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BH MERC heals nerfed to be the worst spec out now...


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Play more cry less i say, but that won't stop you all from wanting instant gratification. learn to adjust to change or you will die all the time...


Let's face it, I'd be on playing right now instead of posting if the servers were up...


As far as crying... yes, there are tears. I did enjoy being OP, now I'm not, it sucks.




Bioware had the opportunity to take the time and make changes to the class without totally changing the play-style and the niche we had come to accept.

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One thing that really irritates me is all the testers warned them in the testing about the healing nerf. Why have testers if your never going to take into consideration their results.


This is the reason I came into the patch thinking things would not be as bad as I was reading up on. I thought maybe just maybe Bio would listen to the testers and adapt it before it went live. I even read postings saying "if this goes live, a lot of people are going to quit".

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Most healers were nerfed. I know my sorc healing friends were also complaing yesterday.


Only class that seems to be better off for healing is OPs now.


Then I'm sorry, but your Sorc healer friends are bad. They hardly even got adjusted and they heal to the same degree they did previously to 1.2. Don't even start to say that Sorc's are in a sore spot also, because they aren't.

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I'm not going to end my account though I mean yeah I'm Pissed, but just means either I'm going to wait hoping for them to see they over did it or shelf my bh healer and go dps. My third option is my tank is quite fun to play even more so then before so thats my alternatives. If there was an alternative MMO I found interesting 1.2 would be the patch I would leave it for but don't find any interesting at the moment. So I'm stuck once again sitting around as a level now useless 50 bh unless I want to play my alts which seems the better alternative. The patch would have been nice and the nerf acceptable if they didn't jump of a cliff with it.
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Then I'm sorry, but your Sorc healer friends are bad. They hardly even got adjusted and they heal to the same degree they did previously to 1.2. Don't even start to say that Sorc's are in a sore spot also, because they aren't.


Maybe it's the expertise buff to dam/reduction to healing. I don' tknow.


I'm not a healer. Just was saying.


I don't know if they are on same page as merc's.


And now I'm just taking your word that they aren't in the same sore spot as merc healing.

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yes I'm speced correctly. I have the entire tree of healing plus the extra alarcity to try and reduce casting. They totally crushed us I'm in the new raid and I can't heal very good at all. Spend half the time casting then waiting for it to be able to recast my kolto missile even has an added casting of 2 seconds I just noticed.... only buff I was giving is it now heals 4 instead of 3... wow big different for 800 health possibly of healing... No its a trash can waste. I've swapped specs around tonight and through since the beta. currently I'm fully speced in all the bodyguard tree and using some other skills elsewhere just to help with some of the casting it sucks. This is trash worst patch ever. I'm not only effed in pve also pvp but haven't tried that just hearing about it. Your right I'm being nice by just switching specs I bet you if you had stats in this you'd see all the bh heals respecting or quitting


Umm.. I hate to be rude, but... L2P.


Seriously, it is not that bad. And if it hit you that hard then you need to find another class and role.

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I have full Rakata Gear and was not even able to heal a 5 man last night. Tonight I am suppose to try out the raid. I am not sure if I want to even try after that extreme fail of a 5 man.


I really do not understand their thinking on this? Are they trying to get people to unsub?

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Kills are shared...Not every kill is an individual kill on the score board.



Also, if the opponents were bad there wouldn't be anything to heal



a) opponents were good, and b) My team was protecting its healer

i.e, teamwork...


If the opponents were unable to focus you as the ONLY healer in the ops, they're clearly not good. I'm used to taking 300-500k damage in some WZs, from the looks of it, you took around 100k.

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It's too early for me to make a final decision on this but I have to agree with OP.I was just gearing up on my Merc and my heals were getting respectible in WZ till this patch.Not only do I overheat like crazy but the time it takes to activate an action now is retarded.I can't find much to feel good about these changes and I have been more than patient with this game.This seems a direct slap in the face for anyone who rolled a BH healer.I will give it a bit more play time and see if I can adabt,but if you take the fun out of the game I can find other ways to spend my money on entertainment.
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The patch has made BH healing a challenge, but buck up. I've seen many post about not being able to heal HMs with almost full rakata level gear, I have 1 piece of rakata and healed the lost island with one wipe. Pvp is more frustrating then it was, however how can I complain when out of the 15 games I played yesterday only once was I not top in healing. I hate to sound trite but l2p involves adapting and adjusting. If you can't do that, make your own game or read a book and win at the fantasy in your head.

Previous posters were correct in saying you have to use all the abilities you were given to manage heat while mixing in abilities for survivability.

If you want a face roll get on the sorc train. Healing isn't for the faint of heart and can be stressful. Manage stress *check* Manage Heat *check* Winning with BH healing *check*

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I typically play a merc healer and I gotta say that I'm really frusterated on keeping my team alive in both PvE and PvP. I used to play the class hard to keep my ppl up, but I would not call this new patch a "challenge".


I'd get pain-trained in PvP quite a bit... but so what. Comes with the territory of being a healer. But at the same time I could keep a friend, or two, alive a bit longer to keep our team's momentum going even as i'm getting beat on by an enemy player.


