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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Actually I work very irregular hours in my job line and i work 160 hours a month. You sir, are the example of stereotyping that if someone does not agree with you, he must have low understanding of family etc.


But on the contrary, I have a family to maintain , I got Paintball, gaming and smithing as my hobbies and they take lots of time. I also hang out with friends etc and I still found plenty of time to level my characters in sw tor to 50.


So you sir, can keep your insults to yourself.


What are you talking about?


My post was in RESPONSE to someone who said basically, "you have no excuse for not having gotten to 50." EVERYONE's situation is different. Why are other posters judging those of us who somehow could not get there? You know NOTHING about our lives or our circumstances, which is the whole point here.


Yet, some posters feel entitled that they somehow deserve the 50, more than the rest of us scum right?

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People whine about $15 a month, for something that has this mouch entertainment value is beyond me.


It's because the main argument isn't about the free month. There are two arguments within this one thread. The one many, like myself, are discussing involves the method Bioware chose to relay the free month, not about us deserving it too.


The other is about those who feel they also put in enough time to warrant the free month as well since they are just as loyal and liked to take their time lvling.


Those defending Bioware are mistakenly clumping both arguments into one.

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I think it's wrong that Bioware's giving 30 days of gametime to anyone with a lvl 50 player, and then says that's for their loyalty.


Loyalty is determined by how long you stay with a company, not at how high a level character you have.


This should be done as whoever has been in the game the longest, in other words, if you've been here since startup, or you pre-ordered the game, or you've been here since January 2012, etc.


Instead, you grant people who have a level 50 the extra time.


Great way to treat casual players who have been here with you since the start.

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I don't get it.


Player X has a level 50 and plays 7 trillions hours a week, and Player Y has a level 49 and plays for 4 hours a week.


BOTH have active subs, BOTH have played since launch and BOTH pre-ordered. However because Player X decided to get to 50, and Player Y decided to get a bunch of alts into the 30s/40's before making a decision on a main, Y is financially penalised.


You can sugar coat it and defend it as much as you like by saying there's ample time to get to 50 etc, but that's not very fair and I can't think an another MMO that would alienate some of it's playerbase like that.


Poor show BW, poor show.


i would have thought most ppl on hearing about legacy race unlocks, would have pushed that last level out before 1.2 hit. i know i did with my chiss BH i was there level 49 story done. just grinding that last level on april 11th before 1.2. but don't get me wrong i do feel ppl in player Y's situation. sucks really does

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So a valed player could be = Played for like 10 days of ingame time hit lvl 50 then unsubbed. income = 1 month of sub.Unsub due to lack of content etc. Resub for 1.2 then to find out ranked warzones not comming and then unsub. = 2month worth of sub.


Not valued palyer: Sub from beginning never hit lvl 50 due to various reasons = 5 months worth of sub.


Correct me if im wrong about the amount of time/sub.

I just say put your money where the loyalty is (money from sub).


You are right except that you missed one very important word




THEY NEVER CLAIMED ONLY 50s are loyal and active...


rest are getting price aswell. You just cry cos you didnt get 30 free days like us who had to endure crap endgame! and no ranked wz

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It's not about the money, it's about them telling players that don't have 50s that they aren't Loyal or Valued players.


I SERIOUSLY love people like you. People like you don't get what you want, so you go ahead and put words into Biowares mouth. They did not say ANYWHERE that you weren't a valued customer. If they thought you weren't a valued customer they wouldn't have given you a free taun taun. They look at the Level 50's who've done content numerous times, countless hours into mains, and more. If you haven't achieved level 50 thats your own fault. But, for us 50's who've been waiting for new content since month 1 we've been grinding ever since but we're still here.

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Have to say this is a shocking decision by bioware.


I pre-ordered ages ago. Got special edition. Played from early access and paid for a load of months all in one go.

I started off on one server and got to lvl 30, then it became obvious the server was not going to be popular so re-rolled on another server and got to lvl 29. Then found out friends were on a different server and again re-rolled. Now that char is lvl 38.

I am not one of those "must rush to the end" type of players, I like to look around and take my time.

By doing it this way is a slap in the face to players who have been here from the start and have had to re-roll a few times to find their perfect server.

It should be for everyone who played from the start and has kept their account active.

If this doesn't change then I won't re-sub when my 4 months of pre-paid playtime is up as if the game is designed to be elitest then might as'well go back to wow....

Edited by DarkFalconer
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People gonna complain, its not hard to achieve level 50. It took me total 14 days in-game time to achieve my first level 50. Don't be mad that Bioware game free 30 days to the people who decided to play the game more than you did. I don't consider subbing since day one loyal. Playing the game to at least a level 50 is reasonable. If you couldn't achieve a level 50 in 4 months then there is something definitely wrong.


You don't get it do you.

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do you have a degree in law? do you enjoy driving your race car around the track every race meet? are you a professional footballer (insert any code)? have you played in the world cup (insert any sport) recently? have you written your own game/mmo/anything? do you have 9 million copies of your book sold worldwide?




the issue for most, to reiterate yet again for the trolls, isnt that the 30 days isnt being given to those who have been here since before day 1, its the fact that they are considered non loyal and active members of the game.






Here is the original quote:


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Where does it say that the non-50`s are less loyal, again?

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Where do BioWare say this is for Loyal players? My email says:


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*


Nothing about Loyalty. Active & Valued high level player, sure. No loyalty.

