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0 Credits from Losing Warzones. Really?


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"Get better, try to win!" Ya, that's fine if you have a full team of decent players. If you're just starting out and consistently on a team of 6 players...there's NO point in even playing. I used to do it to change the pace up, have some fun, now, it's just a waste of time. The worst is if you're on a low pop server, republic side. Might as well not play.
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I have read through almost all of these posts, as I have really gotten into PVP recently. Its way more fun than doing the dailies over and over again. When I started I got pounded with no hope, except that I could actually get some gear if I stuck with it. I now have reached BM valor level with some BM gear and I still get pounded but have fun knowing I can get more gear if I stick with it. With 1.2 and what I have experienced and what is being posted here my moral is like a rock sinking in the ocean. I have yet to see a Dev respond to any of this and it seems to me since ranked WZs is diabled that they just threw what they had into the patch that was ready to meet the deadline and we are paying the price for it. This type of system would work in ranked WZs but is going to alienate new 50s and anyone that not in a premade, like me. I always que solo and know I will lose even though I put my heart into and try to be better with every game. Then you have the people who just bail at the first sign we might lose which just makes things worse. I hope a Dev decides to pipe in because what really happened here is something is broken and things wont get better till they fix it.
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I have read through almost all of these posts, as I have really gotten into PVP recently. Its way more fun than doing the dailies over and over again. When I started I got pounded with no hope, except that I could actually get some gear if I stuck with it. I now have reached BM valor level with some BM gear and I still get pounded but have fun knowing I can get more gear if I stick with it. With 1.2 and what I have experienced and what is being posted here my moral is like a rock sinking in the ocean. I have yet to see a Dev respond to any of this and it seems to me since ranked WZs is diabled that they just threw what they had into the patch that was ready to meet the deadline and we are paying the price for it. This type of system would work in ranked WZs but is going to alienate new 50s and anyone that not in a premade, like me. I always que solo and know I will lose even though I put my heart into and try to be better with every game. Then you have the people who just bail at the first sign we might lose which just makes things worse. I hope a Dev decides to pipe in because what really happened here is something is broken and things wont get better till they fix it.


im with you sir

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Zero credits, fine. Zero comms, fine. Zero xp, fine. Zero valor, fine. Zero EVERYTHING even after a good fight...BULLS***!!!!


All this does is give people that much more motivation to quit a WZ the second their team starts losing.


Also whenever I joined a WZ in progress, typically because our side was losing, I would at least stick around for the xp, credits, valor, and comms and a show of good faith to my fellow pvpers. Now...there is no reason for me to do so. All it will do is waste time.

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Ok this is actually more serious than just no Credits for a Loss.


I find it mind boggling that the XP gained from PvP for low level character's has been drastically reduced. Especially since during the GUILD SUMMIT the game devs were talking about how awesome it is to level alts via PvP.


So they add the AWESOME Legacy stuff for alts, but then they make it close to impossible to level through PvP.


This is not just thread, or me, or the people in this thread. There's over 9 pages of new threads revolving around this PvP issue. It's not just a bug, or a local incident, it's a WIDE spread problem.


1.2 was meant o bring balance to the game, not leave it in darkness. :(

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I love how people say you shouldn't be rewarded for losing in warzones.


You should be rewarded based on INDIVIDUAL performance.


Does an athlete get paid for how well his team performs, or his stats and skill at the game?


You cannot play the toons of 7 others.


You cannot make a premade of more than 4, so 4 people in your warzone are always out of your control.



For F**** sake, imagine if you could only go into an 8 man raid with a premade of 4 and 4 people were randomly chosen for you to fill out your operation?

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no rewards from warzone loses are common now. Bioware doesn't care. If they did they would have listened to complaints about it on test server.


For those of you who say "It's just a game" or "Only winners get rewarded" or whatever tripe you are trotting out now to justify Bioware's idiotic decision I have an old saying also that applies "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."


Applied to warzones that would mean that if you played your best, regardless if your team won or lost, your reward should be roughly equivalent. Before that was true. Now it's "winner takes all"


Expect to see a drastic drop in Warzone activity until this is addressed. Epic Fail Bioware.

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the game until now feels like is for casual players .by punish the bad / most times weaker team will make more people avoid playing warzones .


devs you can less reward the losers not make them feel that they are wasting their time

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I play on a very one sided server the numbers per side seems to be fairly balanced but in pvp Republic wins 90 + % at 50 and many of the games are complete faceroll


This http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ was about half My matches ( when I get the will to pvp somemore of that ill take some more screen shots )


on fairly balanced win / loss % servers I would Like the change or if you bunched everyone into the same pool for cross server battle grounds it would be fine. I rember bioware saying overall empire wins 53 % of the time so if we were all in the same pile and it was 53/47 % win balance I would be effin happy as heck playing ether side.


But on servers like mine where 1 side wins almost every time and handidly winning so the empire acomplishes almost nothing it went from being fustrating but still worthwhile getting 70 - 85 coms and the corisponding valor credits exp ect. and when we do win getting the 90 - 100 coms and the bump in valor exp credits was awsome but it was fair for the winning side to get a "bonus" for winning.


Now half My matches I end up getting 0 0 0 0 and the other half best case is 40 coms 2k valor some exp and 0 or little money as empire rarely does well on My server.


If this is how it is going to be I would be willing to give up My level 36 legacy my 50's my money ect to start completly over on a fair and balanced server that wins losses are fairly even 40 - 60 % is perfectly fine with me ... thats way better then the 10 - 90 % I am dealing with now.

Edited by zythenzunare
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Bioware doesn't care. If they did they would have listened to complaints about it on test server.


They're going to start caring when people stop playing.


At this point in time I have no motivation to log on anymore.

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You should be able to achieve the # needed by actively playing. If you give up and stop playing, then probably not.


I could be wrong.


Unfortunately, you are wrong. I wish you were right, I really do. But, if your team is out-matched, out-geared and/or out-numbered... and you are losing and getting utterly rofl-stomped... you will get MORE medals for just going and sitting down next to an objective that people are not fighting over. You will get several medals from just sitting there "defending" a turret. Trying to actively play the match will just get you slaughtered more and you will just die more which will net you LESS medals.


I actually got ZERO rewards for trying to participate 100% in a match just like the one I described above because I only managed to earn two medals (you have to earn at least three to get rewards). Afterwards, I learned that if I had just given up and sat down next to the turret that was not being contested (like the rest of my loser team), I would have earned enough medals to get some rewards. True story. Sad, but true.

Edited by Musezy
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That's normal, I don't fully understand why sometimes during a loss you get a few hundred and other times you get 0 though. I'm alright with the changes, it really encourages the people that play to communicate and play their best. Just tonight we started Alderaan with 4 people, the empire took all 3 towers...but we still won in the end. A hard earned victory that the player can really be proud of.


Can't say I'm not disappointed when I see that big "0" though...that being said, I'm glad BW added a way to discourage the super-casual and lazy players. (Although maybe they could add a "casual" mode for warzones?)

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