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Color crystals and the lore


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There should be very few jedi with red/purple sabers and very few sith with blue/green sabers. If you want to be an exception then you should have to work your *** off for it.


Allowing everyone to be a sith pureblood kinda ruined the lore for me.

Edited by DarthPunitor
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There should be very few jedi with red/purple sabers and very few sith with blue/green sabers. If you want to be an exception then you should have to work your *** off for it.


Allowing everyone to be a sith pureblood kinda ruined the lore for me.


Amen to that bro!

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There should be very few jedi with red/purple sabers and very few sith with blue/green sabers. If you want to be an exception then you should have to work your *** off for it.


Allowing everyone to be a sith pureblood kinda ruined the lore for me.


An exception to what I wonder? The movies?


Not sure how you would plan to 'work your ***' to go harvest a red crystal formation and put it in your saber. Would you add more steps (non-canonical steps at that) to make it harder for these players, even when its unnecessary.


With the amount of people that play the game and how one obtains gear, I find the idea of being unique very difficult to achieve. Let's say 2 million people play a game, 50,000 like and have a purple saber, and your server happens to host a 100 of these players. They are a small group of players, but perhaps you are on the fleet and 25 of these people walk by, you would think purple common because of that?In the grand scheme of things they are a rare group.


I really detest the idea of higher levels getting access to rare crystals, because in that they become common among higher levels defeats the purpose. Bless the higher levels that don't buy 'rare' colors but have equal bonused 'common' colors, or bless those who picked the saber color because they liked it and not just to try and be unique.


The entire Legacy system is obviously not canonical, it was incorporated to be a fun game mechanic and keep up replayability. If you were expecting it to bring reason and consistent canon, you are gravely mistaken.

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Yes, & they were WRONG to do so. Tradition is tradition for a right reason here. Firstly, TCW is mostly for kids, more geared to them. So they wouldn't know or even care why/how HE LOOKED RIDICULOUS using Ventress' saber. On Master Windu, Vaapad is mostly a DARK SIDE lightsaber combat style. This is common knowledge. Windu also has darkness in himself, also kinda obvious. It's said that 2 other masters tried to master that style, & fell to the Dark Side in the process. It speaks to the fact that Windu was 1 of the greatest Jedi Masters ever in that he managed to master it without falling & containing said darkness within him. Hence purple really being a Sith/Dark Side color, overall.


The color alignment system needs to be stricter, as soon as Dark/Light I are hit, you shouldn't be allowed to use the opposing order's colors. Sith use red & purple, those are already 2 of the best anyway, we don't need anymore.


Also, pretty sure Kun used blue only till he fell & became Sith. If not, then he deserved his fate even more, failure, & death. Blurring the lines like that discredits the whole SW franchise frankly.


Call me a traditionalist here, don't bother me.


Wrong all the way. Windu's style stepped up to the edge of the dark side but not over. The other two masters could not handle the temptation and fell.

Exar Kun used blue because it was what he had immediately to hand and never changed the color.

Darth Vader only let go of his blue saber because Obi-Wan cut his arm off and took it.

The point here is that color is not tied to alignment and never has been. Not in the movies, not in the books, not in the comics, not in the lore, and not even according to George Lucas. Windu's saber was purple because Samuel L. Jackson's favorite color is purple and George Lucas said he could have a purple saber. This shouldn't even be a debate any more. What you do is more important than what you wear or carry, always. Actions, and actions alone, determine alignment. Good and Evil is not a gang war wherein who is good or who is evil is determined by the color of their clothes or weapons.

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Ok, let's try this again. Artists' renditions in comics are not lore or canon. The words are. Exar Kun's lightsaber was always described as blue/white, same as Obi-Wan's. The artist for the Exar Kun/Ulic Qel-Droma arc took liberties with how he interpreted Kun's lightsaber to look. It was shown as medium blue, and then later was rendered as a slightly darker shade of blue. It was done, most probably, to show him becoming more and more immersed in the Dark Side.


However, the writer's description of the lightsaber never changed, and Wookieepedia got it wrong, since those entries are usually written by a biased source that likes to put his or her own slant on things.


