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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Here's what I don't get, the argument from the camp saying that "The 50s deserve it due to lack of endgame content" are completely missing the fact that there are 7 other classes to play each of which has a full storyline. People have known for months that Legacy was coming and one would think that the hardcore people they're trying to keep would be leveling alts to take advantage of buffs etc. To say that level 50 people had no content to play is a total fallacy.


My money paid to Bioware so far :

SWTOR CE - $150

4 Months @ $15





Money paid to Bioware of someone who leveled to 50, bought the regular edition, and only played for a month and then resubbed this month for the 1.2 patch and who is also getting the free 30 days. ~$75-90 (I'm throwing an extra month in just to boost the amount).


Money is loyalty, subscription time is loyalty. An arbitrary level that one can hit in a week by having absolutely no life is not loyalty.


Once again, those that say that the 50s deserve it due to lack of content are completely ignoring that there are 7 other classes to play each of which would feed into buffs for their primary character once legacy hit. It's just stupid.


i agree with this man

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hmm well lets see how many times did you a n on 50 pay a few million credits or have entire raid weeks ruined to soa bugging out? how many times did you put end game or any game reports in to help them fix there top end content ? how many times did you suffer thru level 50 warzones being unbalanced ? you got a damn free pet and cause you didnt complete the task they are gifting for you get the half way marker. its like saying i completed some of t he quest but i looked around the area a little why dont i get the mission reward? stop beig stupid and enjoy what you are getting


So you are saying the only "valued" and "loyal" customer are the ones that dealt with the bugs at end game? So the ones that have been playing multiple alt, or have level slower are not?


Again, it comes down to the same thing. If BW had said that they were giving 30 days to the 50s because they have been dealing with so many bugs, the it would have been different. A prize for debugging, that's okish I guess. However, that is not what it says. That's not what it says at all.


Oh, and I did get to 50, and I did not raid, and I got my 30 days as well. So you are saying that since I did not deal with all the bugs, I do not deserve it either? Way to go...

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I'm fine with this. I'm a little annoyed since I hit lv 48 two days ago, but I'll get over it. BiWare wasn't able to deliver something they promised so they're giving the people who were most going to use it something in compensation.


I don't get anything, but since I did get what I was wanting in the patch I'm not bothered. Honestly, people need to stop thinking that they're always owed something over every little thing they don't like.

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there... can we be friends now?


you and spicerack both missed it though.


yes it doesnt mention us. YES IT DOESNT MENTION US. get it?


level 50 accounts get called the most (one of w/e) and the loyal and valued. we get what? nothing. you see now? god. yes there is nothing here mentioned yet for us, and thats the freaking point!!


so far only people with level 50 characters have been called the most valued and loyal customers


get it through your head, they should have mentioned us, not asking for freebies, im asking for some bloody notice for the effort we have put in and not just in a number over our toons head !!!!!!!!

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Why should I level up the last 3 levels after completing my story when the only thing that holds my interest in this game is the story?


The story actually "ends" on Ilum... you should try it. Both factions have a really cool encounter at the "end" of Ilum that, I presume, sets up the interlude for continuation of your class specific story.

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im not allergic to wiki, its just what you are linking isnt relevant. […]


Those who link to explanations of logical fallacies (oft on Wikipedia) are odd beasts, indeed. It's always educational to read up on logical fallacies, but it's probably not going to sway anyone's feelings on the issue at hand.


There is indeed a false exclusionary disjunct at play with how many have interpreted "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time in appreciation for your support and loyalty.".


But human nature will find many reading that as "If you don't have a level 50, you're not a valued player." You can crow all you want about a logical fallacy, but that's not going to make everyone snap their fingers and exclaim, "But of course! Silly us, affirming a disjunct like that!"


This is a PR game. BioWare has made a bad PR move. It happens.

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i agree with this man


Same here. I bought 6 month sub out of the gates in December because I put my faith in Bioware. Never once complained about textures, lag, PvP, space combat, never once about anything. Ever. If that's not the kind of blind fan-loyalty that they want, what the heck is?

Edited by iheartnyc
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My wife and I play.


I have a 50, she does not.


I am not going to cry about it. I was going to pay anyway.


My wife and I play too, she is fighting cancer ( doing fairly well thank you ) but cannot play as often as she would like.


She has several toons and I keep toons the same level as hers.


