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how do sith lose this war?

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alright so ive read the lore on this current war, how exactly does the sith lose? all im aware of is that sith lost the 1st one, a little boy takes a planet and becomes a great sith, becomes emperor, makes them strong, waits 1k years, attacks, takes half the galaxy over, then theres a peace, with boarder skirmishers and pretty much stays this way. wat the **** happens? i mean a vast majority dies that makes Darth Bane make the rule of two, how dit it get from master stratagists to almost extinct?
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The rule of two came about after one of the Sith Lords in charge of all the sith at the time called all the sith together then unleashed the Thought Bomb on Ruusan (I think is the name of the planet) which killed most jedi and sith on the planet.
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alright so ive read the lore on this current war, how exactly does the sith lose? all im aware of is that sith lost the 1st one, a little boy takes a planet and becomes a great sith, becomes emperor, makes them strong, waits 1k years, attacks, takes half the galaxy over, then theres a peace, with boarder skirmishers and pretty much stays this way. wat the **** happens? i mean a vast majority dies that makes Darth Bane make the rule of two, how dit it get from master stratagists to almost extinct?


This era is going to bridge a timeline gap in Star Wars that hasn't really been touched. However, to sum it up it is probably a combination of the Jedi and the Republic hunting down the Sith and the in-fighting of the Order collapsing it on them.


Eventually the Sith goes through reform to be the order of Bane's era, which is a fragmented shadow of the previous Sith Empires and Sith Orders.


Overall, I would say its just the decay.However this is about 2-3000 years later, right now we don't know what happens to the Sith. I would say we watch how the war we are having now in-game is going to go.

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The Rule of two will not be created for another 2000 years after the in-game events. By that time the Sith of this empire will have been replaced by Darth Ruin's Sith and later by the brotherhood of darkness.

But to answer the question of the OP: it's not known how the Sith Empire falls. Infighting seems to be the most likely cause, even though it's a cliché.


Edit: it's actually 2000 years, give or take (Had to look it up :p)

Edited by DarthSurion
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I actually hope the Sith win this war. Not sure if there is any official story regarding the outcome of this specific war yet. Ultimately the Sith can never hold power for long as balance must be restored, but it would make me happy to win for a little while. ;)
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I actually hope the Sith win this war. Not sure if there is any official story regarding the outcome of this specific war yet. Ultimately the Sith can never hold power for long as balance must be restored, but it would make me happy to win for a little while. ;)


Sorry player. Its official sith lose this war. :cool:

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alright so ive read the lore on this current war, how exactly does the sith lose? all im aware of is that sith lost the 1st one, a little boy takes a planet and becomes a great sith, becomes emperor, makes them strong, waits 1k years, attacks, takes half the galaxy over, then theres a peace, with boarder skirmishers and pretty much stays this way. wat the **** happens? i mean a vast majority dies that makes Darth Bane make the rule of two, how dit it get from master stratagists to almost extinct?



you just have not thought it through...........if you can not see how you must be pretty young, not paid attention in your classes or went to a really bad public school.

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Sorry player. Its official sith lose this war. :cool:


Pretty much.


The Sith Empire that Bane had been part of was started a thousand years earlier by a Jedi turned Sith - Darth Ruin.

There were no Sith around at the time, so there's a window of approximately 1600 years from "now" in which the Sith Empire is destroyed and the Republic is as fully rebuilt as it can be before Phanius turns to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Ruin.


Darth Ruin as founder of the Sith leading to Bane and his "reformation" with The Rule of Two is G-Canon expanded upon by C-Canon, so it's basically set in stone that the Sith lose this war.

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Pretty much.


The Sith Empire that Bane had been part of was started a thousand years earlier by a Jedi turned Sith - Darth Ruin.

There were no Sith around at the time, so there's a window of approximately 1600 years from "now" in which the Sith Empire is destroyed and the Republic is as fully rebuilt as it can be before Phanius turns to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Ruin.


Darth Ruin as founder of the Sith leading to Bane and his "reformation" with The Rule of Two is G-Canon expanded upon by C-Canon, so it's basically set in stone that the Sith lose this war.


Actually that just means the disappearance of the current empire is set in stone, not the conclusion of the current war. It remains possible for the empire to conquer the galaxy and -then- be wiped out (or be destroyed by infighting) at a later time. 1600 years is a long time in which more than one empire can rise and fall.

Edited by DarthSurion
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so the sith wiped themselves out?


No, Darth Bane realized how weak they were getting. Being that 2-3 apprentices would take down their master to progress without having the real power to do so, weakening the sith with each new generation. He betrayed them by lying to the leader of the sith and tricking him into activating it, while he was a safe distance away.

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As so often happens in Star Wars, Good will triumph because even though Evil's Kung-Fu is strong, Good has better Plot Armor. Get used to it. :p


Whilst Dark Helmet might say that good is dumb, it's plot armour is as strong as Karen Traviss wanted Mando Iron to be!:D

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Well, sticking by movie canon, in TPM, Jedi Council Members (Windu, IIRC) stated there hasn't been a Sith Lord in over 1000 years. It had been so long since there was even word of one that they were in denial of the reports of a Sith by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.


So I'm guessing the Sith Empire and the Sith as we know it in SWTOR's timeframe finally went kaput 1k years before TPM. I don't know everything about SW EU, but I'm guessing the combination of infighting in the Sith Empire, the Jedi Order, and the Republic finally tired of dealing with the Sith Empire's sh*t that they brought the hammer down once and for all.


I'm figuring the Sith Empire in SWTOR's timeframe will still be quite strong since it takes place 2000 years before they're wiped off the map.

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Beskar is strong and LS resistant... that was canon way before her.


Yes, but it was nowhere near as strong as she had been making it out to be.

She had it as all but impervious to lightsabers, when it isn't.


Just turn up the blade intensity, and a wall a couple of feet thick made from the stuff becomes as vulnerable as anything else.


How else did Exar Kun get into Freedon Nadd's temple on Dxun when the Mando Iron door seemed impervious?;)

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Well, sticking by movie canon, in TPM, Jedi Council Members (Windu, IIRC) stated there hasn't been a Sith Lord in over 1000 years. It had been so long since there was even word of one that they were in denial of the reports of a Sith by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.


So I'm guessing the Sith Empire and the Sith as we know it in SWTOR's timeframe finally went kaput 1k years before TPM.


Two thousand years before TPM, there were no Sith. At all.

Jedi Master Phanius turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Ruin, who founded the Sith that would lead to Bane.


These Sith aren't around at that time, they and the Sith Empire are gone before then.

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