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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Got two lvl50 and legacy of lvl 23 also a ton of alts and many more I have deleted. its not hard to lvl in this game and I don't have a problem with bio-ware giving a FREE 30 day gift to lvl 50 players. if they tried to give the gift any other way it would still cause some sort of offence as what ever they did it would upset some one.



1: we are giving a 30 day free upgrade for players who have been with us since launch.

Response: OH but i joined a week after launch its so not fair :-P


2: we are giving 30 days upgrade for players who have been helping there Droid on ship clean the windows/cook/paint/hover (Ok might have gone to far with the hovering)

Response: OHHH that's so unfair I was out lvling up and didn't spend any time with my Droid.


Think you can see they will always loss out take it in the spirit its meant to be taken in as a gesture of good faith not as a slap in the face for who ever didn't get it.

Simple really you didn't get it as you didn't hit 50 its not there problem that you didn't hit 50 you have had nearly 5mnths to achieve that minor goal.


Not simple at all. They should have given us a warning at least. "Make sure you have 1 level 50 by April x, 2012." Or a cut-off date.


In the finance industry, when giving out dividends, there's something called the record date, which is public and available. It lets shareholders know, when they need to be a shareholder in order to receive the dividend. No reason why Bioware couldn't have given us this courtesy.

Edited by iheartnyc
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I get that they want to ameliorate the ire of the 50s who have been dealing with level-cap problems. What I find ironic is that folk like me who decided to NOT add to that grousing are now getting, well...nuttin'. :)


You're not getting nothing...you're getting the opportunity to subsidise all the players who got 30 days free next month! :p


I don't have a 50, I have a 47 and several other characters in their 30s.


Sure, I could have a 50 by now, probably two - I reckon I've played at least as much as anyone who has a single 50, and way more than those people who wore out their space-bar hitting 50 in a week then whining they had nothing to do - I didn't realise it was a race, silly me.


Thanks for the appreciation Bioware, it's mutual. :mad:

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Oh no doubt some people will cancel over it because as it stands worded, if you don't have a 50 BioWare doesn't care about you even if you've been subbed from the beginning consistently. Having a 50 doesn't make one any more loyal than the altaholic that has 8 characters and has been subbed all this time. It's a boneheaded move in the wake of the upcoming launch of 2 major mmos.


This would have been a better arrangement.

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I track development of this game almost from the begining. I have created my account on this site on January 2009. I bought Collector's Edition, even though I had to save for it for 5 months. I have played in Beta weekend when I finally received access. I started playing on day 1 of Early Game Access, when queues where few hours long. I regularly pay for subscription and now it occurs that since I have also real life, wife and two young kids to care, I'm not worth of 30 additional days of play time.


I play as much as I can, recently even I managed to play every evening. You could have annouced it in advance, so I would have spent few more evenings more playing and got 3 more missing levels just for you, even though I prefer exploration and achievement hunting. But it seems loyal customers are not important for you.


No other gaming company has given me such slap in the face. I take it as an insult to my play style and a punishment for reading too much posts on your and other forums to polish my Jedi Consular and excel in this proffesion. THINK ABOUT THIS BIOWARE, because me and my wife will both think very hard about cancelation of our subscriptions, even though we started to like this game.

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I'm actually quite upset at the fact that because I myself am having fun enjoying the different classes of the game. I don't get a free month? Thanks for a taun taun though Was asking for one cause I couldn't go to any events! :D Edited by Timtimbot
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No, it really doesnt.

It requires absolutely no apology at all what so ever. If you have been subbed since launch, and dont have a level fifty yet..... there are issues there.


The gift was for people that sucked it up, put time in, leveled toons, played the flashpoints, discussed the bugs, helped guilds build playerbases, invested time, effort and energy into a labor of love, that they never expected to see any return on, except enjoyment.



None of you... NONE of you deserve anything for free. Its a gift, you arent entitled to it because you exist. Get over yourself.




.....I don't even know where to start with this odd attempt at an argument. Sucked it up? Wow. lmao

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The reason I don't have a level 50 is because I like to try different class'.


Highest is 37 with about 15 or so at level 20. I put in the time just not the 'proper' time I suppose.