We are going to happily pay our $30 ( combined ) with a smile on our faces and sincerely thank bioware for the enjoyment we have had from playing SWTOR


( and we aren’t getting the free month, but could care less about that )

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Here's what I don't get, the argument from the camp saying that "The 50s deserve it due to lack of endgame content" are completely missing the fact that there are 7 other classes to play each of which has a full storyline. People have known for months that Legacy was coming and one would think that the hardcore people they're trying to keep would be leveling alts to take advantage of buffs etc. To say that level 50 people had no content to play is a total fallacy.




Some people do not ENJOY leveling alts. They want to play their main toon. It is what they ENJOY doing in the game. Do not mock their playstyle. It is not wrong, it is just different what YOU enjoy. So, yes, these people, who have done everything they can on their main toon, have had nothing to do for the past month or so.


"Always keep your eyes open and try to see things from other people's point of view. They are usually not wrong, they just look at things differently than you. When you can do this, you will see a much bigger world in front of you."

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Some people do not ENJOY leveling alts. They want to play their main toon. It is what they ENJOY doing in the game. Do not mock their playstyle. It is not wrong, it is just different what YOU enjoy. So, yes, these people, who have done everything they can on their main toon, have had nothing to do for the past month or so.



That is a separate issue altogether my friend. How does your having nothing to do, have anything to do with Bioware labeling who is loyal and who is not?

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


I have 3 toons. 1 a 49, 1 a 39 and a smaller one. Yet I dont get it. Mind you. I dont really care if BW want to say that having a level 50 makes you more deserving in their eyes. They can shove their free gift. Now we know what they think of us without a 50. Second class citizens. Very angry. Why didnt they put these resources into actually making an open world pvp area. JOKE

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If you don't have a lvl 50 the removal of ranked WZs doesn't affect you right now. I applaud Bioware for this move. Those with lvl 50s were the most pissed and now they have given us free time to wait and let them finish the ranked WZs so that they are suitable for release. Otherwise, there would be continued backlash and a very large number of players quitting the game. I say good job.
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So I have taken my time with alts, and then re-rolled on another server due to being on a very low pop server. My current character is level 35. I am the kind of player that likes to completely finish every planet even if Im not getting xp for it. I like not skipping cut scenes, therefore Im not level 50.


Ive been playing since second beta and gave feedback on many occasions. I bought the collectors edition to support Bioware. So I guess im just not valued enough to get a free month.


Way to make your customers feel special Bioware. I know its just fifteen bucks, but it is the principle of it all.

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Really tired of the loyalty argument. It's not about loyalty, it's an apology, and a good one. It's about players without any new content to play being shafted on the new content that was promised. They made good. good for them.


I'm a week short of day 1. I am a loyal customer. I got the updates I was hoping for. A new WZ means nothing to me, as I haven't even seen the old ones yet. Why should they apologize to me?


Would a free month be great? Sure. But I'm not going to be a part of a lynch mob because "what about me?" They did right by me.


This thread is like listening to my preteens every time one gets something the other didn't. "It's not fair!"

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


I'm going to have to look into this in more detail. But at this stage, I've got a few questions about the fairness of this bonus due to Bioware's release strategy.


In Australia, the game was released March 1st, 2012, about three months after its release in the U.S. I bought the game pretty close to this date, and with regular playing, have managed to cap level 38. I'm guessing if I had an additional three months I would easily make level 50, and thus be entitled to the free month.


Even putting that aside, it still seems a bit weird. It assumes that non-level 50s are disloyal Johnny-come-latelys. A good way to hack off your customer base.

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RANDOM TROLL : "I bet that all the people, who are now offended by how Bioware only selected some players for the free gametime, would probably not say a word, if they were on the list."















Edited by monkeydud
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I'm going to have to look into this in more detail. But at this stage, I've got a few questions about the fairness of this bonus due to Bioware's release strategy.


In Australia, the game was released March 1st, 2012, about three months after its release in the U.S. I bought the game pretty close to this date, and with regular playing, have managed to cap level 38. I'm guessing if I had an additional three months I would easily make level 50, and thus be entitled to the free month.


Even putting that aside, it still seems a bit weird. It assumes that non-level 50s are disloyal Johnny-come-latelys. A good way to hack off your customer base.


Well it hacked me off. And it isnt the money. 15$ is nothing at all. It is the principle.

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How, in the name of God, can people not have a level 50 by now? The scary part is they let you drive cars.


do you have a job to pay for your car?


i know i do, may be thats why i dont have a lvl 50, its becuase im out in my car that ive payed for with my hard earned cash, from my job that takes up some of my time...

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