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The Fatman 40min Q time


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This was expected. Im on a medium pop server, yet people were leaving left and right for the "highly pop" servers, even thought those servers were already "full" at prime time.


You cant blame BW for this. It is pure player idiocy. I can understand people re-rolling from empty servers, but why go to a full one? Move to the next most populated server, there are so many posts about which servers are most active.


Shortsightedness always comes back to bite you in the *****.


When i came to Fatman it was not full. It started after i moved. My server was dead since a few weeks after launch because it was were the brazilian community rolled and no one went there.

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It's more or less the same thing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU PvP, queues every night, people are flocking there from their sub par servers.

That being said i don't have any problem with queue on my server, game experience on a packed server is absolutely fantastic.

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When i came to Fatman it was not full. It started after i moved. My server was dead since a few weeks after launch because it was were the brazilian community rolled and no one went there.


Im not referring to you personally and i understand people started re-rolling to these servers before they were full. But at some point, these servers started to become full at prime time, which is a good indication for someone to just re-roll to the next best thing.

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Im not referring to you personally and i understand people started re-rolling to these servers before they were full. But at some point, these servers started to become full at prime time, which is a good indication for someone to just re-roll to the next best thing.


Right now people are rerolling there just to try to convince Bioware to open server transfers.

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It wasn't that way to start. For whatever reason Fatman was the re-roll choice of many. I'm one of those I have to say.


When you play on a ghost town of a server, Dragon Trail, moving to a higher populated server is night and day different. I have to say it gives the game a whole new feel if you want an honest opinion.


Other than the childish /general chat at times and constant hutball warzones, there is just a honest to God order of magnitude different social feel to the game :(


Well when many of your serverites come on the forums and LOL others who are unhappy about lack of grps etc on pretty much 90% of the other servers cos of they are poorly populated... are you really that suprised when players then reroll over to Fatman instead... KARMA I say :D

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Not only have I been on this server since launch But ive been on this server since launch AND I play Reb so before anyone says anything about moving to another server lets just say The Fatman is my home. NOW



40 flipping minutes to play this game?? I have to wait in line to play not only MY server but MY game??? COME ON how much more can A guy take? BIO FIX THIS. LOCK MY SERVER OR Let these refugee take thier chars from there dead server and go some where else. ANYWHERE BUT MY SERVER









Just got 10 peps from my old server to join Fatman. We're having a great time. See you in game bud.

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I might just go to Jung Ma.

The problem is... I have 2 50s on a dead server (Kinrath Spider) and was levelling another on Fatman. I just don't think i could level ANOTHER ONE on ANOTHER server.


Just give me transfers, Bioware, ffs.


I feel sad for you, I know what that is like.

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Right now people are rerolling there just to try to convince Bioware to open server transfers.

What kind of logic is that? Lets mess up everyone's game time, fill up the servers, and waste our time re-rolling so that we can convince bioware...


News flash: There is no convincing, they said it is under development and its coming.

Edited by Atredes
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What kind of logic is that? Lets mess up everyone's game time, fill up the servers, and waste our time re-rolling so that we can convince bioware...


News flash: There is no convincing, they said it is under development and its coming.


they are not doing that. maybe like...10 people did and they shout it from the roof tops. everyone one else just want peeps to play with. it lonly in ancor head...cold....so cold

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they are not doing that. maybe like...10 people did and they shout it from the roof tops. everyone one else just want peeps to play with. it lonly in ancor head...cold....so cold


I understand that, but people should be a little bit intelligent about it. Its not rocket science. If you re-roll on a full server its only going to get worse.


Check http://www.torstatus.net , see whats the next best thing and re-roll there. Servers would have gotten a more even population that way.


In addition, lots of people re-rolled from medium pop servers with like 60 - 80 fleet pop, just because all the party was going down to the flooded servers. This only made matters worse for both types of servers.

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Cry me a fricking river.






OMG QQQQQQQ There is too much queue timez bioware!


*opens more servers*


OMG QQQQQQQ My server is dead!



*finally gets to very heavy/full status again*


OMG QQQQQQQ There is too much queue timez bioware!!!!




Seriously, i would pay to have a queue on tarro blood. At least you have people to play with and don't get 5v8 in warzones all the damn time.


People these days, so much entitlement.

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I understand that, but people should be a little bit intelligent about it. Its not rocket science. If you re-roll on a full server its only going to get worse.


Check http://www.torstatus.net , see whats the next best thing and re-roll there. Servers would have gotten a more even population that way.


In addition, lots of people re-rolled from medium pop servers with like 60 - 80 fleet pop, just because all the party was going down to the flooded servers. This only made matters worse for both types of servers.


fat man is no where close to full. bio is just capping it so people stop going there. the people shouldnt have to be so careful as to go places bio doesnt want them to. bio needs to suck it up and offer free exfers and close the dead servers.

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Actually, this problem would have happened, if the people on the 'DEAD' servers hadn't picked a high-pop server to congregate to.


Next time pick a MID pop, or one of the low-pops. Revitalize it, instead of crowding to the ones most likely to get locked for population.


And now you all QQ about it being Bioware's fault. Bioware didn't TELL you to reroll there. They didn't put the busiest server as your only choice.



Suck it up, and reroll AGAIN on a server that could actually use a population increase.

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Consider this an invitation to roll on Vornskr, roughly >100 people on each fleet at prime time, above avergae faction balance, and quality guilds on both sides. It's not dead by any means, but we can always use more. And no que times here :)
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Actually, this problem would have happened, if the people on the 'DEAD' servers hadn't picked a high-pop server to congregate to.


Next time pick a MID pop, or one of the low-pops. Revitalize it, instead of crowding to the ones most likely to get locked for population.


And now you all QQ about it being Bioware's fault. Bioware didn't TELL you to reroll there. They didn't put the busiest server as your only choice.



Suck it up, and reroll AGAIN on a server that could actually use a population increase.


i did that ...twice. you know what happened. the servers died. then i said F-IT and when to high population. now i have 5 50's and use 1. i refuse to lvl another toon on another soon to be dead server. now i have someone to play with.


bio made to many servers. end of story. its not the refugees fault. its not up to the players to even out the populations its up to bioware to maintain JUST enough servers and provide good gaming. and they failed. and its gotten to the point where people are looking out for number 1(them selfs)

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Kind of silly I havn't seen one queue since launch but now everyone rerolled onto the server because there own servers were dying. If Bioware had server transfers or merged a couple servers this wouldn't happen. I think there are like 3 full servers and all the others have like 10 people on them.
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yep, this is starting to piss me off.


no queues for 4 months, and now we've got 30m+ waits again because people are coming here for the population.


either lock the server, or remove the damn restriction. this game is so freaking instanced everywhere that it would should be able to easily handle the extra people

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