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Everything posted by Botwa

  1. It matters not at all. She is the master manipulating all the puppets. Her final betrayal will sting the most as her real intentions are made clear. No matter what, do not trust Lana Beniko.
  2. Very nicely done. I will add that in round four do NOT attack chompers first, instead take Conrad down to 3 or 4 percent. Then attack chompers until he goes into regen. Finish off Conraad and then the fight is over. This shortens it quite a bit for those wanting to get a fast finish.
  3. Good question. I like the standard reply which is, they should be taken out since you don't need them anymore. Sadly I don't think this is entirely true. I could be mistaken but I believe you need a mod station to add an MK slot to equipment for augments. I augment all my gear, it makes good gear better. (makes sense) If there is a way to add a augment slot to gear without a mod station please feel free to share it.
  4. Hey Bioware, I enjoyed playing my characters to lvl 50. The class quests were unique and imo the best part of the game. I was completely sold on the story I experienced. That being said, with 8 days left in my suscription I'm opting out. Having paid I'm exercising my right to voice my opinion. There were some big selling points to this game when it came out. The Class storylines, the companions, your own ship etc... Perhaps concentrating on extending the class quests and gaining more companion quests and companions would have been a better direction for expansions since those were major selling points. Why abandon the things that made the biggest splash? Anyways... good job and good luck.. Oh yeah one last thing, give these folk some more character slots, its rediculous when you have to delete a 50 lvl character so you can start another.
  5. Here's my two cents. I hated the grapple hook when I first played a GS. I hated it all through beta. As with anything you adapt it to your playstyle. I never use Corso anymore with my GS, but with my scoundrel the grapple worked. It kept mobs close where I can melee. Now I hate the jetpack. I'd be happy to have the Grapple back.
  6. Yeah, lets penalize those who organize themselves or play with their guildies. Brillant idea mate. Seriously?
  7. Except the objective isn't to get medals but to accomplish your mission, no matter what it is. How often do players spend the whole time just killing folks and don't actually make any effort to win? Getting a high kill score is nice, but if you failed your mission, why would you expect a reward? You have it backwards mate, it isn't broken now, it was broken before.
  8. I think the patch was mostly a success. The only part I was disappointed with was how Legacy is set up. Apparently if your Legacy lvl is 10 and you are filthy rich, then you can pretty much have it all. I thought there would be more for those whose legacy lvls are in the 30s and 40s. I didnt see any kind of Legacy reward past 25. I'm happy with the rest of it, but I think the Legacy part is just a poorly concealed economy balancing patch, meant to take millions of credits from us.
  9. Yes you need to enable that in your preferences menu.
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