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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I have 2 level 50s, 4 level 20s, and a 30 something, I didn't receive 30 free days. One of the requirements is an active recurring subscription. I put in ALOT of game play. I cancelled my subscription so it would stop at the end of April. My reasoning was my make or brake was 1.2, and so far I am unsure, and have 2 weeks to decide. I can say I have logged in for a total of an hour for the last 2-3 weeks.


Maybe they had more accounts with level 50s cancel their subscriptions then those without. If you have watched any videos, or attended PAX, they are GOOD at marketing. They crunch numbers. They probably effectively gave away LESS free time.

Edited by JediGinn
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I have a job, why is this the default arguement for those that can't hit level 50 in 4 months? You claim you want story so why have none of you finished the story? You haven't done Battle for Illum or the False Emperor, is that not story? I got to 50 to finish the game so I'm ready for the next story update yet all I read here is people claiming that level 50s haven't? I love forums, they do bring out the very best in stupidity :)


im sorry when im at work they dont let me play games, due to the fact that ive been in a hostile eviroment for the past 3 months, working 9 weeks on 3 weeks off.

Edited by LexiCazam
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You got a pet and a thank you. Is that not enough?


Oh right, you want what the other guy has.


That's not principal.


I want what the "loyal" and "valued" customer gets... Because I have been here since the beginning, and get squat... It is a principle they should adhere to...

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Seriously? I get screwed because I stopped playing my main at 49, seriously, 49, been 49 for over a month because between being busy real life and alts, I just didnt' feel like finishing the level.

For folks in your boat it probably would've played out better had BioWare given some advance notice.


Sure, some folks would've taken it as their cue to power through to 50 in X days, but—more power[in'] to them! :)

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I agree with a lot of the comments here. The reward should be time based..not level cap. No reward for buying a 6 month sub and playing on multiple servers.

Felt no need to fast-track to 50. Wanted to enjoy the game with family and friends. Guess that's not good enough for them :mad::(

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Dude, if you've been playing since release and you don't have a level 50 character, then that sounds like your problem. They've made it so easy to level, it sounds like you don't meet the requirements for the rewards, suck it up quit your QQing.
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Again, not a loyalty reward. An apology to those specific users who did not get the new content they were promised. And a good one. Well done, BW.


Oh really? Tell me where it says that:






As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Hum... Nope!!! It does not say anything that you are saying, nothing at all. Stop putting words into BW mouth, they already have their foot in there...

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I agree with a lot of the comments here. The reward should be time based..not level cap. No reward for buying a 6 month sub and playing on multiple servers.

Felt no need to fast-track to 50. Wanted to enjoy the game with family and friends. Guess that's not good enough for them :mad::(


There should be no cap time based or level based. They should give it to everyone or nobody. End of story.

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My arguement is that I am offeneded at this action to love level 50's.


How can me being offended be invalid. I dont give two ***** about what you think. All I have done is honestly state how I feel. If you feel differently then I dont care and you shouldnt care how I feel.


Get a grip of yourself honestly.


My point is, they did take action to reward your loyalty. You claimed they did not, just because someone else got something you didn't.


Your feelings don't enter into it. You're crying like your girlfriend gave a valentine's day card to someone else, and even though she gave you one too, it wasn't as good as theirs.

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im not allergic to wiki, its just what you are linking isnt relevant.


read, learn, read some more.


the FACT that only character acounts level 50 got these emails, thats what makes it so. do you get that? how can i make it clearer to you. those emails said to a person they were the most valued and loyal customers, purely because they had a level 50 character.


your wiki link is IRRELEVANT


what level is your toon on the PTR btw? same question i put to the other guy yet to answer. mine is 46. how much bug hunting have you done? how many beta phases were you in (aside from the freebies)? how many bug reports did you submit?


your link is irrelevant when the email claims level 50 accounts are more valued and loyal than non level 50 accounts. we are second class accounts, yet some of us have put an incredible amount of work into the game and the communtiy, just a bit less into our characters.


bite me and troll elsewhere


From the email.


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.


So where did they say we're the most important? There is a difference between saying you are the MOST VALUED and you are ONE of the MOST VALUED... Figure out what reading comprehension is then start talking.

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Oh really? Tell me where it says that:






As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Hum... Nope!!! It does not say anything that you are saying, nothing at all. Stop putting words into BW mouth, they already have their foot in there...


It doesn`t say that non 50`s are not valued and loyal either.

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Not to mention this is for US only. So all the level 50's on the EU servers got left out too.


Europe pays more than US, this is bullcrap.


Really i'm in the EU and player on the EU servers and I was given the free 30days, imo I don't deserve the free 30days over the next person, I think everyone who has had a constant subscription since launch day should have got the bonus game time, instead of only the accounts that have level 50 character.


Also the way Bioware worded this promotion is really a slap in the face of the loyal playerbase. :(

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Oh really? Tell me where it says that:






As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Hum... Nope!!! It does not say anything that you are saying, nothing at all. Stop putting words into BW mouth, they already have their foot in there...


Read between the lines. They screwed the 50s by failing on the content. Do you really read this as "those of you who aren't at 50 aren't valued customers?" Come on.

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From the email.


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.


So where did they say we're the most important? There is a difference between saying you are the MOST VALUED and you are ONE of the MOST VALUED... Figure out what reading comprehension is then start talking.


So those with are 50 are most valued. By logical extension that makes us without a 50 less valued? :mad:

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Dude, if you've been playing since release and you don't have a level 50 character, then that sounds like your problem. They've made it so easy to level, it sounds like you don't meet the requirements for the rewards, suck it up quit your QQing.


how would you feel if they had said "congratulations to our loyal and valued customers who have managed to get past level 10 with 50 characters. you get a free 30 days of playtime. you others can have.... ummmm.... nothing?"


now if that had been the case, and you only had one character, how would you feel? and then if someone told you to quit QQing cause you hadnt had the time to setup that many characters, or the need, or the enjoyment?


read thread, plenty of reasons why people coulndt/didnt

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It doesn`t say that non 50`s are not valued and loyal either.


It implies it... And it does not matter what they say, what matters is what people understand from it... Read the replies, it seems a lot of people understood they are not "loyal" or "valued". All the good intentions in the world mean absolutely nothing, if they are not understood correctly...

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Dude, if you've been playing since release and you don't have a level 50 character, then that sounds like your problem. They've made it so easy to level, it sounds like you don't meet the requirements for the rewards, suck it up quit your QQing.


Another "one of our most valued players" *sigh*


Can take the time to get to 50 but not read a thread before jumping in to post nonsense.

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