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Agent nerf needed.


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Out of all the nerfs that the operative and scoundrel took people are still complaining about them? I think this is a more of a learn to play issue. If you know anything about a an operative you would know there big attacks come from stealth and on the back. IF you catch them out of stealth before they suprise you will most likely burn them down very easily if you dot them.
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Agent back attack and stuns far to powerful. Nerf them to equall all others atttacks.



You guys do realize that this guy above me posted 1 line on his thread and left? Made you guys fight over and over on the class nerf.


Either put realistic stats about why it needs nerf, or stop crying nerfs, i'm a Rep side, and i do not want to see Imps side being nerfed! unless you show us real numbers!


Could stop calling nerfs for every class you get owned by, let us enjoy this game for once!

Edited by Koanda
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As a sniper Ops are my nemesis. They appear on top of me so I have no chance to keep immediate distance from them and lets face it their knife hurts.


That said its really easy to counter attack. I use "escape" (destun) then knock back and legshot to root them. I power up "laze target" to get my crit, "scatter shot" to decrease their armor, drop my shield, then use "snipe". By now they are coming back towards me I use "series of shots" till they get on top of me. Then stun them with "debilitate". I hit them with "backstab" and then "ambush" that also has a knock back ability. Then I use "take down" followed by "flash bang" to stun them again.


Then it usually depends where their health is at. This doesn't always work, but its usually very successful. Trick with players who like to get up close and stabby is the keep them away from you.


Having only 1 destun ability sometimes you just have to take the death count.

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hahah OP must not be a very good player.


Ops have been nerfed more then any other class in the game and to be fair those nerfs have only happened for pvp reasons for people like this that can't deal with just being beat. Ops are not over powered, There are some really terrible ops out there and if you get destroyed by one I can assure you that person must have some skill. I use to think myself the class was overpowered until I rolled one, when you see the amount and buttons/moves they have to work with to be effective it changes your perspective on them. They are harder to play then any of the other classes in the game and I would think that anyone who has played one along with other classes (as I have) Would agree with that statement.


Accept when you get beat and learn your class a little because I can assure you any class in the game can beat a operative.

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Operative defending his broken class that takes no skill.


Im srry dude, but you are VERY misinformed. Our stun never and NEVER does 4k dmg... please, just please come with a video and show me that our stun deals that much dmg and i will pay you a lifetimesub. Dont try to be a ******** and say: Oh.. yea i thought Shoot First was a stun. And to spoil the fun for you: Yes we were OP, got nerfed, we were fine, got nerfed again, now we are broken in both PvP and PvE. We can only do burst and after we spend it we are are allmost worthless. In long fights our dps is pathetic compared to other classes. Try using a parser. And oh yea, the Shootfirst, vanish, Shootfirst exploit has been fixed.

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can we see some hard numbers first. I'm republic but I never like seeing a nerf without proof of why first.


Hard numbers aren't needed to see/tell if a class is op'd. There are such things as utility and CD's that make classes over powered/under powered.

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Agents/Smugglers Needs to nerf they are still over OP in pvp.

Heck they can just faceroll on the keyboard and trash anyone even heavy armor classes.


I wish that was true.... damn positional requirements. Needing to be in stealth. UH/TA. 12 second BB/Lac. etc. etc.

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I have a few times been destroyed by a scoundel as an immortal Juggernaut in Battlemaster Vindicator's gear. It doesn't seem like I should be dropped that fast but I really don't have any complaints. These kinds of takedowns are their forte and reading this thread it makes sense that classes aren't designed to be balanced 1v1.


The easiest thing to do to stop an agent from taking you down is to root, push, knockback the agent rather than try to kill him. There's nothing more annoying than being pushed into a pit or off a ledge in the middle of your killer rotation, with no gap closer to get you back to make the kill.

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wow, this class has already been nerfed more than all the others and that's still not enough for you? Dps tree isn't all that good anymore fyi, most ops/scoundrels are going for the medicine/sawbones tree mainly because of the nerfs to the class....so plz keep on complaining. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Operatives are fundamentally broken, this is how a game where I don't have a trinket up goes:


Stun (oh, and a nice 4k+ crit for fun) - 4k Backstab - 3k lacerate - vanish - stun (and another nice 4k crit) - 3k lacerate - bye full BM gear assassin, oh btw I'm in centurion/champ gear.


Skilless garbage class is skilless garbage.


Sounds like someone got stunlocked and died.

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Honestly, you're going about it the wrong way. You're trying to fight a losing battle and that's your issue right there.


Think about it, what makes Ops/Assassins (and Republic equivalents) so strong isn't their utility and all that junk, it's that THEY pick when to fight. If the odds aren't in their favor (unless they're dumb) they don't attack, period. So they're going at you with the deck stacked in their favor, usually while you have cooldowns ticking away and force/energy/rage in sub-optimal conditions. The reason you get roflowned is because you try to fight them.




No, seriously, run. Now their cooldowns are ticking away as well, they've blown their wad, and they aren't getting the kill. Meanwhile you can go do something useful for your team. At least once per warzone I have some stealth class open up on me expecting a free kill--I hit Cover Pulse, knock them back and root them, and then run and they're left without a target. Obviously not every class has a combined root/knockback, but you have other abilities to take advantage of. Do it.


Also? Don't run around solo. It's a team game, so if you're in a warzone stick with your teammates. Not many people can win a 2-on-1, so they're going to go find an easier target. (This last part is harder as a Sniper, we tend to get separated from the rest of the group given how we have to stand still to attack--but that's probably why we got Cover Pulse to compensate)

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Honestly, you're going about it the wrong way. You're trying to fight a losing battle and that's your issue right there.


Think about it, what makes Ops/Assassins (and Republic equivalents) so strong isn't their utility and all that junk, it's that THEY pick when to fight. If the odds aren't in their favor (unless they're dumb) they don't attack, period. So they're going at you with the deck stacked in their favor, usually while you have cooldowns ticking away and force/energy/rage in sub-optimal conditions. The reason you get roflowned is because you try to fight them.




No, seriously, run. Now their cooldowns are ticking away as well, they've blown their wad, and they aren't getting the kill. Meanwhile you can go do something useful for your team. At least once per warzone I have some stealth class open up on me expecting a free kill--I hit Cover Pulse, knock them back and root them, and then run and they're left without a target. Obviously not every class has a combined root/knockback, but you have other abilities to take advantage of. Do it.


Also? Don't run around solo. It's a team game, so if you're in a warzone stick with your teammates. Not many people can win a 2-on-1, so they're going to go find an easier target. (This last part is harder as a Sniper, we tend to get separated from the rest of the group given how we have to stand still to attack--but that's probably why we got Cover Pulse to compensate)


While I love team play, and I play with great players usually, the "don't run around solo" is quite possibly the stupidest idea ever.

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While I love team play, and I play with great players usually, the "don't run around solo" is quite possibly the stupidest idea ever.


How about "don't run around solo when your defensive cooldowns aren't available"? :rolleyes:

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How about "don't run around solo when your defensive cooldowns aren't available"? :rolleyes:


That is the same as saying (in an arguement against giving all classes some sort of heal to weigh against the fact that players are stuck in combat for absurdly long periods of time even though they haven't been fighting at all) "use your medpack" if you want a heal. I mean ffs, if I am low on health and in combat, i am using my medpack THEN, not after I escape or successfully disengage.

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Juggs hitting for 6k that anyone with a brain can see coming and Maras taking time to set up is not he same as any random Op with no brain popping his CDs and facerolling a choice target that has no trinket.


*snicker* yup there he is he just leapt to me... yup I don't have that stun ready...here it comes WHAM dead...

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