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1.2 Sorc Heals Thoughts?


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this is not about whining - this is about facts...


after our first try on the new flashpoint we wanted to go there a 2nd time, and when i wanted to jopin i got a "man, we know you can play your class, but we're going to take the operative healer with us, ok?"


that NEVER happened before!

I lost 45% heal power

in the time i casted 10 Heals i now can cast 5!


honestly, i don't get what you all whine about the cinsumption, it's annoying, but ok - I WANT MY SPEED CAST BUFF BACK !!!!


I instantly dropped from best healer in the guild to lower mid heal (yeah, i think the Mercs are still not as good as i am...) and the reason is NOIT that i forgot how to play during night...


nerf... ok, if they think they need to - but 45 or even 50% - kills a class!

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this is not about whining - this is about facts...


after our first try on the new flashpoint we wanted to go there a 2nd time, and when i wanted to jopin i got a "man, we know you can play your class, but we're going to take the operative healer with us, ok?"


that NEVER happened before!

I lost 45% heal power

in the time i casted 10 Heals i now can cast 5!


honestly, i don't get what you all whine about the cinsumption, it's annoying, but ok - I WANT MY SPEED CAST BUFF BACK !!!!


I instantly dropped from best healer in the guild to lower mid heal (yeah, i think the Mercs are still not as good as i am...) and the reason is NOIT that i forgot how to play during night...


nerf... ok, if they think they need to - but 45 or even 50% - kills a class!


This guy nailed right down to the point.


I was disgusted and pretty much rage quitted my HM FP because it just doesn't work anymore.


A few fixes were justified but the consumption & leaving dark infusion in the state that it is...


Now that's outright murder


What i had in mind


- Make Force surge a free consumption with a internel CD

- Lower Cast time on Dark infusion by 0.3 sec

- Allow alacrity to actually be useful.... (bonus to force/energy regen)

Edited by Monkeybusiness
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Sorcerer healing is now completely broken. Not kinda broken, not find a new work around. Nope it's broke.


I'm a pretty good (lol I was yesterday) pvp healer. Rank 65, mostly battlemaster. Sorcerer has been my main toon since launch.


There are a few things I don't think Bioware & their so called 'metrics' take in account for. 1) Healers are a high priority target, if you've never healed I suggest you give it a shot. Try running around (marked no less) trying to keep your companions alive, pass a ball, grab a door, all the while getting zerged. 2) Light armor, sorcerers have friggin light armor this makes a difference we are squishy! 3) Force consumption is how we maintain our healing, it was not op'd if it's op'd then agents/smugglers diagnostic scan is way op cause it regens energy & heals, didn't see a nerf there...there is no 'you need to learn to manage your force' that is somebody who doesn't know how to play a high level sorcerer (this isn't a big deal for lower level folks it comes more into play towards the high end).


What I saw today was a sorcerer death zerg fest. I'm a healer and I fully expect to die in pvp but not chain death the first time I throw a heal. The PVP expertise increases dps output twice the healing output. Thus I can't heal through any damage I take. Plus I love the new medal system if you don't get four you don't get any credit for the warzone. What a way to encourage people to enter a losing battle. Also sometimes my medals are weak because if I'm going after objectives people start to die. Healers need to heal that's why we're there.


People *****ed about op healers and this is what we get now. I don't think people get that healers get alot of mvp votes because we're the guy who saved your *** that wz more than our uber powers. Is it hard to kill a healer?...heck yeah and it should be, healers don't have a high damage output, it's the trade off you make when you go healing.


I cancelled my subscription bout a week ago. I read the notes and knew this was coming but I had time so I checked it out and it was worse than I imagined it. Why did I cancel? I like my sorcerer and don't feel the need to role and alt so I don't get farmed all day. Also I want to send a clear message to Bioware...PLAY TEST!..This was never play tested. Seriously my Sage/Sorcerer brothers & sisters would you have said if you had a chance to play test this it was a good idea? Much like Ilum they didn't take the time to have folks try it out first and give real feedback. It's sad...I love a bunch a stuff bout this game but the pve is pretty dry, and now for me the pvp is broken. Not worth the fifteen bucks a month for the frustration.

