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SWTOR Negativity


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This isn't an incentive to start a flame war, or an attempt to troll or bring out a bunch of trolls. I am honestly completely curious about all the negative SWTOR crap that seems to come from outside the game (any WoW forum etc.).


Kotaku's latest article:



All of their articles have been bashing SWTOR since early beta up to during the release. I'm not sure I am playing the same game they are playing. I've encountered no game breaking bugs during play, at most I've gotten stuck somewhere and had to use /stuck.


I thought they had a great launch for an MMO, of course it wasn't perfect but it was certainly the best I've seen. I thought the game had plenty of content and was very playable, with some slight issues. From what I've observed the game is doing great.


The only questionable issue is that of lower server populations.


Have you guys encountered these game breaking bugs? Do you think the game is unplayable or that Bioware had a terrible launch? Maybe there were some issues that I didn't have, but saying the game is dying or dead?


I'm honestly curious, what are everyones thoughts on this?

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Your /stuck feature works? Mine is just an excuse for some finger exercise as I type it over and over to no effect.


I haven't had more than 2 or 3 game-breaking bugs, but I've put in upwards of 2 dozen bug reports. Other than the horrific class imbalance with respect to leveling (I don't PvP much or raid) and the fact that there's a huge portion of the content that I don't get to experience due to there being nobody to group with...I have no complaints. :rolleyes:

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Working Illum ?


100 vs 100 player PVP battles that Bioware advertised ?


Ranked WZ's ?


Etc , so how could a pvp player not be negative about Bioware's complete lack of knowledge or ability to make it work ?

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No game breaking bugs?

SOA? Pylons? those are common and you will be lucky not to experience a bug in those fights every run.


Then you have more random ones or specific to some classes. Replicator boss (D7) constantly cloning Mercs.


Fabricator in KP dropping 2 set of stun/mine droids in a single cycle.

EV and KP showing 16man trash and bosses for 8 man ops....


just to name a few at the top of my head

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I love this game, pvp a ton, working on conqueror lvl and have almost no problems with the game.


People have to realize this game is very much in it's adolescence and they shouldn't be so impatient. They have so much great content from the start.


Yes low population on some servers, lack of world pvp, disappointment in some gear, a question of the integrity of the company with pulling out rated war zones.



But this stuff can be fixed. I probably join the group of mmo's who have played lots of mmo's before this one, 90% failing quickly, and we tend to go extremely pessimistic.


Thing is the game won't do well if not enough people play it. So if you're stressed for money, pull your 15 bucks. If your not, ride it out because there's a good chance that this game can become really awesome.

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that article wasnt about bugs at all man, its about how bioware is giving out free game time to level 50 characters only disregarding the ones that dont have a level 50 but havebeen there since day one.


Yes I understand that, I was just using it as an example. Every article they have put out about SWTOR has been completely negative.


Straight from the article


"After all the trouble Star Wars: The Old Republic has seen since its launch late last year,"




"Whatever the reason, this seems like a real boneheaded move on BioWare's part. Perhaps they should have started with a smaller game and learned the ropes instead of consistently screwing up one of the biggest MMO releases of the past decade."


These are the things that I am not seeing. I'm not saying that I am right and that its a perfect game. I just think its way over exaggerated.

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Soa bugged a couple of times, making him unbeatable.

Defend the Shipment on Ilum was broken (can that be considered game-breaking?)

Smash still has that annoying delay.


I'm not mentioning minor things like becoming invisible all of a sudden or being stuck in a jumping position.

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I don't understand either! I've played WoW for years, from hardcore life turned me into a casual player, and seriously, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS GAME!

If you think about EVERY complaint haters point in swtor, WoW still have them, AFTER 7 YEARS!!!!

gamebreaking bugs? experiencied much more on WoW.

Class disbalance? Don't even need to explain why: WoW is A LOT WORSE.

Server disbalance? there's not even a single server on WoW that is 50/50.

Empty server? please...WoW has a LOT of ghost servers, you don't even need to look harder to find it.


I'm not saying this game is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but at least we can notice Bioware is doing a excelent work on that.

I just hate haters...

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Soa bugged a couple of times, making him unbeatable.

Defend the Shipment on Ilum was broken (can that be considered game-breaking?)

Smash still has that annoying delay.


I'm not mentioning minor things like becoming invisible all of a sudden or being stuck in a jumping position.


