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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Stop trolling.


The game was made to encourage players to have alts and utilise the Legacy system. What you're basically saying is that someone with a level 45, level 30, level 15, level 36 and level 24 alts is not playing the game in the same amount of time as someone with just one level 50 then you sir are a moron.



No, that's not true. If you don't plan on playing a game where 50% of the content starts after level 50 you shouldn't be whining here.


"Oh yeah well I've had this fitness subscription for a year now, only been there once, but I do expect to get a sixpack and a ripped body in the next month"


"Oh yeah, I've been subscribed and supporting SWTOR for 20 years now, but I can't be arsed to level all my level 47 and 48 toons to level 50, because I'm such a lazy noob, but I do think I deserve a free month just cause I say so"


If bioware decides to give rewards to players that actually play their game properly, then good for them. I am glad they did.


Shame on the people complaining here that they DESERVE a reward. If you've been subbed FOR SO LONG and you have no level 50 yet you DESERVE NOTHING. Bioware rewards players that actually play their game and not the handfull of casuals complaining in this thread OH BOOHOO I JUST KEEP ON REROLLING AND I CANT BE ARSED TO LEVEL TO 50 BUT I DO DESERVE A PRIZE.



You can't be alting around forever, if you're too scared to go to 50 (which takes ROUGHLY 5 days , 1-50, if you have questing buddies) then you deserve nothing.

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I didn't ask for anything except Bioware not forgetting that lvl50 characters doesn't only equal their "most valued players" because some of us who have been showing "support and loyalty" don't have lvl50 characters for one reason or another. Never did i say "I want my free month". So have a drink and calm down.


they wrote


ONe of most loyal customer


they didnt say DEFACTO that ONLY lvl 50s are loyal....



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Not to mention a baby tauntaun.


And they already got a free month anyway for buying the game in the first place.


Seriously, people, what is the freaking problem?



A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't a valued customer simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character.


That's the problem.

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I didn't ask for anything except Bioware not forgetting that lvl50 characters doesn't only equal their "most valued players" because some of us who have been showing "support and loyalty" don't have lvl50 characters for one reason or another. Never did i say "I want my free month". So have a drink and calm down.


Again it DID NOT SAY they were the ONLY valued players. Just ONE of MANY valued players. You might want to take your own advice calm down actually read what they said.

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A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't a valued customer simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character.


That's the problem.


All this and not 1 level 50. Not buying it. Sorry.

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Stop trolling.


The game was made to encourage players to have alts and utilise the Legacy system. What you're basically saying is that someone with a level 45, level 30, level 15, level 36 and level 24 alts is not playing the game in the same amount of time as someone with just one level 50 then you sir are a moron.


it encourages you to have alts.... isnt that good enough it encourages lvl 50s to keep playing with free months...


you get alts and fun story we get 30 free days...


Why do you care about 30 days free if you get fun time anyway playing alts.

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Technically you count as 3 players as you have 3 accounts so your play time on each account is separate and not the play time of one person. Besides if you have been playing since pre-lunch you've already had a free month, those that joined later didn't get that.




3 servers not 3 accounts


Wow I have no clue what your trying to say so ill just leave it alone, to tired to figure this one out

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A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't a valued customer simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character.


That's the problem.


He got a Founder's title, a baby tauntaun and four months of enjoyment. Not to mention he already has a free month anyway.


New Guy just a free month.


Is this an actual problem or is this a "First World Problem"?


Cuz the way it looks, it's a "First World Problem".

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A player who beta-tested, pre-ordered CE, paid for a 6 month sub, plays daily, has 20+ alts on multiple servers and brings friends into the game isn't a valued customer simply because he doesn't have a level 50 character.


That's the problem.


they said lvl 50s are ONE of most loyal customers... noone said others are not... but lvl 50s got ''shafted'' with content progress where you are NOT or shoudlnt be bored cos you keep lvling so you get fun while lvling we get fun with free month!!!


both happy or do you prefer 1 month free and are just money hunter?

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Since you don't have a level 50 and you've been around since release, you are more than likely not going to unsub for lack of content and broken end game. They are clearly trying to hold the populous for as long as they can because a mass exodus was and still is coming. This desperate move will just inflate their "subbed" numbers for the EA stock holders, nothing new from a greedy company that rushes a game out before Christmas to make more profit.
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all this over 15 dollars will u people find nothing better to do but complaine about everything and dont have a 50 so i dont get a free month either wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


u get my point 15 dollars people grow the hell up

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they said lvl 50s are ONE of most loyal customers... noone said others are not... but lvl 50s got ''shafted'' with content progress where you are NOT or shoudlnt be bored cos you keep lvling so you get fun while lvling we get fun with free month!!!


both happy or do you prefer 1 month free and are just money hunter?