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I totally agree with the people that wrote above me. BW didn't nerf us, they just killed the Sorc healing. I only PvP in this game, don't do flashpoints, don't do Ops. My Sorc is rank 81. Last night when I logged into the game, I fixed my UI, made my build and started to PvP... the first game was a hard slap in the face for me.


I don't have a problem about the Consuption, I knew that its gone, so I tried to avoid pressing my key binding for it when I hear the sound after a crit that I make when I cast innervate. My main heal as many of u was Dark Infusion when Innervate is on CD, now its kind of useless when I have ppl on my head, hell no its useless when I even don't have ppl on my head trying to kill me :(


In our small society - our server Scepter of Ragnos ppl know each other, I know that a minute after we start the warzone I am marked as primary target, last night it was the same, but now the difference was that they could easily kill me, I couldn't kite them as much as I did the last night and the good all days before this ridiculous patch and more over I am so much nerfed as a healing class that I cant heal myself, cant heal the team mates.


The operatives are not the healers of this game, ok I don't mind that they had and keep having love from the Devs, but I don't want to reroll, I want to play a healer as I was doing it 7 years in a roll in one other MMO. I suits my game-style, suits my vision and believes.


They nerfed the Consuption, nerfed the Force Bending, nerfed the + healing from Expertise. I cant survive a lot in the warzone now. What are my options?

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Your all bad if youre that upset about healing. Your big heal doesnt have reduced cast time anymore so guess what...QUIT USING IT!!!! I'm a sage healer and still post 500-600k heals in warzones and in dps spec I still post 400-500k dps games. As far as PvE healing goes learn to manage force yes you cannot double cast big heals but you can still keep people up use the aoe heal and if your groupmates dont stand in it then thats their problem unless youre terribad and put it in awful spots. If you cant do that anymore then youre just bad plain and simple.
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This was never play tested. Seriously my Sage/Sorcerer brothers & sisters would you have said if you had a chance to play test this it was a good idea?




I can't agree more with this premise. This never had a lvl 50 pvp match with a sorc/sage healer on the PTS. I guess I am jst as guilty as everyone of not jumping onto the PTS server, but, by the time I knew of the changes.. way too late. Would they have listened to the one sorc anyway ? probably not. lone voice in the wilderness and all that.


It seems that the "vox populi" want mass carnage+respawns, that's awesome - for them. That's not my idea of 'fun' at all, and if everyone will respawn in like 20s or less, then why be a healer at all when you can jst dps ?

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Your all bad if youre that upset about healing. Your big heal doesnt have reduced cast time anymore so guess what...QUIT USING IT!!!! I'm a sage healer and still post 500-600k heals in warzones and in dps spec I still post 400-500k dps games. As far as PvE healing goes learn to manage force yes you cannot double cast big heals but you can still keep people up use the aoe heal and if your groupmates dont stand in it then thats their problem unless youre terribad and put it in awful spots. If you cant do that anymore then youre just bad plain and simple.


we cant be as pro as u are I guess. We dont brag here how much healing we did in the warzone oh u imba sage, we discuss what BW did with this patch and how "pleased" we are from our Inquisitors now!


But thanks for passing by and enlightening, how lame we all are!

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Feel free to message me if you want some tips on sorc healing. I'm still able to sustain 500-800 (haven't hit over a mil yet, but I hit 850+) in warzones. Basically you need to use certain casts to force them to burn their interrupts so you can freecast (nothing different from pre 1.2), and then strategic use of revivification (both as an 'interrupt me please' cast and even as a personal HoT) among other things.


Huttball post 1.2 (you can see that lame little 'bash' move linked to my S key for proof--not that it's ultra impressive, but just to show it's possible to still have decent output). The 5 deaths were primarily due to some well-executed powertech pulls (one guy had a bromance with me), but I do tend to play more aggressive in huttball as I like to push the offense with pulls and clearouts/etc.




a 0-0 voidstar game...yes voidstar is more favorable to revivification, but if you need to lay the aoe heals down, you can use dark infusion/dark heal to set them up so that you can freecast. Plus, using sprints+overload+running around pillars to get casts off will allow you tp keep yourself up versus multiple deaths (despite the 0 deaths that round I was actually getting tunneled quite a bit--1st or 2nd most damage taken that round)






My numbers will improve as I get more comfortable with the changes to the playstyle, but don't get your heads down--you can still perform! Remember..Pillarhumping is your friend :-)



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I've played lots of games for a long time, and never posted one of these "omg u screwed us, whine whine" posts.