I'd consider the first one a game breaking bug. The other two I wouldn't say are game breaking. A bugged quest is annoying yes, but Wow and every other MMO has its fair share of those, and certainly doesn't prevent you from playing the game. A bugged ability? Annoying, should be fixed, but definitely not game breaking. Wow regularly has bugged abilities, and its the only MMO I've played much of so its the only one I can compare to.


Seems that these bugs are much more acceptable in other MMOs than in SWTOR. Should they be fixed? Absolutely.

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I don't understand either! I've played WoW for years, from hardcore life turned me into a casual player, and seriously, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS GAME!

If you think about EVERY complaint haters point in swtor, WoW still have them, AFTER 7 YEARS!!!!

gamebreaking bugs? experiencied much more on WoW.

Class disbalance? Don't even need to explain why: WoW is A LOT WORSE.

Server disbalance? there's not even a single server on WoW that is 50/50.

Empty server? please...WoW has a LOT of ghost servers, you don't even need to look harder to find it.


I'm not saying this game is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but at least we can notice Bioware is doing a excelent work on that.

I just hate haters...



This is more or less what I see. I love WoW and I certainly don't think its perfect, but I don't understand WoW's flaws seem to go under the radar when comparing it to SWTOR, or any other MMO for that matter.


People should continue to point out the bugs and how they annoy them, I think it helps pinpoint issues on what needs to be fixed.

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I don't understand either! I've played WoW for years, from hardcore life turned me into a casual player, and seriously, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PPL COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS GAME!

If you think about EVERY complaint haters point in swtor, WoW still have them, AFTER 7 YEARS!!!!

gamebreaking bugs? experiencied much more on WoW.

Class disbalance? Don't even need to explain why: WoW is A LOT WORSE.

Server disbalance? there's not even a single server on WoW that is 50/50.

Empty server? please...WoW has a LOT of ghost servers, you don't even need to look harder to find it.


I'm not saying this game is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but at least we can notice Bioware is doing a excelent work on that.

I just hate haters...


Talking about haters. I know someone in real life who keeps criticizing SWTOR since 2010. I don't know why but it's like he wished this game fails miserably. No matter what Bioware does, he wants to see SWTOR fail real hard. It must be his allegiance to WoW, I don't see any other reasons.

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Annoying, should be fixed, but definitely not game breaking.

It's not game breaking for me, but for some hardcore PvPrs a millisecond delay is game breaking. But yeah, I don't really complain on that.


As for minor bugs, I kinda like them and secretly want them to stay. Like the /grovel or /incoming animation while moving. I LOVE it! No sarcasm, it's hilarious!

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Talking about haters. I know someone in real life who keeps criticizing SWTOR since 2010. I don't know why but it's like he wished this game fails miserably. No matter what Bioware does, he wants to see SWTOR fail real hard. It must be his allegiance to WoW, I don't see any other reasons.


I think you got hammer on nails head there. In terms of swtor there is nothing really wrong but people complain about the slightest thing like someone had kidnapped there wife.


But it only seems to effect the forums, yes i know there are light and semi empty servers out there but my server has only been getting stronger and stronger since launch. So let them hate if they want to, they are paying to hate and in turn making our game better.

Edited by Shingara
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I think you got hammer on nails head there. In terms of swtor there is nothing really wrong but people complain about the slightest thing like someone had kidnapped there wife.


But it only seems to effect the forums, yes i know there are light and semi empty servers out there but my server has only been getting stronger and stronger since launch. So let them hate if they want to, they are paying to hate and in turn making our game better.


I happened to start on Fatman so I don't have that problem nor have I seen it. But if it is true like everyone says (I'm sure it is, I just haven't seen it firsthand) then that really should be addressed and I agree that its a problem.


Empty servers don't help anyone.

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Talking about haters. I know someone in real life who keeps criticizing SWTOR since 2010. I don't know why but it's like he wished this game fails miserably. No matter what Bioware does, he wants to see SWTOR fail real hard. It must be his allegiance to WoW, I don't see any other reasons.


Yeah! It's exactly this! If you read the comments on swtor facebook posts, 50% are haters just bashing, randomly! It's almost like they NEED swtor to fail, so their beloved WoW game stops dropping subscription and finally dies...

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Yeah! It's exactly this! If you read the comments on swtor facebook posts, 50% are haters just bashing, randomly! It's almost like they NEED swtor to fail, so their beloved WoW game stops dropping subscription and finally dies...


Whats even funnier is that if you look at some of the haters its as if they bought an mmo to play the forums. But like ive said, let em hate all they want if there giving money to bioware :D


I happened to start on Fatman so I don't have that problem nor have I seen it. But if it is true like everyone says (I'm sure it is, I just haven't seen it firsthand) then that really should be addressed and I agree that its a problem.