Overall fail idea is fail.

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Not simple at all. They should have given us a warning at least. "Make sure you have 1 level 50 by April x, 2012." Or a cut-off date.


In the finance industry, when giving out dividends, there's something called the record date, which is public and available. It lets shareholders know, when they need to be a shareholder in order to receive the dividend. No reason why Bioware couldn't have given us this courtesy.




yes ofcourse... but the point of the GIFT was that you or quite frankly NOONE knew about it.... i started palying the day went public.... i was lvl 50 with my first char january 10th.... so what? 18 days... and i had roughly 7,5 days played since i had vaication....


I lvled another char on different realm to 50 within 3 weeks allthough now skipping everything and now have him on 50 with 5days and 23 hours played(so lets say 6)


I was unsubbed for 2 weeks around february (think first 2 weeks)


I got the free week.... and even if i would play only 30 minutes a day WITH NO SPACE BARS i would be lvl 50 by march.!!!!!


so I GOT A GIFT FOR BEING LOYAL TO PLAYTIME and thus company.... you are not loyal if you pay 15 bucks and never log in you are loyal if you pay AND PLAY!!!!


your 15 bucks if you dont have 50 yet is DONATION useless to true content story is jsut a nice SP experience

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Lol, yeah. Fail post is fail post.


S/He basically ignored the fact that the game was designed with multiple, yes multiple storylines to keep people playing with different classes. Implying that since you play other toons, that time does not really count as active since you didn't reach level 50 like s/he did.


.....I don't even know where to start with this odd attempt at an argument. Sucked it up? Wow. lmao
Edited by malchior
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Lol, yeah. Fail post is fail post.


S/He basically ignored the fact that the game was designed with multiple, yes multiple storylines to keep people playing with different classes. Implying that since you play other toons, that time does not really count as active since you didn't reach level 50 like s/he did.


yes they are DESIGNED to be played cos of MULTIPLE storylines... but story FINISHES at lvl 50 UNLESS you skipped something.


Simple as that.


So you finish 1 storyline once you get to 50 and finish the last quest.


If you didnt its your fault not biowares or ours

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Bioware just made a boo-boo imho.

Bad, bad move excluding regulare subbers just because they don't possess a lvl 50 character.


I myself have 4-5 characters around lvl 35, 2 characters around lvl 20-25 and several lowbie characters I play randomly for a change and exploration.

Just started a new char to test if that playstyle suits me better.


I have subbed since release and demand that me and my fellow subscribers who subscribed since release but don't have a lvl 50 char atleast get somekind of appreciation from Bioware for loyalty.


Fine, let the lvl 50's have their free 30 days, but atleast squeeze in a free extra 14 days for us who also keeps this game alive.


Otherwise than that, I love this game and won't abandon it for many years to come.



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I've been playing since early access. I do not have a level 50. I have things in my life other than playing a video game.




Then clearly getting a free month isnt a big deal to you as you dont play much anyways if you couldn't get one 50 since Early Access...


It takes 2 maybe 3 weeks tops to pull this off, someone tell me how all of you that have been playing so long haven't done this yet? I mean I want real answers or I'm calling every single one of you liars and regarding your posts as merely trying to stir up ****.

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Got the email, have a 50th character but canceled the recurring sub last week.


Still had 105 days left then so guessing 99-100 days now.


Email said I get 30 days and a taun taun.


Do I ?

Edited by Namlos
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i have to agree with this thread


ive been in the game since 14.00 GMT time on 13th December 2011, which was the end of wave one. also did beta testing as well


i have toons ranging from lvl 41 - 46 but no lvl 50


yet i dont get the 30 days free becuase i dont have a lvl 50, that sucks.


so because ive been enjoying the game and playing more than one class over my time when im not working or sleeping i dont get a reward for my loyalty???


thanks for the middle finger Bioware

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.

Same, completely, ive never complained about biowares descisions other than that mailing items across factions changes the item itselff (we didnt even get a warning about that)


I have a lvl 44, a 30, two 20's and a 17.... Im really angry about this, my hours will have gone beyond levelling to 50 with 2 of my characters alone..... *sigh*

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I can see how some people would be mad, me, I'm happy. Did I get my 30 days? Yes. But I've also spent four nights a week since about a month after launch, pugging groups every night trying to get flashpoints and ops going.


