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Farewell SWTOR


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God class? No. You misunderstand, when i said that we die from 3 hits, i mean we should not die from 3 hits. Maybe 6 or 7...have you even been the prey of a imperial assassin knocking you down and killing you before you have a chance to get up? My gesture there is NOT implying that jedi guardians should be a "God" class. Come on man. Why do i have to explain that to you? Just saying man.


You do not have to be "the funny guy" and try to troll the forum like the rest of the kiddies out there. Be literal and realist. If you wanna act like your mommy and daddy still pay for you bills than fine. Be whoever you want to be.


you die in 3 hits? Epic Fail

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I agree that a game should not be "the good guys always win" but what i was trying to say is aren't jedi guardians supposed to be a little more beefy?


Well in the case of the imperial agent problem. Its true that if you get into melee range that they are pretty squishy. But any good imperial agent would just cc you and cloak away.


hmm and dont you have a stun or leap of some kind??? to get into range . as for a tank tune, I guess you sould have more health or armor than a reg jedi.


But as Ive said before everyone has a nemisis , this might be yours, Im sure there are classes out there that you roll with no problem so relish in that , and be thankful only one class gives you fits

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I think the patch was mostly a success. The only part I was disappointed with was how Legacy is set up. Apparently if your Legacy lvl is 10 and you are filthy rich, then you can pretty much have it all. I thought there would be more for those whose legacy lvls are in the 30s and 40s. I didnt see any kind of Legacy reward past 25. I'm happy with the rest of it, but I think the Legacy part is just a poorly concealed economy balancing patch, meant to take millions of credits from us.
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Well... I'm struggling to see what's great about this patch apart from the UI customisation.


As usual a patch involves 3 days of fiddling - first day pre release of part of the patch causing some users to need to re-download the whole game - second day patch - third day more downtime to fix problems caused by the patch. It's become the BW standard patching process.


Much of what was promised for 1.2 is now promised for 1.3. As far as I'm concerned legacy is fluff... there's so much that could and should be addressed in the game like major problems in some class quests still lingering on since beta. This idea of making fights tougher by nerfing healers and med packs rather than mechanics shows.... well no imagination.


Have you ever played WOW please this patch was smoooooooth compared to the jackalopes over at blizz, There 1st patch caused 48 hours of down time this is nothing compared to that. and there maintance is half the time and usually done at night when most and i say most are in bed .

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Patch is fine. Stop crying, and no, I didn't read your post because you need to learn about the Enter Key.


WZ is alright, haven't done the PvE content but watched Deagen streaming it and it is actually hard. UI Customization is fantastic. If your class got hit with the nerf-stick, adapt. They took away my AoE Tankability on my Jugg (cooldown on AoE threat can no longer be lowered from 45 seconds to 30, smash damage lowered etc.) but I'm adapting to playing without it.




Learn to adapt and stop crying. If you're really so angry at BioWare then leave without trying to get attention on the forums


No it's not fine, it sucks. The OP is exactly right. They're taking customization out of the game, both in your skill tree and gear. All the MODs are tied to expertise now so if you want a Crit/Surg Spec your just out of luck.

Edited by Jakoby
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If you ever went to school, you would know you how to make paragraphs, not a wall of text.




And if you ever had something constructive and creative to say it but you don't so you revert to the only thing you know how to do, troll.

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I havent played long but this update is very welcomed!

They have got more legacy rewards 'coming soon' so hopefully they will be for higher legecy levels.

There is no pleasing everyone but there are two simple solutions:

1- Adapt get on with it

2- Play something else but the chances are every game will displease you in some way


I played SWG for 7 years and anyone that played that game for sometime went thru some very annoying changes but most knuckled down with it.


This game hasnt been out long and there will more likely be more changes that will affect people but there will be changes that WILL make the game better.

We all moan about something but quitting is just too easy! :D

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There are a few changes I'm not happy about, but overall this is a pretty good patch. And while I'm normally a solo player, since my main character is about to hit 50 soon I'm going to try some warzones and PVP. Stuff I normally don't do but have taken an interest in due to things I've seen for this patch.


So learn to use the enter button and stop complaing.

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I havent played long but this update is very welcomed!

They have got more legacy rewards 'coming soon' so hopefully they will be for higher legecy levels.

There is no pleasing everyone but there are two simple solutions:

1- Adapt get on with it

2- Play something else but the chances are every game will displease you in some way


I played SWG for 7 years and anyone that played that game for sometime went thru some very annoying changes but most knuckled down with it.


This game hasnt been out long and there will more likely be more changes that will affect people but there will be changes that WILL make the game better.

We all moan about something but quitting is just too easy! :D


HMM swg, i played 4 years And these changes dont even compare to talent change they unloaded. Those changes to the trees killed swg, I had a master fencer and dabbled in pistoleer and rifelman so my dodge was like 98% those were the fun days , and i hope bio doesnt take sonys approach an kill this game, with nerfs like that

Edited by CaineSoto
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Well... I'm struggling to see what's great about this patch apart from the UI customisation.