EDIT: In fact, if the artist's rendition was to always be taken as canon, the Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, and Empire's End series would be green tinted black and white with greenish white lightsabers all around. :p

Edited by Captain_Zone
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It is a pet peef of mine, that all those trying to keep the SW traditions intact, and thus attempting to keep SWTOR on-track with what we like about Star Wars getting constantly flamed by the 'Power Rangers' group of players. I am so sick of it! Let's keep Star Wars - Star Wars, okey dokey?


And yes I do flame a little as SW is a little closer to home than your ordinary fantasy game.


I respectfully suggest that you might get better responses if you did not have one rule of behavior for yourself, and a stricter one for everyone who disagrees with you.


And even if the colors were more restricted....who cares?


The people who want to use the saber color that they choose - and would become unable to do so after your restrictions - care. Let's turn this around: Even if the color system remains in its current unrestricted form, who cares?


Color preference is just that - a preference. There is no canonical or even pseudo-scientific reason why a lightsaber crystal would simply not work if it were the "wrong" color. Tradition is not law. After all, a tradition that can only be upheld when it's made the only option is a pretty weak one, don't you think? The proliferation of crystal color choices in no way affects your own ability to use the saber color you choose; feel free to ignore or refuse to interact with players who do not adhere to your limited vision of what is "acceptable."


Its about time they rethink the whole color thing. The colors should be few to begin with and then very hard to obtain a different one. Makes it also more special.


Why "should" they be few? Saber color is a cosmetic choice. I have no problem with the gating of performance-altering items, but I would prefer the devs to leave as many cosmetic options open as possible, as appearance customization is important to me (as it is to many players).


I still wonder why those clamoring for color restrictions in the name of "immersion" - especially those citing the original movie trilogy as the only canon that matters - do not also request that Jedi be forced to create their own lightsabers, rather than having one granted to them. In fact, let's make all Force-users grind Artifice, and change all sabers and components to Bind-on-Pickup. After all, one player's immersion is always more important than options many other players might find fun, right?

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Granted the most common Sith colour is red and arguably the most common Jedi colour is blue, saying that you can't tell an enemy from a friend cos' a Sith is using a blue saber or a Jedi is using a red saber is simple laziness. A simple mouse over or a click on the person in question will give them away, as will them attacking you - that's a sure fire indication they're a bad guy.


It's like saying those who carry AK-47s are bad but those who carry M16s are good, to put it in real world perspective. That statement, while probably true in some cases, doesn't reflect it's accuracy as a whole. Revan used a red and a purple lightsaber (from memory or did I make him do that in game!?) and other posters have given other examples. Just because you actually have to pay attention to what you may be up against when you're in PvP is not a valid reason to restrict a player's preferences for saber blade colours. If you want it to be easy, play PvE - Sith are ALWAYS red. From what I've seen anyway.

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If you want to be special, you have to earn it in-character.


By the time my Jedi was lvl 50 he has more then proved he's something special. Not sure what else I should have to do to earn someones approval considering the things I accomplished in character in the game already.


Even at lvl 1 it was stated that the Jedi Knight was something special compared to the other padawans.

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I'm adding something to the "discussion" here. If this was already mentioned then sorry for the repeat.


Lightsabers are weapons. Like any other weeapon a saber can be damaged or destroyed. Just like a rifle or a sword. People have brought up the analogy of a US soldier using a AK-47. This has happened in many battle situations. The M-16 may have jammed or was otherwise rendered in-operable. Nearby lies a dead enemy's AK. The US soldier picks up the AK and begins to shoot the enemy. Will his own people fire on him because he is now using an AK and suddenly think he's the enemy? NO! Using the enemy's weapon will not make his squadmates fire on him, they will not get confused.


The same can be said for Jedi/Sith. Lets say a Jedi finds his lightsaber broken in combat. He picks up the RED bladed saber of a dead Sith and uses it. Will the rest of his force suddenly get confused and attack him? NO!.


Now what if your saber is damaged? You need to repair it in the field just as you would a rifle. As you are repairing it you find a differant colored crstal to use.Now instead of blue you have a turqouise colored blade, or perhaps a light shade of red. and you prefer that color over the TRADITIONAL blue you had been using, would you be unable to use it because you were restricted from using naything but blue/green/yellow? No you would not.