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I am a huge fan of this game, and have been playing quite happily since release week. I'm on a 90 day sub and have no plans to cancel (in fact, I think I'm going to up to 6 months before my next billing). All that being said, I was extremely disappointed in this decision. I just got my first toon to level 50 last night. Yeah, maybe it took me a little longer. But I had the following toons at the cutoff (noon CDT yesterday):


49 commando

48 sage

42 vanguard

35 mercenary

32 gunslinger

30 sorceror

28 sentinel

22 shadow

21 sniper

15 guardian

12 scoundrel


And somehow, according to this decision, I'm not as loyal a customer as a person with a single toon at level 50? I've been involved in the community, run heroics all the time, flashpoints whenever possible, am active in my guild. Yet somehow, 334 levels across all my toons means I'm somehow less loyal than someone with 50 in 1 toon.


I'm not going to quit over this, I like the game far too much for that. But shame on you, BioWare. This is a terrible decision. As much as I like your game, my opinion of BW has dropped significantly.

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Where did bioware use the word loyal when announcing this free 30 days?


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


not the big 3 letters aka key word!

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I do agree with the level 50's that stuck it out with crappy bugs and content and still stayed and remained loyal to the game, should be recognized.


However I do not agree they are the most loyal and the "wording" of the promotion was wrong.


It's not the I want I want I want …I could care less about a pet that will eventuallyl be made so everyone can get it at some point and someone will whine about that down the road. The 30 days free, meh 15 dollars is not the issue … issue is the "wording" making those who have been loyal go " ***" all it takes to be loyal to a game is a max character and a bunch of " no content at 50 posts?" I am soooo playing the game wrong then.

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This usually happens when people don't read and understand the issue(s) and jump in with their 2 cents. Ignorant is bliss.



It's because the main argument isn't about the free month. There are two arguments within this one thread. The one many, like myself, are discussing involves the method Bioware chose to relay the free month, not about us deserving it too.


The other is about those who feel they also put in enough time to warrant the free month as well since they are just as loyal and liked to take their time lvling.


Those defending Bioware are mistakenly clumping both arguments into one.

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Hey congrats to those who recieved a free month, i did not. Pre-ordered game, been playing since launch (will continue to do so), just no level 50. re-rolled a couple times due to dead server pops, if you added up all my toons across 4 servers i'd have a level 150:D. Its their decission how they roll it out and am i really gonna get all butthurt over 15 bucks, i drop 10x that on hemp a week:D. Happy 4/20
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What are you talking about?


My post was in RESPONSE to someone who said basically, "you have no excuse for not having gotten to 50." EVERYONE's situation is different. Why are other posters judging those of us who somehow could not get there? You know NOTHING about our lives or our circumstances, which is the whole point here.


Yet, some posters feel entitled that they somehow deserve the 50, more than the rest of us scum right?


You quoted me and I responded and now you are attacking me again? Just like you did in your other post.

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I am a little surprised that people who had playing since launce still have no level 50 character, so maybe BioWare didn't thought about that as well... but they should have access the data to see such things.


1) They have a full time job that takes more than the average 40 hrs/week

2) They have children and devote more of their time to the children than they do the game

3) They go to school full time and spend their time working on their education more than they do the game

4) Any combination of the above, as is my case (have kids, going to school, and work 50+ hrs/week)

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First off they didn't have to give free days to anyone. The mere fact that you're so annoyed because you're not the target audience of BW's promotion speaks volumes.


You play the way you like. If you happen to get something for it, like say early access (which happened so long ago it's hard to remember all the way back to December), then all the better. If not, so be it.


Do you wish you had a 50 now? I hope not.

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OP, very well said.


The exclusion of ranked warzones made me log into my account and mouse-over the unsub button for a while.

The free month, only to "loyal" subscribers, made me click that button.


I will check back next year around this time when swtor goes f2p.

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.



Last word says loyalty.

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Hey congrats to those who recieved a free month, i did not. Pre-ordered game, been playing since launch (will continue to do so), just no level 50. re-rolled a couple times due to dead server pops, if you added up all my toons across 4 servers i'd have a level 150:D. Its their decission how they roll it out and am i really gonna get all butthurt over 15 bucks, i drop 10x that on hemp a week:D. Happy 4/20


Same boat, started early, no 50 as of yet, heh. Played since prior to day one and had a sub every day since then. I'm not sure what they were thinking. I can't be bothered to be too upset, it's just so silly. Now if only someone could be bothered to change it. Oh well.


Edit: Funny part is some of my friends who joined late are considered more loyal because they ran straight at 50.

Edited by MrEllis
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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


not the big 3 letters aka key word!


Note that you're quoting the email that went out to only the recipients of the free 30 days.


The "one" that you're highlighting is in references to YOU being one of the many players that received the 30 days. It's not in reference to the player base as a whole. If it were, they would have sent that email out to all players to let them know about the Pet. They didn't.

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Same boat, started early, no 50 as of yet, heh. Played since prior to day one and had a sub every day since then. I'm not sure what they were thinking. I can't be bothered to be too upset, it's just so silly. Now if only someone could be bothered to change it. Oh well.


Same here, but I am not complaining... they are welcome to the $15 a month for the ammount of entertainment I have had.

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Because they set the free month. We were not entitled to anything. If this were Blizzard we would got MAYBE one free day due to the down time. It's 16 bucks does that mean so much to people its worth the time to complain in this amount of detail.



To the people who didn't get it. You had half a year to level one 50. In early release the boost to exp in warzones was crazy silly. I don't understand how anyone could not have at least 50 at one point.


Because not everyone plays the same way. Some people level alts simultaneously. Some folks have very little free time. Some folks prefer crafting and socialising to leveling.


It takes all kinds in an MMO. The issue here seems to be the definition of "loyalty". I think had the free time been given to 50s under the auspices of "you guys have been patient and yeah, we goofed on ranking wz" so here.

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