But as a pure healing PvP player, I feel like I just got totally screwed with this patch.

No, I don't want to go dps, and I have no interest in PvE whatsoever.


So what now?


I'm really hoping there's a few tricks that still make us viable that I didn't figure out yesterday, but right now, I'm just sad, and don't know what to do.


Changes effecting me as a healer right now that I can see:

1. No proper way to regen force

2. Big heal isnt viable (People have time to switch target, open their spellbook, find their interrupt and cast it before i finish my heal)

3. Damage boost from expertise was boosted more then damage reduction

4. I lost about 1k base HP (Full BM Gear)

5. It seems like most DPS classes was buffed. (Might just be the expertise change?)


If anyone has useful tips on how to adapt to survive as a healer, I'd very much like to know. I love the class, but fear that if its as bad as I feel now, my guild won't accept sorc healers once ranked play starts.

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Feel free to message me if you want some tips on sorc healing. I'm still able to sustain 500-800 (haven't hit over a mil yet, but I hit 850+) in warzones. Basically you need to use certain casts to force them to burn their interrupts so you can freecast (nothing different from pre 1.2), and then strategic use of revivification (both as an 'interrupt me please' cast and even as a personal HoT) among other things.





I'd love more tips, but by the looks of this, you had an assassin guarding you in both games, which makes your hp 'double'. Pre 1.2, with guard, it was impossible to die.


But how to you manage force, while your team gets nuked? Which heals do you use? Rotation?


I don't care much about how high numbers you can get, but how useful you are for the objectives of the match, and on my server, where i've played a healer for months, anyone we play targets me within few minutes, and stay on me whenever they see me. Sure, I can slow them and run away, but that doesn't really help my team.. :o

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as above said manage your big heals and dont spam everything just like the easy mode you had before the patch.


get used to it and dont flame the forums about it because you cant handle a different setup in your healing.

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as above said manage your big heals and dont spam everything just like the easy mode you had before the patch.


get used to it and dont flame the forums about it because you cant handle a different setup in your healing.


I don't tend to land the big heals, being targeted pretty much all the time. Just about every player has a interrupt, knockback and stun to use that prevents me from casting it. Doing that while attacking me, makes me have to spam heal myself to stay up, or run away not helping anyone.

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I'd love more tips, but by the looks of this, you had an assassin guarding you in both games, which makes your hp 'double'. Pre 1.2, with guard, it was impossible to die.


But how to you manage force, while your team gets nuked? Which heals do you use? Rotation?


I don't care much about how high numbers you can get, but how useful you are for the objectives of the match, and on my server, where i've played a healer for months, anyone we play targets me within few minutes, and stay on me whenever they see me. Sure, I can slow them and run away, but that doesn't really help my team.. :o





Yeah he had me on guard from the start of the match, but we unfortunately never stayed together much since he would often stealth and watch other doors, or he would guard toss whoever was getting zerged as necessary. It was definitely nice having guard on me for some of the zergs, but I didn't get the luxury of it all the time. Some of the tips I used to manage my force:


-I've had success utilizing Innervate as my priority spell

-I still try to prio dark infusion over dark heal--if you can sustain incoming damage, with force bending, it becomes an ultra-efficient spell.

-Revivification is more important than ever. While it has a heavy force cost, you can use it to keep people topped as needed and allow you to recup HP from consumption



