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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Just 'assume', where's the evidence to say that it was done for this particular reason? If it is indeed this reason, then BW communicating this fact would have not gotten long time subscribers up in arms.



I wouldn't care too much since I wasn't even expecting a free month at all before yesterday.




A lot of people resubbed for rated warzones. Rated warzones were cancelled at the very last minute, it's logical to assume that the people resubbed for these warzones were level fifty. It's therefor logical to assume that this free month is a reach out to those players specifically who felt screwed.


The rest of you are just trying to benefit from this situation. They got screwed because they paid a monthly fee for something that was cut at last minute. You didn't get screwed in any way shape or form, you just want something because someone else got it. The rest is just nitpicking in how they worded it.


Also, heading down the crapper? Why, because they offer free goodies? yeah that sure is evil and greedy of them.




They don't owe me anything, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with their gesture. I said I would've been happy with the tauntaun alone, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with both as well.

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i hate to break it to you but not only is it childish, its selfish as well. you literally just wrote a paragraph about why you think you deserve free gametime over other people, yet you just said in a recent post that nobody deserves it. well which is it? you should try to aim for a bit of consistency in your opinions in order to not sound hypocritical.


No thats just how you read it. I qualify because I leveled a character to 50 and have an active sub. Period. I never said in any post noone deserved it either you have me mixed up with someone else. So maybe you should pay attention more and stop this personal attack and stick to the issue.

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The fact of the matter is, you don't finish your class quest on 40, you finish it at 50 or close to it.


Try to understand it from a few different perspectives.


On one hand you have the lvl 50's, be it casual players or hardcore players.

People who have done buggy high end operations, Hardmode flashpoints, and were anticipating rated warzones.


On the other hand you have people enjoying the game lvling alts, who actually feels the rush and urge to keep subscribing because they have fun.


And then we have people like me.


People with lvl 50's who still enjoy the game and play various alts and having fun, so under all circumstances I would have kept my subscription even if I had not gotten a free month.


I understand your perspective, hell I don't really care, I'm enjoying the game so far, and congratulations on your free 30 days, payed enough to keep me going for September ! :)

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S/He did not assume, it was in reply to the other poster who said it was level 50 resubbing just for the warzones.


Ok so you are saying all level 50s only resubbed for ranked warzones? What about people like me who have been subbed since day 1 with lvl 50?

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Seems obvious that this is more to compensate that people that reached level 50 and found an inifite amount of bugs in the high end. Everyone that have leveled a char knows that 9 of every 10 bugs are found in the high end. So, give a compensation to that players that during some months have played with that nasty bugs, seems a normal thing.
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Biowares PR team needs to consider how they word things.. if they had said..


Do to the fact that ranked WZs for the endgame content were unable to be released we have decided to give any account with a level 50 character a free month to compensate for the lack of the wz ranking. it would sound much better and not make anyone else feel left out.



but it is what it is. Bioware atleast is attempting to offer things for their mistakes. Something the forums complained about before...


gotta give them an E for effort...



Just 'assume', where's the evidence to say that it was done for this particular reason? If it is indeed this reason, then BW communicating this fact would have not gotten long time subscribers up in arms.


It seems logical to me that that was the reason, the outrage over paying for a feature that was pulled at last minute certainly held more ground then the outrage in this thread. But I guess I agree their wording was done poorly. ;)

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Just 'assume', where's the evidence to say that it was done for this particular reason? If it is indeed this reason, then BW communicating this fact would have not gotten long time subscribers up in arms.


indeed. if all they had said was "we are sorry you guys resubbed just for the patch and we didn't come through, anybody who resubbed in the past 7 days is getting 30 days free game time as an apology", nobody would be upset because that makes perfect sense and any fairminded person knows somebody who signed up for a month due to something promised that didn't get put in should have their cash refunded in some fashion.


however bioware didn't do that, instead they just decided people with level 50s get free game time and people who didn't level to 50 don't. completely arbitrary and hence people are ticked off.

Edited by AshleyLarrieux
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Please actually read the post, it was not I nor ThePhilocrates who stated that fact, ask Mordresh.


Ok so you are saying all level 50s only resubbed for ranked warzones? What about people like me who have been subbed since day 1 with lvl 50?
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I've played since Early Access and have a couple of level 50's. 30 days free is most appreciated!


I must say I agree with the OP though, I didn't realise it was tied into me having a level 50 char. It's a bit of a kick in the teeth for all the people who've been playing (and subbing!) all along and who for whatever reason don't have a L50 char.

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How is it that even when some people have a perfectly valid complaint (like this one) they still manage to make me dislike them? Does nobody understand that threats and whining (and generally acting like a brat) get you absolutely nowhere?


The people at BW are pretty much like you or me. When something is a bit messed up, they can totally see that ****, same as we would. This holds especially true when the people they rely on for feedback show the courtesy of stating their concerns in a manner that displays both maturity and intelligence.


In all of these 28 pages there have been some fairly compelling reasons that very well may get the folks at Bioware to take a closer look at how they run this particular program.


You only help yourself if you put aside whatever sense of injury you feel this matter caused, and try to help out in the discussion without all the negativity, threats, and just plain whining.