The Star Wars universe is huge and the time frame expansive. There was never a restriction on colors for a saber. Also, as I pointed out, over the millenia many Jedi and Sith have had to make fieldd repairs to their weapon. In that process some may have changed crystals and therefore colors. When the battle is over and the Jedi return to the temple they are not ordered to change back to a blue or green,, they keep the color they are now using.


Lore is fine and dandy in most aspects. I am a life long Star Wars fan. I grew up on the Original Trilogy. I also write my own fan-fics based off my old SWG toons and I make sure to adere to canon as much as possible. But lightsaber colors have never been restricted to the movies colors. If you can't stand seeing Sith run around with blue or Jedi with red or whatever other color then don't interact with those people, that is your choice just as the color is theirs.


For the record my Shadow has a magenta blade because it's the color she prefers. My Sorc will be using anything but red. My knight will use red and my warrior will most likely wind up with a cyan blade.

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I like to think that the colour of your lightsaber is a clue to who you are...A jedi wielding red for example, might have quite a bit of darkness to them, you don't see...just as there might be light to a blue/green wielding Sith. I think what people want most is to be unique and special, and giving as many colour crystal options as possible, gives people that...
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It's the moment I too will leave the game. Enough is enough. There should be NO black sabers. Period. It makes no sense, has no physical logic, and also as far as I know was NEVER a part of the known Star Wars universe. Options are good, too many options are VERY bad. And whilst I appreciate the attempt to enrich the SW universe I am of the opinion the devs should concentrate on the 'meat and potatoes' like story and such and leave the 'too much ketchup' stuff like inventing these ridiculous sabers or TOTALLY out of line armor creations.


If BioWare continues the trail of kicking everything we hold sacred in SW in the guts they will loose a lot of paying customers, that add to the immersion of this game.


The way it stands I think the devs should have rather created a fantasy MMO than this. A shame. So much great potential wasted. Sigh.


you are wrong. not only was there a black lightsaber, or darksaber, it was created by george lucas himself. people need to get over the "it is not possible" crap. this is a fictional universe in which sound travels through space, there are explosionss in space and yes, there is a blacklight saber. why? because the guy who created this universe says that it can happen. end of story.

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you are wrong. not only was there a black lightsaber, or darksaber, it was created by george lucas himself. people need to get over the "it is not possible" crap. this is a fictional universe in which sound travels through space, there are explosionss in space and yes, there is a blacklight saber. why? because the guy who created this universe says that it can happen. end of story.


YES! 100% agree here! :D


Unfortunately, there is no reasoning with the Traddies. :p

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Yeah ok its not perfect and never willbe so we just give everyone everything if they choose to like a purple saber with pink dots they can have that! There is so much wrong with your post dude. And yes I do flame a little as SW is a little closer to home than your ordinary fantasy game. And even if the colors were more restricted....who cares? Its about time they rethink the whole color thing. The colors should be few to begin with and then very hard to obtain a different one. Makes it also more special. I liked the Magenta crystal idea a lot. More of that please. I think they need to get away from this path of making it too easy for people to obtain gear and all colors for all. It's rubbish-and that's my opinion. I know I am not alone with this. Not by a long shot. And no I am not a hardliner just like see some meaning to what I spent a lot of time with. And liebrating everything, making it easy adds to my disdain.


then make a guild that follows what you believe to be th true canon. don't let anybody that uses the eu as part of the characters background in . of course, you can't go to Coruscant, or use a twilek. you also don't get the double bladed sabers, seeing as these were created in the eu. oh yeah, there was that bounty hunter dude, what's his name? right, how bout boba fett.



fact is, people like you want to pick and choose what should be allowed. how about, you do your thing, and i'll do mine. we never have to run together,a nd you and your band of "purists" can sit back and laugh at me. i swear i won't mind.