I really find that the 1.2 patch did more harm than good in terms of nerfing the healing ability of the merc class.

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I've never done PvP I don't care about PvP I'm just talking about PvE.


I was _dreading_ the incoming nerf's. I read them and I was like holyyy **** what are they thinking?


I healed last night in the new raid and it was just as bad as I had feared.


Super charged gas is now good for 2 maaayybe 3 rotations and then lasts for another 8 seconds, unless I paired it with a vent heat right afterwards. Even then I couldn't get through the full duration without heat locking. I just started clicking off the buff so I could use it for a quick 8 heat. Literally that desperate for heat.


I understand that we needed taken down a peg - honestly I do. In full rakata doing hard mode's was pretty yawn worthy. I didn't really ever use my cooldowns. In the new raid I had used every single cooldown and unless everything was _perfect_ people were dying.


I have _never_, even doing nightmare progression, been sitting staring at my vent heat cooldown just prayyyying for it to come off.


I agree whole heartedly with the person saying that your just keeping your fingers crossed hoping no one makes a mistake. Healing shouldn't be like that. Cooldowns should be used _for_ those emergency situations where someone messed up, not for "holy hell I can't keep the tanks up and they aren't doing anything wrong!"


I'm a damn good healer and I've played healers for a looong time. I'm sure I'll adapt, but I feel sorry for the raid wipes that this nerf is causing for no good reason. There's knowing the mechanics of the fight and then there's having no chance to learn because your healer's simply can't keep you up.


Just give us back the 16 heat reduction for our HS/RS rotation, because that'll make supercharged gas worth actually using again. I can honestly understand the rest of the nerf's. (though 16 vent heat with SCG would be nice too!)

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I definitely agree Bodyguard healing was rediculously OP before but for $&!# sake BW learn how to do slight nerfs and not make an OP spec into a worthless spec. Same with arsenal, reduced damage, longer cast times, and way WAY more heat. I think doing 2 out of the 3 would have been good enough. Edited by Tulukord
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I actually put alacrity back into my build and found it helped a lot with burst (which was what I was struggling with). I'm feeling a lot better about the build with my alacrity up. PVP really isn't an issue at all. There are some tough moments in PVE but the alac will help with burst, you just have to get used to the new rotation and managing heat when you aren't burst healing. Lots of pew pew rapid shots!


For those who are still struggling, try it out. If you're on Shien and want some help with build or anything, feel free to message me. =)

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Bioware you broke my Merc-healer in the name of balance. Did you guys even test these changes? I find it hard to believe you did or was it intended that we heal for so much less than other healers?


I run with an Op-healer and after doing the new raid 8man(hm) the Op-healer out heals me by 100-200k and thats balance ???.


Thanks for the combat log its nice tool to see how much less healing I can do after every boss encounter compared to operatives.


Operatives have more tools to help manage their resources than we do that's not balance its just stupid and very frustrating. We need to have at least some other way to manage our heat. Vent Heat is on a 2 min timer so were stuck watching it dissipate and shooting with very small heals from pistols, so much for balance.


Operatives get resources back when they crit plus a buff of 24% crit on their free heal ability so they can build resources using their free heal skill.


Fix bodyguards give us another skill to manage our heat or lower vent heat's timer PLEASE WE NEED BALANCE!!!

Edited by RoadRash
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I hit a sorc in voidstar today for 7.8k with HSM without an adrenal.


Why are you still specced heals?


I havent seen a merc healer in a wazone in a long time and the last 4 raids i ran had no merc healers, all dps.


Its pretty clear dps merc is significantly better spec than heals, for obvious reasons.


Edit - 3 chars, 4 raids, no merc healers

Edited by JustTray
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Ok I thought it was just me not getting the whole new thing to the changes. At first I wAs glad it wasn't just me that ws having such a hard time but looking at how upset everyone is makes me sad. I too switched out of healing after spending all of Saturday doing horribly in war zones.
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I would like to know id the devs even read these posts? I would be shocked to even see one post in here about this crap of a nerf they did to us healers. We was the lowest healing class in the game. If you do not think so you should pvp more. And a healer bh has no dps to speak of and they nail the one thing we had.


Why do you ask? Well the devs love jedi more than other classes it was the same in SWG. Jedi is the player base so us and ops will get the shaft everytime. I was healing a could hard modes after this update. And I found myself heating up and hurting to keep people healed. And face it not like rapid shots do much when people are being damaged heavy and your steaming hot. I will not be resubbing this game and will watch over the forums to see how later patches go.


This game lacks so much....like freedom and it should lose the cast times. its sci-fi no need for casting. If they wont buff us them allow us to heal on the go.

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It's pretty bad for healing in raids now, Rapid Shots is becoming my most used heal...


The problem is, anytime there is heavy damage, you build heat so fast when you spam a few heals in succession.


It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I think we could do with some work on our heat management.

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The nerfs didn't kill the class, the nerfs separated the skilled and the not-so-much. Plain and simple. BH healing is still very viable in HM EC, paired with a sorc it's still quite an effective combo in 8m hm. Obviously any changes made that reverts any of the nerfs will be welcomed, however it's not needed to keep us raiding.
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