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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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In the grand scheme of things a free $15 isn't that much. Just means I can take the kids out to McDonalds once. Boom $15 gone. Easy come easy go. But I do appreciate it, when it was unexpected.


True but it's not the value of the bonus, it's the way they have alienated many of their loyal subscribers who have suffered through the teething troubles of the game (the terribly long patches, primetime downtime, Ilum fiasco etc etc), still play and get screwed over for not meeting a certain criteria.


It's baffling they didn't realise what would happen when they did this, it has to be glaringly obvious to anyone with half a braincell that it would annoy a lot of customers. Probably to the point of mass subs cancellations as it's a direct slight to the way they play the game. Playstyle is a very personal thing and as such this has been a very personal insult for many.


The most laughable thing is this comes on top of 1.2, a patch launching LEGACY which encourages alts....ludicrous :)

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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?


Your analogy doesn't work. They are basing it on her age. If they based it on account age, there wouldn't be an issue.

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Emotions aside, I don't care any more if I got 30 days free or not.


For the record, I congratulate all with level 50 characters bonus play time and wish you more such gifts.


But the thing I would like Bioware to officialy state is




I guess everyone would like to know Bioware's reasoning for this. Why not other cryteria? Like Chapter 1 finished, class story finished, Valour 50, Legacy whatever.


So Bioware, could you please let us know why did you chose this particular cryteria?


I think I deserve as much as that being paying customer. Thank you in advance.

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If they would give 30 days for free to EVERYONE that would mean :



-the forums would go bezerk with posts such as : See, its going to F2P, see this game is dying, see they are desperate etc ... etc ... etc ... .


with a promotion like this there will always be people left behind, just like in real life.

Ah ****, im the 101Th customer and only the first 100 got a free t-shirt ! stuff like this happen all the time, why complain about it? were you so desperate in getting free days ? Where you on the fence fr free days before they said anything?

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I don't care if its 15 bucks 15 cents or 15 million its about respect to people who all pay the same fee each month and stick around.


forum account since 2009 and have made less then 10 posts on this fourm none of which was to complain about anything until this lack of disrespect. I was happy till they have to get on here and say I am not valued as a customer.

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There is no grind. There is only follow up your class story.


So you only have to do each part of Ilum once?


No repeat daily grinds?


Just do it all once, just like every other stage of my class quests.


No, thought not.


It's a grind, disguised enough to fool some people.


All The Best

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U realize you're complaining about $15? For your sake I hope times aren't that tough. :rolleyes:


You just don't get it do you? This isn't about $15 dollars. It's about the fact that some customers are being singled out and rewarded as 'most valued' customers on a purely arbitrary measure. One, incidently, that has no relation to how much support (for which read subscription) they have actually given Bioware.

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Since someone wanted to use an analogy I decided to post one concerning how I view the problem...


Suppose you were assigned to a work group of 5 employees at work to complete a project. Everyone in the group starts at the same time with equal parts of the project. After completion the supervisor calls you together to introduce you to the Corporate bosses. He tells them "Here is the group that completed that project for us. Now here is John, he is one of our most valuable employees who is loyal and dedicated. Ok thank you everyone.".


Now later one of the employee asks "Why did John get singled out if we all did the same thing?".


The boss replies "Well John had a blue tie on. Everyone else had black.".


While everyone did the same work, something superficial was used to distinguish John from the others. How would they feel?

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Wow what an utter fail in customer relations. It was bad enough that I was disappointed in the game, the armor, etc... Been kind of hanging around to wait for the patch (they got two months worth of charges out of me just waiting). YEP, I'M A COMPLETE FREAKING IDIOT, should of cancelled 2-3 months ago.


And now, because I chose to stop at 49 and wait for Legacy on my main, I get shafted a free $15. Great decision there. With what I've seen the past months with EA/Bioware, I can safely say I'll never be back to this game.


First and last post

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Played since beta, full time student/worker.


get about maybe 16 hours a week to play, at most.


I have 3 level 50s a level 44, 5 level 30s, and a few new alts to mess with on another server.


If you don't have a 50, you are doing something wrong.

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Emotions aside, I don't care any more if I got 30 days free or not.


For the record, I congratulate all with level 50 characters bonus play time and wish you more such gifts.