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then make a guild that follows what you believe to be th true canon. don't let anybody that uses the eu as part of the characters background in . of course, you can't go to Coruscant, or use a twilek. you also don't get the double bladed sabers, seeing as these were created in the eu. oh yeah, there was that bounty hunter dude, what's his name? right, how bout boba fett.



fact is, people like you want to pick and choose what should be allowed. how about, you do your thing, and i'll do mine. we never have to run together,a nd you and your band of "purists" can sit back and laugh at me. i swear i won't mind.


Now, are we talking George's borrowed stuff from the ExU too? If so, Double Bladed lightsabers and Coruscant exist. He used them in the movies. Just clarifying here. :)

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By the time my Jedi was lvl 50 he has more then proved he's something special. Not sure what else I should have to do to earn someones approval considering the things I accomplished in character in the game already.


Even at lvl 1 it was stated that the Jedi Knight was something special compared to the other padawans.


Yeah, I was referring to RP servers. It's generally accepted there that your class story isn't the same as your character's RP story, otherwise there would be a billion other Jedi Knights with the exact same story, master, and companions as you.

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An exception to what I wonder? The movies?


Not sure how you would plan to 'work your ***' to go harvest a red crystal formation and put it in your saber. Would you add more steps (non-canonical steps at that) to make it harder for these players, even when its unnecessary.


With the amount of people that play the game and how one obtains gear, I find the idea of being unique very difficult to achieve. Let's say 2 million people play a game, 50,000 like and have a purple saber, and your server happens to host a 100 of these players. They are a small group of players, but perhaps you are on the fleet and 25 of these people walk by, you would think purple common because of that?In the grand scheme of things they are a rare group.


I really detest the idea of higher levels getting access to rare crystals, because in that they become common among higher levels defeats the purpose. Bless the higher levels that don't buy 'rare' colors but have equal bonused 'common' colors, or bless those who picked the saber color because they liked it and not just to try and be unique.


The entire Legacy system is obviously not canonical, it was incorporated to be a fun game mechanic and keep up replayability. If you were expecting it to bring reason and consistent canon, you are gravely mistaken.


Yes, an exception to the movies and the lore in general. Fine, you want to point out exar kun and mace windu as an exception, then in this game exceptions should be as rare as he was. In order to achieve that you should have to work your *** off. It should be as difficult or more difficult than it currently is to get a black/purple crystal. If you got a problem with all high levels looking the same and all low levels looking the same... then your expectations for the game were grossly misled.

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Yes, an exception to the movies and the lore in general. Fine, you want to point out exar kun and mace windu as an exception, then in this game exceptions should be as rare as he was. In order to achieve that you should have to work your *** off. It should be as difficult or more difficult than it currently is to get a black/purple crystal. If you got a problem with all high levels looking the same and all low levels looking the same... then your expectations for the game were grossly misled.


you know why mace windu had a purple saber? because samuel l jackson nagged lucas till he got it. samuel l jackson just wanted to be unique. theres no some deep important lore reason for it, he just wanted a purple lightsaber cus he thought it'd look cool. guess what? it does look cool.


if jedi lightsabers are traditionally blue and green. wouldn't that mean that they are the most common lightsaber crystals? meaning wouldn't some sith just use that because,hey thats what was available at the time?


do you think a sith would get all moody and angsty and throw away perfectly good blue lightsaber crystals cus they arent hardcore enough? thats silly.


theres NO good reason to disallow people from using the color crystals that they want. not lore as its shown that there have been sith that have used blue before. theres been jedi who have used red.


theres no rules saying otherwise. its ridiculous to think there would be. sure its traditional. maybe an unwritten rule. but nothing actually cared about. there are jedi and sith characters in game who use yellow lightsabers. so whats the deal with those? who really cares? my lightside sith uses a blue lightsaber, it fits his personality and character. if you are mad about that, then good.

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Are there any pictures of magenta lightsaber from sw lore? anyone?


"Before the second battle of Ruusan, the Jedi ignited lightsabers in every color of the spectrum." From a guy's sig I saw. It's also supported on Wookieepedia (one of the few articles they got right).


And since the Ruusan campaign takes place a thousand years AFTER TOR....


