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  1. I don't think you can limit it to a DR/Heal perspective because you also have to factor in the surviviablity that expertise gives you.
  2. It's not a subtle or difficult point to get but i'll do my best to spell it out: You said you see players in PVE gear are getting 300k heals during matches. In my PVP gear I am able to to get 40-60% more simply bc I am in gear designed for the game type. Would you like me to bold the letters, increase font size, perhaps use smaller words? Play in the right gear and you do better. Don't think I can dumb that down any further.
  3. And my sorc in PVP gear gets 400-500k.
  4. That's why they created the recruit set for all classes.
  5. This was also communicated in all of the Patch notes.
  6. The problem is when people see negative numbers when they are supposedly upgrading to a higher tier they wonder why all the stats aren't better (It’s counterintuitive I know but actually makes some sense). That’s because this is PVP gear. It’s not supposed to increase a PVE stat. WH gear does as it is intended to do: make your character more viable @ PVPing. Let’s not forget that Expertise increases damage, damage reduction, and healing. In PVP Expertise > Willpower/Strength/Cunning/Aim. I don’t raid but I am assuming that if you look at the PVE gear progression, you will find the stat allocation you are looking for. So as long as the WH gear at least upgrades expertise than it is better than the BM version. Thankfully, someone else has already done the annoying “Maths”. http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Thread-Stat-DR-Graphs
  7. /agree. I am having a great time on my post 1.2 sorc. And no i am not being carried by my team, nor do i have a pocket healer, and yes I have played other pvp mmo's in the past. In fact i am usually the one that is carrying the rest of our team. Yes it is easy to face-stomp fresh 50's but that is true of any class. There are plenty of decent pub players on our server and I still hold my own against them and then some. My guess is that OP has had a rough experience on his server and thus feels justified to claim that sorcs, as a whole, are worthless. This could not be further from the truth. And what does this post make you sound like???
  8. 8 man queues would be nice, but 4 (good players) is usually enough to carry your team. Just please, PLEASE fix the auto-disband after your group joins a game!
  9. Oh and i believe the cap to get the max bonuses for medals earned per wz is 8. The only reason to worry about getting more than that is for MVP votes.
  10. Pop recklessness and relic and use deathfield on an unshielded target. That should easily get you the 2.5k. As for the 5k...well all sorcs are SOL on that front.
  11. Its a bit more than that. Excelled this out really quick. This assumes: 1. That you convert all WZ commendations to Ranked 2. Average of 95 commendations per match (High of 140 for a win low of 50 for a loss) 3. Played the minimal amount of games played to earn all dailies and the one weekly = 21 You do get 792 for the dailies and weeklies, but you also have to add up all of the comms you get for winning/losing the wz. At a very minimum (once again assuming that you have earned all daily and weekly awards during a given week) you will get an additional 1995 wz comms. Convert those and add them to your weekly total and and thats 1622 ranked/week. That's a relic, ear piece or implant a week or roughly half the # for the weapons. Far from a perfect formula but it gives you a better idea.
  12. I only hope that BW doesn't implement arena style PVP like they did in wow: 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 matches. 2 marauders/sentinels in a 2v2 match would be almost unstoppable.
  13. Wrong. A good player will provide info to the rest of his team when he is guarding in an objective-based WZ: 1. Civil War 2. Novare Coast 3. Voidstar but to a lesser degree I will always pop my map on/off when defending and I keep an eye on certain players health when they are solo guarding a node.
  14. If you do something stupid, i am going to call you out on it. I won't yell at you for being under-geared, everyone has to start somewhere. There was a point when i was a fresh 50 too. What i will yell at you for is: 1. Chasing random players that are purposely leading you away from objectives. 2. Fighting out in the open 3. Not fighting on nodes I don't care if we lose the game, as it's not for one of the aforementioned reasons. I only get irritated when someone does something stupid which costs us the game. Example: Civil War. I am guarding the eastern node and watching the battle for mid. Our team is slowly but surely being dragged away from the center. /ops please don't get too far from the node! 3 secs later...an enemy stealther gets around them and..."The enemy has captured a gun turret!" /facepalm
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