Force Bending+Bubble+Dark Infusion (yes it is a long cast, but if you can get it off, then the force cost is small). Immediately follow up with an innervate (which will almost always get at least one crit of the bunch if you have BM equiv gear) allowing you to get the Force Surge proc. (which you don't need to use right away, but will help you stay on top of your force pool). If they interrupt the Infusion, then I usually will do two back to back dark heal spams (still working with this number as I learn the playstyle)--not much, but you will get at least one of them to crit from force bending (in the mid 2s). Also, provided their entire team isn't full of stealthies that just insta-jump you. I usually let people know where revivifications will be placed, and will lay them down preemptively (or off CD if there is a mass AoEfest like voidstar/opening huttball sequences/etc.). This will essentially give you another HoT on the target. Revivification sucks on force cost, but if you lay it down preemptively, you can recup that cost pretty quickly. Plus, if they are getting tunneled, it's not exactly the best spell to try to put out there as they are getting destroyed :-p (although if the nuke is small then you can use it as a supplement). I also try to throw in consumptions whenever I can. Better to stay on top of it then get in to a spam crazy fest and then OOM. With the changes to the sorc, there is inherent risk that is added if you want to maintain effectiveness. You can't keep the conservative approach and just pop a fakecast then double-spam a dark infusion then /dance lol. I'm still working with the balance I'm trying to strike with popping consumption more aggressively, since I've been caught a couple times by a stealthed target after popping one preemptively (guess that's part of the game). That takes more finesse, since you can be partially vulnerable to a zerg, but if you utilize pillars+the actual range of a revivification, you can recup that hp pretty quickly. Partial tangent--keep in mind that during all of this, you need to be utilizing pillars and getting away as much as possible.


Also, another thing to consider is just extricating them and having them LoS while you heal up real fast (you could even drop the revivification on yourself if you're feeling extra selfish lol). If they decide to braveheart charge back in, that's their problem. Plus. if your tanks can guard toss then it definitely makes your life easier (although in that particular voidstar we didn't have that luxury during defense since he was guarding the other door). Lastly, having other healers on your team obviously helps, and in rated environments, I'd assume that would be the cast, but if you're by yourself, you can still successfully heal a group, but you'd need to shift your focus to health management instead of health topping.



And lastly, as far as having multiple people on you, slowing them and running away can actually be quite beneficial to your team. Multiple times when I'd have people on me, I'd take them to the back of a pillar, stun+whirlwind, and run back in to the fight. With multiple people, you can just overload+sprint and give yourself some valuable cast time.



I hope some of this helped, and I apologize for all the jumping around. I'm still learning the new playstyle like everyone else, and would love suggestions, but I've found success and still focus on pushing objectives for my team.


I'd love to talk more about it--just find me on Infinite Empire (DLove) and gamemail me since I don't think my account receives messages right now (maybe bugged?)



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Oh..another thing. Health Potions!!!! If you aren't using them (rakata/wz potions/anything) then you're just wrong :-)


Just thought i'd throw that out there lol


Thanks for the feedback, I actually tried dps at the end of yesterday, but still dont like it. So will go back to healing and focus on learning the new stuff..


I do use the rakata stims/adrenals/medpack + wz expertise adrenal whenever I can, and I'm in full BM gear. When i specced my healing yesterday, I even specced into that 4% consumption thing, combined with force-mystic set bonus, that should cut the hp "use" in half for consumption. So I guess if I only pop it while standing in my aoe heal, force should still be ok.

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I've never, ever posted about class nerfs in any mmo that ive ever played, i always took it in the chin and soldiered on, however after 14 days playtime on my jedi sage full heal specs

this afternoon before the maintenace that was due in 2 hours, i logged out and i dont really ever feel like playing my sage ever again (or this game), im geared in columi and rakata gear i have healed countless OPS normal and HM - yet I cant heal a standard HM? you guys might think im a bad healer but my entire guild was astounded and baffled as to why i couldnt keep them up anymore - whats the point of rolling a sage or sorc healer if you cant do your job


RIP my dear Jedi Sage


And I wish everyone here the best of luck with the future - I think you're going to need it

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What get's me is, 1vs1 - I didn't go down in PvP, same as most tanks with champ/bm gear. However, when I had 2 or 3 people focusing DPS/Melee on me, I went down. Which is ~exactly~ what they do for Tanks. Yet for some reason, healers were OP but nobody thinks that tanks are OP.


I don't understand why that is at all.. but.. another of lifes mysteries I guess.



Because the devs don't play healers, they play Tanks.

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Thanks for the feedback, I actually tried dps at the end of yesterday, but still dont like it. So will go back to healing and focus on learning the new stuff..