And that's all I got to say about that. :p

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Oh my goodness. I was bored and this thread caught my eye. Before I knew it, I had skimmed through 16 pages of this drek. It is HILARIOUS that some of you have your knickers all in a twist about this. Why would the Sith care about being colour co-ordinated? "Don't use the green lightsaber, it doesn't match your uniform, silly!"

Seriously, if I'm the freakin' EMPEROR'S WRATH, I'll b**** slap whoever even makes the slightest comment on the colour of my lightsaber.


If you don't like it, just ignore it; pretend it doesn't exist. Heck, colour your freaking monitor all red if you want. Or maybe go make your own frickin game and stop whining about stupid things like this. Breaks immersion... how about you get your head out of your arse and worry about other more important things.

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Oh my goodness. I was bored and this thread caught my eye. Before I knew it, I had skimmed through 16 pages of this drek. It is HILARIOUS that some of you have your knickers all in a twist about this. Why would the Sith care about being colour co-ordinated? "Don't use the green lightsaber, it doesn't match your uniform, silly!"

Seriously, if I'm the freakin' EMPEROR'S WRATH, I'll b**** slap whoever even makes the slightest comment on the colour of my lightsaber.


If you don't like it, just ignore it; pretend it doesn't exist. Heck, colour your freaking monitor all red if you want. Or maybe go make your own frickin game and stop whining about stupid things like this. Breaks immersion... how about you get your head out of your arse and worry about other more important things.


Because it does break immersion, it's nonsense to mix up the faction colors, having Jedi with red sabers and Sith with green/blue, it makes absolutely zero sense and I'm still in shock Bioware would sell out like this even now.

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The following is a list of all known blade colors.



■Aqua (Galen Marek's modified lightsaber)

■Azure (Nikkos Tyris's lightsaber)

■Black (White with black core)[7]

■Blue (traditional Jedi lightsaber color)[8]

■Blue, w/ black core

■Blue, Dark (such as Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, Kenobi's Legacy)

■Blue, Icy (Permafrost crystal)

■Blue, Jade

■Bright Gold

■Bronze (Bnar's Sacrifice)

■Bronze w/ yellow core (Heart of the Guardian)


■Carmine (Bane's Heart)

■Clear (Barab ore)

■Cobalt (One of Saesee Tiin's many lightsaber's)

■Crimson (such as Adi Gallia's lightsaber in 32 BBY)

■Cyan (such as Meetra Surik's lightsaber)

■Cyan w/ silvery glow (Mantle of the Force)

■Electric Blue

■Emerald (such as Jacen Solo's lightsaber before his ascension to Sith Lord)

■Gold (such as Qu Rahn's lightsaber)



■Green, Dark

■Green, Jade

■Green, Light

■Green, Sage (Rahm Kota's lightsaber)

■Green w/ black core (Dahgee crystal)


■Lava (Lava crystal)

■Magenta (such as Mara Jade Skywalker's lightsaber)

■Orange (such as Kyle Katarn in 10 ABY or Freedon Nadd)

Pre Vizsla wielding his unique black-bladed Darksaber.

■Pearl White (Krayt dragon pearl, Wisdom crystal)

■Pewter(Raynar Thul's lightsaber)

■Pink (Lambent)


■Red (Darth Andeddu's Crystal, generic Sith/Dark Jedi lightsaber)

■Red, w/ black core

■Red, Blood (Qixoni crystal)

■Red, Dark

■Red, Light

■Sapphire (Yarael Poof's lightsaber)

■Scarlet (Depa Billaba's lightsaber)

■Silver (Durindfire (crystal))


■Silvery-green (Viridian crystal)

■Teal (Sunrider's Destiny)

■Transparent Blue (Pix's lightsaber)

■Violet (such as Anakin Solo, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo's lightsabers)

■Violet, Dark

■Violet, Light



■Yellow (such as the new Impact Crystal, a Force Unleashed 2 Collectors Edition Exclusive, and Yun's lightsaber)

■Yellow, Dark

■Yellow, Light

■Yellow-White (Nelani Dinn's lightsaber)

■Yellowish-green (such as Ahsoka Tano's Shoto)


■Yellow w/ Black Core




Edited by ScarletBlaze
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