They didn't get shafted anymore than anyone else they had EXACTLY the same options of things to do in the game as everyone else.

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It isn't fair I don't receive a free month. I feel like BW doesn't even give a ****. Killing more and more of my motivation to stay subbed.


so your motivation to be subbed is free time from BW?


gz byby ITS REWARD NOT PUNISHMENT... PUNISHEMNT IS if you WOULD HAVE TO PAY DOUBLE for same... but now we all pay double but we get rewards...


Does your motivation lowers also cos some people wear RAKATA and you dont? since BW doesnt give a ****?



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Has anyone from Europe actually received the email in regards to the free month? I am from the UK, playing on a US server, I have 2 level 50's, and I have not received any such email...


My account details state my subscription is due to run out in 4 days...

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people who don't get a single 50 in four months generally don't deserve a free month, they can have a pet for being so loyal by subbing.


You know I think the best part of all this is the amount of people who had reached lvl50 and came into the forums attacking Bioware for not providing enough end game content and attacking EA for this or that will now get a free month for being a loyal, valued player. That in all this is actually funny.

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Thanks Bioware.


As you can see from this ever degrading thread, you've succesfully managed to split this commuity in two with exceedingly poor PR spin. Enjoy the fruits of your labour.


It will pass in time as everything else does. MMO communities have been through worse than something like this.

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Since you don't have a level 50 and you've been around since release, you are more than likely not going to unsub for lack of content and broken end game. They are clearly trying to hold the populous for as long as they can because a mass exodus was and still is coming. This desperate move will just inflate their "subbed" numbers for the EA stock holders, nothing new from a greedy company that rushes a game out before Christmas to make more profit.


i no more people coming to this game in the comming weeks and months then any game on the market and comming to market that is your opinion and with wow just announcing they have lost 4 million players 2 million of them in the first month of this game i say get the facts

some servers have problems mainly cos people buy the game thinking its somthing its not and leave this is mmo life but now new players can enter the servers and over time will returne to size

it is not their fault people got the game didnt look into it {kids ect} then got angry and left they made more servers for the rush of people or waiting times would have made the start a failure u cant have every thing all the time sometimes u have to breath and relaxxxxx i had 400 people in fleet alone last night like wow most people play in cycles new content comes they play that content get the goddies then leave having reall freinds and a reall gulid helps to

i never do stuff with people that arnt my gulids mebers that mabie why so many have problems in this game they dont understand its an MMO not a single player game that u somtimes talk to people in

the older the server the less chance u have of making that freind ship too

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Has anyone from Europe actually received the email in regards to the free month? I am from the UK, playing on a US server, I have 2 level 50's, and I have not received any such email...


My account details state my subscription is due to run out in 4 days...


Humm, I'm the other way around, have US billing and play on EU servers and I got the email.

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All this and not 1 level 50. Not buying it. Sorry.


Yes, all that.


trying out all the classes to see how the story starts for each, deciding which one to stick with, getting friends into the game and rerolling to level with them, swtiching servers a few times to find a good one, rerolling again after bringing more friends into the game.. it's very easy to enjoy this game and not make it to level 50.


Would have been so much easier if they had just said "Hey lvl50's, you get a free month due to our limited content for you and we want you to stay".


No problem with that statement at all. lol


Something along those lines would have been much more well received than the spin they tried putting on it.


Since you don't have a level 50 and you've been around since release, you are more than likely not going to unsub for lack of content and broken end game. They are clearly trying to hold the populous for as long as they can because a mass exodus was and still is coming. This desperate move will just inflate their "subbed" numbers for the EA stock holders, nothing new from a greedy company that rushes a game out before Christmas to make more profit.


Because of this "Most valued players" nonsense, I'm actually thinking of cancelling for the first time ever. I know I'm not alone, based on in-game chatter, deleted/locked posts here and talk in other forums. BW/EA really made a huge mistake and with their track record, I can't see them rectifying the situation.

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Yes, all that.


Because of this "Most valued players" nonsense, I'm actually thinking of cancelling for the first time ever. I know I'm not alone, based on in-game chatter, deleted/locked posts here and talk in other forums. BW/EA really made a huge mistake and with their track record, I can't see them rectifying the situation.



Do you have 0 reading comprehension


they said lvl 50s are ONEONEONE of our MOST VALUED CUSTOMERS or loyal whatever.




get your facts straight before jumping on the hate plane!

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