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Combat in this game is one sided.


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From what Ive seen, this game is totally in favor of ranged classes in both PvE and PvP. The range that is actually considered melee is fairly small compared to the speed at which players and npcs can move. Trying to tank in PvE just seems stupid because there are a lot of ranged NPCs that do not move unless you LoS them. In most games, the NPCs that are ranged are mostly mage classes and you can just have people in your group silence those mobs. But here there is basically no such thing. Melee tanks have to move from mob to mob just to keep aggro and there aren't even a lot of AoE skills for tanks for them to hold aggro, most AoE skills seem to be on ranged classes rather then melee ones. Melee tanks like the Juggernaut cant even AoE right off the bat cause they need to use a skill to get Rage first which is probably a single target attack. A ranged tank can just tab target from mob to mob and has an easier chance to hold aggro, Im not saying better, just easier. DPS have the same problem with these ranged NPCs, if the tank doesnt or cant LoS then you're running from mob to mob.


Right now damage seems to be equal between ranged and melee classes and that just favors ranged classes cause they just dont have to move to go from mob to mob. In PvP its even worse. If you look at the scores all you see are ranged classes at the top of damage dealt. Take Hutball. A melee class does a force charge JUST to get onto a platform cause it would take him 2 mins to run all the way around. A ranged class just punts him off and then that melee class is screwed cause they have no other gap closer. Or the melee class has to wait for the fire pit to turn off while the ranged class just fires away no problem. If the damage was more towards the melee side then this could be acceptable but the way it stands... its not. Im not going to go into all the CC garbage that Sorcs have cause its just ******** while they do their thing at range.


This game needs some major class balancing and I mean soon. I dont mean just from a PvP standpoint but PvE with raiding, tanks holding aggro, healers getting some non-sucky healing skills. It just wont be possible to make major raid encounters with the flaws in the game right now.


Theres my rant.:(

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One thing that could help is decreasing skill number. We have SO MANY skills on each class that basically all classes have everything they could ever ask for. I say remove some core skills and put them as talents instead, I have like 10 offensive skills with lower than 15 sec cooldown on my Trooper, and I'm just level 20... There's another 3 from talents and probably even more that I'll get as core skills. It's just silly. Let's skim them a little bit... Or make some skills completely replace other skills as you progress like the new grenade one Trooper tree has that shares cooldown with the previous one. Edited by yomanaaiton
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My main is a Jugg from my experience even at level 19 i'm able to hold threat. There is a debuff that slows down movement, haven't used it in PVP though. Force charge is pretty useful also, you can always make up ground with it and get your stuff off.


Can't comment on how it is to melee tank at end-game since I haven't played it...

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My main is a Jugg from my experience even at level 19 i'm able to hold threat. There is a debuff that slows down movement, haven't used it in PVP though. Force charge is pretty useful also, you can always make up ground with it and get your stuff off.


Can't comment on how it is to melee tank at end-game since I haven't played it...


Force Charge seems to be the only gap closer and theres nothing that will make a ranged NPC run to you without LoS. Powertechs get a grapple hook skill that will pull a mob to the tank but that kind of skill should be on a melee class, not a ranged class. The fact that a melee tank has to run into a group of mobs and use a single target attack to build Rage just to use an AoE attack for initial threat gen is just stupid.

Edited by Vindicit
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Force Charge seems to be the only gap closer and theres nothing that will make a ranged NPC run to you without LoS. Powertechs get a grapple hook skill that will pull a mob to the tank but that kind of skill should be on a melee class, not a ranged class. The fact that a melee tank has to run into a group of mobs and use a single target attack to build Rage just to use an AoE attack for initial threat gen is just stupid.


At level 19 I use none of my AOE attacks for threat. There is a taunt that works just fine after you launch into a group.

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At level 19 I use none of my AOE attacks for threat. There is a taunt that works just fine after you launch into a group.


If you open up with a taunt then you're a bad tank. Well known in the tanking community. Yea it will work at low levels cause most stuff will die in 4 seconds.

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If you open up with a taunt then you're a bad tank. Well known in the tanking community. Yea it will work at low levels cause most stuff will die in 4 seconds.


The thing is though the taunt has little cooldown. Pretty sure it doesn't cost either. Also if you launch into a group you will have enough rage/force to pull off a AOE attack. Also the more you lvl the easier it becomes to manage rage/force.

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If you open up with a taunt then you're a bad tank. Well known in the tanking community. Yea it will work at low levels cause most stuff will die in 4 seconds.


Youre assuming this game plays exactly the same as the other mmo's. How bout stop QQ'ing and play the game. Try to enjoy yourself, cuz most of us are having a blast.

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The thing is though the taunt has little cooldown. Pretty sure it doesn't cost either. Also if you launch into a group you will have enough rage/force to pull off a AOE attack. Also the more you lvl the easier it becomes to manage rage/force.


Yea but you blow your only gap closer doing that.



Youre assuming this game plays exactly the same as the other mmo's. How bout stop QQ'ing and play the game. Try to enjoy yourself, cuz most of us are having a blast.


You're never going to raid with that state of mind.

Edited by Vindicit
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Youre assuming this game plays exactly the same as the other mmo's. How bout stop QQ'ing and play the game. Try to enjoy yourself, cuz most of us are having a blast.


yeah taunting in this game is diff.


If there are ranged mobs around you and you can't grab aggro because you'd have to run to them you just taunt. Otherwise you gotta run to them or force leap to them


Yea but you blow your only gap closer doing that.



By the time you have used your AOE and if you used the right one your force charge will be ready to go again.

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no issues here with threat on mobs in pve... they are grouped together you just do aoe... and as for pvp thats just about adjusting your skill set... force charge, leap and such are your friend... as is other stuns.... at low levels ranged always is OP end game it usually reverses and makes equal.... class balances seem fine to me... i can crit for as much as a caster... escape his stuns... he can do the same to me.... only issue i have is the speed boost at level 15... since im not at 15 people just run off from me and i cant keep up lol
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Well done vindicit, whine to get the nerfhammer out already.


Your char should be so uber that you can go afk, and it would still kill everyone else in pvp.


Yup, do it now before everyone is 50 and then they really b|tch and moan that their class gets nerfed.

Edited by Vindicit
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