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How is it that even when some people have a perfectly valid complaint (like this one) they still manage to make me dislike them? Does nobody understand that threats and whining (and generally acting like a brat) get you absolutely nowhere?


i have to disagree with you, i find that the tone of this thread is actually perfectly calm and appropriate...

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wow, when i saw thisi wasso upset, i had alvl 50 sniper for some weeks ago, but accidentaly i deleted him, now my highes char is a lvl 38 warrior, but unitl this time i havent felt like i wasted a mont by lvl ing up my agent, cos at least i became more experienced since this is my first mmo, and now i know i wont roll a sniper again more like an operative. And really 30 days my, wallett would really like that 30 free days since i have just resubbed!


Dont know if someone already replied to you because I dont feel like reading trough all these pages but I had a lvl 50 prior to the set date of 12th of april (had as in deleted it because I found lvl 50 so boring and the class was not my thing) and an active account prior to the date of 12th of april.


Guess what, I got confirmation that I get my 30 days of free play time.


If you had a lvl 50 before 12th of april and an active account at the time they set to reward the free 30 days it seems you're valid to get the 30 days.

If you dont have a confirmation mail then mail CS and explain your situation. I had a conversation on Twitter (@SWTOR) about my issue because I deleted my 50 in boredom and it seems it solved itself.

Edited by Kirameki
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id like to get an awnser as to why you need a level 50 to consideret a loyal player ?

i have a level 50 and all i do is PvP i couldent care less about killing some big NPC in a dark damp place, i allso spacebard every single quest in my class line becaus it was just something i had to get over with so i could get back to PvPin, im fairly sure by how you prioritise that you dont care much for us PvPers and thats fine you are not the first company and you wont be the last to do things this way.



Now my Wife issent level 50 yet ( she played since early access ) but she LOOOOVES all your voice acting and side quests and have spend alot of time exploring the plantes she was on, we had to reroll from a dead server when she hit 44 on her old toon she is now only up to lvl 30 with her new toon and is still takeing her sweet ol time because she really likes what you have done with the game.


Imo she is a way more dedicated player and alot more loyal then i am so im wondering why it is that you feel players like her should get F*** all out of playing the game the way you intended ?


and no i dont really care about the 15$ amonth or how much it just baffles me that you considder a player like me AKA Mr.Spacebar 2012 a loyal player when ive done one dailie quest and only my class quest but some one who appriciates your work is just considdert scum.


just gotter copi my new topic in here as the other one will be closed.

Edited by DerangedOne
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How is it that even when some people have a perfectly valid complaint (like this one) they still manage to make me dislike them? Does nobody understand that threats and whining (and generally acting like a brat) get you absolutely nowhere?


The people at BW are pretty much like you or me. When something is a bit messed up, they can totally see that ****, same as we would. This holds especially true when the people they rely on for feedback show the courtesy of stating their concerns in a manner that displays both maturity and intelligence.


In all of these 28 pages there have been some fairly compelling reasons that very well may get the folks at Bioware to take a closer look at how they run this particular program.


You only help yourself if you put aside whatever sense of injury you feel this matter caused, and try to help out in the discussion without all the negativity, threats, and just plain whining.





Actually the only thing that really matters is unsubbing. If you're upset about this, the only message they will listen to is the one you type in when you unsub. Even if you just do it to send them a message...unsub, type in the reason why, and then resub in a week or two or whatever before your time runs out.


Remember, if you unsub you still have access to the game, the forum and nothing will happen to your characters. The only inconvenience will be that you have to click back through a few pages to reactivate your sub.


So for those of you that got the message from BW that you are not a valued customer, go ahead and send them a message right back.

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My friend and I preordered at the same time. We have both paid the same in monthly fees since release. But I have a job that means I've not gotten to level 50, but he has more free time and has a lvl 50. So we've paid the same, but I'm not loyal as I've got real life commitments? And a customer who's played a month and power levelled to 50 is more loyal than me?


Tell me how that's fair, please.

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Ok so you are saying all level 50s only resubbed for ranked warzones? What about people like me who have been subbed since day 1 with lvl 50?


I think this question got its receiver mixed up so if it was aimed at me, I'm not saying that at all. I have a level fifty myself and I have been playing continuesly since the beta weekends.


Perhaps they simply have trouble differentiating between those that resubbed for rated and felt cheated and those that stuck around for it. I don't know, I do however sympathize with the people that paid for a feature that got pulled at last minute more then with the oppertunism in this thread.

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My friend and I preordered at the same time. We have both paid the same in monthly fees since release. But I have a job that means I've not gotten to level 50, but he has more free time and has a lvl 50. So we've paid the same, but I'm not loyal as I've got real life commitments? And a customer who's played a month and power levelled to 50 is more loyal than me?


Tell me how that's fair, please.


he is more loyal simply cos he devoted more time into the game unlike you.

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There is no way in a million years they will give 30 days.So far despite the considerable amount of downtime since release they have not given customers a single minute of free time.


Its standard procedure in most MMO's to give some time in lieu of unplanned downtime but it seems BW dont play by the same rules as the rest of the MMO companies.

Edited by GingerMagician
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