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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Dear Bioware,

Please resend another email to all these crybabies, that did not bother to reach level 50 and so have no firsthand knowledge of the problems that plagued level 50 content, an email telling them they will receive a free pet and are valued. Then we can end the qq and they can go back to being complete idiots who obviously did not receive an email so have not read firsthand what you actually said, only what they were told. Thanks for the free month and i appreciate you loving me more than these scrubs.


But seriously the email stated " you are one of our most active and valued HIGH LEVEL players" Nowhere did it state that other players were not valued. This is an email sent to be read by those receiving it, so why would they not take liberty with how they worded it? I mean your all the same idiots who eavesdrop on a conversation taken in private and getting butthurt about it when it has nothing to do with you!


They wrote it to the player receiving it not as a media release, your all crybaby ******es that should be ashamed of yourselves. Unless they released this somewhere else then you have no legitimate reason using the loyalty card in these posts. If you want to be mad that you didnt receive a free month then sure say that your angry that you didnt get a freebie( you get a pet btw regardless) but do not act like they came out and slapped you and said you were not as loyal. THEY SENT AN EMAIL NOT A PRESS RELEASE GET OVER IT!

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I'm sure they have seen this thread and most likely understand where they went wrong in this and do something to correct it. You people posting here attacking the upset need to have more empathy and show some compassion. When you get right down to it, it's not fair and acting like little trolls isn't helping matters at all.
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I have an issue with it as well, and not because omgsomeonegotsomethingfreeandIdidn'tQQ.


Scenario 1: "We want to reward our loyal customers, so anyone who has had an active account, in good standing, since launch will receive 30 days free play time." Fine. I would miss out since I didn't get the game until a day or two after launch, but I can accept that.


Scenario 2: "We want to reward people who have been/are sticking it out at max-level while we tweak our end-game, so anyone who has a 50 as of xxx date will receive 30 days free play time." Fine. I would miss out because I do not have a level 50, but I would understand it.


Scenario 3: "We want to reward our level 50s because they are our most loyal players, so they will receivve 30 days free play time." Not fine. Level does NOT equate loyalty.


I feel that they have chosen to go with Scenario 3. While in all of the above examples I would miss out on any perks... 1 and 2 are fine, 3 I find frustrating.

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When are people going to understand its not that they view the person playing a level 50 charecter as more valuable, the charecter themselves is what is of value. A level 50 charecter playing endgame content and playing pvp, is testing all facauts of the game and have been troubled with more glitches and errors t hen one who has not played 50 content. Its basicly a reward and an apology for the issues that have riddeled those people. See the big picture people. And you were paying yesterday, and now today you're mad? Psh, what have you done to help the game if you never bother to test the end game content? The story mode? Guess what... they had plenty of beta players that did that for months.
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I am a little surprised that people who had playing since launce still have no level 50 character, so maybe BioWare didn't thought about that as well... but they should have access the data to see such things.


Wow. I've been playing since the test servers, and I don't have a lv-50. Partly because I had serious issues in the beginning with my older laptop; finally managed to buy some RAM which helped tremendously, but it took a while - for several weeks I had to use my husband's computer, and could only do it while he was at work.


Also, I have several alts, and jump from one to the other depending on my mood, and I haven't rushed through the game just to hit level 50. Also, several times I was held up by bugs, especially with my smugglers (which customer service never did respond to).


My husband and I both have the Grand Deluxe Ultra Mega-Poobah edition of the game - but we're not "valued" enough to get that free month? Sure, it's $30, but that's thirty bucks, folks. When you're struggling to pay rent and buy groceries and gas when prices keep skyrocketing, that's a rather significant amount for folks like us.


I'm definitely not enchanted by Bioware's singling out level 50 players; obviously, few people are. I hope that they rethink this tactic and amend it.

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Dear Bioware,

Please resend another email to all these crybabies, that did not bother to reach level 50 and so have no firsthand knowledge of the problems that plagued level 50 content, an email telling them they will receive a free pet and are valued. Then we can end the qq and they can go back to being complete idiots who obviously did not receive an email so have not read firsthand what you actually said, only what they were told. Thanks for the free month and i appreciate you loving me more than these scrubs.


But seriously the email stated " you are one of our most active and valued HIGH LEVEL players" Nowhere did it state that other players were not valued. This is an email sent to be read by those receiving it, so why would they not take liberty with how they worded it? I mean your all the same idiots who eavesdrop on a conversation taken in private and getting butthurt about it when it has nothing to do with you!