I do use the rakata stims/adrenals/medpack + wz expertise adrenal whenever I can, and I'm in full BM gear. When i specced my healing yesterday, I even specced into that 4% consumption thing, combined with force-mystic set bonus, that should cut the hp "use" in half for consumption. So I guess if I only pop it while standing in my aoe heal, force should still be ok.


Right--I actually only did 1 point of consumption to get the 20% speed with the shield (that combined with slowing a target=get away!!!)


I will also use resurgence on myself to consume and let the HoT recup me if you're on the move--plus it gives you the small armor buff (idk how many times you've survived with <1000 hp, but you can't help but imagine if that armor buff wasn't a deal breaker). Also, if you aren't running 4pc Force-mystic, you'll be in some trouble--that HoT is quite nice (because of this I only run one crafted-augemented piece out of the main 5pc set)



And I know this is obvious, but it's all situation-dependent, I've consumed at 20% hp before because the kill target was at 20% and I was near-OOM, but doing so allowed me to shield both of us up and innervate. I know--specific stories don't really matter for these types of things but as you get comfortable, you'll know what to do when and where.



Again, I'd love to talk specific situations and such, and if you have any tips on any encounters you've worked, I'd love to hear them. I'm going to start running a stream once I figure out to get my computer to play nice--maybe that will provide some more clarification as well




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Btw, sheild speed bonus was moved to the other shield talent, instead of consumption now :)


And yes, I do run 4pcs mystic. But from what I read, you can just move the armoring now, and still get the set bonus on your orange gear. (If this is not the case, rated war hero gear is screwed:p)


I'll get back to this post tonight, after doing more testing myself.

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Btw, sheild speed bonus was moved to the other shield talent, instead of consumption now :)


And yes, I do run 4pcs mystic. But from what I read, you can just move the armoring now, and still get the set bonus on your orange gear. (If this is not the case, rated war hero gear is screwed:p)


I'll get back to this post tonight, after doing more testing myself.


Right--so I only had to put 1 pt in consumption and could still get the shield talent. yay


I got some of the orange force-mystic, and set bonuses did Not carry--sucky..i'm assuming rated war hero will carry though.



One thing I haven't done yet is mod swap (since I needed to wait until 1.2 and updated mods)--but now that 1.2 is here, time to play!

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For PvP, this patch is ~deeply~ rage inducing. With bubble up, a single good mara or jugg can drop my champ+cent geared lvl 50 in about 4s. The only way I may stand a chance of lasting longer than 4s is by popping an armor stim .. even then that jst delays by a couple of seconds.


Yup. I'm in full BM, takes me about 3 seconds longer to go down, and there's not a thing in the world I can do about it. Unless, if I'm lucky, WW and run away.


The healings nerfs coupled with the new way expertize works, just totally sucked the fun out of trying to heal in Warzones. I put about 300 hours into my Sorc, and damn, it was fun. Only now it's not, so I cancelled my sub.

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I'm not too happy about the changes myself, but I'm not going to act like a child and stomp my foot over it as I unsubscribe (as I've seen many doing). That's ridiculous.


This reaction always makes me wonder. Cancelling a payment-based subscription is the only efficient way a consumer can show how disappointed in a product he or she is. That's all that's happening.


If Bioware listened to the other classes complain, I'm sure they'll listen when they realize they took too much away from us. It hasn't even been a full day yet; people really need to learn patience.


Besides, what's stopping people from leveling their alts in the meantime, if it's really that horrible? I'm still trying to see if I can work my Sorcerer in a way I'm happy with, but if not I have other toons I could be playing.


I'm glad this thread isn't primarily a whine-fest. Stuff like that is never going to get us anywhere.


You know, BW had plenty of time, and data, to consider the changes on the PTS. But we haven't heard a peep, so it's probably safe to say it's working as intended now.


As for playing alts, if that works for you, more power to you. Doesn't work for everyone. Bioware has no given right to have anyone keep playing. Some folks invested a lot of time in one character, because they enjoyed that particular playstyle. Not everyone will just suck it up and shrug their shoulders, while being forced to shelve said character for a brand new one.


I think what you're seeing is major disappointment that everything that's been discussed here for the last month, has been totally ignored by Bioware, causing them to release a patch that significantly lowers the amount of entertainment of this game for a lot of people.

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