But the thing I would like Bioware to officialy state is




I guess everyone would like to know Bioware's reasoning for this. Why not other cryteria? Like Chapter 1 finished, class story finished, Valour 50, Legacy whatever.


So Bioware, could you please let us know why did you chose this particular cryteria?


I think I deserve as much as that being paying customer. Thank you in advance.


As I see it... you still get a cookie. A smaller one.. but still a cookie :)


Oh.. and probably has to do with a level 50 actually seeing the whole story arc if anything else, as opposed to not even finishing Chapter 1 in about ... 10 cases...

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To those of you whining that those of us without a lvl 50 toon are upset about the money, well no that's not the case


A loyalty program is for people who have stayed with the company involved for long periods of time. Everquest has a loyalty program that rewards it's players, not on level, but on how long they've been with the game, and its' a nice reward program as well.


It's a shame Bioware and EA don't show that same respect, especially for those of us who were here from the start, who pre-ordered their games, and who have payed the fees and remained with them throughout all the turmoil of the startup.


Sadly I don't think folks realize that this is not giving a special item to someone as an ACHIEVEMENT for reaching 50. No one could argue about that. What this is is saying your'e loyal because you reached lvl 50, not because you have stood by the company throughout all the chaos and the grief, but because you got to 50.


That's what's so bad about this. In my opinion, they can keep their free month. Apparently my being here from the start means squat to them in regards to loyalty

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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?


Bravo! You win this thread!

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I wrote up a post for another thread that got locked during hitting reply and post. lol :roll eyes:


Therefore, I'll sum it up in a few sentences here. I pre ordered the game the first day you could, and therefore I've been playing since day one. I'm a full time student, work part time, have other obligations, other social time, homework time, I commute 4 hours every day and I like to try to get my 8 hours of sleep etc.


My highest is a 47 Commando that I stopped playing because he was on a dying server. I now have a 37 Gunslinger on another server. Between that I have ten other characters between 40 and 18.


Their perception of 'valued customer' is flawed.

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Wow what an utter fail in customer relations. It was bad enough that I was disappointed in the game, the armor, etc... Been kind of hanging around to wait for the patch (they got two months worth of charges out of me just waiting). YEP, I'M A COMPLETE FREAKING IDIOT, should of cancelled 2-3 months ago.


And now, because I chose to stop at 49 and wait for Legacy on my main, I get shafted a free $15. Great decision there. With what I've seen the past months with EA/Bioware, I can safely say I'll never be back to this game.


First and last post



Bye Bye :rolleyes:

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When giving things away for free it dosn't make us happy,

the opposide happens thanks to enviousness.

Those who got left out will complain because they didn't get anything for free.


raw back and don't make gifts to please them will upset the others

bacuse they now didn't get anything for free.


go the other way and give something for free to everyone

and people will complain that they deserve more then others.




Do nothing => everyone is happy.

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Although I do not agree that only 50's should be given the free month (I do have 1 50 and a 41), I also do not see how people who say they are casual had no time at all to get to 50. I get to play maybe 8 hrs total for a week and I was still able to get 1 character to 50. I have a family and full time job to take care of so don't use the excuse that only the kids with all their playtime can get there. If you really wanted to get to 50 and it was a goal then anyone could have done it, even the completionists.


Sure Bioware did something crappy by doing it this way, but you didn't have it in the first place and wasn't promised it so losing it is not a huge deal. If they retracted the offer tomorrow it would not upset me in the slightest. If I did not get a character to 50 in 4 months and I did not qualify for it, not a big deal. There are so many other things that are more important to worry about.

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So you only have to do each part of Ilum once?


No repeat daily grinds?


Just do it all once, just like every other stage of my class quests.


No, thought not.


It's a grind, disguised enough to fool some people.


All The Best


please add to your sig : left the forums aswell on 13/04/2012.

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Played since beta, full time student/worker.


get about maybe 16 hours a week to play, at most.


I have 3 level 50s a level 44, 5 level 30s, and a few new alts to mess with on another server.


If you don't have a 50, you are doing something wrong.


Not doing anything wrong... there is no "wrong" way to play! and I'm glad you get 16hrs to play. I'm lucky if I get 8hrs a week to play.

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It's most definitely aimed at the rated WZ crew. They realize that a lot of 50's re-subbed on the promise of rated WZs. This is their "hey - we didn't mean to trick you; so here is your money back" band-aid.


Pointless you saying this, they won't listen :(

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