They wrote it to the player receiving it not as a media release, your all crybaby ******es that should be ashamed of yourselves. Unless they released this somewhere else then you have no legitimate reason using the loyalty card in these posts. If you want to be mad that you didnt receive a free month then sure say that your angry that you didnt get a freebie( you get a pet btw regardless) but do not act like they came out and slapped you and said you were not as loyal. THEY SENT AN EMAIL NOT A PRESS RELEASE GET OVER IT!


its written on the front page, along with people quoting from their own emails in this thread, read back a few pages maybe? and since its in an announcement, we can all read it freely, how are we eavesdropping?


maybe you should open your eyes, read around a bit, then comment. after you take both feet out of your mouth of course :)


thanks for coming out though, and do feel free to keep playing :p

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I'm sure they have seen this thread and most likely understand where they went wrong in this and do something to correct it. You people posting here attacking the upset need to have more empathy and show some compassion. When you get right down to it, it's not fair and acting like little trolls isn't helping matters at all.


my issue is with with people like this:


Says the guy with no life.


so, no, no compassion or empathy and furthermore people like that are worse trolls

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i would not call them valid, fact is there are a lot of "casual" players with limited free time who are 50, they just chose to concentrate on one story at a time rather than going with the shotgun approach. that is the issue that we have with the people who are whining about not having a 50. well, that and having those cretins automatically generalize everyone with a 50 as having "rushed through the game" when it is clearly not the case.


I never said anything of the sort. In a former post on this thread (page 103 I think), I stated it was possible for someone to reach level 50 not even a month after subscription. I didn't say anything about all of them being that way since I know this isn't the case.


What I am complaining about though is not being permitted the same "Thank you" for having been a customer who's enjoyed the game since the release date and taken my time with each of my characters and moving to another one when I feel I want to experience a different storyline.


Level should not be an indicator of the value of the customer, and that is the real debate here. Its not even about the free-be, I plan to continue my subscription regardless. Its about how Bioware, or whatever hand is behind this, doesn't understand what makes a valued customer.

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I am extremely disappointed in BioWare's asinine 'level 50s only' promotion. I have a full-time job and a wife and child. I have been a recurring subscriber since launch day. I have a level 45 main. I have 8 Toons in my Legacy, all above level 10, with levels totaling 202, but I do not qualify for a free month because I do not have a level 50.


Between this disrespectful crap and your disastrous deployment of patch 1.2 you are begging me to cancel my subscription. A free month of game time should be given to every player that has had an active subscription since launch, not just accounts with level 50s.


Your own fault for not taking an extra week to finish the story, if you walk out near the end of a movie then don't complain you didn't see the ending. And especially don't blame your wife and kid, I have been playing with a guy who has a 2 week year old son and can still make it to 50, this is not a reason, it's an exscuse.

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Putting my two cents in as well.


I am happy to see Bioware rewarding players, but don't think it's fair to give the free 30 day sub to just the 50s. If they are going to limit the reward by not giving it to everyone, they should at least look at overall play hours. I imagine there are a lot of alt-o-holics out there who have far more play hours between all of their toons than many of those players that have reached level 50.


"And another thing..."


If Bioware is going to reward loyalty then wouldn't it make even more sense to look at length of time a subscription has been live and in good standing? What about those that preordered, beta tested, bought the CE, were actively following the game for years during development?

Edited by shamanknight
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A player who has had the end game ruined adn stayed loyal gets 30 days ... nice one well done (THe valued customers is a PR blunder)

A lvl 49 player who as played sinced day 1 get's nothing well i can understand they havn't really been affected, but the free time for people who are unsubscribed is the kick in the teeth for all loyal but not a most valued players


I have a level 46, a level 39, a level 34, a level 32, a level 29, and a level 22, and a level 12


I don’t have a problem with them giving 30 days away to folks with a 50 toon


all the updates that were aimed at the characters of my levels have worked just fine, I understand some of the updates for the 50's didn’t get implemented, so I understand the compensation, nothing was ‘taken away” from me.


Still not sure why I am supposed to be pissed.

