine that I can play while PUG'ing, relaxing, and still outperform everyone most of the time is my tankasin. My carnage marauder is very vulnerable (which is why other veteran marauders specced annihilation/rage have "lulz"'d at me in the past).

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I am far from a bad player, more a bitter player? I think Marauders need to get kicked into uselessness like my class has been. So I can giggle at them. I still kill Marauders 1v1 with a little bit of work.


This is probably one of the most honest comments in this thread. The class isn't overpowered, it is just that people feel hurt and are lashing out. This is normal human behavior.

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There is nothing wrong with Sentinels or Marauders. It is just that Sorcerers are upset that they can't be invincible anymore.


Sorcerers are right to be upset over the changes to their class. Bioware made lazy, half-assed changes to increase difficulty to pve content instead of rebalancing the pve content. If you really think sorcerers were invincible pre 1.2 you were doing it wrong.

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Sorcerers are right to be upset over the changes to their class.


While I won't agree with you and say that they "are right" I will say that they "have the right" to be upset.


Regardless that doesn't give them the right to attack Sentinels and Marauders for absolutely no reason.


Personally I think Sorcs are fine post 1.2

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If expertise was the problem, all dps builds would be equally powerful, which is not the case. Enjoy your god mode while it lasts.


8k heatseaker missiles says hello.


All dps got buffed due to the expertise changes.


Ignorance is bliss.

Edited by Raansu
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If expertise was the problem, all dps builds would be equally powerful, which is not the case. Enjoy your god mode while it lasts.


Go watch an Assassin or a Shadow. It is all DPS builds.


They won't be equally powerful though because Sentinels and Marauders are supposed to be the most powerful DPS class followed by the Gunslinger and Sniper and then everyone else.

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If expertise was the problem, all dps builds would be equally powerful, which is not the case. Enjoy your god mode while it lasts.

except it is... all dps classes are boosted... if you say otherwise you are wrong. thats why there other classes of the trooper/bh persuasion are getting 7-8k crits.. but no people are complaining about the sents/marauders who have to stack adrenals, relics and have the suns align to even get past 5k on watchman spec. WE are the oped god mode class? :rolleyes:

Edited by AngusFTW
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except it is... all dps classes are boosted... if you say otherwise you are wrong. thats why there other classes of the trooper/bh persuasion are getting 7-8k crits.. but no people are complaining about the sents/marauders who have to stack adrenals, relics and have the suns align to even get past 5k on watchman spec. WE are the oped god mode class? :rolleyes:


Logic on the forums is not logical.

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I think there exactly the same the diference you are noticeing is master strike has been buffed yes but thats a crappy stand still ability for 4sec does about 1.5k more other then that the diference you are noticeing is you are now balanced cant tank a squishy dps who u can 3 shot when they dont have guarded by the force or sabre ward off cooldown or simply the expertise nerf


Have to say alot of watchman is really nerfd force camo is no longer a bubble and no more super sonic speed for watchman either

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I'm going to be honest here...


If this senseless and baseless assault against the Sentinel and Marauder classes doesn't stop then I promise that the Sentinel and Marauder population will band together and bring some things out into the light. Like 8,000 damage Seeker Missiles and Assassins and Shadows...


I do believe in fighting fire with fire.


Attacking us is pointless as we aren't overpowered, you just aren't used to losing.

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except it is... all dps classes are boosted... if you say otherwise you are wrong. thats why there other classes of the trooper/bh persuasion are getting 7-8k crits.. but no people are complaining about the sents/marauders who have to stack adrenals, relics and have the suns align to even get past 5k on watchman spec. WE are the oped god mode class? :rolleyes:


Witch Elves?


Actually you have a point, they were/are broken.

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