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First I was a full heal/lightning/madness hybrid sorcerer. Use to wrath/cl on groups, wrath/crushing darkness and cl on solo, while able to speed heal with dark infusion while even in fights. I LOVED my hybrid, so much fun to play managing so many aspects in pvp. I would easily get every match the following medals, while also winning the match for my team:

1. 2.5K heal

2. 5K heal (recklessness and force adrenal on dark infusion)

3. 75K heal

4. 2.5 Damage (recklessness and force adrenal on chain lightning)

5. 75K Damage

6. 10 kills

7. 25 kills

8. quick draw kill


on top of defender medals, solo medals ect.


Now post 1.2, sorcerers lost the ability to speed fire dark infusion, we lost our only chance of instant aoe dps with chain lighting. Now we lost our burst damage in cl, lost heals, I am at a loss how to play after playing same style for months. Previously I always got 200K-250K damage, with 100K-200K heals per match. Now as the lightning and madness mix, going up madness minus creeping terror, I am having trouble getting medals.


How to get 75K heal? How to get 25 kills? How to get 2.5K damage? And I am averaging only 100K - 150K damage. I am at a loss how to play pvp as a sorcerer now, how to get large damage, how to get more then 4-5 medals.


Very unhappy with bioware, ready to move on to another game :(

Edited by cjacksonlasd
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I have no problem at getting medals but they do not seem to do much. I got 11 medal last game for example but only 53 commendation. Valor does not mean anything anyway.


DPS is way down with hybrid. I used to break 300K when the fight was on (full BM gear btw) now, well I am lucky if I can break 250K

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If you're averaging 100-120k dmg...I'm sorry but you need more practice. I'm full madness, I used to always pull 300-400k...I still pull 300-400k, still get 90-120k heals and have no problem getting 10+ medals. I've won the majority of my games today...most of them getting 11-16 medals. Creeping terror is a must. Who cares about its dmg. The fact that it goes through resolve and stops people in their place is OP as hell. After 1.2...sorcerers are a kite and dot spec. Being that I have been full madness since release, and was a shadow priest in WoW, I may have a bit more experience with the playstyle. I have not really felt the "nerf" so far but the fact that other classes got buffed for no reason is what bothers me.


To relate to the title of the thread:

As long as you pump out the dmg and push for your healing medals when there isnt anything going on while at the same time contributing to objectives...your medal count should be fine.


Let me know if you want my spec and rotation, I tend to always top dmg, highest dps heals, and high medal count if not highest.

Edited by Chandragupta
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Im sorry but if you are averaging below 450k pre patch then you where doing something way wrong. And as of now if you are avg below 250k your doing something way wrong. Change from crap hybrid and roll madness. You should dot 3 targets and focus 1 that will grant you over 300k per game. Then when you run out from a death or at begging of game Pop your consume's and your cds and get your 5k-2..5k healing. Dont worry about any other 75k-300k healing medals. From there focus on the objective and damaging people on opposing side that are also focusing on the objective.


You get medals for fast games and for doing the objectives. At the least you should be pulling around 7+ medals per game (at the least)

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Thats the spec I've been since day one. Made it based on personal preference.


As far as rotation, its always situational. I tend to always open up with death field. Then affliction, FL till wrath, insta crushing darkness, FL as a filler till either another wrath proc, which is used on LS or refreshing crushing darkness. use shock on cd, keep affliction refreshed, and drop death fields on cd. depending on the situation, I either use creeping terror purely for its extra dmg or save it if i know theyre going to run away. also very useful to wait when they walk across flames, use CT, they cd out of it, then electrocute for easy kill in fire. I tend to save force sprint for when i need to get around corners quickly to heal myself while at the same time keeping dots up on the target. Tab target is your friend for quick shock kills on low hp targets as well as multi dotting. Obviously always keep your shield up on yourself. Force storm on lots of people, know who the healers are so you can tab target interrupt them etc etc. save your ccs for when theyre casting, electrocute has priority over insta WW as it doesnt break on dmg...as long as you time them correctly you should be able to kill them before theyre out of cc. The location of your keybinds also helps a lot..most of my ccs are on my mouse as are my heals.


All I do is pvp so all this is basic instinct so I probably missed something. Comms are looking to come in kinda slow, depending on the match I still usually get 50-100 per match. Only 2400 more rwz comms till my WH weapon ><. Btw..you can go for 75k medal if youre defending and no1 is coming, use consumption and heal away ^.^

Edited by Chandragupta
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Thanks for reply. For those that criticized my damage, that is because lots of the time I am playing the match, hiding in wait to pull ball carrier, or have it passed to me, as well as chasing our ball carrier playing the role as a healer, healing the ball carrier. If I went for pure high damage values I was easily hitting 400K+. I am planning to try full maddness spec and just gonna have to teach myself the new play style of using dots (hard to change play style after months on a routine :( .)


Thanks for the advise, as I am sure many sorcerers are just not use to having to change play styles that we got so use to utilizing.