Empty servers don't help anyone.



the peeps on the empty servers are being addressed, they have said there sorting it out and everyone knows for a fact that if they could auto migrate vast numbers we would have been migrated to pts.

Edited by Shingara
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The internet gives people an anonimous outlet to troll for recognition. Bashing SWTOR is the "in" thing for these types. Just like bashing GW2 will be the in thing soon.


Its a pretty damned good game, with few bugs and a great storyline. Most people that say otherwise are just that...trolling to start trouble. They thrive from it. A small minority of the others are actually having some problems. Its hard to tell those two types apart at this time. As the game goes on, less trolls will appear and the serious complaints will float to the top.


SWOTR isn't perfect, and no one should have expected it to be. Since its great launch, its done nothing but be fun to play. It is a great game and its proved itself in a short time. That should not be in question anymore.

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The internet gives people an anonimous outlet to troll for recognition. Bashing SWTOR is the "in" thing for these types. Just like bashing GW2 will be the in thing soon.


Its a pretty damned good game, with few bugs and a great storyline. Most people that say otherwise are just that...trolling to start trouble. They thrive from it. A small minority of the others are actually having some problems. Its hard to tell those two types apart at this time. As the game goes on, less trolls will appear and the serious complaints will float to the top.


SWOTR isn't perfect, and no one should have expected it to be. Since its great launch, its done nothing but be fun to play. It is a great game and its proved itself in a short time. That should not be in question anymore.


The thing that really gets me is Kotaku's bias towards it (or against it I guess). Maybe they know it generates more hits, I'm not sure. Literally every single article has been bashing it, if they were forum posts I'd say they were trolling. That shocks me a bit.


Now some articles criticizing the game are fine, it has flaws sure. I just find it somewhat crazy that SWTOR gets constant bashing from Kotaku while Aion gets a free to play guide (of course nothing is said about that game going free to play).

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Go to Megacritic or Gamespot and you will see the same thing - MMO's are sort of like a closet pleasure (look up LOTRO or STO or DCUO or even WoW) no one likes to admit they like them because they're games you 'pay to play' and 'don't really own'.


Hell, SWG was the same back in the day... even before the patch that killed it


TOR has still managed to pass other games in how quickly it had a million subs and has just kept going strong. People see this whole 'free month' and 'free pets' etc stuff as ways to save a floundering game, but if you ask me it's just Bioware continuing what its done since launch - suck people in.


IMO It'll easily outlast SWG's run

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Kotaku is the internet answers to the Weekly World news if they can't find a story they will make one up and when they are caught in a lie they always fall back on "We are editorialist not Journalist. " Which in their minds gives them the right to commit Libel.
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Please don't make generalizations about WoW as some others here are doing, blaming that game for stuff here.


Go and look on the WoW forums. WoW does not care about this game, does not feel the least bit threatened by it... WoW is it's own game, as this should be. No one there talks of SWTOR on the forums.


The site you linked has nothing to do with WoW and is simply some griefers personal blog who wanted to get some exposure and people are falling for it.


There are some pretty eyebrow raising decisions being made with this game in the last several months and the devs here have to take ownership of that. The issues people talk about here are of this game's own doing and the fixes to those issues lie within and not in blaming outside sources.


I wish a few people (like even myself) who had some idea how MMO's work would be put into places of important decision making, make good decisions and be sturdy and transparent in those decisions.

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Please don't make generalizations about WoW as some others here are doing, blaming that game for stuff here.


Go and look on the WoW forums. WoW does not care about this game, does not feel the least bit threatened by it... WoW is it's own game, as this should be. No one there talks of SWTOR on the forums.


I see SWTOR mentioned quite often on the WoW forums actually



There are some pretty eyebrow raising decisions being made with this game in the last several months and the devs here have to take ownership of that. The issues people talk about here are of this game's own doing and the fixes to those issues lie within and not in blaming outside sources.


I wish a few people (like even myself) who had some idea how MMO's work would be put into places of important decision making, make good decisions and be sturdy and transparent in those decisions.



Yeah they didn't make it Raid or die very eyebrow raising. :rolleyes: If you or anyone else actually had and idea about MMO's you would be in the industry; simple as that, even in this hard economic time few actual developers/producers/designers are unemployed and if you actually have talent one trip to GDC and you would find development houses fighting over you. The problem is you see it is very easy to design from an armchair...it is a totally different circumstance when you're actually getting paid to do so.

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