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10 Good
  1. I want their to be a penalty for one reason alone. Last night I lucked out joining 7 warzones in a row that I back filled into a nearly finished losing war zone. So for about a hour of my time I got to play in pvp about 5 min in total all in badly losing warzones having to clean up other peoples crap they left.
  2. From playing it seems 100 Coms pre mpv voting seems to be about the top Swtor wants to allow you per pvp match and in losing matches pre 1.2 I was getting 75 - 80 ( on average ) pre mvp. So I would say make the system as simple as possible that rewards participation then rewards MORE for indivuial effort. If you want Max 100 coms a match and you can get up to 40 from medals to me it is VERY simple Winning team 60 Coms ( as long as you got at least 1 medal ) + 5 coms per medal up to 8 medals so you can cap out at 100 Coms a match for the winning team Losing team I would ether do a flat 40 coms or if you want it to be more performance based can do like a 20 - 50 coms depending on the final score ( as long as you got at least 1 medal ) + 5 coms per medal up to 8 medals so the losing team gets at least 45 ( flat system or ) at least 25 - 55 ( on a score based system ) Then do the same for Valor.... Credits I think should be a flat value with a small bonus per Medal so that a hour of pvp would net you about the same as 1 hour if you quested at the same level.
  3. Yes and that Kills ME I play on a vast republic faceroll side rp server so many of the matches at 50 empire gets killed 6-0 hut balls 6 - 0 void stars 100 -0 the new WZ even 600 - 0 alds http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ I have the miss fortune if picking a bad server I have multi 50's level 36 legacy ect but I would give it all up to start fresh on a evenly matched server. it was tolariable before when I was still pulling in 70 - 85 coms and the corisponding valor for losing non stop but now half the games are over so quickly you get 0 0 0 0 or some small amount.. Id like all my chars to be put on a new server but I know thats not happining now or for free so I will settle for a good server where its a fiarly even playing ground I would start over.
  4. That does not solve the problem on all servers... servers like mine where one side wins 90 + % premades help yes but your still losing alot more then winning
  5. I play on a very one sided server the numbers per side seems to be fairly balanced but in pvp Republic wins 90 + % at 50 and many of the games are complete faceroll This http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ was about half My matches ( when I get the will to pvp somemore of that ill take some more screen shots ) on fairly balanced win / loss % servers I would Like the change or if you bunched everyone into the same pool for cross server battle grounds it would be fine. I rember bioware saying overall empire wins 53 % of the time so if we were all in the same pile and it was 53/47 % win balance I would be effin happy as heck playing ether side. But on servers like mine where 1 side wins almost every time and handidly winning so the empire acomplishes almost nothing it went from being fustrating but still worthwhile getting 70 - 85 coms and the corisponding valor credits exp ect. and when we do win getting the 90 - 100 coms and the bump in valor exp credits was awsome but it was fair for the winning side to get a "bonus" for winning. Now half My matches I end up getting 0 0 0 0 and the other half best case is 40 coms 2k valor some exp and 0 or little money as empire rarely does well on My server. If this is how it is going to be I would be willing to give up My level 36 legacy my 50's my money ect to start completly over on a fair and balanced server that wins losses are fairly even 40 - 60 % is perfectly fine with me ... thats way better then the 10 - 90 % I am dealing with now.
  6. faction inbalance is one thing... one faction facerolling the other is another. http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ This is how about half my matches ended at 50 the last 2 days me being at the top or near top of healing but because empire sucks on my server that or we just got a ton of awsome republic players it becomes absolute faceroll. yes I know that screen shot is a bit extream but we get alot of 6 - 0 6- 1 hutballs we get almost no dammage on the new map ect Before when I was getting 70 - 85 coms a loss to 90 - 100 coms A win I was fine with being on the losing side and not going over to the face roll side. But if I am not getting hardly anything for My effort it will be quicker for Me to make a fresh level 1 and start from scratch on republic and ill get a full set of gear quicker. But when half my matches I get NOTHING for it because the rest of my team sucks and the other half I get a whopping 30 - 40 coms all that causes on my server is a snowball effect the pubs are going to gear 4-5 x faster then the empire just making the gap worse and worse.
  7. My server is terribad for the empire at 50 pvp Republic wins 90 + % of the time and things like this http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ are fairly common for Me on this server ( over half of My matches at 50 I ended up getting nothing at all out of it ) so before I was getting 70 - 80 coms a loss and 90 - 100 coms a win now half the time I get 0 for a loss and the other half 30 - 40. so I am now netting about 1/4th coms and valor and almost every match I get 0 credits now for the same amount of effort. Before yesterday I was completly happy with this game losing and all I was at least persionally rewarded for trying my *** off on the badly losing side.
  8. http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/ over 200k Healing in this match by me and another empire player and we both got 0 0 0 0 for our efforts...
  9. I currently have multi 50's a level 36 Legacy bought some of the legacy stuff that I couldnt unlock. am a multi milionair on My server... but I chose a server that in the 1- 49 game empire wins about 60% - 40% ( my personal experience compared to my brother and a few others ) but once you reach level 50 pvp the wheels completely fall off for the empire Republic wins 90 + % of the time including me going 0 wins the last 2 days. I would love to have ether full game ques for pvp or at least large server groups to make things evenly matched. Or to have my account moved to a healthy server... But I would also be willing to give up all the work I have done and start completely fresh on a different server that the 50 pvp was somewhat equal 60 - 40 win split is fine to me. edit screen shot example will be up once I figure out how to screen shot here form photo bucket http://s1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg589/Drew_Larsen/
  10. This is My take on the new system for pvp We have a odd ball server 10-49 empire wins the majority once you get 50 republic wins 90 + % of the time This new system should have waited till you had cross server battle ground... for servers where wins losses are close I think this system is great for servers where one side absolutly dominates the other side. all this is doing is making it so the rich get richer and the poor get moved further behind. Winning should get you IMHO 20 % ish more then losing for the base before medals but I am on a severe 1 side wins 90 + % of the time servers. I should not have to bust *** get 11 medals then get the bare min 40 coms the bare min valor then 0 credits for a loss when I out performed just about everyone on both sides... I should not be penalized for MY team sucking ***. In 1.15 I was getting 80 - 85 coms a match while winning got me 100ish I was fine with that but having to do really well as a healer just to get half what I was getting 2 days ago is nuts... along with not getting a single credit in almost every loss. 2nd Coming in mid / late game = you get nothing unless you can very quickly get 3 + medals If medals are going to count for the majority or the way it is on my server almost all of my valor / coms then make credits also tied into your medal system. A star player on a ****** team still gets paid very well. And to all the people who say only winners should get something.. take that to real world... what if at your job unless you won or were # 1 you didn't get paid. Would that fly ? then you have to face the same people who just beat you and they got new computers or new machinery to do there jobs better while you are still using what you used last time ( AkA new gear ) it can snowball very quickly.
  11. OK I am glad its not just me I came to look after I just lost a void star match where I got 11 medals and I only got was the valor for the medals coms for the medals... not 1 extra com or valor point for participating in the whole match... and not a single credit. I have absolutely not a single issue with the winning team getting more but to give the losing team nothing is absolutely wrong.
  12. I will be hitting Legacy Level 10 sometime today and Still have not created my main character in hopes the legacy system will allow Me to use the race I want for my SI is there any kind of time frame besides "soon" when we will know what is coming with the legacy system ?
  13. I am going to guess when they add from time to time new items to the ce vender the old stuff will move to the vip vender.
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