I would have been happy either way with the launch of 1.2 but the extra play time, just sweeten the pot.


Thanks fellas!!!

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It is a little of a strange requirement.


I currently have 2 level 50's and am a fairly casual player.


However if it hadn't been for the legacy system and the bonus incentives for 50's I wouldn't have any. Both characters would be parked in the late 40's. I got bored of the characters.


I'm not entirely sure that because I struggled through what felt like a boring couple of levels I should be much more valued.


A couple of weeks ago there would have been no free playtime for me.


It's a strange system.

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As a player with 3 level 50 characters on the same server and 2 characters in the mid 30s I understand the frustration of not receiving the free 30 day playing time and the free Tauton pet. Perhaps the devs have something better in mind for those players who have had continuous subscriptions since release?
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Im fairly certain its just an incentive to keep playing after level 50. Maybe to encourage people to make alts and stick with SWTOR. So that doesnt really apply to people who have 300 alts or have not completed the game yet.


I can understand how it seems wrong but it does make some sense.


People who are bashing this thread fail to see themselves in the situation the OP is in.

On the other hand nowhere is it said that only the people with a level 50 character are valued customers. It is just a video game so I wouldnt really go on the its the principle of it all tour. You just got cheated out of $12-15 is all.

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i have to agree with this thread


ive been in the game since 14.00 GMT time on 13th December 2011, which was the end of wave one. also did beta testing as well


i have toons ranging from lvl 41 - 46 but no lvl 50


yet i dont get the 30 days free becuase i dont have a lvl 50, that sucks.


so because ive been enjoying the game and playing more than one class over my time when im not working or sleeping i dont get a reward for my loyalty???


thanks for the middle finger Bioware


Didnt you self decide to not go to lvl 50?


if you had lvl 46 it means 5 hours to lvl 50 you chose not to(especially with rested you have now) so why would you want reward.

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I don't even want the free month. I could care less.


What I want is for the management team (and the other teams that originated this boneheaded ploy) to LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE and don't make a stupid mistake like this again.


I want to play this game over the years to come and I want to see all of the awesome upgrades and updates that I know these talented developers (who love this game and love the Star Wars IP) can come up with.


And to do that, I think the management team needs to learn that there's a better definition of "Most Valuable" and "Loyal" than the stupid metric they devised for this fiasco. Otherwise I'm not sure who's going to be left to pay to keep the lights on...


A simple, heartfelt apology would be a good place to start. Don't apologize to me, I don't need one.


Apologize to the portion of the user base that has done what they needed to do so that they could support your salaries and the salaries of the developers and others that you employ, however hard that might have been for them in their own personal financial situations, and that you completely threw under the bus to avoid having to say something you were too scared to say outright.


Just because you have some concerns about admitting some flaw or accepting some burning grievance is no excuse for using your ACTUAL most loyal players as meat shields to avoid the heat.


If that's the kind of mentality that is in charge of this game, then it might be best they find a new career path before they wind up killing this golden goose for good, and let someone else who understands what true loyalty is to take the helm and lead this game into the future...

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just incase anymore EU players think its US only, got my e-mail with the 30 free days and I live in Wales


that said, personally i find it disgusting that BW havent added everyone that subscribed from day 1 up to the recent bout of free trials (and thats continuous subscriptions, not the re-subscribed after leaving in Jan/feb waiting for 1.2). this should be open to everyone thats stuck with the game since release, through all the bugs/US-friendly maints/lack of legacy on purchase etc etc etc


man up BW/EA and give it to all that have supported you since release

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I've been subbed since the start.


Got my Jedi Knight to 42 and then realised that server was dead (3 people on Hot and like 35 on republic fleet)


So I rolled an alt to another more active server. I admit I didn't play all the time but I have a job and wasn't quite happy with the game but kept subbed because I know it has promise.



Just kinda felt like a smack in the face from Bioware.

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


I fully agree!

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