As usual a patch involves 3 days of fiddling - first day pre release of part of the patch causing some users to need to re-download the whole game - second day patch - third day more downtime to fix problems caused by the patch. It's become the BW standard patching process.


Much of what was promised for 1.2 is now promised for 1.3. As far as I'm concerned legacy is fluff... there's so much that could and should be addressed in the game like major problems in some class quests still lingering on since beta. This idea of making fights tougher by nerfing healers and med packs rather than mechanics shows.... well no imagination.


maby its cause they aint ready to release the other contents and

you would piss every 1 even

more than you do now if they would release unplayable contents!!!!

and as a first big patch and only 3 month that the game was released you cant realy expect it to be the best game ever wait a few more months

and maby you will stop cryin cause you gonna start likin the game!!!!!

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Well... I'm struggling to see what's great about this patch apart from the UI customisation.


As usual a patch involves 3 days of fiddling - first day pre release of part of the patch causing some users to need to re-download the whole game - second day patch - third day more downtime to fix problems caused by the patch. It's become the BW standard patching process.


Much of what was promised for 1.2 is now promised for 1.3. As far as I'm concerned legacy is fluff... there's so much that could and should be addressed in the game like major problems in some class quests still lingering on since beta. This idea of making fights tougher by nerfing healers and med packs rather than mechanics shows.... well no imagination.


maby its cause they aint ready to release the other contents and

you would piss every 1 even

more than you do now if they would release unplayable contents!!!!

and as a first big patch and only 3 month that the game was released you cant realy expect it to be the best game ever wait a few more months

and maby you will stop cryin cause you gonna start likin the game!!!!!

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This patch 1.2 is by far the worst update I have seen emplimented on an mmorpg. SWTOR had been set apart from all the mmo's on the market because of its excellent game play and spec customizing that most other games moved away from. Well, that was pre-April 12th, 2012. 1.2 feels too much like a World of Warcraft cloning patch. Bizzard, during the Linch area, emplimented a change to their class talent tree that forces players to spend 90% of their talent points in one respective tree; making players have to go the full 40 pts specs. You've done this exact samething. I was refreshing to beable too hybrid spec my sage Yuty as telekinetics/balance. But by taking that way by change the mechanics of popular talents you have begun to take the same steps that have ruined other games that had great potential. Now on my Sage that I used too love I have too choose whether I want too play her like WoW's Arcane/Fire Mage, Disciplne Priest, or Shadow Priest. This is just one example but now the games far too similar. This game does look amazing and excellent details the voices are a nice feature but arent necessary. My characters never talked in KoToR ad I still loved both 1 and 2.Honestly if Im going play a game that has been force after its release to be this much like WoW I might as well play the original that has been going 7 years strong and not the upstart. Hopefully Bioware and put this game back on track to greatness. Please go back too and stck too the principles that made KoToR one of the best video games ever made. You've proven time and time again that you are one best at making games, but this one will be free to play soon if you (Bioware) continues on the path laid by this awful patch.



Go play WoW then if that's what you are basically lookingfor. Bye....

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The rage is strong in this one. Regardless I didn't read the post either. You need to understand that the complaining is all the forums seem to be good for. All I ever read is people saying, "Unsubbed! You suck BW!" Seriously guys you need to understand that this game is still in it's infancy.


The OP needs to understand that in regards to this gaming being new still, there are kinks to work out, and people have referenced it to the start of World of Warcraft. Though over time their dev team has lost sight of what the original game was. So please leave your complaints for CS, and stop making threads about leaving. It doesn't do anything but make people want to flame you.

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the Enter Key.

Games fine, Sure the game should've been held back and we should not have, had to pay for a Beta test which we did.


But overall bioware is trying or at least it looks like they are, They just need to get their team hard at work to make a huge content patch that surpasses this one at 1.3/1.4

Story is great but when you get to the end of the game your about done with the story plus any alts, So most people need a Sunwell to bang their heads apon.


So bring the Sunwell, an Operation that kicks everyones ***, not in the "lol another bug wipe woo!" but a nail biting rough instance that gives some reward from trash but the bosses are really tough in the way of fights lasting a while, not "oh this dude can 2 shot your tank, kgo"


Some kind of legendary collectible would be a good reason for people to farm, Luke's family speeder anyone? make it 120% then you could also make it a shard system, just for fun! :)

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Please stop comparing this to WoW. This game is not WoW, unlike Blizzard, BioWare is capable of telling a consistent story. Also, they are well known for putting out a quality product and being that this is their first attempt at an MMO, I would say that they are doing a bang up job. It isn't their fault that folks are actually having to put a little thought into their characters and making a decision. A jack of all trades should NEVER be as good at something as someone who specializes. So, either play the way you want to play, accept the fact that you're going to be weak in some areas and stop your crying, or quit.


If you want a company to make changes, there are 2 ways to get it done.


1.) Constructive criticism. Come up with a way to fix it, don't cry that it's broke.


2.) Take away their money.

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You obviously never played Star Wars Galaxies or you'd know this patch wasn't anywhere near the worst patch ever. I still can't believe how they changed that game overnight, but there's no sense in living in the past.


I did and you are so RIGHT it was like going from the corillian corvette to a skate board.

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