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when that other <cough> game came out. i was at it from vanilla. made a guild , it is still going. what i learned in the first three months of that game never left me. never rush to level cap. you end up sitting around doing nothing. that is why it is referred to endgame. the name should be self evident. bioware provided an amazing storyline for all classes (unlike the lacking one faction in the other game) and intended game play to follow that path. as is demonstrated by key elements , ie light/dark . now.. it is an open ended game in the aspect of how you do that. but the lvl 50's whether by the way i described earlier in a post or by legitimate means still knew what they were doing. here is the thing you know. it was not as if the concept of endgame was mysterious. it pretty much spells itself out. we didn't even expect the patch this early.

the fact it is out alone is surprising. i would expect many bugs. i feel that bioware has done enough for the end-gamers that ignored concept of 'endgame'.

this is going too far.

bioware is trying to make a previous mmo gamer community happy. but doesn't realize that the previous gamer mmo's expect the other game or the type of results. if you follow. bioware has to make itself a separate entity in the mmo world.

seriously, other then juvenile excuse of mmo (pandacraft..lol) , think of the games that have lasted. anarchy online is still around. seriously outdated. but it is it's own game. you know?

with it's continuing loyal fan base.eve online as well. neither are my type of game or game play . but you know, they live strong in their own right because they maintained their identity separate of pandacraft

you cant make a meat eater sated with a veggie burger, it just creates more craving for the meat.

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I agree with you. My highest character completed his story at 47 and I saw no need to grind him for 3 more levels so I rerolled. I got my consular up to 30 something and then my server died. Rerolled a Bounty Hunter on another server got him to late 30's/early 40's quit, this server was dead when I came back. I Just rolled a Knight who is at level 28 on a third new server.


I clearly don't deserve a free month, because I haven't got to 50. I have only pre-ordered the game on the first day of pre-order, got the Collector's Edition, subbed 3 months and completed a fair amount of the games content.


Perhaps they don't offer 30 days in those situations because if they did you'd just get to 25 days or so and quit? :)


I'm joking of course, don't take it personally.

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So they are giving level 50 accounts a free month because there is nothing to do at level 50. Ok i get the idea behind it, but someone like me who KNEW there was little to do at 50 and created 4 alts and my main makes me not entitled to the same thing? My highest is a 47 and im purposely not hitting 50 to get the boredom phase. Ive been here since head-start with a pre-order. Why am i being treated like a black sheep because i elected to take my time to get to 50? I mean i have as much if not more logged in time than the lvl 50's who do absolutely NOTHING. They stand in the fleet doing nothing while those under lvl 50 spam for hours LFG for X FP. I mean seriously, they word it that lvl 50's have nothing to do, well thats why i didnt rush to 50 and made alts, so im not equally entitled to what others are getting?



Glad i hit cancel sub yesterday when their ninja announcement mere hours before the patch went live that they were removing the stuff that made me want to finally finish off my last 2 levels to 50.

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I never said anything of the sort. In a former post on this thread (page 103 I think), I stated it was possible for someone to reach level 50 not even a month after subscription. I didn't say anything about all of them being that way since I know this isn't the case.


What I am complaining about though is not being permitted the same "Thank you" for having been a customer who's enjoyed the game since the release date and taken my time with each of my characters and moving to another one when I feel I want to experience a different storyline.


Level should not be an indicator of the value of the customer, and that is the real debate here. Its not even about the free-be, I plan to continue my subscription regardless. Its about how Bioware, or whatever hand is behind this, doesn't understand what makes a valued customer.


then it will be a tough road trying to actually get it through the others's heads then since we seem to agree on that point at least....

when i saw the email i thought it was because i had a level 50 AND had a 6 month sub plus was in beta all contributing to it...as well as having the full week of prerelease as well as have the CE


so in a case like that... yeah i actually do feel that i am a loyal and valued customer

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I have a level 46, a level 39, a level 34, a level 32, a level 29, and a level 22, and a level 12


I don’t have a problem with them giving 30 days away to folks with a 50 toon


all the updates that were aimed at the characters of my levels have worked just fine, I understand some of the updates for the 50's didn’t get implemented, so I understand the compensation, nothing was ‘taken away” from me.


Still not sure why I am supposed to be pissed.


You shouldn't be pissed, you are an incredibly understanding and patience human being. I say you should get the 30 days for actually seeing the bigger picture. Although you should finish the 46, endgame story is enjoyable :)

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I have a level 46, a level 39, a level 34, a level 32, a level 29, and a level 22, and a level 12


I don’t have a problem with them giving 30 days away to folks with a 50 toon


all the updates that were aimed at the characters of my levels have worked just fine, I understand some of the updates for the 50's didn’t get implemented, so I understand the compensation, nothing was ‘taken away” from me.


Still not sure why I am supposed to be pissed.


I also have no problem with them deciding to reward people with level 50 characters, for exactly the reasons you say.


What I do have a problem with is BW posting on their website that those players with level 50 characters are their "most valued players".


If I don't feel valued then I expect BW will not care if I choose to unsubscribe.

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You shouldn't be pissed, you are an incredibly understanding and patience human being. I say you should get the 30 days for actually seeing the bigger picture. Although you should finish the 46, endgame story is enjoyable :)


i agree with this.... finish that story!

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