2nd Quesiton as a previous Madness spac sorcerer, shouldnt your dps be better with the wraith incrasing CD by 20% which it previously didnt? Or is there another change in 1.2 I am not aware of?

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we lost our only chance of instant aoe dps with chain lighting.






Has everyone forgotten about the Lightning Storm talent or something? The way my build is set up ( http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfsMMdoMZfrsRoMzb.1 an 0/19/22) gives me both Wrath and Lightning Storm; all that is needed is an extra use of Wrath on Lightning Strike to proc Lighting Storm, and viola, insta-casst Chain Lightning. Funny thing is, what was supposed to nerf me actually buffed my damage a little, since Wrath's +20% damage now applies to the entirety of Crushing Darkness' effect.

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Idk, I'm not really having any issues with medals. Really, you just have to play right, with all the objective medals being introduced in the game. The game basically forces you to be extremely active when it comes to doing WZs. Being that guy that stands at the Hutt Ball line all day long, might win you the game, but it won't net you any commendations or medals. Running 20 ft in front of the ball carrier sure will, or attacking their ball carrier.


I've had quiet a few games like this today.



All that needs to happen is for them to increase the rewards for the losing team. This is mainly because some WZs, like Voidstar can be decided by the first door, which of course is basically just the luck of the draw and the team that actually did more to try to win, can get shafted. The other team was nothing more then a premade of Juggies and Marauders, which there is ridiculous amount of as of this patch, using their defensive cooldowns to beat the re-spawn shield. Of course, Hutt Ball isn't any better, especially when PUG'ing. That score is the story of my life when without my premade. I literally do everything, run the ball, heal the carrier, pull the carrier, yet, with a premade on their side, it's pretty much impossible to get any decent rewards even if you put A LOT of work in that game.

Edited by Balmuck
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gotta say they seem to rain from the sky in the WZ after patch. im not a healer but i do go for the 2.5 and 75k medals each game.


as said with objective points its now even easier, even when losing.



also im getting much easier 2.5k crits from death field, for some reason it struggled before where as now i pretty much get that medal first with my opening strike each match.


i personally am enjoying the new WZs and personally think losers (of WZs) should get the shaft, now all they need is an hour lock out for quitters and we will see some remarkable overnight improvements.

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What is it with you people? Do you expect to be spoon fed everything?


This patch has made it pretty damn easy to get over 10 medals now. Here's a game I had before:




12 medals, and that's counted as silver, not even gold. They added a lot of different medals with 1.2.


If you cannot get the 2.5k damage, 2.5k heals etc, you simply are bad, or have the worst gear possible. I don't even have any points in healing apart from the force crit, and I get the 5k if I use my relic and recklessness.


I average near the most, or the most medals in the game as 31 madness.

Edited by PutinDoesJudo
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Well my mains are a balance shadow and a madness sorc and I played a shadow priest and a UA lock in wow so I'm definitly experienced with madness, it was always strong but people always thought it was weak because it doesn't have the huge burst, but I melt people always have always will, I can understand why healing sorcs are complaining but dps hybrids shouldn't be, go madness and adapt. I'm still pulling 400k with 100k heals
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking at all these high numbers makes me feel inadequate lol.


Ok, so I'm new to PvP in TOR, and compared to That Other Game, it's a blast (apart from Huttball, not a fan there). I'm a level 46 healer with no PvP gear at all. Apart from the occasional picking on fellow healers or helping wipe out someone with low health, I tend to stick to healing (trying to keep the actual fighters alive) and come out of the match with a healing score of around 200k. My damage score is usually under 100k. I even got Man of the Match for the Empire on my second ever PvP match thanks to my heals.


The highest number of medals I've had from a single match has been about 11, I think, mostly for healing, unsurprisingly.


But, if anyone can think of any good advice for a healer Sorceror just starting out in PvP, it would be appreciated :)

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1. 2.5K heal

2. 5K heal (recklessness and force adrenal on dark infusion)

3. 75K heal

4. 2.5 Damage (recklessness and force adrenal on chain lightning)

5. 75K Damage

6. 10 kills

7. 25 kills

8. quick draw kill


I get all of these medals each game, in addition to 1v1, 300k damage, and 1k defender/1k attacker points. The attacker/defender points are very easy to get 1k of. I can usually get 3k/3k too, and in civil war I can get even more defender medals.


I play full lightning though. I pop all my cooldowns to get the 1v1 kill, either pick a healer, another sorc dps, or a merc dps for the 1v1... And 300k damage is really easy. I've still had 500k damage, even with all the expertise, as full lightning pvp. For the 75k healing, just keep a shield on yourself all the time, its 3500+ heals per shield. At the end of the game just drop trauma life tap and heal yourself until you get 75k, you'll be very close if you kept your shield up the whole game, won't take long.


I wear about 700 expertise and the rest campaign/black hole gear, so I keep about 1900 willpower stimmed and good stats with 700 expertise.

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